User Reviews (21)

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  • mr-rob-c11 July 2015
    i don't understand how anyone can rate this higher then 4 ? do you get money for that ,-) it is brutal...brutal how bad it is... from the beginning to the end...i cant wait until its finally come to an end and i finished this torture... like in the most bad, cheap films, the actors, the picture, the music...everything is bad.

    you know what the best thing of this film is ? the cover of the film, which has nothing to do with it ,-)

    and the best scene in the film...the two guys are downstairs and looking for the box...after 3 of them ask how far it is ? AFTER this distance ? ,-) and then the professional opinion ... not so far .... then after 3-4 meters, the same stupid question and the girl with power of their thoughts without looking on any card, or to know where they are, she says 9 meters

    rofl .... how bad is this, please

    switch is better for you

    greetings from cologne and like always...sorry for my English
  • Sigh...I'm about to give up on horror movies. REALLY. I try to find something original...something scary...but I really can't remember the last thing I watched that was truly great as far as horror. OKAY wait...SINISTER! That was a good film...oh great...I'm rambling again.

    Okay...the 13th unit. Not great. Low budget that takes place mostly in a storage unit chased by something that the camera never really gets a good look at...mainly because of the LOW budget. The F-bomb is dropped more times in this movie than London during the world war 2. The true sign of a bad movie is just that...F this F that. Major bad movie red flag. People who are claustrophobic definitely would not like this movie...I'm not and still didn't care for it. A real swing and a miss, folks.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie starts off by us reading about killings in an abandoned warehouse in 1937 involving stolen ancient artifacts. In current day Chicago, the warehouse is a multilevel storage facility. We see killings going on, or at least hear people screaming, appearing bloody, then their bodies being pulled away by something unseen.

    A group of college kids opt to go after the demon stones allegedly hidden in tunnels under the unit. This of course can only happen at night. There are other people accessing their units when the lights go out. The quality of the amateur filming approaches that of the hand held genre. The different groups act as various cheap subplots as people with flash-lights running and screaming. Kendra (Rocki DuCharme) appears to be the main protagonist among the groups of non-connected individuals.

    The plot was well conceived. The execution was horrible. More for those who like bad hand held films without knowing or caring who is filming.

    Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity.
  • It's hard to overstate how gut-wrenchingly incompetent this film is. It looks like the final project of a student at an unaccredited film school. Specifically, a student who sat dozing in the back of the classroom while zonked out on cough syrup.

    The film is about a demon haunted storage facility. The story lines of three groups of characters exploring the place are not so much intertwined as put in a bucket and mashed together with a toilet plunger, creating a confusing mess whose only positive outcome is to obscure the film's insipid plot. As the victims are picked off by the POV monster (fortunately never seen) we're treated to endless repeats of the last scene of "Rec", which might make for an interesting drinking game, but only if Thorazine were used instead of alcohol.

    The main group of characters appear to be three hapless college age kids (Stringy Hair, Mr. Eyebrows and The Girl) who go on a treasure hunt in the aforementioned storage building. Their story is inter-cut with the two other groups, a widower and his dude-bro friend and a pair of women who (bewilderingly) resemble a young Melissa Etheridge and Cher. All three groups wander through poorly titled scenes edited by an old copy of Windows Movie Maker until the POV monster shows up to end their misery.

