User Reviews (17)

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  • Truly nothing new in the found footage genre. After all these years it's getting to seem like they all blend together. This movie starts out like many before and is a bit monotonous at times as well as over dramatic. However, as the movie builds there are some quite good scenes to satisfy both the found footage fans and horror fans alike. This especially goes for the ending.
  • Another film cashing in on the found footage haunted sanatorium craze. This is one is passable with a few solid scares, a lot of the usual gimmicks and occassionally a few interesting set ups. Worth a watch if you're a fan of the subgenre and interested in a scare or two to pass the time.
  • agent779630 April 2020
    It's been done before, Grave Encounters springs to mind, but it's not bad for a low budget indie. I've seen worse, a lot worse, I've seen better, much better, this sits nicely in the middle ground, a reasonable plot, some scares, I little claret, worth a watch in my humble opinion.
  • This is another of umpteen hand-held cam films that follow the formula of a bunch of young people encountering malevolent supernatural forces that they initially are sceptical of. The movie then follows the pattern of: "What was that?", "Did you hear that?", "Quit fooling around Joe/Jane!" until the crisis point arrives in which everyone is saying "Oh my God!!!" Chaos then ensues as the POV hand- held goes ballistic until the inevitable jump to black. The End.

    You have seen this before. However if you enjoy this genre this is a competent film, but it offers nothing unexpected. Which is unfortunate because what hakes this kind of film work is the apprehension of not knowing what is going to happen. I suppose so many of these films are made because they are cheap to produce and they are very likely to make a return on investment with even a modest audience.

    I have certainly enjoyed some of this genre which was spawned by The Blair Witch Project, but this is nothing ground-breaking. Let's say this film is like a cheese sandwich; it's always great if that is what you are in the mood for because you know exactly what you are getting.
  • So, here we have the usual group of twenty-somethings exploring a disused medical institution, bringing their cameras with them.

    We are supposed to believe that these people are well-known documentary makers, despite showing no depth of knowledge or even interest in their subject, any aptitude for film-making or charisma in front of the camera. In fact, there is nothing about this group even to like, let alone engage the viewer.

    The plot is no less sub-par. Without wanting to give the plot away (thin though it is), can you guess whether this group make it out of the building again?

    That is the correct guess.

    For the entire first half of the film, nothing happens. I am not exaggerating. They wander about the building, and that's it.

    For most of the second half, they yell, scream, holler, wail, shout at each other and run about in a blind panic

    A good editor would have cut this film down to about 5 or 10 minutes, and it would have still been too long..
  • Warning: Spoilers
    SANATORIUM is yet another completely familiar and routine found footage horror film. Once again we follow around a dull young cast playing some paranormal investigators shooting a new location for their TV series. They head off to a long-abandoned sanatorium, with the usual night vision footage making up the bulk of the proceedings. There's very little in the way of horror, just lots of creeping around and not much in the way of a script; I found it very dull, and not at all frightening.
  • There are a lot of found footage horrors these days, and this isn't the best but is very far from the worst.

    The actors do a pretty decent job on what must have been a hard shoot, there is a great set and pretty well executed scares without trying to show too much.

    It's not the most original but does a decent job on a very low budget.

    Worth a watch in the dark over Halloween.
  • A friend of mine invited me over his house to watch this movie, I thought at first it would be scary because we were told the movie was so but after watching it we were speechless and I'll explain why. I really love found-footage horror films, they are quite realistic and often are scarier than the traditional one but this movie wasn't, in fact it was very predictable, boring, typical and failed at trying to scare. I remember watching another movie like this (I can't remember its name) but it was exactly the same movie, same story and even same ending, the lack of originality is evident and you'll see no attempt to enhance that during the movie, it is definitely awful but I gave 2 stars to it just because the acting was decent. There's one thing you have to keep in mind, if an horror film failed at its purpose which is to make you scared then think twice before wasting your time in a ninety-minute movie.
  • You know, after seeing this movie I'm shocked. I'm always introduced to crappy, CGI infested paranormal / haunting themed films, movie theaters, and DVD, and it really gets annoying. . But "Sanatorium" truly breaks the ice this time, delivering a pleasing surprise.

    First off, the story of this film. O-kay, they cliché it up with the same technique of paranormal movies. A group of friends who hunt ghosts meet they're next stop, or in this case. They're final destination. It's the same story that's been seen various of times, sure, but the thing different about this film is how they execute it. For a movie that hosts an ongoing cliché; making it different, it's quite hard, but under various circumstances, this film slips through, and stands out unique. Which is something that's solid, and entertaining to see.

    Next, the elements of this film, something to really talk about. This movie here is classic, using practical effects when it comes to the kills, scares, and ghosts. This film uses the old paranormal technique of which the ghosts / entities are invisible, forces of which we, the audience can't see, something of which many paranormal films no longer use, instead of crap CGI, or horrible makeup design. The particle designs, and kills are great in this movie too, displaying some nice, believable gore, blood, etc, featuring, once again I say, something that many other paranormal films seem to be absent of. It's much appreciated, and adds tremendously to the boosting fact that this film is different, and classic.

    Finally, the acting, camera work, setting, etc. The setting of the film was a sanatorium. ( NEVER SAW THAT COMING! ) and it was unsettling, featuring your classic elements to an abandoned setting, including peeling paint, dust, cobwebs, creepy wheelchairs, doors and such, all that good stuff we audience look for! Now for the characters, in my opinion at least, they were fine. In this case, they weren't your annoying clichéd characters, they were actually smart, and quick thinking to where they knew something was wrong, instead of "OH! LET'S GO TOWARD THE NOISE" That kind of annoying character cliché. They had meaning, instead of constant decision that mean nothing, only annoying us audience, instead, the characters are meaningful, and we actually care when it comes to character life threatening situations. Finally the camera work. For one, this is a found footage film, but surprisingly, this film had low amount of shakiness so to speak. Or in this case, a character holding the camera, looking as if they're swinging it everywhere but the main focus. Instead, the film is nice to the audience, keeping it as steady as possible, switching from roof top cameras, to the characters. Overall solidly stable, and not disorienting..

