User Reviews (172)

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  • My opinion has changed since early episodes of the series. The series has flaws. Stretching cases much too far, bad decisions. But still very watchable. Sara Rose & Whitney Kumar were tough to watch early. But I believe they're being utilized better. Sara Rose is actually disagreeing with JJ decisions in the chambers. Cases are more interesting. Even going back to previous testimony with stenographer Whitney Kumar isn't being forced. But, is flowing much better. I now rate Judy Justice 7*.
  • Went into this without having any idea it was even a new TV series I just saw the banner ad whilst looking through something to watch one night when I couldn't sleep. Did initially groan a little bit internally in the hope this wasn't going to be watching a brilliant Judge now way beyond her best before but actually, I was pleasantly surprised. It does take a few episodes to warm and get the gist of her new setup so if you're not aversely affected by the first one, give it time and watch a few more before giving it the death penalty.

    First thing I noticed is how well she looks. Whether it's been the time off, a bit of work done or just the change of colour in robes and the set or whatever - she looks really well, freshened up and brighter in general.

    I then noticed a change in Bailiff which I was really glad to see. Byrd seems to have been really popular with most people and his departure is what I gather irks and has gone down badly with many. I personally never liked him nor understood how and why Judge Judy would have him behave and conduct himself the way he did in her court. He wasn't some jumped up nightclub bouncer hired for TV - he was a law enforcement officer and court bailiff so the unprofessional swagger, attitude and arrogance was so unprofessional and unnecessary.

    Anyway he's gone and in his place a super sweet bailiff Kevin who is polite, well mannered, attentive and not leaning against the set doing crosswords or whatever.

    The two young ladies sat at either side of her I didn't quite get at first and felt like they could have been a token addition but it turns out they do have a place and role both of which are good additions. One is the court reporter providing transcription to allow Judge Judy clarification of an exact quote or statement someone said. The other is the clerk with access to internet and relevant databases to check specific queries and provide accurate information on the spot.

    The feel, tone and pace is a little slower than with the older shows but again, I think that works better as she does allow that bit more time to speak with each person, go through the basic info and gist of their case. She's not softened or lost her touch by any means - she's just toned down the yelling and belittling and I don't think there's been any real hand banging / chair bouncing as yet but she's still very much got the old trademark "Shhhhhhhh!!!" and "Just a second..."

    What I really dislike is the little girly chit-chat she has right at the end in her chambers with one of the girls (not sure if it's her granddaughter but that's irrelevant) The credits roll and as before, each side has their little swipe at the other over the outcome and then it cuts to them having a little two or three minute chat about the case and its outcome. Why? Who did that and why?

    It feels like Jerry Springer's "Final Thought" and just forced, naff and lets down each episode right at the very last as well. Maybe a second series will have tweaked and ironed out the creases but that little couple of minutes for BFF girly chat in chambers needs to go.
  • For some reason they've dropped Byrd and brought in 3 characters.

    1 stenographer A bailiff and a random girl that sits there looking startled.

    Then at the end there's a stilted, awkwardly acted small discussion about the preceding case... Turn it off before that scene, its so cringey my eyes turned inside out and now I can see Thursdays.
  • I have seen every episode of Judge Judy...several times.

    I watched it for any reason, but particularly when this world seemed back-asswards, and i felt like there was no more common sense or self accountability in this world.

    I have watched every episode of her new show, JUDY JUSTICE, that is available free on IMBD. I would of continued on with a nice long Judy Marathon had there been more new ones to watch. I have missed her terribly.

    My opinion on the new additions? They are a scoop of vanilla ice cream over frosted cake. It isn't needed to be good..... but if you have a sweet tooth it's an extra delicious treat.

    My world makes sense again.
  • I love watching Judge Judy. I have been a fan of hers since she started in 1996. So glad to see her in this new show. Glad she hasn't changed in her court room. I like the fact that she kept/keeps control in her courtroom. You go Judge Judy. I'll keep watching you. Love your show then and now.
  • I remember watching the Peoples Court with Judge Wapner. It's obvious Judge Judy is intelligent and quick witted but I don't like how she treats people that are honest and polite. She's consistently nasty to everyone, but I guess that's her shtick.