    All-in-all, this is the kind of movie I would have made if I'd been a 16 year old death-metal fan with a serious head wound. Maybe the guys at Rifftrax could do something with it, but I doubt that even they could make this train wreck entertaining.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's kind of a very low budget cross between (rec) and the Friday the 13th Jason movies, except there is absolutely no suspense. For the first half of the movie, between flashbacks showing why they are there, various people in the storage facility get suddenly killed by some shadowy, unseen gnarling demon thing, which has been unleashed by some thrill seeking relic hunting grad students who go there to find some museum relic (one of whom may have performed a ritual with it to let the demon out- but all the flashbacks (time-stamped) are so all over the time-line its hard to tell). There are about 5 or 6 parallel stories, all with their own flashbacks, so you might want to make a chart. Then some people discover bodies, and other ranting people, but except for one woman, no one really gets any idea they are in deadly demon danger for at least the first two thirds of the movie. No one really gets chased- they just peek into lockers, get dragged in and die. I stopped watching at that point. There might have been some semblance of a decent low budget movie premise here in someones mind at some point, but it was either lost on the editing room floor, or, more likely, was a very bad script and a director who has no grasp of suspense or drama. I suspect the local high school A/V club could collaborate and write something as good or better in terms of a horror script/storyboard.
  • This movie Sucked! The creature did the best acting! Every single actor portrayed their characters horribly! Especially, that Charlie Sheen wannabe dude with a man bun, Robbie Damon! Save yourself the time from watching this POS of a low budget "F" flick... you're gonna wish you had used the time you lost watching this crap for something more worthy.. like watching paint dry!
  • Look, I didn't have high expectations in the first place. As much as folks refer to The Asylum as a nadir of cinematic creation, I've seen too many movies in which Uncork'd Entertainment were involved in some capacity, and frankly they're probably even worse. A boatload of exposition, presented by text at the start of the film, isn't exactly encouraging; it's not an inherently bad choice, no, but one that raises a curious eyebrow. Similarly, that 'The 13th unit' gives us an extra opening scene before the narrative starts in earnest, and has characters flatly repeat the earlier exposition and expand upon it, are interesting creative decisions. So is the weird embellishment of particular instances of camerawork, and this is sadly an improvement upon too many other instances that are tawdrily shaky and unsteady, as if actively trying to disengage viewers from the experience. The sound design is very uneven, oscillating between slightly subdued, just right, and grating on the ears. With every character introduced the picture shuttles back and forth between the past and present to show more of them in one way or another; the first example is questionable, the second is aggravating, the third makes me want to just stop watching - nevermind dubious sequencing that flits to and fro from one time or one character to another, and back again. This will continue for the entirety of the length. Only one-quarter of the runtime has elapsed and this has already become infuriating.

    The only person in the cast that I'm familiar with is voice actor Robbie Daymond, here appearing in a rare live-action role. I know what he's capable of, and I kind of have to assume the same of his co-stars. For what it's worth, my impression isn't that anyone here is a poor actor. They are being forced into performances that are at best middling, however, by the direction of filmmaker Theophilus Lacey that feels unfocused, unpracticed, and bereft of tact or nuance. This applies as well to Lacey's screenplay; characters are shown to have their own backstories, motivations, and personalities, but none of this matters since they are all present only to be killed at random, or if they're lucky, to somehow survive. Dialogue ranges from unremarkable to hackneyed. The narrative and scene writing are excruciatingly weak and flimsy, and nothing but excuses for general genre vibes. I do mean "vibes" alone; we've on our hands a dearth of actualization and realization of the genre elements. One could reasonably suppose that Lacey was operating on a limited budget, yes, and so he had to be sparing with what he elected to especially show us, but it's noteworthy how little we actually see. And still - still! - for as low as the quality may be of Lacey's writing and direction, they are emphatically superior to his editing. What's truly flummoxing is that those baffling choices I've described don't even matter. There is no significance to the way 'The 13th unit' bounces back and forth so roughly from one time/character to another. Lacey throws this unconvincing, almost haphazard construction at us for no reason other than that he wanted to.

    I can appreciate the desire to make a feature all one's own, whether one has the best means and skills to do so or not. There's nothing wrong with that. This doesn't mean that such affairs can be enjoyed by all, or that one should endeavor to have such work seen by all; consider The Beatles' ill-begotten TV movie 'Magical Mystery Tour,' which was surely fun for those who participated, but for no one else. So it is here. I'm glad if those involved had a good time, and I'm glad it gave them a paycheck. Good on them, and Lacey, for the effort. As a detached viewer watching on a whim, I'm flabbergasted. In fairness, the modest practical effects are decent, and the sound effects. The rather minimalist score, mostly keeping to the background, is actually fairly enjoyable. There are even rare, scattered moments when, against all odds, the movie is able to inculcate a meaningful sense of atmosphere, or very minor thrills. These aspects, however, and the meager quantities in which they are dispensed, are not enough in and of themselves to save this feature. Nor is the acting when the stars are mostly guided to such blunt, overbearing ends under such iffy direction. What value 'The 13th unit' has to offer is critically overwhelmed by a preposterous abundance of astonishingly feeble awfulness, to the point that such value becomes all but forgettable. Whatever it is you think you're going to get out of watching this? To be frank, it's not worth it.

