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  • This documentary was at its best when talking about the revolving band members and in-fighting. It was during those moments, that "Back and Forth" rose above the average rock documentary. Despite my love for their 'Wasting Light' album, the last half hour descended into an extended advertisement for that album. This broke momentum with what had been an excellent doco up until then.

    I'm watching this in 2019, and the above mentioned album released in 2011. 8 years and numerous albums have taken place during that time, which makes the latter half of "Back and Forth" seem dated. Still, if you're a musician or Foo Fighters fan, it's intriguing to see their recording and songwriting process.

    For a band of its popularity and fame, the guys in Foo Fighters come across surprisingly grounded and down to earth here. It's a well-made documentary that should make both fans and music buffs happy.
  • This was a musical journey that I really recommend people even remotely interested in Foo Fighters and their music to see. Little did I know sitting down in the cinema about the background stories of this constellation of musicians calling themselves Foo Fighters. Dave Grohl as the obvious front figure, with his friend and bass player Nate Mendel as a constant team member, are taking the viewers on a trip from the Nirvana days up to the recording of Foo Fighters' latest studio album 'Wasting Light'.

    The film is humorous, intense, sensitive and enlightening, and with constant sequences of a variety of the group's musical contributions being showed, a span from intimate rock club gigs to the great Wembley shows in 2008 can be enjoyed. Dave Grohl is giving a lot away from things that affected the band's development, positive or negative. Interviews are mixed with pieces of songs and live performances.

    This is a perfect warm-up for the up and coming album, that in the cinema was accentuated by the close-to-one-take-shot of a live studio performance, where the band is playing all songs from the newest album in a row, without a crowd or any small talk in between the songs. A perfect end to an amazing documentary.
  • I enjoyed every minute of this movie.

    It's a story about a band, its members, their ups and downs and their struggle for success. It has a very positive vibe. Interviews are mixed with on-stage performance clips therefore it's filled with good music.

    Dave Grohl also tell us about band's Nirvana heritage or burden as you like.

    I especially like scenes from a pool party at the end, when they hanged with their families while recording "Wasting Light". It's so funny and emotional at the same time. After all Foo Fighters are family guys. James Moll did a great job.

    "Back and Forth" is a must see for every true fan of Foo Fighters.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As a life long fan of the Foo's i thought this would be good viewing but that i wouldn't learn anything new.

    Before watching this,i had read an interview with Dave Grohl in which he stated that nothing was held back for this movie. He had the first viewing once it was completed and informed the rest of the band members that they would all find something in it which may make them feel uncomfortable. That's the idea of the movie though, to get everything out in the open. Everything from Pat Smear's departure to Taylor Hawkin's drug problem, keeps you thoroughly engaged throughout.It takes you from Dave's Nirvana days all the way through to the latest album "Wasting Light".

    It's funny, intense, inspiring and helps you to understand what has gone in to making Foo Fighters the rock gods that they are today.

    Whether you are a fan of their music or not i could not recommend this highly enough!
  • I happened across this documentary on Netflix and I liked Nirvana and the Foo Fighters back in middle and high school so I thought I'd give this a watch. I'm so glad I did! I thought the story was fascinating - I had no idea that so many people had come and gone over the years. This documentary gave me so much respect for the band and really makes me want to see them again (saw them in 1998). I'd recommend this to anyone who even remotely likes a Foo Fighters song or even just anyone who was a teen in the late 90's that likes rock music. A great watch!
  • Foo Fighters: Back and Forth (2011)

    **** (out of 4)

    This here is an exceptionally strong and entertaining documentary that takes a look at the band Foo Fighters. Throughout interviews with Dave Grohl and pretty much everyone else that has played in the band we learn about how it got started as well as the various bumps in the road.

    This here is certainly a great documentary and I say that because it does two things at once. For starters, if you're a fan of the Foo Fighters then there's a lot of great behind-the-scenes stories as well as some terrific concert footage to keep you entertained. If you're not overly familiar with the band then this here is a great place to start so that you can understand their history as well as why many consider them to be one of the greatest rock acts out there right now.

    I really thought the documentary did a terrific job at showing the whole story of the band including briefing us on Grohl's Nirvana days and how that bad was a cloud hanging over this one for the first few years. We also hear about the various members who came in and out of the group and get some of the reasons why. We hear about the various low points that certain members have had and of course there are the great highlights.

    I really thought all of the interviews were terrific and the documentary did a great job in telling the band's story. Fans and those unfamiliar with the band should really enjoy this.
  • 10/25/17. I watched this out of curiosity because I have heard of them over the years. I didn't realize that David Grohl was the drummer for Nirvana. But, he successfully transitioned to front man for the Foo Fighters. The music is all right, but I am just not used to Grohl screaming into the mike most of the time. That's passion for you! A decent music documentary that offers backstage inside talk and a generous helping of concert footage. Foo Fighters fans will probably love this one.