User Reviews (10)

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  • paul_haakonsen11 December 2011
    Given the title of the movie, and the list of cast, you know what kind of movie you are in for already from the start. The title itself was an indicator of this going to be bad.

    The story was really thin and it was so far out there that it was just so very hard to buy into it. I mean, a scientist taking revenge by using storms and lightning because his project funding was taken away. Come on, it was just not plausible.

    One thing that the movie had working for it, was the semi-adequate effects. The special effects weren't all that shabby, nor were they top notch state of the art. They did, however, serve their purpose well enough and it showed what needed to be shown.

    The cast in the movie were not on the heavy-weight scale of acting, but there were some decent enough performances here. Just don't expect any award-winning performances.

    I had a hard time getting into this movie, and "Weather Wars" is just another drop in the ocean of low-budget disaster movies. There are so many similar movies out there, equally stupid and thin-storied, and it didn't extinguish itself in any particular way. There are far better disaster-themed movies out there. "Weather Wars" might be worth a watch if you are a fan of anyone on the cast list, but otherwise it is a stale lukewarm experience.

    Having seen the movie, I can honestly say that it is not a movie that will make it to my screen a second time.
  • Leofwine_draca8 April 2015
    WEATHER WARS is another piece of junk that comes to us courtesy of the SyFy Channel. The title of this one is a misnomer, as for a disaster flick there's remarkably little disaster. There are a couple of cool special effects sequences in which a glowing ball of energy wreaks havoc, but - and I guess it was because of budgetary constraints - the template for WEATHER WARS is more of a police thriller.

    The storyline sees a shameless Stacy Keach playing a mega-villain, a former government employee who's lost his career and who decides to take revenge on those responsible. The only people with the power to stop him are his own sons, who must team up to track him down while they themselves are being pursued by the authorities.

    It's all very silly and lacklustre, with an almost entire lack of the kind of suspense that this thriller demands. The script is terrible and the calibre of the cast is particularly poor; Jason London's wooden hero is the best on offer here but others, like token pretty female Erin Cahill, are completely awful. Watching the hammy Keach chewing the scenery isn't much better. No, WEATHER WARS is a film which fails to live up to that promising title, and one which is even worse than the average Asylum disaster flick.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was bought Weather Wars (aka Storm Wars) as a joke gift DVD. In the UK, the DVD cover shows a flooded Capitol Hill with with the Supreme Court building being "attacked" by a twister. Odd, because there's no flood in the movie.

    The discrepancy becomes bigger when you read the description on the back of the DVD box: "A young scientist revels in the creation of a supercomputer that can stop the effects of climate change and catastrophic weather. When the computer's artificial intelligence advances it creates deadly storms to stop the military from controlling it or shutting it down. It's up to the scientist to outsmart his own creation..." Sounds great, huh? Kind of Day After Tomorrow meets Terminator. Only that description bears no relevance to the plot of the movie. In the film, the young scientist is chasing down his own deranged father, who has somehow learnt to control the weather and is wreaking revenge on the US Government. No super-computer with advanced AI is ever mentioned.

    In saying that, what they've produced is actually okay. The plot's a bit silly but the performances and SFX are reasonably for what's obviously a low-budget movie.

    **SPOILER** The end leaves the door open for a sequel. That probably shouldn't happen.
  • The best thing that can be said about this movie is that they spent money on special effects.

    Otherwise the screenplay wasn't good, the acting was sub-par, and the storyline just atrocious.

    I've seen a lot better movies on ScyFy before and this was definitely not one of their better attempts.

    I recommend you avoid this one unless you want to see a bad television movie.

    I'd basically give this movie a 0 but that's not available so I'm sticking with 1 star because it's really just that bad.
  • wpaul-114 January 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    I would start by quoting from the DVD release here in the UK "A Young Scientist revels in his creation of a supercomputer that can stop the effects of climate change and catastrophic weather. When the computers artificial intelligence advances, it creates deadly storms to stop the military from controlling it or shutting it down. It's up to the scientist to outsmart his own creation, survive the disasters unleashed upon him and save the planet from devastation".

    With that in mind I paid a fiver for this film, knowing not to expect miracles, but obviously I was hoping to watch a different film to the one described and reviewed here on IMDb.

    So to the person who wrote the review on the DVD case may I suggest that you actually WATCH a movie before writing a summary, it would help us to decide what we want to watch.

    As for the film, I would mostly agree with the other people who have commented on it, the special effects were not that bad for what I presume was a TV movie, Stacey Keach, a little over the top with his acting at times,but I have seen him in a number of movies and I believe he deserves better movies from time to time (Unless I have missed his best works).

