User Reviews (27)

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  • Can you have a second chance to stop a tragedy? After losing his wife and child, undercover cop John Hebron (Gooding Jr.) is struggling to forgive himself for not saving them. After a similar crime takes place he is given a second chance. After watching Cuba in "Ticking Clock", which I really liked, I had high hopes for this one. I was a little disappointed. The idea of the movie is very interesting, but the execution is lacking. A plot that has so much potential ends up being slow moving and never given the push it needs to make it as interesting as it sounds. This is not a terrible movie, but definitely not one of Cuba's best. It would be nice to see him get out of the Seagal, Kilmer & Snipes-like direct-to-video movies though and back into main stream movies. He has the talent for them still. I give it a C.

    Would I watch again? - I don't think I will.
  • I seen the other reviews and some gave it high votes and some very poor which then forced me to watch it.. Boy should I have listened to the low votes its terrible. Acting is all over the place and not in any good way even the fake irish accents of some of the cast were enough to make me cringe. Storyline had no depth and I wouldn't even say it was good enough for a TV movie as it simple had nothing of interest in it to keep people occupied. I sit here puzzled as to why the actors even made this movie as its the worst thing I have seen in a long time. Best advice on this movie is give it a complete wide birth not only is it not worth a rental fee its definitely not worth the waste of electricity to power a TV!
  • I am always interested in a Cuba Gooding Jr. movie, as his personality can carry even crappy plots. I feel bad for Cuba as the last few films he has made have been TV movie dramas at best.

    This movie is no exception as the film work and writing are slow and dull. Though there were a few good scenes, such as the scene when Cuba visits the snake man.

    I would advise against watching this movie, it is a drama/action film, but is missing the action and drama to keep you interested beyond the first 20-minutes.

    Though I was able to watch the entire thing, I do feel it was overall a waste of time and I wish I had not seen this film.

    It reminds me of a late night HBO rerun movie that you might watch if you have nothing else to do, and even then you probably won't walk away from the film even remembering that you saw it or anything interesting in it.

    Though I love Cuba's acting, and I hope he hits a few more home runs in his career, this is not one of them.
  • MovieMaddis15 February 2011
    Wow, what a trainwreck. Where to begin...I suppose by this time you have more than recognized Cuba's downward spiral but teaming him up with Slater is an even more embarrassing turn for both actors. Slater has been pawning off his creepy yet campy style for years now and occasionally pulls of an entertaining performance (Dolan's Cadallac, He was a quiet man), but here he just swims in the dreck. Horribly miscast as a priest, he can do little more but smirk at the camera and look at his shoes. Devon Bostik is laughable as a drug dealer - I mean really, Wimpy's kid's big brother is now a tough guy? Just a total mess and a shame for all involved. I had hopes that Cuba would rebound at some point, but he seems determine to join Wesley and Steven Seagal in the DTV "worst of" series. Seriously, don't waste your time or money on this, bad bad bad.
  • Sacrifice has a pretty solid story going for it. A haunted cop befriends a priest at a local church all while dealing with his next case. The story takes off with a drug dealer who wants out and is denied that option, so he steals a statue filled with drugs and hides it in a local church. Now the dealers are after him and Cuba Gooding Jr must protect the dealers little sister.

    The direction shines in parts and in other parts it seems very dull. Without going into much detail of the story, the film could have been much better with different music and more solid editing. The film is edited as if it is a TV movie.

    Pros: Solid Perormances from Cuba Gooding Jr, Christian Slater, Devon Bostick, and Kim Coates.

    Good Ending Shootouts and very good emotional ties between characters.

    Cons: The editing, it really hurts the films. The music does not fit and is quite cheap. Some supporting players are very bad in their performances as well. The statistics in the opening and end credits are boring and take away from the story.

    All in all its fairly entertaining especially in the last 20 minutes, but editing may make you cringe in spots.
  • well, from the first scene to the end... a waste of my time... this movie is sooooo bad. When I saw and read the box at the video store, I thought: okay I like Cuba and Christian... til I started to watch... I gave it my due attention and suffered until the end but OMG... time I will never get back...

    My first impressions were: Bad lighting, bad cinematography, bad direction, and then... bad acting! This looks more like a film school project gone wrong then a feature film... It even looks like it was shot on early HD ENG cameras...

