User Reviews (108)

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  • PedroPires9028 March 2023
    An incredible performance in the lead role, some very interesting events, and a lot of originality.

    This willingness to take risks gives us the best, but also the worst of Swarm, as it can be erratic in its pacing and how it presents what it has to say.

    Aesthetically brilliant, the quality varies greatly from episode to episode (the cult one is brilliant), but above all, it is something we always want to see through to the end. I would also liked a bit more of character development in some supporting roles. The lack of plausibility of so many events in different episodes makes me evaluate the final product positively, but with some reservations.
  • It is hard not to notice Dominique Fishback's subtle yet stellar performance alongside veteran Samuel L. Jackson in "The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey." Her acting talents scream depth in that series and I very much look forward to seeing her in a lead role. Well, she secures it here in "Swarm" and I can say that nobody else could have done justice to this complex role besides her. Fishback has that unique ability to convey emotions just with her face and body language. And when she has words to say, she melts into the character. She is pretty much the highlight of this TV series. "Swarm" is well-edited with some eclectic cinematography, however most supporting characters I find rather forgettable, except for Hailey, impressively played by Paris Jackson. Towards the middle, the episodes just churn repetitively, so it gets a bit boring. But it ticks up a little in the last two episodes.
  • I'm on the old side (50s) and not the target market, but I have to say that I'm really enjoying this series. Basically, it's about an obsessed fan and her murderous journey as a superfan of the Beyonce-inspired pop figure Ni'Jah.

    As others have noted, it is slow, but I'm enjoying the buildup and character revelations. Unfortunately, it's probably too slow for a younger audience, but oldies like me grew up with slow so I've got no problem with it. For a series, it's filmed, edited and scripted in a very cinematic way. I do love all the oversatured colors and the monotonous, grinding soundtrack. Paris Jackson shows off her screen presence and great comic timing in a small role.

    What I like is that the main character, played by Dominique Fishback, comes across as an actual person, living an ordinary life punctuated by flashes of mayhem and murder. She's not all that sympathetic, but almost like a lost soul whose obsession with food and her idol are the driving forces in her life. Dominique plays her as a blank canvas who slips on various personalities, depending on the situation. She incredibly talented in this role, because you can see the psychopath within at every turn and that's not an easy thing to achieve.

    I'm not sure where it's going and that's what keeps me watching.
  • McBadPants16 April 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Loved the show up until the credits rolled on the last episode. Dominique Fishback gave an INCREDIBLE performance and I cannot wait too see her in more projects.

    I think it brought out the emotions in me that the creators intended but if I had known that the ending was going to be so unclear, I probably wouldn't have tuned in. I would have given it a solid 9 stars. Call me simple but, if they were attempting to show Dre's perfect ending in the last episode, it would have been much appreciated that they make the reality of his/her ending clear.

    I think it's an amazing satire of hardcore fandom though. Everything that happened in the show, is absolutely possible and that's why it's scary.
  • I am really enjoying this series. It really is doing something fresh, about obsessive fans, especially the super fan; it may sound like its about Beyoncé-but it could be about anyone who has a following.

    As others have noted, it is slow, but the build-up and character revelation is stunning.

    For a series, it's filmed, edited and scripted in a very cinematic way. I love all the oversaturated colours and the monotonous, grinding soundtrack.

    I was impressed with Paris Jackson and Billie Eilish were a welcomed addition to the story line - good casting choices.

    What I like the most is that the main character, played by Dominique Fishback - she is brilliant, just super brilliant. She comes across as a real, life punctuated by flashes of mayhem and murder. She's different from other roles played by Black women - so proud and pleased. Her authentic lost soul and obsession with food and her idol are the driving forces of this show. Dominique plays her personality disorder so brilliantly that it is chilling. She is incredibly talented in this role, because you can see the psychopath within at every turn and that's not an easy thing to achieve.

    I'm not sure where it's going and that's what keeps me watching. I want more shows like this with Black people taking the lead role.
  • Pretty much a must for Donald Glover fans, granted it might have benefited from a little Lakeith Stanfield/Darius energy.

    I've said elsewhere that horror is not my cup of tea, but this film has more going on then just the grisly. That said, are bodies the new car crashes for film. (As a youth my mind would drift elsewhere during the requisite automotive destruction, these days must I do the same as a body is bludgeoned. Sigh...)

    Anyways, this short 7-episode series covers a lot of territory, and not just on the Wuronos trail.

    Do you lose yourself in celebrity adoration?

