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  • Xtro Xposed (2005)

    *** (out of 4)

    Fun, 17-minute featurette with director Harry Bromley Davenport who talks about XTRO and its two sequels. It becomes very clear that the director isn't much of a fan of his own work as he uses words like "garbage," "awful," and "trash" to describe the film in question. Outside the performances he really doesn't say a nice thing about the first film and he rips into the second film even harder. I must admit that I found this to be incredibly entertaining because it's quite rare for a director to rip his own film as badly as this one does. I personally think he was a bit too harsh but it's still fun hearing him talk about the production, the release of the film and his opinion on it being a Video Nasty. There's also talk about how sales hit a high mark after a serial killer was caught and the TV report showed this film was on his shelf. Overall this is a pretty fast interview and it's good that the producers decided to also talk about the two sequels. It should be noted that it appears the director is fond of the third film for what it's worth. Fans of the series will certainly want to check this out and hopefully we will hear more from Mr. Harry Bromley Davenport because his comments are very fun.