    And if you are brave, start watching the behind the scenes featurette... they didn't even use a proper mic to record these (terribly done) interviews. This whole project should have been terminated from day 1.
  • Was there anyone really clamoring for a reuniting of Cuba Gooding Jr. and Christian Slater, especially considering their previous team-up ("Lies & Illusions") was one of the worst direct-to-DVD movies of recent years? To make matters worse, this production is not only Canadian, but it's written and directed by one of Canada's worst filmmakers (Damian Lee). To be fair, the end results are somewhat better than "Lies & Illusions". For a cheap Canadian movie, the visual look of the movie is slicker and more expensive-looking that you might think. And it's nice to see a Canadian movie actually set in Canada (though at times the movie seems reluctant to admit that fact.) But overall, the movie is very forgettable. The combination of Lee's bad direction and inadequate screenplay make a number of moments in the movie somewhat incoherent. Gooding's performance is nothing special, and Slater is unconvincing and unintentionally amusing playing a priest. The movie isn't aggressively bad, but it creeps along at a sluggish pace because there simply isn't enough story here.

    Come on, Cuba and Christian! I know you've screwed up your careers enough to be now stuck in direct-to-DVD productions, but surely you could still find better scripts than this! Sure, I know you have bills to pay, but you could at least volunteer your services for a great director's independent film between making schlock like this.
  • Vulgarities or not, I'm always more attracted to good storyline. Seeing that it's a recent movie, I thought at the very least it should be more presentable. Alas, what do I see, but gratuitous almost sex scenes (with no private part exposure), excessive foul language, and bad acting from the side characters left a nasty nasty taste in my mouth.

    The acting is even more forced and unnatural than acting school, and these mafias (not the most difficult role) can't even do it convincingly. However I must make special mention and (I specially went to find out his name)Zion Lee playing Rook if i'm not wrong, the guy who is naked half the time and speaks nothing but F words, wins the champion in bad acting. It's so bad, I don't even feel like wasting my words to explain why.

    Heavily laden with drug abuse, sexual content, and obscenities, on the overall, it's crass and unwarranted. A movie experience that people in this century shouldn't even be experiencing.
  • This movie tackles the theme of cops against drug dealers, a theme that has been seen hundred times a year in movies, and I don't think this movie made any significant contribution to this worn out subject. The cops are always good, but have their problems, and the drug dealers are always bad guys who must be brought to death, before they ruin the whole world. We really don't care so much about the characters in the movie, it is like we already know what will happen to them, because the story line is very predictable. I've seen another better movies about it, and I think this is a very cliché movie without any reward to the viewer, a mere pastime, but there are better ways to waste your time. I recommend it only to the big fans of this threadbare genre...
  • shdwhawk18 April 2011
    The movie unfolds rather well, with an good story and decent characters. The action scenes are well done, and they take their gun-play seriously. Cuba does come across as a bad-ass. It is also shot very well. It renews interest in Cuba's career. People shouldn't judge this film based on their feelings toward Cuba. He does an excellent job in this film, and really stands above the semi-similar swath of these action flicks as of late. The movie is rather dark and gritty, i was not expecting this after scanning through "The List". I really think the acting is great with the exception of the little girl. The bad guys do come across as sociopaths rather well. Most importantly there is an ever so present feeling of tension.
  • shandilla26 February 2011
    Warning: Spoilers
    I gave his movie a 5 because it is fun to see local settings and the movie was generally entertaining. It combines well worn plot lines from the last 30 or 40 years. The suffering cop, the vigilante cop, the hapless victim trying to escape a world not of his choice, the innocent little girl, the nasty alpha female, the wannabe trying to follow big bad daddy and of course the ex military man become holy and our ace in the sleeve. Totally predictable. It would have been cool if Jet Li and Mel Gibson were going at each other, but this is B grade from the start. Riddled with clichés.. the mobster, the caddy, the camera angles, the stand-offs. If you live or know Toronto well and want to feel nostalgic, enjoy for the settings, but not much else. Oh there is some eye candy for both sides, again cliché!
  • This is a seriously good movie. I really enjoyed the action. The plot was really in-dept. I enjoyed the priest, who was played by Christian Slater. He portrayed a realistic priest. Most of the time priests are placed on a higher level. But this one drinks a shot of liquor & shoots a couple of people. Cuba Gooding's family has been killed. He is on a suicidal downgrade. In the process of helping the Heroin dealer and his sister it gives him a reason to live. This reminds him of who he is and what. The head dealers want their property back which has been taken by the young drug dealer who wants out.In the long run this is an absolutely wonderful movie. I have never seen a movie with Cuba Gooding Jr which wasn't great.
  • sgafta20 February 2011
    First I gave it a six only because there were once good actors. Slayter has always been best in the supporting role, yet in many of his works, he seemed to be able to play a great role. Casting him as a Priest without the Priest being a vital role, this is not it.

