User Reviews (16)

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  • This film was very well done in that it brought to light the truth on many questions I was asking about the whole ordeal of Australia being on fire the summer before this one. It was very informative and I appreciate that at least for once the truth was shown about a political figure (Morrison) instead of the documentary being flooded by positive propaganda on his behalf.

    My two main issues with this film are 1- virtually no Indigenous Australians are shown (apart from a vacuous blanket statement made on their behalf-not by them- along with some happy propaganda in the film's opening, and an author's perspective in the last five minutes of the film). What was their perspective on the incident and what did they have to say? I suppose we'll never know. Not this time, anyway.

    Secondly and lastly, I was absolutely appalled and disgusted when Daisy Jeffrey stated that climate change is {paraphrase} "the biggest catastrophe that has ever faced humanity." That comment was ignorant and quite narcissistic in itself- has Daisy never heard of colonization and scum like Leopold II of Belgium? It's individuals like that and those mentalities that decimated the Indigenous landscapes of the world, and have led us to this disparate place in which we find ourselves now. She should educate herself before making such crass, inconsiderate blanket statements, or she or her cause risk never being taken seriously by true activists and activism efforts.
  • Although some of the comments refer to the fact that the documentary is highly politicised if it is and if it intends to convince people that there has to be a change, indeed it must be. We do not realise it, but even from the anthropocentric point of view, let's do something to change this since if it has not affected us until now, it will affect us in the future and not so far away. Bravo for this documentary and bravo for the intention to change minds, tainted by dirty money and cheap politics.
  • hylander1238 December 2021
    As an Australian who lives in Victoria, it was an absolutely devastating event that will scar our countries history forever. I learnt things from the documentary that were very eye opening.

    I am not an overly political person but it seemed like a bit of a cheap shot at times on Scott Morrison and his team. The greens need to take some ownership of this catastrophe for not allowing controlled burns to clean up the scrub so that it is not so dense. These was no mention of this at all.

    I expected to see a documentary more focused on the fires rather than protests and backlash against the prime minister. Both parties have failed in looking after climate change.
  • I am not claiming climate change is a HOAX.

    However, this documentary seems somewhat politically motivated.

    I rather had a documentary with more facts than complaints against a certain administration.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found it a little suspicious that this film garnered a very low IMDB score before it was given wide release in the cinemas. I watched Burning yesterday at the Sydney Film Festival where it was presented by Greg Mullins former Commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW and climate activist. Orner's film follows three main themes, the science, history of fire in Australia, and the School children's Climate Strike, which unfold during Black Summer in 2019-2020 on the east coast of Australia. Burning presents salient interviews with scientist Tim Flannery who was the first and only head of the Climate Council before it was disbanded by conservative governments. The second theme follows the long career of Mullins who recalls how fires have changed leading up to the 2019 fires which were catastrophic. Burning depicts footage from inside the infernos in Cobargo, NSW, and Mallacoota, Victoria talking to survivors and residents. This footage is distressing, as is depiction of the destruction of billions of native and non-native animals. Burning also introduces the perspective of Aboriginal author, Bruce Pascoe, resident of Mallacoota. Young Daisy Jeffrey reflects on her experience at the forefront of the School Children's Climate Strike before and after Black Summer. Above all, the film is political: Burning does not shy away from how Australian conservative politicians minimised the effect of climate change on bushfires, and the Murdoch media created misinformation that the fires were deliberately lit and not at all related to climate change. A short history of the fossil fuel industry in Australia contextualises a pervasive sense of political denial that proved dangerous. Under Orner's guidance, these themes deftly intersect. Burning leaves you with a sense of sadness and rage. However, what could have been a depressing exercise is ultimately hopeful because of the actions of people, and not politicians. The final frame compares the land area burnt in Australia, to the land area burnt by fires in California and the Amazon which made the audience gasp.
  • Great movie, well researched and brought to live. Eye opening for me, and I hope for many others.

    The personal stories form individuals in this movie really bring the problems we are facing to live.
  • I found it a scary yet interesting documentary, the scientists interviewed were reliable sources and I found it excellent overall. Definitely one to watch. Those poor animals burnt in the fire and poor people who lost everything due to the climate change denying politicians in govt. (Scott Morrison). I hope this makes people think about the way they vote.
  • hello-119453 December 2021
    This hit home for me as I remember the skies turning red and ash falling from the sky on my parents property in southern NSW, on New Years Eve. We gathered around the tv to watch the news as country burned and it was surreal and devastating.

