User Reviews (15)

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  • This is the latest in the Passionflix original movies based on popular romance novels, Tangled by author Emma Chase.

    The overall story is about Drew Evan's a successful New York investment banker. He is handsome, arrogant and a total playboy. This is an interesting perspective as it is told from his perspective and in retrospect. He has currently spent the last seven days holed up in his high rise apartment telling everyone he has the flu...then he tells us what happened which starts when he randomly meets Kate Brooks at a bar after receiving a blow job from another girl in the bathroom (yeah, he's that kind of guy). Kate basically shoots him down which has never happened before...but he immediately takes home a twosome for sex. The next morning he meets the new hot shot up-coming at work...Katherine Brooks! Kate has a fiancé and continues to shoot Drew down and they become rivals at work. After a pretty bumpy start...they eventually start to work together becoming friends until one night...

    I love most of the passionflix offerings and I love the premise or what they are attempting to do at passionflix. You could say I am a big fan. I feel like this film is kind of in the middle of the pack of their offerings however, with the top tier including such films as the Gabriel's Inferno films, The Driven series, The Will, Dirty Sexy Saint and the next tier down to include The trouble with Mistletoe, Afterburn Aftershock, The Matchmaker's playbook, and maybe Wicked...with Seduction and Snacks maybe being in the next tier down. In fact the only Passionflix offerings that I didn't care for were The Protector and Hollywood Dirt.

    So having said that...yes, I recommend the film to anyone who likes sexy romances. But did I think this was the best that Passionflix has come out with? No. It wasn't nearly as seductive as some of the other offerings (what some call panty wetting). Also, I am not sure I am a big fan of the raw material and it's premise...arrogant playboy's perspective on loving and leaving girls. It also seemed very discordant that Drew thinks his niece needs a better role model (than his sister who is a stay at home mom) when she says she wants to grow up to be a princess and wait for her prince to come. Other Passionflix offerings have had me rushing out to buy the book...I don't think I'll be reading this Emma Chase any time soon.
  • shazz_c25 September 2023
    Loved the book and the movie did justice to it.

    The actress for kate was spot on. She was great in her delivery and timing. Felt very natural. Evan was a little overacted but the story pulled it back enough. The comedic scenes were great and just as funny as i pictured it happening while reading the original book. Dialogue and sequence of events were true to the book which fans appreciate :)

    I think this may be the best of the passionflix book adaptations. Hoping there is a sequel but it probably doesn't need it. Guess I'm just a fan of miss emma chase.

    A solid 7 stars for me. Would recommend to other rom com aficionados.
  • I can appreciate a strong female lead with an honest, well written performance. It's nice to see the rake grovel, and at times he did it like a boss! The passionate scenes were tasteful and not raunchy. I think this cast was well chosen. Many of the passionflix films are not cast as well and performances are surface level at best. Those films are more akin to a B-rated x-rated film.

    These actors could do well in other genres. I would only have wanted a little more depth from Drew. While he was creative in his pursuits, and I appreciate that the writers didn't immediately flip Kate's opinion of him, I don't think he ever presented his most broken self to Kate.

    His antics only took redemption so far. Digging a little deeper and aiming for a more raw groveling-would have improved the film. The writers should have presented only some of the idiocy, it should have shifted to him realizing obnoxious declarations would not draw this strong female back in. There is nothing like a trio 80's performance group in a work place to make a gal go running faster. That particular tactic was annoying to all.

    Bonus points: I do love how producers always manage to sneak in another Passionflix. I've seen this done in other movies and it's charming to see them watching one of their own productions!
  • coxbroo4 February 2022
    This movie was amazing! Exceeded expectations. Loved the casting. Passionflix continues to be a force of good for women who want to see their favorite books on screen.
  • Have loved this book from the moment I read it and was beyond excited to hear it was becoming a film. It went above and beyond my expectations! Absolutely LOVED it!! 😍
  • OMG I do believe this is one of the best passionflix movie I've watched the chemistry and Romance would make the best Valentine's movie Drew he's so adorable and funny and katherine is a wonderful fit for Drew not to mention a beautiful singer I love the chemistry between them definitely one of those movies I can watch over and over again.
  • 10 for the copious, very appealing shots of Josh Plasse in boxers. 1 for the relative charm of the leads. So why is my rating 5? Deduct 6 points for a crass leering screenplay that mistakes sex jokes and 4-letter bombs for wit and thinks itself clever by presenting romance from the (reformed) rake's point of view. For years women have justifiably complained about men writing female roles poorly. Well, the shoe - make that stiletto - is on the other foot. Otherwise nothing new here. Less than stellar supporting roles and bland production values complete the indifferent picture.

