User Reviews (89)

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  • advogato5 February 2022
    Not great, not terrible, just avoid the trailer before watching the movie, since it delivers all the plot twists beforehand and it partially ruins the experience!

    Solid acting by the three main characters, excellent cinematography and locations, definetely worth watching.

  • No idea why the sci fix reference, but I'm guessing the bad reviews are mostly coming from those expecting an alien invasion, bombs, battles, blood and guts.. Basically teenagers with short attention spans.. Yes, it was fairly predictable, but I thought it wasn't bad for a what if scenario.. Nothing unbelievable, tho depending on how many trespassers went missing over the years I think it would have raised enough suspicion that they'd have been caught long before.. That said, the rest was relatively believable and tight enough to maintain a sense of reality.. I do not doubt this has and will continue to happen in the real world, so then this simple movie offers a what if perspective.. The cinematography was good, scenery great, acting surprising adequate and the directing solid.. For what it is I'm not sure there's a lot needing to change.. I did wonder where the canned peaches came from, but generally it's a fine little film.. The bad reviews are mostly coming from those whose expectations of grand murder and mayhem from aliens were not fulfilled.. I think 6 is fair for this type of movie and I'd like to hear honest justification for less..
  • Warning: Spoilers
    They had it all. Well shot, location, actors.

    And then they poisoned it by simplifying it into an angry criminal father.

    Those fish at the beginning could have written the 2md half better.

    And the sun sets in 30 seconds?

    If there were 2 writers the one who wrote the 2md half is a spud.
  • pipo-5 February 2022
    It started off good with premise of wars and hiding in the woods, but quickly become highly predictable, then it just became stupid and aggravating *pretty much when silverstone (or character) came into the movie.

    Anyways avoid this movie I was fooled by fake reviews you don't have to be.

    3/10 for steady camera work and the scenery.
  • Lost momentum once the truth was revealed. Good enough to watch to the end. Not good enough to watch again. The acting was great. The plot missed its mark.
  • The movie was a de ja vu to a hundred different movies that you can't help but skip to the end just to confirm that you're not wrong. They could have chosen a different title too. This should have been a 3 if it weren't for the actor's exquisite behind.
  • I thought it was a good movie. Yes in the middle it was predictable but still a good story. Wish they answered more questions about everyone's past. But I enjoyed the 90 minutes. Kept me entertained and thats all I can ask for in a movie. So it was good. Watch it for what it is.
  • siderite13 February 2022
    It's difficult to talk about the film without spoiling its premise, so beware, even if the premise is old, tired and badly implemented, not to mention telegraphed way before the reveal. The problem, though, is that after the reveal, the movie is just plain bad and totally predictable. Alicia Silverstone acts like her character is mentally deficient, which may just as well have been in the script, but I doubt it, Stephen Moyer kind of phones his performance in, while the plot holes are large enough to drop dead deer into. It could have been enjoyable if about a third of the scenes in it would have been deleted and people seemed to care about the production.

    Bottom line: just wanted to watch the film because of Moyer and because I've not seen Silverstone in anything relevant in a long time. But it was a mistake.
  • godsnames8 February 2022
    It is a well crafted effort for a thriller which is burning slow, but eventually gets there.

    The acting is very good on part of the three leads (not much to say about the few others who are barely in the picture), the camerawork is fairly good, and the score is lovely. No home-video style shaky camera here, thanks for God. The script develops well if sometimes slowly, it is easy (not too hard) to follow, and the emotions depicted by the leads are more than fine. Drew Van Acker is really there.

    Just for the record, I am a neutral watcher of this movie from Hungary with no connection to any of the crew whatsoever, so I'm not making this up just get a higher score for it.

    In my opinion, this is a decent thriller / drama for an evening watch. I give it 6.5 out of 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    While some of the cinematography of the frozen landscape is pretty the plot is also pretty obvious. There are a growing number of men who want to check out of society and go their own way by living off grid out in the wilderness and those men are demonised in this movie. It almost as if it's perfectly fine for a woman to abandon her husband and children to live out at the back of beyond but if a man does it he is a mysogenistic wierdo. Funny how that works, isn't it?
  • tkarlmann5 February 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Acting here was excellent -- so good that I just got lost in the Story.' First we are made to feel that this story is sort of post-apocalyptic.

