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  • Platypuschow17 February 2018
    I'm a movie fantatic, my IMDB profile and the over 8000 ratings/reviews will probably confirm that. Along my travels I've seen some truly dire films and we've reached the stage now where for something to register as one of the worst films I've ever seen it has to be something truly dire.

    Hatch is just such a film.

    This hyper low budget movie is advertised as being found footage, and here is where it get's weird. The film is entirely shot through video cameras complete with battery life and "Rec" showing in the corner. Trouble is it's like that all the way through despite being filmed like a normal film. Still with me? So we have a creator who made a found footage movie but didn't understand the concept of a found footage film!

    What next? Ah yes, the pitiful cast, irrelevant stock footage and nonsensical plot.

    I would plant this happily within my bottom 100 movies ever, I'm struggling for what's to express just how bad Hatch really is.

    It could be used in seminars at film schools as a demonstration of how not to make a movie.

    I have no issue with lack of budgets, I watched a film recently that was reported to of had a £50 budget was filmed entirely in black and white and it mopped the floor with this nonsense.

    I genuinely believe that everyone involved should bow out of the industry especially Lisandro Boccacci. There is no future there for you and you're only setting yourself up to fail.

    The Good:

    Nada, zip and nothing

    The Bad:

    Amaterish transitions

    Random pointless imagery

    Literally no redeeming features

    Things I Learnt From This Movie:

    The creator has no idea what a found footage movie is and his defense there is " the final project idea will be released by revealing the locations of cameras, strategically placed around the downtown area where I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. SO it's more interactive as far as audience exploring downtown and connecting the dots. the old cameras will be modified so that a portion of the film plays on the camera's LCD screen." #facepalm