    Do you lose yourself in a nasty family upbringing?

    Do you lose yourself in a dank nightclub?

    Can you lose yourself in a new town/identity?

    Do you lose yourself in a relationship? (Actually thought a relationship might save the lead character at one point).

    These various deviation points (and the whole "Cop" episode, easily the funniest) might make this less rewarding for some viewers who want a consistent feel and flavor. But did you watch "Atlanta?" Glover get bored before his audience does, and that to me is a good thing!

    That and the ugly duckling uglier transformation of Dominique Fishback made this a two-night binge success for me. Even if there is the sad element that black women have to work twice as hard to kill half the number of people.

    Anyways if any of my reviews irritate you so much I make your target list, let's have lunch first (no steak knives please) and talk about the things we have in common.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a strange, horror series about a toxic super-stan of an R&B pop star who goes to extreme, vicious lengths to defend her idol and punish those who diss her on the internet. I was very interested in this premise, as the subject matter of internet trolling, and social media and celebrity culture going into dark places, and the people behind the toxicity are always things that deeply fascinate me.

    Every episode has a completely different feel to it, but Dominique Fishback manages to blend in each and every one of them with with the same weird, shy and psychotic vibe to her character. There is a cult-like episode starring Billie Eilish, another that features strippers and murder akin to Zola, a documentary-style one that features a detective who pieces together all of Dre's crimes and several episodes featuring personal relationships that end in tragedy.


    With a number of dead bodies and witnesses that Dre has left behind, plus a detective hot on her heels, I really hoped Dre would get her comeuppance. But instead, the final sequence is left completely ambiguous, with Dre imagining her late sister Marissa as her idol Ni'Jah on the stage.

    While it is entirely possible that she was indeed arrested and taken away in the end, and that she imagined what happens, just like in an earlier episode where she bit Ni'Jah in the face, I still wanted to see her pay for her crimes (Rashida was the one where I was truly fuming, as I really quite like the actress and her character).

    Yes, what started all of this was the suicide of her sister in the first episode, she still brutally took the lives of so many because of an unhealthy obsessive coping mechanism.

    There should have been a scene of Dre suffering the consequences for what she did. I would have really liked Detective Greene from episode six to be the one to arrest her, and reaping the rewards for it.

    It was so close to being absolutely perfect, though.
  • Nabers and Glover's artful and granular slasher/stalker series arrived with a tonne of weight and expectation around it but it ended up feeling a little unfinished. I was mainly here for the fantastic Fishback, who is brilliantly droll as the murderous and delusional Dre. I hope this proves to be her springboard to mega stardom. Swarm is strongest when it uses Dre to skewer contemporary pretences and conversations, and weakest when it lurches into step with dull serial killer tropes. There are some fantastic performances beyond Fishback, including a surprisingly engrossing turn from Billie Eilish of all people. A diverting experiment but outside of some memorable moments it doesn't really coalesce into anything that feels meaningful.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This series is an unusual and with that pretty unique experience, that very much intrigued, fascinated and amused me, all seven (short) episodes through. I'm not sure in what category I would place it: many reviewers here on IMDb see it as some kind of horror, but apart from the pretty brutal killings there's hardly anything horrifying going on. I guess it's more of a thriller, we follow the culprit and wonder if and how she either will get caught, or get away with it. Andrea, absolutely brilliantly played by Dominique Fishback, isn't sympathetic at all, and it's almost impossible to relate to her motives for the killings, but somehow you do team up with her, which proves how clever the script is, and of course how well Fishback acts.

    Apart from the thriller aspects, it's also a very dark comedy, there are many hilarious moments, like the episode where Andrea by chance falls into the nets of a white women's sect, or episode 6, where we follow a female police inspector (by the way very funny played by Heather Simms!) who is on the trail of Andrea.

    The story impresses as a bizar road-trip, with Andrea searching desperately for the ultimate fulfillment of her blind idolizing (which is: visiting a concert of her beloved Ni'Jah), along the way meeting the weirdest people, ruthlessly using them to advance her goal, and killing them if they stand in her way or belittle her idol.

    My only reservation concerns the very end of last episode 7: although all the signs in the previous episodes seemed to hint at the net closing around Andrea (especially episode 6), she ultimately seems to have hit her dreamed-of jackpot. That did feel a bit as a frustrating let-down to be sent home with. But it could also (maybe, hopefully!) serve as a stepping-stone to a next season. I sure am game!
  • I'm from Greece, not really into the music genre nor style/nuances the main character is immersed in, but, this was so well done!

