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  • The one thing I find strange about the Resistance series is it's decline of sales, even though it gets better with each new game. The first one sold over 4 million, the second one sold over 2 million, and the the third one is barely over a million. It's sad really, quality shooters like this and Killzone get over looked for crap like Call of Duty. This game was pretty much the last in the series revolving around the story, it can't go any where from here, so it may be the end to a great series.

    The Game: One thing this series consistently gets right is the graphics and atmosphere, each game has their own style, and I would say this one is the most successful. The graphics look great, especially the opening missions in the town. Sure it's no Killzone but I still think it looks great. You are now able to carry the full arsenal of weapons you find throughout the game, and you definitely need it. The difficulty is much greater here, I managed to play through most of the game on hard, but on the last mission in New York I had to lower it. It offers a good challenge if thats something you are interested in. The game play is easily the best and most refined in the series. The story line is also packs a bigger punch that previous entry's, it gets disturbing at times, like when you encounter the wardens. The grand scales has been toned down from Resistance 2, but there are still some great moments, like when your on the train and the widow-maker swarm is stampeding by the train. Overall this games campaign is very good and has some great replay value.

    The multi-player: I didn't like it, it had a good presentation, but had no staying power. I didn't play enough of it to give a better opinion.

    I highly recommend getting this if you are even remotely interested, it is well worth the price tag.
  • Resistance 3 successfully combines the strengths of the first two installments to gratifying effect in this fresh yet familiar title. The game retains Resistance 2's big boss battles and diverse environments, as well as Fall of Man's lone and silent everyman as its protagonist. As the weapon wheel is also back, you pack a diverse arsenal through the vast majority of the campaign. With some new additions (including a few unexpected toys) at your disposal, every battlefield offers the chance to apply different tactics. Visuals: While the graphics are nothing to write home about, I will say that in terms of detail, the game is done competently. More importantly, however, the atmosphere, weather, and dynamic lighting are all incredible and make for an immersing visual feast. The art direction has grown up from the simple and charming Fall of Man, through Resistance 2's rich palette, to create some stunning locations. The retro vibes are more eminent here than the first two, to boot. Gameplay: The "levels" (it's more of a streamlined journey) are still linear in the traditional sense, but far more expansive and intricate than Fall of Man or Resistance 2. Furthermore, it's an incredibly diverse and well-paced game to play through. There is a lessened variety of enemies than featured in Resistance 2, but there is more gore to compensate for that. Unfortunately a few story and gameplay points will feel very familiar, re-purposed from the last two installments. More than once you'll feel as though you're back in Half-Life 2 though, once or twice a little Uncharted, and even some Killzone 2/3 vibes during other parts. Depending on whether your glass is half full or half empty, you'll enjoy these parts. Beta?: There are a couple of bugs, but nothing that intrudes on your gameplay or stops the game altogether. Being minor, I'm sure it's fixed, but I skipped the updates so I could get into the action. Music: Hardly any recognizable melodies are recycled in the score, but the background music is never melodramatic blockbuster-esque (like Modern Warfare or Halo), and definitely has character. Again, like the environments, the music is subtle and extremely atmospheric. Online: Unfortunately I'm not a multiplayer style of gamer, so I can't help you out there, though reviews generally describe it as being quite different, but fantastically done and maddeningly addictive. Overall, the campaign is certainly worth a couple of playthroughs. This isn't a difficult or ground-breaking game, but the smooth gameplay, diverse locations, ridiculous atmospheres and varied arsenal make it a refreshing and satisfactory game in a market saturated with soul-less, movie-esque FPS titles.
  • Best chapter of the whole trilogy. If you add to this game 1080p, better textures and smoothing, it will be similar to the game from PS4. The design of everything in the game is very good, nice picture at all. I liked shooting mechanics, you can finally carry more than 2 weapons. A more interesting plot, real adventure, although the ending is too obvious, just a happy ending. In general, the developers have improved everything that was in the previous chapter. I enjoyed this walkthrough, maybe this is the best PS3 shooter game.
  • This is by far one of the best video games I have ever played in my life. The gameplay and atmosphere is fantastic, the enemies are really cool-looking and scary, the visuals are gorgeous, the soundtrack is awesome, but what gave this game a perfect 10 for me is it's story and characters. The characters could not have been written better, their feelings and reactions to the world around them reflect exactly how a human would react in an alien invasion. I felt a strong bond to every one of the characters, especially Charlie and Malikov, and I felt true loss when a character died. Mick Cutler is a great villain, one of those villains that make you loathe them with a murderous passion for the atrocities they have committed. Joseph Capelli is just a fantastic protagonist. But the story, my god, the story, it was simply spectacular, having me glued to my seat for the whole ride, there were heart wrenching plot twists, a spectacular hero's journey, and an gripping suspense. The ending was so beautiful and fantastic that I was in tears after I finished the game.

    -Resistance 3 is an emotional, action packed masterpiece filled with terror, love, heartbreak, hope, drama, and a little comedy. I cannot recommend it more, I have nothing bad to say about this game, It is simply a must-play.
  • When I awoke my PS3 from it's slumber, Resistance was the game I started my trip down memory lane with. Resistance 3 was my cheif reason for doing so. I had such fond memories of an incredible game from my younger years, and I was itching to revisit it. Normally I'd be worried about having rose-tinted glasses, but my revisit of games 1 and 2 (I have reviewed these) went so well, I figured I had nothing to worry about.

    My revisit confirmed for me that Resistance 3 was absolutely the best FPS of the PS3 era.

    Gameplay-wise, Insomniac listened to the fan bases displeasure with 2s changes and so brought us back to health packs and weapon wheels. What they did keep from 2, which game 1 did lack in areas, was the sense of scale. When a giant spider monster turns up, it isn't just another thing to shoot, it's a house sized monster that you need to outwit to survive. Survival being the word, as this whole game feels like you are fighting just to see the next level. It's incredible how immersive this game is, even compared to the already incredibly engaging past 2 games.

    The story helps out a lot. At times it can get distractingly like Half Life 2 (namely the mouthain town chapter), but it works great as an apocalyptic road trip. It's a suicide mission, and the story does a great job at bringing hope in a hopeless situation. It's much more character focused, and Cappelli is a much better protagonist than Hale in that regard. There's a lot of humanity to this fallen soldier, and you do feel what he feels. The prison character in particular makes his character shine through.

    If I had a complaint though, it would be that the game just kinda stops. It feels like we played through another general chapter and then we've suddenly beaten the game. It kinda feels like Insomniac didn't really know how to end it. Narratively it works well enough, but as a game it is a little weak to end on. But the rest of it is so good that it doesn't really bother me. This isn't a Mass Effect 3 situation.

    While FPS games may have had better released after, or before, or possibly on the 360, Resistance 3 is an absolute cut above the rest of the FPS games released for the PS3. And considering that includes Resistance 1 and 2, Killzone, COD4, Far Cry 3, Doom BFG and Crisis, among others, that is a huge bar to reach. If you need just 1 game to convince you to fire up the old console, Resistance 3 is definitely it.
  • NuclearNinja24 November 2019
    After the grim forboding of the first game and the exciting forshadowing of the second game. We are given a second rate zombie game. How people can say this is the best of the three is beyond me. The FPS elements of the game just about hold up. There is at least a story to follow, even though it doesn't make a lot of sense when compared with the first 2 games.