User Reviews (5)

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  • Personally I enjoyed this episode, it had good action and some interesting themes. Also the humor this episode didn't bother me. But I understand that some people just can't stand Jar Jar Binks who is a part of this episode but i get that. Nonetheless still a really good episode and loved that final standoff scene.
  • lassegalsgaard22 February 2021
    This was a political-heavy episode, and it reminded me more of the politics that I saw in the prequels than in the previous episodes of this show. It did not feel as thorough as the past examples and comes across as an anchor for the episode that proves irrelevant. However, this may be the first episode where I found Jar Jar's presence a little refreshing. It was not necessarily good, but it felt like it made sense this time around. The scenes on Ryloth were the most intense, and I felt for the people in need, as well as the troops fighting a brave battle. Overall, this was not an episode that I needed, and I also think its placement is very weird; not because it serves as a prequel to the show's first episode, but because of the two action-packed and emotionally investing episodes that came before.
  • The downside to this adventure is Jar Jar Binks who continues on from his movie appearances as a child friendly and slightly endearing but overly silly and rather annoying character. His scenes are irritatingly over the top for my taste, particularly a juggling scene. It does detract for me from the quality.

    The best thing in this is Senator Organa taking a lead role and it does act as a prequel to series 1 episode 1 which can be viewed after this with this providing some background.

    This is a perfectly decent episode with an appearance of the planet Ryloth, it's Twi'lek people and the Syndulla family which becomes very important in the later Rebels series. It also features good scenes of a Jedi putting himself in great danger for humaniarian reasons and decent scenes of Bail Organa's diplomacy and heroism. It is just is not strong enough to altogether outshine Jar Jar's antics.

    My rating: 6/10.
  • This could have been a great episode but it was barely average because Jar Jar ruined it. Why he even was created has always been beyond me. Sorry George, you blew it when you created him. Every single episode Jar Jar is in just plain stinks.
  • euqinux28 January 2021
    Just avoid everything with jar jar binks. Worst character ever created.