    I appreciated the soundtrack, scenery/cinematography and every detail portrayed (so good!).

    This felt like a train wreck that you couldn't look away from, I was quite hooked.

    I did think some parts were a bit slow and I actually wasn't much of a fan of the episode Eilish was in, but, overall, it's really good and I'm really into it.

    Watching the last episode tonight, let's see how it goes down.

    I'm from Greece, not really into the music genre nor style/nuances the main character is immersed in, but, this was so well done!

    I appreciated the soundtrack, scenery/cinematography and every detail portrayed (so good!).

    This felt like a train wreck that you couldn't look away from, I was quite hooked.

    I did think some parts were a bit slow and I actually wasn't much of a fan of the episode Eilish was in, but, overall, it's really good and I'm really into it.

    Watching the last episode tonight, let's see how it goes down.
  • acj-6500419 March 2023
    Why do so many people rate things 10/10? I mean seriously.. you think this show is perfect? It's the best show you've ever seen? It's on par with The Wire and Band of Brothers? No... just stop it. So many shows are overrated in this manner and I really can't understand it. This show is average and the reviews should reflect that. Instead, we end up with a bunch of infatuated nonsense that makes it impossible to determine what shows are/aren't actually good.

    Just stop and think for a minute about these reviews. 10/10 means it is as good as it can get. It's the pinnacle of TV storytelling. That's what this show is to people? Is it the only show these people have seen? There's nothing new here other than some of the actors. It's not filmed in any particularly dramatic or beautiful way. The script isn't award winning. It's just an average/slightly above average show to kill a week or so watching. That's it.

    I realize reviews are also subjective, but you can also objectively review something based on script, acting, and just overall presentation. And objectively, this show is far from perfect. Most of the time when I see a 10/10 review, I immediately discount the review as overhyped drivel, thus making the review completely worthless. I'd like my reviews a little more grounded in reality.

    This show is OK. I don't regret watching it. It won't blow you away or anything, but it is entertaining. The ending fell a little flat for me, but endings are hard to stick. I do feel like this might have worked better as a movie though. As a TV show it definitely felt a little long and drawn out.
  • This show did none of the things I expected it to. A fantastic character study with captivating performances and cinematography, and creative sound design. The pacing was a perfect mix of exciting and artistic violence with periods of contemplation.

    While I'm not up to date on all the Beyonce drama, I thought this was an engaging look at obsession and the extremes it can be pushed to.

    I really love Glover's touch with the camera. He's not afraid of long still shots and extreme closeups, and there's never a boring shot. And I cannot praise the sound design and soundtrack enough. The buzzing bees and ominous stingers (no pun intended) when Dre's psyche are tested add so much suspense and reminded me of Candyman in the best way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The writing was weak and the story predictable and annoyingly repetitive. I wonder what planet these writers are living in. She would have been caught by the police by episode 2.

    It's frustrating because there are a million and one writers out there who could easily punk a better script out of their a££es, but unfortunately, we're left with this stupid senseless storyline that I could have written myself whilst taking coke and alcohol.

    The annoying part for me was the production, direction, and acting talent were clearly there, but the writing was so pathetically bad that it ruined everything, I still ended up watching all 7 episodes waiting for something interesting and perhaps shocking to happen, but, as with all weak scripts, ended up being a whole load of nothing padded out across 7 repetitive episodes.