    This new formula is nothing new except that it doesn't seem as polished and well produced. I'm also not a fan of discussing the case with her granddaughter after every case--it makes no sense. It's like all these reality shows with a panel of overly dramatic fake judges who aren't even needed because the audience votes are supposed to be what matters.

    I don't see this show lasting more than a single season. It's certainly not going to have the same viewership numbers and demographic as network TV.
  • I left another review about how much I love Judge Judy on both shows... but this review is about the alleged Byrd drama.

    I too was curious about Byrd's absence, but didn't know that it was a unpleasant parting, till I read the other reviews here. There's an interview on YouTube with Byrd telling exactly what happened. It's only 5 min.

    Of course I'm disappointed in Judy's treatment of Byrd based on his own words, but it's not going to make me like the show any less or take it out on Kevin the new bailiff, who is a very lovely young man. But yeah I miss Byrd because after 25 years of working that close, he said they were never even close. Ever. Just friendly. He actually compared them to Bill Gates knowing the low level IT ppl. That's sad. I'm sure we all hoped they had a great friendship. I did. Maybe they can make amends. Who knows it's just a show, but one that I love.

    Also Geez, why is everyone being so hard on her grand daughter and the stenographer? JJ is literally the highest paid judge worldwide!! I think she can put whoever she wants on HER show. Nothing wrong with a little change and modernization and a new generation.

    Lastly, If you watch the OG JJ when she reunited a dog and his owner, you'll know why Judge Judy is my Queen.
  • She had a winning formula on Judge Judy. Now, it's so bland and watered down. She even went so far as to stick her granddaughter on stage as a prop, to giggle at the right times. And no Byrd? Judge Judy did him wrong by tossing him aside. This new iteration of "Judy" misses the mark and not by a little.
  • I have been a fan since her show debuted when I was 16. I already didn't think I could love her more, and here I am! Judge Judy is an AMERICAN ICON!!!! She is a warrior for women, she is sharp as a tac, and never misses the mark! She gets better with age like a fine wine! THIS woman is an inspiration and perfect role model for any generation! YOU ARE SO LOVED JUDGE JUDY!!!! KEEP ON!!!!
  • I don't mind the added people (stenographer and granddaughter/law clerk), but we need Mr. Byrd! Really not into the new bailiff. Otherwise it's very much the same show. But please BRING BACK BYRD!!!!
  • Hate the ending talk with Sarah! Sarah adds nothing to the show. She is just there because Nana is the star! Any producer with a spec of sense would see that! Keep Judy and bailiff, get rid of the other two!
  • Changes are not bad , just different. I don't know if I understand the reason for the two side ladies when I feel like Byrd did a lot of looking up and so on on his own. I still love the show but I really don't like that it has continued without Byrd.
  • The stenographer and law clerk make sense since it's a 'court of record' . Those roles are standard in trial courts which coincides with the parties ability to sue for higher damages. What hurts the show, in my opinion is the conference in the judge's chambers at the end with the law clerk. The law clerk, whom from the other reviews I now know is Judge Judy's granddaughter, is cringe. She's awkward on camera, their discussion is forced, and her comments repeat Judge Judy's. Their discussions are very hard to watch. Either ditch that law clerk for another one or do away with the post-trial conference altogether. It adds nothing.
  • I don't know what it is but Judy's granddaughter is hard to look at and the camera keeps switching to her isn't making it better. She just looks weird like a hybrid chucky doll. Besides that I like Judy and I don't think nothing has changed just two unnecessary women on the show getting paid to do nothing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is essentially "Judge Judy" with a few tweaks.

    Like others, I was disappointed that Bailiff Byrd was missing along with the reparte.

    The one case per episode allows for better pacing and the analysis later in the judge's chambers offers some insight into the caselaw. However, it does also feel tacked on to give Sheinlin's granddaughter Sarah Rose extra screen time.

    At least one of Sheindlin's judgements so far has felt off with the episode leaving it unclear if one party approached a car and leaned into the vehicle through the window in a threatening manner or simply spoke (albeit aggressively) through the open window, which was a pivital point in the arguments. However, head-scratchers like this were also not uncommon of the original Judge Judy.

