User Reviews (19)

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  • Because it provokes thought while educating and entertaining. No cgi, no car chases. Everything the right wing and the Trumpits hate. This one won't make the Fox movies list.
  • kosmasp14 December 2022
    No pun intended - we have come a long way, but we also have a long way to go. Sometimes it does help going back and investigate what happened before - to try to avoid making the same mistakes again and again. Women do have it hard - and quite a few issues that are being pointed out here are very important ... but is it necessary for men in the now to teach our main character about this? Maybe yes, maybe no - let's not focus on that, because that is a how do you feel about it? Question .. what we can focus on: the movies handling of it all ... by making fun of it.

    It is in the eye of the beholder - does it make sense for and to you? Is it funny enough while still being able to carry the very important message? Are the cliches handled ok? Is the main character way too annoying? It is a bit like Christmas Carol ... just a Feminist Carol - I reckon that is what some would call it. Again, I do not try to make this a good or bad thing - it is what it is. And as I said, there is a lot more work to do ... there is a lot more way we have to go, before there is equality ... hopefully we will get there ... not sure if I'll be alive to watch it happen.
  • 1ch026 June 2022
    The character is a pain in the ass and you wanna punch her constantly, but the idea is really good. Especially with current events in the US for example, more woman need to see this.
  • It's not all bad. The premise is intriguing. The dialogue...especially the lines given to the lead (Caroline Vigneaux) is witty. And speaking Ms. Vigneaux, she's hilarious. A gifted physical comedian who delivers visually as well as verbally. She's a joy to watch. And the pacing is good too...right up to the point where the viewer starts says 'OK, I get it. I got it 20 minutes ago. Now, wrap this up.' Only the movie doesn't. It keeps going on and on and on. Neither I nor my wife could make it to the end. We agreed that we couldn't take another minute.

    What went wrong? Maybe it was the overtness of it all. Maybe the fact that after the first 20 minutes of the film, it had said all it had to say. Or maybe it was just the lack of subtlety. We both wanted to like the film. But too much is always too much.
  • Absolutely loved this little french film, once I found the online subtitles, it made it even better. It was funny, pertinent and informative and I watched it twice. An absolute gem.
  • bbv-6923720 February 2022
    Rewriting of history to serve the radical feminist agenda - some humourous moments but basically pretentious rubbish. I would have given it 3-4 but with so many 10s from friends, I decided to balance things out.
  • rebeccasinnz27 March 2023
    If you like some comedy and history with your culture this is it. Physical humour, great characters, great paced, fast talking... I had to regularly pause while watching to check I was understanding the banter correctly.

    I thought it was a fresh take on Napoleon Bonaparte also.

    Charlie, an unlikeable self centred lawyer takes a long time to be humbled and shaken from her arrogant, narrow views. For the first 20mins she thinks she's on some kind of drug trip as she faces a historical setting where women were punished for stepping outside of the confines of parent, cook, cleaner and wife. She continues to confront history and in at least a couple of cases, the incredibly slow pace that the French law moves at.

    French women were the last of all developed countries to gain the right to vote.

    Lots of great moments. It had me laughing out loud.

    I need to rewatch it to check the hate reviews... maybe the subtitles were just really bad for them?
  • lavatch23 October 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    There was good potential in the concept of a lawyer traveling back in time to examine famous women and legal cases. Unfortunately, the historical situations were purely comical, losing any semblance of a serious message about women through the ages.

    Charlie is the supremely confident attorney who bumps her head that starts her on a whirlwind tour of the past. She meets up with such luminaries as Joan of Arc, George Sand, Olympe de Gouges, and Marie Curie. But the historical sequences were neither creative nor substantial biographical portraits.

    Instead of fleshing out the significant instances of women's subservient role in history, Charley took advantage of her opportunities to basically ignore Joan of Arc, help to send Olympe de Gouges to the guillotine, and to sleep with Napoleon!

    At the end, the filmmakers sought to impose a message about women's rights. But it rang hollow due to the film's prevailing style of light comedy and farce. How could we take the final court scene seriously? This was a lackluster and most unfulfilling film experience.
  • john_roslyn20 August 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    I read the other reviews with interest. Whilst the protagonist makes valiant efforts the plot is a shocker. How much does it take to realise that you aren't in Kansas any more? How many times can you be given the same lesson, in largely similar situations?