    If you're into popcorn movies or looking to watch something in the background whilst working on a work project, then this is definitely for you. Alternatively, if you prefer watching something that uses pretentious artistry to govern a confusing, pretentious series, then go for it.
  • I don't know who the people giving this series high ratings are. But 7s, 8s, 9s and 10s are an insult to series and movies that actually deserve these high ratings. The series starts off with a strange but interesting concept, goes nowhere, takes a detour and just stops. It just treads water for the entire show. No build up or developing plot. Very lazy writing. Even if this series purposely ended the way it did to make way for a season 2, I would still think this series is crap. Because there just isn't enough material for a season two. There wasn't even enough for one season. This is why they did that filler episode (episode 6). Poorly done and a waste of time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The series is based on the true story of the Beyoncé group (Beyhive) and adapted into the story of a young black Gen Z serial killer who goes crazy and kills people who don't like the artist she worships across America. By referring to mixed real events, the source of the story events to be virtual. Reasonable, motivated, with extreme craziness. But it might also look like a cult-like narrative. But it also implies that it reflects the social problems of using social media to the point of being crazy at present. Which anyone who is looking for the unusual and perverted style should not be disappointed.
  • Donald Glover has done it again.. this show has an all star cast featuring Dominique Fishback, Chloe Bailey, and Damson Idris. Heck, even Billie Eilish makes an appearance. This show is based in Houston (nod to Beyoncé) which is funny because it is the hometown of a certain celebrity the show is based off of loosely. How far would an obsessed fan go? This show highlights what it looks like when you are part of one of those celebrity fan bases. Donald Glover has done it again with another show offering social commentary on the ways of the world. A plus. Good show. I know members of certain fan bases may not like it because this show reflects how you act.
  • Odd series that ends with a curious finale. There is no solid word on whether this was a mini-series or the beginning of a series and I'm not sure if I really want more, though I'd like to know more about that ending. This is a violent oddity about obsession and grief from the fragile, very damaged and very dangerous mind of a young delusional woman. I think this would have made a better movie as some of this feels a bit dragged out, though it's never uninteresting. The main thing to talk about though is the lead actress, Dominique Fishback. She is excellent and has the most amazing chameleon like ability to change her physical appearance in so many ways throughout these three and a half hours. I was fascinated by her. There are a lot of characters in this, many of which turn up dead, but all the actors are very fine. Billie Eilish makes her acting debut here and at this point in time she is just really playing Billie Eilish, but she is an effective presence with promise. I've no idea as to why Rory Culkin is in this other than to show off his body, all of it, in his very small role. Again, this is an odd series certainly not for everyone and not for anyone who has a problem viewing violence. It pretends to be based on real characters and I'm not sure why, but by informing us of that at the beginning of every episode, one kind of expects an entire story. We don't really get one.
  • This was pretty incredible. I watched it in one sitting and instantly got it. It's like the darkest of dark comedies. Dark commentary? Possibly a new category altogether. But it was great, fresh, well-acted, well-directed, cool, and very weird. Dominique Fishback really gave a tour de force performance, not many emotions or situations she DIDN'T tackle, and it was spellbinding to watch every incarnation. Crazy good performance by Billie Eilish too. Who wouldn't stay in the cult of Billie?? Lol But anyway what a series, after this I'm COMPLETELY stoked to see Donald Glover write and direct a weird a** horror movie, we need it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm on episode 4 now. This is very bingeable, but it's what I would say is like watching a trainwreck- because the lead character is so devoid of emotion, so bad.

    At the start, I thought she was going to be a dork that you sympathize with who takes her lovable and loving obsession too far, but she's still a sweet person. But, there is nothing lovable about this girl. So, this show is really a guilty pleasure, because I feel guilty watching anyone treat others like she treats them, but I keep watching, wondering what will happen next.

    If you love celebrity pop culture, you will be interested in this. It's like Scream, except that in this one, the killer is known right away, and the catchphrase "What's you're favorite scary movie?" is changed to "Who's your favorite artist?" instead.

    This probably deserves more than just 3 stars, cause goodness knows I'm hooked to it right now, but it is a little too graphic for my taste, and needlessly grotesque, like most things these days. Oh if we could only go back to appreciating the power of suggestion again! Plus, I didn't expect this to become so sinister so fast. So yes, it's the very definition of guilty pleasure. Hence, it feels wrong to say I "like it" but for what it is, it's very good.

    And as evil as the lead character seems, I would say she has positioned herself as a sort of suicide bomber for her goddess, the pop star- the same way that people kill in the name of God. The only difference is, this woman isn't killing herself along with her victims. It remains to be seen whether the series will end with her death, Will she become a martyr for her goddess as well? I guess I'll find out.

    Also, the show features a character (played by Michael Jackson's daughter Paris) who named herself after pop-star Halsey, and Halsey herself will be seen in the upcoming neo-western thriller "Americana" playing someone baring a striking resemblance to my baby Joan Jett. It was actually in an article about that wherein I read about this show and decided to seek it out. This show also features Billie Ellish (another star who reminds of my girl in a lot of ways). So, totally worth seeing for pop music fans and fans of youth culture, pop culture, young Hollywood and the like.

    Sidenote: This seems to be a dark fantasy about Beyonce and her fans.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well if the point was to make her absolutely repulsive, I was all in at episode 4 (although I gotta admit if she had bashed the head of...I would have gotten some vicarious satisfaction, not that I think anyone should be bashing in or getting bashed in by anyone - at least no one in particular).

    Anyway, by E6, I was glad SOMEONE was paying attention. I do like that the socialworker passionately defended broken children. I think that was needed among the chaos.