    But oh, the sight of Josh Plasse in boxers - and his full Monty (from the rear)...priceless.
  • judyahughes7 February 2022
    So fun!
    This movie reminds me how much I love rom coms from the 90s and early 2000s. Good on Passionflix for adding fun rom coms to their list. Great acting by all involved. Fun dialogue and great casting! Spot on to the book. If you have read the book and are worried about the movie not meeting your not fret. This is a great adaptation! I could not believe how each character captured the essence of the book.
  • pepperlilly12 March 2022
    ...and this is absolutely not at all meant as an insult, but merely as an observation: Could it be, that the male lead is gay? This would explain a lot! I must say, the expected sizzling feeling didn't radiate in my direction. Pity!
  • rdavis-7800822 February 2022
    Fabulous book to movie adaptation! Characters cast perfectly :) Often let down by no on screen romance, but this one does not disappoint!

    Drew is a serial one night stand kind of guy, who gets thrown for a loop when he meets the smart, beautiful Kate. Once he realizes that she's the one for him, he won't give up without a fight. Absolutly loved this movie!! Very excited to see what comes next from Passionflix.
  • ceal-3167728 March 2022
    First up, I have to say, thank you so much to Passionflix for producing this content. As a long time happy romance lover, it has been such a joy to stumble on the platform, and I can't wait to see what they do into the future!

    Really enjoyed this movie! It was sharp, clever, and had me laughing out loud. The male lead is of the "Lord let me smack him" variety, and the female lead was just perfect in every respect in my opinion, though perhaps more forgiving the most real women might be haha. I haven't read the source material so no clue how they stacked up there, but the formula was familiar in the genre and still really enjoyable. The kind of movie I'd buy to keep.

    Lots of entertaining side characters, from his group of friends to her kick ass rocket scientist friend, and extra points to the niece who stolen the show hahhaha!

    Bless you all for making a fun, sexy, thoroughly feel good movie for me to enjoy just as COVID finally hit me and I REALLY needed cheering up!
  • For once... 2 actors in a passionflix movie that HAVE CHEMISTRY. That is a plus. Also, plot was good. I know this is based on a book (that I did not read), but the plot was good. The acting was good. The set design was funny to me, because I know Passionflix in not big on their budget, but the fake subway station on LA streets did not fool anyone. I'm sorry. That was the cherry on top for me. Funny... but all in all the movie is ok. The acting is ok. I found it funny. Dialogue was good. Best part.... I have to reiterate, is that the ACTORS HAD CHEMISTRY!! 5/10.
  • If you've read Tangled, this is a perfect adaptation of the book. The dialogue is practically verbatim.

    You do miss a lot of Drew's over the top internal dialogue from the book, but I can't imagine watching this and not completely knowing how Drew Evans really thinks.

    I expected this to have some serious cringeworthy moments, as a lot of book to movie adaptations tend to have, but I was pleasantly surprised that the actors brought the characters to life exactly as I had imagined.

    If you've read Tangled and loved the characters, the banter, and the antics, you'll appreciate this. If you haven't read Tangled, I highly suggest reading but I still would suggest this rom-com movie.
  • insofia1 July 2022
    It was the first adaptation of a book that didn't disappoint me. They kept most of the original scenes of the book and were very well designed. The main actors were the perfect choice and had one of the best chemistry I've ever seen. I really hope that the next books of this novel will be adapted.
  • This movie exceeded my expectations on all fronts. The directing was flawless, the characters felt so real, and the story genuinely took turns I didn't expect. Perfect blend of comedy and heart and proof that the modem rom-com isn't dead! 10/10 would recommend.