User Reviews (30)

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  • First 5 episodes had some flaws but I was all in..

    Often a show rests on where it lands and the finale went super B movie to a point that was head scratching..did the production schedule get squeezed or was the ending not fully written when they started filming...Rather disappointing since again was such a compelling piece up until the disastrous finale..My wife and I looked at each other so confused..

    Maybe there's a behind the scenes creative squabble that will never see the light of day? Maybe they lost the budget the last week of filming, crafty canceled, and they were forced to fast work in 16 hour shifts? Who knows...

    Anyway enough was there that I hope to see Apple TV continue to invest in filmmakers/storytelling from around the world and see more non English content if nothing else..
  • When we heard the name ''Dr. Brain '', we can easily guessed what's it's about. Maybe it's about the most known or famous doctor. But, proving all those guesses wrong, it about something unthinkable. Though this concept gives me creeps but still I can say It's a good thriller. It could be a good thriller alone but the machine and all these brain waves and cells bla bla makes it bit strange. I found it creepy how a cat's brain activities are transferred into a man's brain. However, if I let it the flaw go, it's decent.
    • You will be connected to this series from episode one

    Acting 10/10
    • Not only the lead hero, but you will feel the emotions of supporting actors too.

    Direction 10/10
    • You will find some scenes which are a combination of Mystery and thriller, which will be better than many horror movies.

    Background Score 10/10 Background music will give you goosebumps

    • Camera-man makes you feel that you see every frame in 3d; all shots are tough, just like a parasite; yes, while watching this series, you will think of parasite, and I think this first Korean-language series on Apple TV+ is going to be a big hit like a parasite.
  • Look.. i liked it even thou its nothing new, and it dares to impress you, but its done in such a manner that it reminds you of one of those black mirror episodes but for grown-ups, that truly shines only if you give it some time.
  • Terrible pacing. Storyline is not succinct in any way. Lens flare during every "happy" scene is played out. Man supposed to feel no empathy at times absolutely does. Feels as though they had an idea, execution is forced and insists upon itself.
  • Absolutely immersive thriller and amazing storytelling, acting, and directing. But it has nothing to do with Hollywood so if you can't read subtitles just pick something else. I am actually amazed by Apple investing in Korean shows.
  • I really wanted to like this series. Wonderful plot. Decent script. But it became a bit of a slog by episode 6. The acting had become a little too bland with too many silences in dialog covered up by the constant new age background music that never seems to take a break.

    For example, a character is seeing things while driving in the rain. Instead of letting the driver's elevated breath, the sound of road and rain build an organic sense of natural suspense, the director dominates the scene with distracting music that, rather than enhancing this promising scene, kills it.

    These directorial choices occur through the entire series. Yes, the pacing improves as the series moves along. The acting becomes more natural. But that overbearing music never goes away. This show would have been at least an 8 for me with just a minor tweak to the pacing and cutting 90% of the music.

    Let me put it this way: If you're familiar with Korean cinema, this is not high art like that of Bong Joon Ho, Lee Chang-dong or even Hwang Dong-hyuk. This is made-for-TV quickly shot and assembled, and little more.
  • Brilliant sci-fi suspense drama which takes elements of supernatural, super-hero, crime-thriller, horror and martial-arts genres and mixes them together Korean style to form a punchy, addictive and at times emotionally exhausting piece of television.

    The series takes you on a six episode journey with the main character 'Dr Brain' as he develops from spineless and emotionless super-geek to courageous, fully-enlightened hero, at the same time blasting through almost every ethical no-no in order to save his family.

    I think as westerners we sometimes find it hard to accept just how good Korean filmmaking is. Dr Brain is no exception and has top-notch cinematography, great acting and almost perfect scene construction from the first frame to the last. Sure, the Korean formula of heavy suspense, intense dialogue and a healthy dose of blood-splattering violence in every episode is not to everyone's taste but as we've discovered with the like of Parasite and Squid Game it's a formula which, once tuned in to, awakens your emotions and leaves you feeling you've really watched something.

    I watched this in Korean with subtitles along with my 15 year old daughter and we gasped in disbelief as ethics evaporated, gleefully wished a painful, bloody come-uppance on the villains, clawed in despair at the Korean police failing to keep up with the protagonists and giggled incessantly at Dr Brain's side-kick whose exasperated reactions reinforce just how bonkers Dr Brain's actions are.

    FWIW we accidentally watched 5mins of one of the episodes with the imbecilic English voice-over ... hilarious ... but no, don't even go there.

    Highly recommend, in Korean with subtitles all the way!
  • Very good concept and the start for the series. But then the story just gets lost and becomes very predictable. I think after watching 50%, I lost the interest. Just watched it for the sake of completing!
  • Two episodes in now and it's very good. I'm a big fan of the director's other work and it has his usual flair. It is sort a mad scientist mystery. It has elements of The Fly (the scientist experimenting on himself, perhaps later to be his downfall?) as well as Sixth Sense and Memento - he is trying to solve a mystery but as he experiments more on himself to put the pieces together, it becomes harder to be certain what is real and what is not.

    A very strong start and I have absolutely no idea where it is going and can not wait to find out. Highly recommended.
  • Starting by the positive aspects, it has a smart story arc and development. I think the idea, structure and plot are very good. Photography is also excellent and most of the cast do a great job.

    However, there are many absurd details that are not related with the sci-fi aspect of the show. A lot of dialogues, decisions and actions have non-sense and make you raise your hands again and again and even wish to leave the show. Advice: when you feel like that, go to the last episode and find out the conclusion to stop torturing you.