    But by the end of this, Dre, to me, was as ugly on the outside as she was on the inside. No matter what made her, she was irretrievably broken, a sociopath that would stop at nothing.

    Some people are complaining about the ending, but they really need to pay attention to episode 6 and they'll understand the ending.

    It was good and stayed with me. I still have the strange feeling 24 hours later that it gave me.

    By the way, most of the men along the way we're actually nice to her. Yeah, Khalid was a player and all; but overall the men were helpful and not all pigs as men are often portrayed. I noticed that.

    Also, don't miss Micheal Jackson's daughter in E2 or the trump dig in the episode that a famous Obama wrote!

    While Billie Elish did shine her creepy in the therapy sessions (not so much in other scenes), it was Dominique Fishback who absolutely glowed. Watch that tilt of her head and that sly look when she says, "yeah" (I hurt someone) - absolutely chilling.
  • This show isn't perfect, but it is strange and different. What the show lacks in its story, it makes up for in its originality.

    My favorite part of the series was the cinematography, which is something I don't usually pay attention to, but I think they shot it on film because the visuals feels so warm and crackly. It looked particularly stunning in the Billie Eilish episode with the natural light, the trees, the stained glass window... What a vibe.

    Dre is such an odd, quirky character, she was a joy to watch. There definitely was some unexpected humor in her off behavior and to see a black female anti-hero was something I don't think I've seen before. And there is so much beautiful and tragic irony for Dre to idolize a Beyonce-like figure, the epitome of #blackexcellence and #blackgirlmagic, something Dre could never come close to being. I just wish that theme was sharpened and more central to the story but the show chooses to lean on the "this really happened" gimmick with all its Beyonce-related pop culture references. Because of this, I found the main character a bit flat and the story not that memorable.

    I found myself zipping through season 1 and I wasn't mad about it, but I wouldn't say this is a must-watch. Check it out if you're curious, skip it if you're not.
  • Makes me want to see a movie made by Glover in the theatres, and this leads me to believe that could be a possibility very, very soon. Has incredible thematic language filled to the brim with symbolism and metaphors. Every episode just simply gets under your skin by the time it's over. Was never big on Fishback as an actor until now, and my god does she ever carry this show on her back (can already see the influence this will have on girls' halloween costumes). Was also surprised by how creepy and well-acted Billie Eilish was in her episode. 35mm cinematography and arthouse aspect ratio both tie this project up into a nice bow.
  • I was so looking forward to watch it for awhile and today I just did it. I really loved Dominique Fishback's solid performance. She was so good at translating so many subtle emotions that are hard to pick on the screen unless you've been through some similar experiences. It will resonate with some people more then other. That's why everything is so subjective, but the moment you realize it is based on real story and facts, only being reenacted, you start appreciating it even more.

    There were few moments, where it felt disjointed and messy like the whole episode 4 and Billie Eillies moment. I think afterwards the whole story and acting got stale and maybe complaicent. And there was episode 6 - I was not sure is this a docu episode bonus or what, it felt so out of place, no introduction no nothing, just bam - true crime story detective trying to solve the whole thing for 30 minutes but in a very sketchy way. And there was the finale..

    In summery: it started all so strong and just faded away. Watch it and make your own conclusions.
  • The lead actress is great, loved her in other series too so I was excited to start this one.

    She plays a extreme fan, which there is no lead up to why or how she is. It bothers me that it's just there, you know it cause that's the premise but I don't feel it and its not explored. So the killing feels off because you don't feel or see the depth of her delusional mind, its just there for us to assume it. It makes it unbelievable and I'm almost finished and it is not a good sign that you have to wait that many episodes for some context. No amount of great visuals and acting make up for not taking us along in the story and her mind. At least for me personally it's lacking in that area. It falls flat. The plot seemed great but it turned out not that captivating.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Binge watched this series and must admit that by episode 6 I was glad they shifted the storyline to centre around a Detectives perspective. The first five episodes were self explanatory and you don't need a brain to understand what it's going to happen....'haters' were being killed off by a super fan! However the manner in which they were, was comical and worth watching. The detective pieced it all together and that was the best part for me. The lead actress in the role of Dre (Dominique Fishback) was absolutely incredible and I found her demeanour fascinating - totally unfazed, straight faced with a seriously unattached and demented personality....what a great actress!! Enjoyed majority of the series although some scenes were either too much dialogue, too slow and therefore a bit boring in my opinion. For that reason, I didn't give it a higher score. Well done to the director, cast and crew!
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