    Cuba Gooding, Jr. - I had hoped with the recent releases that he has done, he is a much better actor, why he takes these roles. Certainly we all can use the money, so he is working, that is a plus. Just not past his prime yet, accepting increasingly poorly written roles, if written well, this could have been a great storyline. Best left on the $2 rack of books and it may sound better in type.

    While all over the place, it was pretty clear from the first 15 minutes, the who, what's and Why's. I hope they did not spend more than 5 million on this one, and most of that should go to the actors. What Director, after shooting the first few scenes to get a feel, should have walked away from this project and hopefully would have not continually tarnish the careers of what could still be relevant to the Movies.
  • Seriously. This movie was bad.

    I like Cuba and Christian, but they were phoning in their performances. I felt like they gave up because they knew this was a bad script and poorly filmed.

    It looked like something a film student made or otherwise was filmed with 1980 technology - in a bad way.

    The chick Jade - yuck. Ridiculous "acting" if you could call it that. I had to look her up on IMDb to see if there was someone stupid enough to have cast her in something else; because I was otherwise convinced she landed the part because she was banging a producer. Cardboard movement and staged shots and clothing for that ugly tattoo on her back.

    The ending - clichéd. Far-fetched priest.

    Only redemption was fight scene in hotel.
  • The plot: A cop on the edge tries to protect an informant and his young sister after they turn on a dangerous drug lord.

    Cuba Gooding, Jr, Christian Slater, and Kim Coates have been making direct-to-video action movies for a while now. Although none of them have reached the rock-bottom depths of Michael Madsen's career, it's still kind of depressing to see them toiling in such derivative, low budget B movies. This is the first time that I've seen any of these fine actors actually take on a project that seems more appropriate for Michael Madsen.

    If anyone in the world is the proper demographic for these kinds of movies, it's me. I have a fondness of gritty, low budget exploitation, and I'm capable of lowering my standards to levels that most people find intolerable. I don't care overmuch about budgets, I'm fairly forgiving of plot holes, and I don't mind a bit of bad acting or bad special effects. However, movies like Sacrifice test even my patience. This is not the kind of movie that's going to give Christian Slater or Cuba Gooding, Jr a comeback. In fact, it's just going to reinforce their "has-been" status.

    I know that most people don't like Cuba Gooding, Jr's recent output, but I thought some of them were quite underrated. Shadowboxer, for example, was a good movie. Hero Wanted was flawed, but it was certainly enjoyable enough for a direct-to-video release. Sacrifice makes Hero Wanted look like pure genius. I'm beginning to think that Cuba Gooding, Jr has simply given up, and he doesn't even care any more.

    Sacrifice is for Cuba Gooding, Jr die-hards only. If you have a strong tolerance for B movies, you'll probably find it tolerable, but the only real draw are the B-list leads, who are rapidly falling down into the C-list territory.
  • Gwynfor-Roberts19 October 2012
    With such a good cast I was expecting more, story line is a good one but the editing ,music , and some of the 'support' cast acting makes this look and feel like a 'B' movie and should go straight to DVD (if it already hasn't !.) I can only assume that the majority of the budget went on the fees of Cuba Gooding Jr and Christian Slater and so they had to make do with varied ability rest of cast and crew and after finishing filming, took it to a local school or collage to find someone to edit it together! Sorry but a few good people have put in a lot of effort into this film but they have been let down very badly by so many others the I am sure they will not be putting this film on their CV.if you are really bored and want to while away an hour and a half or so, then go ahead and check it out but do not say I didn't warn you and I hope you find something a lot better to waste your time and possibly money on! Come on Cuba and Christian, you can and have done a lot better than this, don't sell out and let your loyal fans down, the next time you get an offer like this, unless you have editorial control , turn it down !!!!
  • llewellynf197428 December 2013
    I try to avoid reading reviews before watching a movie but this time I thought I'd do the opposite. A mixed bag of reviews didn't help so I watched it. Wooden acting, poor script, forced dialogue, no chemistry between any of the actors and that kid who played the little girl was sooooo bad but maybe not all her fault. No indication of where the movie is set unless you recognise the CN Tower, which tells you it's Toronto.