    I admire the effort. But perhaps Lacey should have left this on a shelf as a personal point of reference, then returned to the concept at some point in the future after he'd further developed his skills such that he could meaningfully improve on what he already created. As we see it, this 2014 flick is completely too deficient to meet with any major degree of success. My commendations and/or apologies to "special effects technician" Veronica Zabrocki, composer Chuck Henry, the cast, and the sound department. Otherwise: better luck next time.
  • While not the best or thought provoking movie. It is something to watch if you just looking for a thoughtless scary movie. I like to watch this kind of thing while I crochet.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For a horror movie on a low budget... that was more bang for my buck than I expected! The cherry on top was the hints of comedy, so very well placed by the writers and performed by the actors. I relate to it because those storage places are pretty creepy. The music and suspense was well placed. The characters and the storyline was nice. It was a bit cheesy, but that's why its a good movie, they didn't try too hard to make it into some blockbuster. They used the tools they had to the best of their ability it seems. The camera angles gave suspense. The most important part to me was the hints of humor though, it's tough to throw sarcasm into a horror movie i think. They did a good job of it on this one.

    Anyhow, if you like low budget horror flicks, you'll love this one!
  • Hanksum16 March 2014
    Not a horror flick guy but checked out The 13th Unit after coming across it online.

    Surprisingly good camera work and acting given my expectations for a low budget film. Story line was cheesy but interesting enough to keep me going.

    This film gave me some weird dreams after watching it in the dark before going to bed. Probably the reason I don't normally watch horror movies. That and horror films are all cheesy to me.

    If you need to shut the mind off for a few hours and feel like your somewhere else, check out this flick. Just be forewarned you might want to leave the light on while found so.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a claustrophobic film, made with a lot of effort, loving their work and VERY little, to ZERO budget. It has an excellent premise, and fairly executed for the almost non existent budget that it is fully noticed the movie had.

    Good performances from actors, with interesting characters, although there is always some idiotic character that have idiotic decisions which bring death.

    It has an interesting twist as key point: It isn't the creature who you should must be afraid ... but what do the creature "make" do. The point of an almost isolated, dark place, with strange sounds and things locked, a place that scare us, where there is not way out. is well used: the atmosphere is the most important thing here, you don't need to see, but imagine from expressions and noises.... and the "emissaries" of the creature do their work very hard (you have to see the movie to know that I say)

    Good end, but predictable, at least for me. I waited around more shocking nut there.

    I am not fond to the low budget films, but this one deserves it. No guts and good CGI monsters is need to be scary. I've seen films of very good quality effects, and very expensive to make that are "terror" (read ironically).

    Very low budget, eager work from all crew, good performances and good atmosphere. Is all that it takes to make a good movie. 8/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My buddy told me about this film, said how it wasn't that great but was very creative for the budget - since we are thinking about doing a low budget film I had to check it out. I read the reviews, 50% ripping it, the other half saying its review has to fall a little closer to the okay side of the tracks.

    The actors, music, camera and editing was good for the little horror film it was. Some of the killing scenes were little cheesy, but not over the top bad.

    I've watched A LOT of "shoe-string" budget films that have major sound problems, EXTREMELY HORRIBLE ACTORS, the camera work kills you, completely takes you out of the movie.

    This film held together for what it was - small low budget horror. If people are expecting Mike Bay Transformer effects after you watched the trailer, then you mislead yourself. The story could have been better, but I liked the multiple story lines. I compared it for what it shoe-string budget film that worked.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I got hooked into watching low budget horror films, don't know how, it just happened - guess I just like seeing fresh new faces instead of the same old Hollywood plastic I stumbled over this on UVerse.

    All in all, i thought it was an okay little horror story, nothing over complex or trying for a set up, just a simple straight forward, you're trapped and this thing is coming to get you. It started a little slow, scattered with 3 different story lines, but it came together, then the lights went out in the storage building...felt real enough to me, my storage building is xtra creepy at night.

    I skimmed a few of the reviews before I wrote mine, I don't understand people who are soooo bitter and crazy when they wrote reviews totally smashing (with personal attacks) a low budget attempt at a film...probably because they all failed/wanna be filmmakers themselves, but back to the point of the review.

    Acting was okay, camera, music and sounds helped it along...better than what I expected, and believe me, I have seen some bad horror films with lots of cash behind them....this little horror engine could be better, but it was OK...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Trailer hooked me, watched with a few of my buddies, drinking, laughing at bad horror films on the weekend - but this was OK - for the a low budget horror film that takes place in a storage building behind an old legend - original to me, but I'm no critic. The look of the film was cool, it did not try to be more than what it was...small, simple, low budget and resourceful.

    There are a few different story lines to follow, the beginning was a little confusing, because it kinda throws you around in time, but I could follow along.

    One of my guys didn't like the editing, but like how you could not really see the monster, the aftermath of the attacks was cool.