    Not good.
  • I watched this because it looked fun. However the humour masked issues, which are assumed to have been left in past - but still impact the lives of women. Although entertaining and a lot of fun, I ended up feeling (as a man) very much humbled by the experience - especially when faced with some very upsetting contextual historical information in the end credits.
  • This was a great movie. It's been on my watch list for a while. Finally I had the concentration to watch some subtitle movies. The actress is also the writer.

    The writer puts herself in some fun and some historically interesting scenarios. It starts off with a character who is kind of repugnant but she is funny. She's also biased because of her family history and doesn't know it until she goes back in time. She gets taught gets taught a lesson on history and on equality. I learned a lot about French history too. More than I knew going in.

    They even set it up for a sequel. And the issues they depict are really important and relevant today. Especially where I live a country where we all are supposed to equal and free but everybody is not equal and everyone is not free. As of right now there are some states that are trying taking control of women's bodies.
  • Nobbsy22 June 2022
    Thoroughly enjoyed this witty and entertaining movie.

    It probably helps to know a bit about French history, but definitely not a prerequisite. Who knew the death of. Pierre Curie could be so funny?
  • Very well made drama..It gives a strong message to not take freedom/good life etc for granted, in a funny goofy kind of way. Amazing acting by all and great narrative.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not speaking French, but knowledgeable on French History, I decided to give this movie a try. The main actress "Charley" starts out as a very unlikeable lawyer who finds a way to get a rapist free by humiliating the victim. She also abuses the elderly and parks in handicap spaces. Like some mix of Dickens' "Christmas Carol" and "Groundhog Day" she is taken back in time to see how women have been treated in the past, and how brave women confronted their oppressors. She is slow to catch on, at one point declaring that all men are crap "except Nicolas de Condorcet" (a mathematician and advocate of racial and sexual equality). Eventually she gets it.

    Caroline Vigneaux (Charlie) is an excellent actress, with good comedic timing and for physical comedy. In a country the celebrated Jerry Lewis, she should be a bigger star. Issa Doumbia plays the guide/Taxi Driver, and is also exceptional.

    I seldom can sit through a subtitled comedy, but I'll watch this again.
  • What a very nice surprise 😂. This movie is so smart and funny, you will learn a lot about feminism through french history in a very unique clever way.
  • sablekuro12 November 2021
    Amazing movie! Very funny, touching and teaches so much about feminism through (French) History. It should be watched in high school! You learn a lot and it makes you think about all that's been accomplished for women's rights, how hard it was, and how there's still much to be done.

    It also has a ton of references to french culture and jokes which are absolutely delightful!
  • RATED 8/10 Language: French Source: Amazon Prime RECOMMENDED

    Full and full fun, if you know the French history and the characters, you will enjoy more. I was laughing like anything throughout the movie. The way they take on history is so fun to watch, the fantasy angle is very well suited for the main character.

    I am wondering "is it possible to make movie like this in India"... Just relax about your leaders and enjoy the fun...
  • untilnow999 March 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this film. It may not be for everyone, but I found it funny and.even absorbing.

    A lot of times I will be watching something and find myself saying, "Better check my email and texts" or "Oh, yeah. That's right. I was gonna take a look at that . . ." And then I pause the movie/episode and am off into internetland for 20 minutes or more. Then . . . Back to whatever it was I was watching.

    With this film, I never once got distracted. Everything was too engaging and.full of droll mischief. The history lessons weren't lost on me. I learned a few things about France and, after the film ended, I did a little research on the precedent-setting modern-day Irish court case that I had no clue had ever taken place.

    As I have disclosed before in other reviews: I can watch any genre of movie/tv series ----- so long as it is good. "Good" for me means great acting, characters who fascinate, an entertaining story and fine writing. It can be sci-fi, Brit drama or comedy, crime, animation, biopic or subtitled Israeli, Icelandic, Norwegian, German, French, Danish, Spanish, etc ----- so long as it draws me in and holds my attention.

    Flashback is a bit different, and fast-paced and somewhat relatable. I think we've all been there: taking our daily comforts for granted, being complacent and letting important aspects of life and love just slip away from us. Point taken.

    Plus: Caroline Vigneaux. She is something else.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film is very original, with the point of view of the woman through history with a horse cart through time. I have brought the movie in a comical way since it is the best way to explain something of interest and then comes the reflection.