    It took a long time to build up to any sort of action and the climatic end was a bit of a damp squib, and they all looked like they couldn't wait to be shot! Too many glaring errors from start to finish but the most obvious is when Cuba is shot in his left shoulder. A few minutes later, he meet the drug boss and......the bullet hole in his jacket his gone! Even worse, when his jacket is removed, the left sleeve has no hole or blood and he can lift his left hand without any sign of pain.

    I guess miracles do happen as when they arrive at the church, his left sleeve and his hand and fingers are covered in blood!

    It's a shame to see someone of Cuba's calibre drown in such dross. An Oscar winning actor reduced to acting with people who are not even worthy of being called amateurs. IMO - Jerry Maguire, Outbreak and Men of Honor were his three best and last ever decent films he made.

    I hope the tide turns for him...and soon.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Hi. I like a good crime-thriller as much as the next guy and always like my vengeance served cold. Cuba, Slater -- interesting team-up and there's another movie they did together I'd check out. They are not the problem here. Kim Coates I know from "SOA" and swore I thought that was the name of a SI Swimsuit Model from the 90s. I'll even overlook his almost-good performance.

    The major problem is every other male in the film. EVERY OTHER MALE. From the teenage drug turncoat, to Coates' char.'s son (especially him) to Cuba's partner -- all were miscast. Their voices were not masculine at all. They didn't have great lines to start, so they were already at a disadvantage, but it sounded like they'd all been kicked in the genitals right before the director yelled "action!" Hey, I get it, b/c I'd be slightly intimidated calling Cuba a "dumb n-word cop" or having to fake-kick some scrappy 16 year old and telling him to "get up, f-word that rhymes with 'maggot.'" But the actual, sounds of their voices lacked any confidence or the reassurance that gravity had worked its magic on their testicles.

    Beyond that -- here's some tips. If a thug punches a cop, and then shoots at other cops in a sporting arena, I seriously doubt one of the cops being shot at would tell his partner that "he can't hit (the shooter)" in the middle of a hostage crisis. Really? I'm supposed to believe that a cop's partner would try to dissuade him from punching out a shooter? That was the opening sequence.

    re: Dialogue -- this goes out to all movie makers -- if one more pretend-priest mutters the words "The Lord works in mysterious ways" and is not immediately hit with a pie, I will demand a refund. I felt bad for Slater, who had to utter that actual cliché (and a couple of others) in a film he and Cuba and Agent Perez from "Saw 4" could've elevated from a C to a B-.

    Oh, and actress who played Jade, you stunk. Your delivery was awful. Those were supposed to be fake drugs you were dealing and using, but I guess they call it method acting for a reason.

    The whole movie didn't stink, but most of it did. Cuba does his best with what he's got. Slater -- eh, not great. I can't help but feel that Michael Madsen was missing from the picture. Fine actor, also. Probably could've played Coates' role a bit better.

    Saw this on an instant streaming service with an instantly identifiable shade of red, so my expectations were lowered but I'm still underwhelmed. Want to see a good streaming flick? See Madsen's "The Killing Jar." That's doing a lot with a little. But skip "Being Michael Madsen" and "Road of No Return."
  • ayshecavidan16 October 2011
    The whole idea/storyline is unoriginal and screams 'Foxtel cop show', The acting at the beginning of the film was about as convincing as the acting in a porn movie. Cuba Gooding Jr's performance gained momentum as the movie progressed, however his character was not memorable, though that was probably due to a bad script. As for Christian Slater, he was foolishly cast as a priest, for which he gave a weak performance where he came off as uninterested and far too smug, with a different script it might have been slightly funny, but as this is a serious movie I doubt that was the intended affect. As for the characters from the drug-ring, they were painfully stereotypical. If each character from the film had been made just a touch more clichéd, and with an edited script, it could be a satirical comedy. All in all a predictable and unmemorable movie that smacks of childishness despite it's large amount of curse words and sexual references.
  • (2011) Sacrifice ACTION/ THRILLER

    Written and directed by Damian Lee directing a decent straight-to-rental flick, starring Cuba Gooding JR as a highly regarded cop who has a disturbing past regarding some drug cartels wiping out his family that he can't get over. Then there's another story regarding a teenager looking after his little sister without any actual parents, but works as a middle man for a wicked owner using her bar club as a front, and he wants out because he knows it's dangerous for his sister for him to be involved in. It is destined that both of them are going to meet, but to what circumstances. Although low budget, I thought this was involving solely because the main characters involved all have something in common and that is they had all lost somebody as a result of crime, only to be reunited as a family is a cliche but a positive outlook.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film has it all: The cop, the drugs, the cartel, and a priest(?) The cop troubled by the loss of his family, who works vice, who drinks and doesn't play by the rules. The drugs made into a statue, and put into a church by mistake. The cartel want it back. So the cop and the priest are gonna stop them. However these plot lines are put together with such a lack of skill that this film is irritating from the start.

