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  • This is an intrigue/suspense film with thrills , chills , a twisted plot , being well starred by Paula Echevarria . Spanish psychological/supernatural thriller in which a young called Carla (Paula Echevarria) has a premature baby , then the doctor advices her to go to countryside . As Carla returns her little town from childhood , there she meets a handyman (Joaquin Perles) who helps her at home and his rare child . There she is being stalked by a mysterious doppelganger who has her eyes set on her baby called Lucia . Then , at the countryside home appears the following graffiti : ¨Por Vuestro Bien Largaos De Aqui¨. She is chased and stalked by the weird little boy who seems to have a bipolar illness . Or someone more sinister? . It's enough to make someone go a little crazy until a surprising ending .

    Spanish horror film set in Castilla La Mancha , full of thrills , suspense , chills and creepy twists and turns . This bizarre film contains tension , thriller , drama , mystery , plot twists and shocks , including decent scares with tense terror sequences especially in its final part , in a creepy denouement . ¨Vulnerables¨ suffers from some sputtering about a quarter of the way in , the sputtering came from a slow-moving pace , deliberate narrating , including useless scenes with continuous baby cares and other many boring things . The picture was decently starred by Paula Echevarria . Paula gives a passable performance in this mediocre chiller-thriller about a single mum who finds that her life is being taken over by a nasty little boy or his ¨double¨ . Paula Echevarría was born 1977 in Asturias, Spain , she is a famous actress , known for Luz De Domingo (2007) , Sangre De Mayo , both of them directed by Jose Luis Garci . She also starred important TV series as Velvet (2013) , Gran Reserva (2010) , Al Salir De Clase and El Comisario . She has been married to popular singer David Bustamante . Atmospheric cinematography by means of videotape and in television style ; being filmed on location in Madrid , Argamasilla de Alba, Ciudad Real, and Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha . Anti-climatic musical score , plenty of inappropriate synthesizer sounds The motion picture was regularly directed by Miguel Cruz Carretero , an usual TV series director .