    Next Other People are discovered in Alicia Silverstone's character. Poor Jake has never seen things like electric power, cars, other people, and Civilization in general. So we see all this through his innocent eyes. Then, things get more complicated -- as life tends to do. Jake's father has lied to Jake, telling him there was a WWIII, and such.

    Alicia's character tries to take Jake in, but she has a past too.

    The plot has enough turns in it to keep you guessing, and things turn for the best in the end. We learn a little bit about Isolation from society, a bit about what it takes to actually be on your own, as well as how quickly Society can come rushing into your life, and force you to face up to the reality of your own past.

    I thought it was a great movie, and I feel a bit sorry for those that could not, or would not, see it as I have. 8 *'s!
  • Filmmakers (the writer and director) that only have short-film experience need to start becoming more mindful of what they put on a film's running time. Of the long and dragged out 98 min runtime, the entire first half should've been condensed to at most 20 mins. Ya we get it, father and son are survivalists, get on with the story. Typical rookie filmmakers mistakes.

    And whoever decided to genre-label this a "sci-fi" needs to give their heads a shake. There's zero sci-fi in this film. For that matter, there's very little thrills even calling this a "thriller". Maybe 10 mins tops near the end where your heart rate may go up a few bpm. This is more of a mystery/drama film, that drags out a lot of filler, and underutilized any good substance there was in the story. Conceptually, the story is smart, but the execution was clumsy, drab, and muddled.

    The performances were good and convincing, especially Silverstone. The cinematography was decent, as was the soundtrack - especially the last song by Baker Grace, but the score was your typical B film nonsense; loud, overbearing, constant and annoying. If you're patient, and maybe fast-forward most of the first half of the film, it does get better by the ending, and it'd be a good one-time watch if you have nothing better to see. It's a generous 6/10 from me for this non-thrilling non-sci-fi film.
  • Seriously, the 8-10 star ratings??? So fake and scripted.

    It started off ok, but quickly became predictable before the first quarter of the movie. I feel like I have seen another version of this same movie before. The cast was decent especially when Drew Van Acker gets indecent. "sizzle"

    It's watchable, but the predictability of it all, made it a boring made for TV or some latenight lifetime channel flick. There was plenty of opportune moments to create some cool twists and intensity - but it felt quite lazy, lets get it over and done with kind of feel.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The story would have made a good short, say 45 minutes, not the actual runtime of 98 minutes. That said everyone did their part and the scenery was nice.

    Unlike most reviewers I won't go into the fact that the stories twist is telegraphed way too early, leaving a hole that needed filling before the end scenes. No the thing I want to really comment on is the motivation behind Jake's dad and his desperate actions. I can guarantee very few, if any, will see this point, but I feel some empathy for the dad. The family courts these days can make a man desperate and a little crazy. The fact that he's portrayed as a stone cold serial killer, and a misogynist to boot, is the only way the writer could make the audience feel disdain for the man and his actions. The father never went looking for people to kill, that's an important point to note. We know nothing of the man before he turned feral, the life he led before he lost his mind. All we see depicted on screen is a crazy, selfish, deluded liar, with trust issues, who loved his son very much. His only redeeming feature is he taught his son how to survive without society as protector and nanny. All he wanted to do was shield his son from an unjust world, and he did it the only way he knew how, to run and hide.

    The way the young man was used as eye candy, is a little excessive, showing double standards are the only standards these days. The shower scene was appropriate and conveyed meaning, the other nude scenes are purely for people to perv on, like I said, hypocrisy thy name is Hollywood.

    I'm with the dad on this, women can be trouble. The movie inadvertently shows this by the female leads actions. She's older and wiser than the young protagonist, yet she asks few pertinent questions and provides little in the way of useful information. Then she doesn't tell the sheriff exactly what happened, so of course he's going to put it on the back burner. Contrived convenience wouldn't you say?

    Society is to blame for Jake's state of affairs, make no mistake, the father is also a victim. Desperate people do desperate things.
  • Fake for the rest, seen a thousand times, nothing new.

    Everything is predictable.