    The cartel import and sell drugs. They swear a lot and have guns. Some of them are quite muscled. None of them can fight. No scene involving the cartel is in any way memorable. The priest (Christian Slater) used to be special forces. Neither the cartel or the priest are well acted.

    Okay, so the cop lost his family but just in case you can't pick up on that there's loads of flashback scenes of family together and too many more of them getting killed. He works vice he licks mysterious white powders to identify them. Yes, it really is that bad. And his drinking is not believable: there's lots of scenes of him drinking alcohol - hip flasks, mixing into coffee, washing down the aspirin while driving, etc - but never as much as would get anyone drunk. He doesn't play by the rules: he goes to a gun fight with only his fists, then he decides to face down a speeding car with armed folk inside shooting at him on foot with just his handgun, then he decides that the best course of action would be to ambush the cartel in the church with just him and the priest. Utter balls.

    There's lots of shooting and people dying. There's drug use and sex but without any point. Most of it could have been implied and then this mess could have been shown on TV.

    The end doesn't come soon enough.
  • Sacrifice keeps the Cuba Gooding Jr. straight to video train rolling, and this time reunites him with Christian Slater (they starred in the action-comedy Lies & Illusions). As a fan of Mr. Gooding Jr., I watched Sacrifice with a smile; I liked the cast, I liked the plot, and I ended up liking the movie.

    A narco cop (Cuba) lost his wife and daughter to what I assume was a gangster he put behind bars. Now grief-stricken, Cuba is a mess of a man and his friend and ally Priest (Slater) can't even help him. Simultaneously, a young man pulled into the drug running business (Devon Bostick) wants out. As a last stand against his bosses Bostick hides a Virgin Mary statue made of heroin in a church (Slater's church), and runs away with his little sister. Cuba is called into the investigation and the action starts.

    I liked it. The first half drags, but the rest of the film really makes up for it. The story is interesting, and despite not being too original, it kept my interest and I found several gimmicks to be clever. The action was good, the ending scene was fantastic.

    Cuba makes a great hero here. He's not in it much for the first half, but it's his movie for the rest of the film. He pulls off badassery in spades. Slater isn't in this much either, but he has a couple of monologues and then the end scene, a shoot-em-up in his church, that he was great in. Kim Coates is marketed in the trailer as the main villain but he's not. Regardless, his scenes are fantastic and he more than holds his own with Cuba and Slater. Devon Bostick isn't memorable but he's alright. The other villains are really, really bad actors and made me root for Cuba Gooding Jr. even more.

    A good popcorn and soda action movie for a lazy day off. Enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Cuba Gooding Jr is a troubled cop in Toronto who can't get past the death of his wife and child. He crosses paths with a young kid named Mike who is being used to sell drugs for some local dealers and the kid wants out but they won't let him go. Mike takes one of several statues which is made out of heroin to be sent to LA and gives it to a priest at a local church (Christian Slater) and the dealers need the statue to complete the deal. That's pretty much it. Cuba and Slater put in very good performances in my opinion as does the dealers father (Kim Coates.) I noticed some mistakes though as much of the movie is filmed in Ottawa. The arena is actually the home of the Ottawa 67s junior team and the former AAA Ottawa Lynx baseball stadium is visible when Cuba meets Coates for the exchange at the end. The factoids were pretty meaningless too. All things considered though I did enjoy the movie
  • A soild actor in a subpar movie with a subpar performance. I know Gooding can do better than this. He was classic in Radio and in the Chess movie.

    Sacrifice is a propaganda movie revolving around drugs and cliché police drama and bogus religion. Someone steals a statue and all hell breaks loose. Kind of.

    Most of the actors were horrible. The little girl did better than 80% of the adult actors.

    This movie was just to bring awareness to the lies of the drug war. They can stop a guy in a cave but can't stop drugs? They can stop you from traveling but can't stop drugs? C'mon. I may watch stupid movies and tv shows, but I ain't stupid.

    Last Words: just a hash poor of a film.
  • I have to admit that I did not have the patience to watch this straight through. To be honest, it reminds me of what maybe a high school student would submit as a class project. The director should be ashamed, and should probably look for a new career.
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