    This film is not only informative but it also tells a story of how things got to where they are today based on past actions. It gives hope for a brighter future if we have the right people steering the ship. Thanks for an excellent film on climate change.
  • Burning, When you see the name you would think that this documentary is about fires in Australia and the people that had to deal with them.

    But you would be wrong this documentary is a political theamed movie about climate change.

    They say the words climate change way to often.. Yes we get it and I am a strong suporter of greener energy but they made it the main point of the documentary which should focus more on the fires.
  • kosmasp27 January 2022
    For me the climate change deniers ... I don't get them. Well I do "get" the politicians who probably are being paid by certain industrial people to still hold on to the "past". Now I can't prove that, so I reckon I have to say allegedly. You make of this what you want ... I would like to believe that most would come to the same conclusion as myself.

    The documentary isn't just saying or showing us the wildfires ... very devastating ones at that. No it shows the connection between the dry land and the fires and climate change. Now you may go and doubt that - right? But ask yourself one important question: What do you lose if you go Green energy? I'm serious about this and I will elaborate.

    So people want to switch to renewable energy. This will create a lot of new jobs. Yes some workers will have to rearrange, but that will happen sooner or later anyway. So you are just doing what is inevitable. You are just very likely saving the planet for future generations to come with it.

    Because if the climate change "thing" is wrong, what is the worst thing that happens with the Green Energy switch? You created a new branch of jobs that will happen anyway - once the energy sources used nowadays will go extinct. But what if they are right? Which is the more logical conclusion, supported by many scientists ... we will have a clear conscious and even live better ... no matter how long that is (years wise).

    A shame that the PM of Australia seems to be in the pocket of some very powerful people - allegedly. Or he is plain refusing to see what is happening right in front of him. Something that even Americans chimed in on ... and they (mostly Republicans) have no idea whatsoever what they are or were talking about.

    So let's hope the activists finally come through ... and that the PM will either change his tune ... or will be replaced by someone who is aware of his surroundings ... there is no need for another fire like this ...
  • A very good documentary. It shows, what kind of government Australia has at present. The PM is not willing to face the facts presented and at the same time has his head in the ass of the industrial leaders for coal and gas. Even the young generation has to protest, fight for changes and were embarrassed of the government on the climate summit in Madrid.
  • Even with evidence shoved in their faces, the right wing climate change deniers hate on documentaries like these. Do they not understand basic scientific principles, clearly their delusions around science and govt have made them barking mad.
  • I enjoyed the first 15 minutes. The rest of the 'documentary' seemed politically motivated that ScoMo is the enemy. I'm not leaning either way but this seems to be politically motivated rather than a documentary about the people and their struggles. No mention of Aboriginal people and their thousands of years of back burning to prevent a massive bush fire like was shown. I would have preferred a documentary that was not political and focussed on facts rather than pushing an agenda.
  • Had the potential to be a great documentary about the lives of people affected by the fires in 2019, and how we could have better prepared by reducing the fuel load, and how such prescribed burning measures have been inhibited, especially by pressure from the Greens.

    This documentary ended up just being more anthropogenic climate change propaganda. If you're a fan of Greta, you'll no doubt love it.
  • Similar to others, was expecting stories on the people really impacted, the drama, the heroes, the pain, the unity. Instead it's 90 mins of "ScoMo is the enemy." Don't necessarily disagree with everything, but months out from an election, it's so obvious its lost all credibility. Nope.
  • Good for the history and stories about the firefighters and the people who lived it.

    But way to much political nonsense. Look im not a climate change dieneir. But there are outlandish statements from so called experts that does not account for many other factors that lead to fire buildup.

    Fuel loads, wind conditions, rainfall conditions, arson, dry lightning, poor land management, poor fire preventions and overarching bureaucracy that can prevent those who know the area best to prepare the hazard zones.

    One ripper statment was there was a forest of trees that never burned before. That is outlandishly foolish statement. For eons the native persons of australia has used fire as a land management stratergy. Even dry lightneing on hit days before Europeans there were bushfires.

    Make no mistake i like Tim Flannery but this reeks of using a tragedy to further a political viewpoint and not an actual documentary.

    It could be an half hour shorter. And 5 stats better.