    PS. No thriller either, but could at least be put in that category.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Descent movie I think, not that bad as many others think.

    First you get the impression it is post apocalyptic, but pretty early you realize the movie is about something else, a criminal dad who obviously have some mental disease that has affected his son for years.

    The message of the movie is to believe in the good in life, kinda cliche and not that original. But I think the movie itself was a bit original, which is good.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I agree with the others questioning the sci-fi category: was waiting for aliens to be in the woods, hunting down the last of humanity (hence the claim of WWWIII having happened), but it was not to be. Should have been listed as a drama, which is what it was. A character study, as my mom would call it.

    It had A LOT packed into the hour and a half, so I give a thumbs up for storytelling. I can even forgive the plot switcheroo just bc that's storytelling, right? (ahem.... M. Night Schiamalan) my biggest gripe, #1, was the F bomb suddenly being dropped left and right for the last 50 minutes of the movie. The first 45 had nothing like that....mild stuff you will hear on NCIS or Blue Bloods, but nothing vulgar. It was as though there was one director for the first part and another director for the second part. Very inconsistent. It even felt like a different movie to the end.

    Other than that, well done and kudos for continuity at least. I really wanted to see the mom at the end after he knocked!!!!!
  • Some great ideas (survivalists / loyalty / desertion) but also faint whiffs of gun control and anti-masculine ideas that seem silly. Silverstone is good - but the last third of the movie falters in making any good points.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a thriller movie to be sure. But I was disappointed that they had to drag me to a movie that they said was a sci-fi movie. That's okay. I enjoyed the movie.

    Pro tip to those who make the movies: Do not lie about what your movies are about.

    Now I am going to review the movie.

    I like Alice Silverstone. She is what carries the movie. She is as pretty as every at her age.

    Her expressions and smiles make the movie.

    In a nutshell, a Dad warns his Son of "Outsiders" and how dangerous they are.

    Rate 6/10. But to those who made the movie, please do not ever lie again and pay people to give it a glowing review.

    SPOILER Think reverse Blast from the Past.
  • quothage6 February 2022
    There's little about this film that is going to make it stand out. Boring, predicatable and poorly written. When I looked on Friday all the reviews for this were 10 stars. It was obvious that they were fake, but still I thought I'd give it a watch as I like Alicia Silverstone.

    I thought it might muster a 6, but it didnt. A straight to TV movie you might avoid on a bad TV station on a Wednesday afternoon when everyone is at work. I watched this movie to give it a 3* rating so that you can avoid wasting your time or your bandwidth.
  • sydmwswy7 July 2022
    This film is one of the few films that achieves what the director have in mind . Natural background, reality, drama, crime and suspense. The lighting of the design does its work and finally a repetitive story that doesn't seem repetitive.
  • I liked the movie and having said that, I have just one word for kwenchow who wrote a review here. OVERUSE! You overused the word overuse. Good grief. And, you complain about the movie, the writer and director overusing everything? Wow11.
  • j_hilyard8 February 2022
    Okay storyline but the ending was terrible and the plot holes are deep. Also, how is this listed under Sci-fi? I was hoping the wars talked about would turn out to be an alien invasion and we'd get a kind of body-snatchers plot. Oh, and it's very predictable.
  • hl-174855 February 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Couldn't understand half of the dialogue, the storyline is pretty shallow. The ending was completely unsatisfactory and didn't feel like it wrapped up the story at all. So what happens to Jake now? And Alicia suddenly goes back to the city after feeling borderline suicidal? She needs psychological help. And her family should support that. But she just all of a sudden becomes happy and she's completely fine going back to her old life.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Troy (Stephen Moyer) has raised his son Jake (Drew Van Acker) to live off the land following "the wars." They have done so for two decades. Troy has no issue with killing trespassers. Jake lacks the killer instinct. When Troy is injured, Jake ventures out and discovers Alicia Silverstone and aspects of civilization he thought was gone.

    The film starts off like a good survivor film and ends up as an abstract theme driven production. I was wondering where the two men got such new looking, well fitting clothes? Were they all taken off their victims, wearing the clothes of dead men who happened to be the same size?

    Guide: F-word. Sex. Male butt nudity.
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