    Judge Judy fans will enjoy the familiar. Perhaps Gen Z viewers will appreciate Sarah Rose's presence and perspective.
  • bkg09063 November 2021
    I'm so glad Judy is back! She's a common sense TV personality we NEED. For anyone who prefers to watch eps. On your TV - if you have Amazon Prime Video, you can find it there instead of streaming thru the Imdb app.

    To address some other reviews here - 1. Her granddaughter is a law clerk, the other woman is a stenographer.

    2. The judge & the law clerk discuss the case afterward for *maybe* 30 seconds, it's certainly not a long discussion. AND if it's not interesting to you, just stop the episode there, it's the last thing they do.

    But, I rather enjoy these short discussions. It's nice to see Judy talk about the case on more of a personal level.

    If you hated her show that was on since the 90's you won't be a fan of this one either, but I think she's amazing.
  • I just love Judge Judy. I watch her everyday. It's amazing how time flies. She's an inspiration to young woman and she's not one to mess with. As long as you tell the truth, you're good with her. If the hairs on her neck stands up, be careful. She'll have you for lunch. Good luck with your new show.
  • smw-4971411 February 2022
    Seems to me she just wanted to give her granddaughter and her side kick a job. Waste of money. Judy I think it's time for a new hair style. Rude old bat.
  • The show format does not feel as though it has changed much, and of course Judge Judy will ALWAYS be herself! I enjoy the new show, however I do agree that any show with Judge Judy should come with Byrd as well. I suggest getting rid of the stenographer and the new bailiff and calling Byrd back to work. There are surely ways to revitalize the show without carving out one of its best bits!
  • The new bailiff is a very pleasant man. But. Officer Byrd left a BIG hole.

    The other people are fine, too. But, without Byrd, it just ain't the same.
  • brierre4 November 2021
    I am/was a HUGE Judge Judy fan and have loved and watched her show for YEARS. However this new show, not so much. The fact that Officer Byrd is not on the show and the way he says he was treated by her is a complete deal breaker for me. Even if I could overlook that fact, what I cannot overlook are the additions of the simpering "law clerk" and "court reporter", one of which is Judy's granddaughter. These ladies add nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to the show. How much, or rather even WHY, these banal young ladies are getting paid for this is beyond me. Why Judy thought it was a great idea to talk with her granddaughter after the cases is a mystery as well. The only reasonable explanation that I can think of is that the granddaughter has something on Judy and she's blackmailing her to be featured on this show.
  • SirDipjol6 November 2021
    Great to see here back in action. She is still rational and brilliant with all her cases. Nothing has changed.

    Byrd would have been a great addition to the show.
  • I'm enjoying it however the court reporter and law clerk seem extremely unnecessary, they are deliberately making excuses, mistakes ect in order to utilise them.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The basics here are the same. Judge Judy, the litigants, the audience. But, WHAT is the deal with the young lady sitting beside Judge Judy? What is her purpose? Every time the camera goes to her she's staring at the Judge like a puppy dog. I keep expecting Judy to offer her a cookie or something. MUST be a relative! Anyways, it's a decent watch for when nothing else is on. I do like how they've raised the judgement amounts to $10,000. $5,000 was just too low for this day and age. So, there you have it. It's a slightly less interesting version of her old show. But it's still perfectly watchable if you're into Judge shows! UPDATE: I got curious about who the 'puppy dog' was and searched it. Surprise! It's her Granddaughter. Can we say Nepotism? And I also wondered about her former bailiff. I assumed he had retired since they had been together for 25 years on the old show. NOPE! He did an interview last month and said he wasn't offered a spot on the new show. Didn't even know about it until he saw Judge Judy promoting it on the talk show circuit. Talk about SHAMEFUL! I definitely think a lot less about Judge Judy now for tossing Petri Hawkins Byrd aside like a wadded up Kleenex. Talk about no loyalty!
  • dmanmotherf1 April 2023
    It has everything that you love about Judge Judy with an Amazon twist. I love how they have cast members who basically do nothing but feel awkward and Judy goes way too in on people. They pretty much each get a line every other episode for contractual reasons? The people on the show are just are in some ways more of a mess than they used to be which is great for the show. The talks with Sarah are one of my favorite parts, it's basically Judy ranting about something she's out of touch with while Sarah has to awkwardly say "Okay grandma". How available to the show is now that it's on Freevee is great too. Highly recommend, comical on multiple levels.
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