    Some special effects are also crappy -mainly the cat related-, but especially the development of the story and the slow pace. Computers without password, secret places that can be accessed without security, decisions of the police and a long list like that make watching the show painful despite the intrigue that it's not so much after the first 3 episodes.
  • wtv-0557118 December 2021
    The current rating, 6.9, really doesnt do this show any justice. It's a great thriller, the storyline is captivating, there's a good balance between logical and surprising elements in it. The acting feels realistic and not overdone.
  • I just watched 1st and 2nd episode. Thought it's going to be boring series but the story gets better and interesting as time goes. And there are some scary moments in the show from 2nd episode so be careful. :) I'm looking forward to see more episodes. And guys and ladies, only two episodes just came out. Let's see others to judge. New episode is coming every Friday. Will have 6 episodes in total.
  • satchwolfl13 November 2021
    How come all movies/shows put out by streaming companies automatically get a great score first day. Don't tell me it's good when its just another sci-fi dumpster fire.
  • dumsumdumfai11 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    SciFi mystery thrillers are usually hard to accept. Because the three elements when combined together, can normally be a bit more unrealistic, especially the SciFi part. It's the same here but Korean thrillers are usually very... don't know how to say this.... rationally grounded, and fatalistically so in certain ways that I can't seems to put my fingers on it

    Lee the main actor is a veteran. Really liked him in Train(helpless), and A Hard Day, A Dawning Rage, Diary of a prosecutor series. He was not given enough in Parasite to shine. Park, who plays the dead gumshoe is also a heavy hitter actor. See him in Netflix, My Name.

    The premise is nothing new although there are little twists and details. Some comically so(maybe unintentionally), like the cat reflex and vision.

    Details are what separates good from the average. Like slow mergeing, sorting, separating and accommodating of different memories. Details like the doctor genius was emotionless as a kid. Or the entire episode 1(maybe1.5) was setup with no real payoff.

    Details like the gun fight with the cops in episode 3 was so well planned out and edited, complete with the bystander coming out if a backdoor all of a sudden. The fight scene in the Buddhist temple at beginning of EP. 5. The abrupt yet careful depicted moment of connection with the butterfly drawing.
  • wenzelg5 November 2021
    The first half of the pilot gave me hope for an excellent series to come. Acting and backstory are pretty good. About half way through the pilot the whole thing takes a bizarre turn and left me feeling like I missed half of a season worth of episodes. I actually rewound it about 10 minutes to see if I missed something. Nope. I also watched to the end to see if there was a wrap up. Nope.

    Completely disinterested.
  • Interesting concept,authentic,acting.

    After watching first episode I'm hooked.

    The actors were good.. If you don't like the series or drama just don't watch . Don't give low ratings 🙄based on 1 episode just because you don't like .. what the hell about some American dramas they just overrated .. korean drams are better than American series.
  • PennyReviews13 January 2022
    Korean Drama "Dr. Brain" is a masterful sci-fi thriller that provides a solid mystery.

    What Dr. Brain offers is a suspenseful plot that keeps the audience hooked till the very last minute. With intense performances to boot, a mystery that is slowly being unfolded, an interesting sci-fi element, and engaging characters, the drama creates the right atmosphere, with dark shades that come close to the horror element at times.

    However, the CGI were bad and almost ruined the mood at times. The horror, flashy scenes were also a bit overused and nearly shifted the focus from the character based mystery to a psychological thriller.

    Still, the ending was brilliant, leaving it to the viewer to interpret what actually happened.

    So, overall, 8 out of 10.
  • amaya_bi6 November 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The idea of reading brains and then get affected by the dead personality was already used, and better, in iZombie. The plot about finding out the mistery using such dead´s memories, too.

    At least iZombie was a little fun, this is all pretencious and filled with big plot holes that make it unbeliable. Not recommended.
  • This tv show is really underestimated, if it was producted and sponsorized well by a bigger streaming player like Netflix or Amazon it would have so much success thanks its good acting especially by the lead actor and thanks a very good story with lot of plot twists that engage the viewers.
  • web-172719 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I'm not sure which is worse, the plot, the corny Korean actors, or the terrible American voiceover artists. All are extremely corny, and I guess the title should have been a warning. It would have been better either in Korean with subtitles, or with English speaking Korean voiceover artists. As it is, it's truly dreadful. The scene with the dying head scientist is particularly bad.
  • crkrmpjd24 November 2021
    Looking at the grades distribution, I found that male age below 30 give an average score of 8.0, while female at the same age gives 5.8. I just wonder why there is a huge difference, may I ask if there is any contents that contain female insults?
  • Well, it is still better than this Netflix s...t that is Squid game (the main issue with squid game, appart from being totally uninspired and over the top, was that it was made for an American/European audience).

    The concept of this one has already been done and seen before, although I liked the nice ASD addition to it.

    I will probably forget about it in a month or so, but I did enjoy watching it (I actually binge watched it).

    The acting is great and not exagerrated/hysterical as it can sometimes be in Asian series.

    The pace fits totally to the atmosphere of the series, it's not too crazy/messy and not too slow.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I consider this TV series more of a mystery thriller than a science fiction. The mystery part has some interesting twists and turns but the science fiction isn't well done. I believe the whole brain sync science fiction idea gets in the way of a good mystery thriller. The dialog is terrible. The Brain sync idea has been done far better in different other SciFi films like The Cell (2000). The brain sync scene in the last episode (ep 6) becomes laughable. Immortality through uploading a brain it's not an original idea.

    My other problem with this TV series is the acting which isn't very good. I think the show could have been better if they had a real science fiction writer.
  • davidbeare6 February 2022
    I wasn't sure where it was going in the first few episodes but enjoyed the journey in the end. Shades of Conan Doyle's Keinplatz experiment and the Seltzman episode from "The Prisoner" etc but a good addition to this genre. Lt. Jiun Choi needs to go on a firearms course. She couldn't shoot a barn door from 10 paces!
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