    In conclusion. This movie is a decent, solid film that holds common paranormal / ghost movie clichés, topping them with classic ghost standards ( So to speak ) steady found footage techniques, and particle effects, and gore. This film won't disappoint, though it may not be the strongest Afterdark releasing, it's defiantly a smart one, displaying a well paced film that doesn't disappoint, and doesn't waste time. I'd recommend this to ghost / paranormal fans!
  • Otherwise, not much, if anything, new here. Paranormal and found footage movies need to come up with something new and/or original instead of the same tired tropes. I've seen "reality" shows more engaging. I watched it through to the end hoping to not be disappointed. It's not a terrible watch for a low-budget flick but, I would only recommend it if you are in need of something to occupy your time or background noise.

    Why does IMDB require so many characters?! Wouldn't 250 be just as efficient? I'm not sure what else to say so, I'm just trying to meet the minimum requirement for this review..
  • I think this title deserves more than 4*, some movies rated 4* on here are mediocre at best with some Tara Reid level acting, but this one as a good cast (except for the annoying tall guy) with good acting, it kept me engaged and on the edge most of it... Yes it is very cliché as others say, but that doesn't make it bad in my eye. Personally I loved it!

    P.s. I would rate it a solid 6*, but I want the rating to go up a little so I made my 6 a 10.
  • I had no interest in seeing this movie. I actually skipped watching it for about 3 days, until I finally decided I was bored and I had nothing to lose by investing about 90 mins. I'm happy to say my time was not wasted. Anytime I hear a movie is based in a sanatorium - and quite a few horror movies have been - the end result has not been pleasing to me. This movie, however, did a great job with the story. The acting was very good, though I have to admit Mark was really getting on my nerves for about the first 30 minutes.

    Most of the movie, like other found footage films, is shot with camcorders. Usually, I find that to be an annoying, out of date, and rather obvious sign that the movie is low budget. Some are lower budget than others. I don't know what they spent on this movie, but the special effects were fun and not overdone. As I said, the acting was good. The storyline, while not original, was executed nicely. I don't have anything to complain about with this film. Easily, it's a movie I'll watch again at some point. The end scene was gross, but necessary to keep in step with the story.

    I gave this a 7-star rating because of all the above. I recommend this to anyone who likes found-footage horror films that are done very well.
  • kjjames8130 October 2020
    This film could have had a x or higher rating if they had put more scares in the film. My partner and I were ying through the movie which part could have had a scary part in it. We both thought the same thing that this film was okay and it had a lot of missed opportunities. If I was the film director, next time I would put in more scare end e and try and get some people, not family and friends who would say it's good and have them tech and ask them their opinions. This is the way for the director to go. Only a four as I found this film could have been a lot, lot better.
  • This is the most blandness and generic movie I have ever seen. The story is that your generic paranormal investigators go to an abandoned place, and something bad happened to them. It is easily predictable and doesn't do anything new with this type of plot. The movie tries to have a backstory to the ghost, but it doesn't explore it that much and is rather generic. It goes through the same trope with cheap jump scares, and characters get killed off one by one. The movie itself is boring with the characters doing the same thing with them wandering around and trying to capture supernatural. Not even the jump scares are that creative and feel like they were done before. And the ending itself is generic.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is yet another "found footage" movie in the vein of "Blair Witch" and all the "Paranormal Activity" (Part Pi) continuations. However, this one worked--for me anyway.

    A crew of a local television show is set to visit a closed sanatorium to investigate rumors of an alleged ghost. You've got your cookie-cutter cast, including one male who is just so despicable you want to slap him until your arms get tired. Again, due to constrictions, I will not go further into the plot. I will say though this is yet another shining example of "less is more." Yes, there is some violence but it is not over the top. It's what you DON'T see but hear that completely creeps you out.

    "After Dark Productions" has made some really good horror movies, and I'm glad to see it is up to its old tricks again! Nicely directed, acted, and edited "Sanatorium" was a pleasant (and scary) surprise. Rated R for violence and language.
  • I thought this was actually pretty good for a found footage sort of film. Story was reasonable, acting was reasonable. Had some good scares. I think it's current imdb rating is fairly harsh and think its score should at the very least be a rating of 5 or above. I don't know what the people who gave this movie a really low rating were expecting... yes I admit, it doesn't have the same production value as the Ten Commandments or Oppenheimer or some movie like that, but it isnt the type of movie that needs to. I sometimes think people expect too much from these movies.

    Anyway I thought they did a really good job. Well done guys.
  • Need I say more? The quality is great, if you're into the same kind of Paranormal Horror that I'm into, drawing similarities to Hell House LLC, Grave Encounters, and Gonjiam. I'd say this is somewhere inbetween Grave Encounters and Hell House LLC. Truly a hidden gem, worth watching. It had some great scares, great suspense, brilliant horror scenes, brilliant writing and imagery. I loved everything about it. Great quality. Very very very much so a fan. Couldn't recommend it highly enough if you enjoy these kinds of movies! I love this kind of movie, this brand of Found Footage horror. The cover might look cheesy, but the film certainly isn't.

    Worth every second, watch at night in pitch black!