    The ending was,lets say, predictable but I won't say anything other than that.

    It seemed at times to borrow from the big screen version of the British TV series the Avengers when Sean Connery was controlling the weather and Big Ben got hit by lightning.

    I am going to give it a five rating as I think it deserves more than it has been credited for, I have seen a lot worse in disaster films (I have seen a lot better also) and I am sure SyFy and others will continue to make these type of films and they are getting better in the effects department, just need to put better scripts together to make the movies work better with audiences.

    Meanwhile I will be looking through the Internet to see if there is a DVD cover that actually describes the movie on the disc and not one that someone has dreamt up whilst reading a sci fi book.
  • Okay, Storm War( aka Weather Wars) is not a good film, but I didn't think it was a terrible film either, better if not by much than the usual standards of SyFy movies. I did think the special effects and acting are a little above average, especially compared to the shoddy effects and non-existent acting plaguing other Syfy movies, and the photography was decent. However there a lot wrong with it, and it is a lot of the usual problems, cheesy dialogue, editing that can be all over the map, stereotypical and bland characters, a structurally thin and implausible(especially the main idea) story and a predictable ending. In conclusion, not terrible, not good, if anything I got a very lukewarm experience out of it. 4/10 Bethany Cox
  • BOOBS! That's the way bad movies are supposed to work.. We watch their implausible snooze fests and all the adverts in-between in return for some boobs.. This deal has been on since movies began. So how did we get short changed with Weather Wars?..

    I sat through this entire thing with my finger on the pause button ready for that special shot and nothing came! I felt ripped off and humiliated, sat in my underpants on a cold January evening. Was anyone else feeling burnt?

    At least if the film was decent I would have let it pass, but it wasn't. It had all the ingredients for a boob shot.. bad acting, cute chick, explosions and a horny scientist. So what gives? The closest thing was when the scientist got out his iPhone and I thought he was going to go on some porn sites but instead he started controlling the weather. zzZ. I'm not happy.
  • This movie was just ok. Not enough action. Plot was just ok, the effects were good and the acting was less....if a sequel is done, Hope that would be a better movie
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed the movie. However, there were moments that I felt like I was watching a movie on Hallmark or Lifetime. My wife enjoyed the relationships between the brothers and Samantha love triangle and the father reuniting with his son at the end of the movie. When my wife is enjoying a movie, it normally means that she and her girlfriends are huddled up around the TV watching a chick flick. I twisted her arm to watch it with me and she gave it a 9 and I gave it a 5, so the average is 7 which is what I rate this movie. I thought that Stacey Keach did a great job as well as Jason London, Erin Cahill, and Wes Brown (who I had never heard of before, but he is working on a lot of current TV series based on IMDb resume). So, if you are looking for a real movie, Storm War is a good choice! But, if you want another campy SyFy movie with horrible effects, poor lighting, and laughable acting...then you shouldn't watch this movie! Storm War was in no way perfect. The senator was a really bad actor...he didn't even know what he was saying sometimes. Long time television actor Gary Grubbs even looked like he was off his game. The main characters are all solid, but the supporting cast were average at best. The visual effects were actually really really good and way better than I expected from a SyFy movie. So, there are lots of things that I liked about this movie and some that I didn't like...but overall it is worth the watch!
  • Storm War (2011) DVD I watched titled "Weather Wars" 1st watched 8/3/2014 – 7 out of 10(Dir-Todor Chapkanov): Exciting and well-written movie about a scientist who's funding is cutoff by the government on a project where the intent was to use weather as an asset channeling it into a weapon for the country. The senator who dropped the funding becomes a target to the elderly scientist years later as he's perfected his research and is using it as revenge. The main evil character is played by Stacy Keach – his two sons and a former assistant try to help the government track him down before he kills a lot of people. Keach's character poses initially as a bum to plant a tracking device on the Senator and then let's lose the energy sources that create the weather anomalies. Keach does a great job in this role and the rest of the cast carry the load well despite the somewhat inconceivable plot. The director, Todor Chapkanov, keeps the story moving with the only flaw being an attempt at throwing in some romance, which in my opinion, was un-necessary. Otherwise the story flows well and keeps your interest to the very end. The Senator's character is sometimes too hardlined and formulaic as far as being the no-holds barred rough guy, but the other characters are believable. The sons are two totally different personalities – one following in his father's footsteps and the other going the other direction – which makes for an interesting collaboration. As the father continues bringing down his haters the group work well together to try and bring him down and stop the ultimate destruction of the city of Washington D.C. This, in my opinion, was an un-expected gem where this genre is usually too over-the-top for anyone to pay attention --- but they make the possibility seem believable making the movie work.