    I think we all agreed - decent acting, camera work, music and sound too...corny at times, but usually all low budget Horror films are. Kept our attention...not bad, seen a lot of big budget films that are horrible, this was okay.

    Could have been better - like most films.
  • I like low budget independent horror films - always looking for the next cult classic. So, I had to watch this movie with my girlfriend because she is deathly scared of going to our storage building alone..she's chicken.

    The movie is a gritty independent low budget film that is very girlfriend was scared more than I was, but I was entertained.

    It drops you inside a storage building with people in there for different reasons. It had a lot of good moments, and I've seen many low budget films that are horrible - this is not the case.

    Good acting, music, sound effects, NICE twist at end. Worth the rental.
  • I viewed this one recently on Redbox Instant because, well, because there was nothing out that I had not seen already seen and it was a dead Friday night. The dialog between the characters, and they were characters, keep me going. Too many of these straight to video horror films go after the cheap blood, nubile nude female body count,and lack completely in the story department. This one has a story and it plays out well. I recommend it for those who have seen all the big budget flops and want a little something thoughtful, entertaining, and not too shocking to alienate the family... The Human Centipede it ain't... and sometimes that's a good thing. Give it a chance.. I don't guarantee but do give odds on that you will likely enjoy it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just surfing for something to watch, checked this out with my wife, she really does not watch horror, but she picked it. It's a low budget film, drops you in the middle of a lot of chaos with random people, three different groups, in storage building. It was a little slow at beginning, I thought it had a lot going on, but my wife didn't. But when the pace picked up, things sorted and bodies started dropping, it flowed.

    We have a storage place that my wife hates going to. All she kept saying, now you really gotta go to storage with me, so she said it was kinda psychological for her - camera stuff with creature, killings and music I guess - she's scary though. We watch horrible stuff all the time and laugh over it, make fun, this was COOL. Like a horror puzzle, but I can tell why a lot of people may not like it, because it's super low budget, no big special effects, but it's creative, especially when you have no money...liked it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This little project was better than what I thought it would be. When I saw the trailer, I knew they dumped all good stuff into the trailers to I said, okay, I'll give it a shot.

    First of all let me say that this film will not be for everyone - of course, all films are, but when it come to something that was done on a SUPER LOW budget and pulled off what they did, I was impressed. It's a simple straight forward story - 3 different groups get trapped in a storage building, and are hunted by an unknown supernatural creature. There are a few small side characters (victims to be butchered), but for the most parts it's the three major groups. The movie tries to start off with a non-linear twist to the story lines - don't know if this was a successful attempt, but after a kinda slow beginning, it picks up, the lights shut off, chaos, people die, not really as bad as I thought.
  • Considering the budget, there are a lot of horror films out there at 4 to 10 times this budget that just never hold your attention. Well put together and I really enjoyed watching it unfold!! There are a number of subplots going on within the story, and the Director tied those up nicely, kept me hanging on with just glimpses of the creature, I wanted to see more! I enjoyed the actors, good camera work and felt the film was edited quite well. Would highly recommend that it would be time well spent watching it!! My wife is not a horror film person and at first did not want to watch it, but said after the show that she quite enjoyed it and felt that she might have trouble sleeping that night, so with that said the film did make your squirm in your seat. Well done!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So, I checked this film with some friends.. most agreed that this super low budget horror film was not all that bad, it was simple, straight forward - but a few didn't like it.

    Somebody made a very good point - if the movie had been a bunch of big Hollywood names in it, it would have been every where. Hollywood releases crap all the time, but it's okay because they are the big boys. The film had potential to be better, but if was far from crap.

    It's a simple super low budget horror film - maybe more of a thriller. You're locked in a building, this thing is picking people off one by one and nobody knows anything about it. Was better than most typical low budget stuff we watch. It does not try to throw blood all over the place to create gore for action/effects.

    The actors were okay...some stronger than others. Camera work, music and overall flow was cool. Has different story lines, so was a little all over the place at the beginning but came together when the lights go out. The action picks up and it all connected at the very end - after a few credits - don't know if that worked, especially if people watching turned it off.

    If YOU are a big budget, Hollywood, CG creature person you will NOI like this film...but if your looking to trying something small and creative you might.

    Funny, I checked out the one critics review of the film, sounds almost like mine... maybe I need to get paid giving my opinion.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SPOILERS*** For a low budget horror movie this one was OK. If you've ever seen STORAGE 24, set in London, this is pretty much like it. This one combines a monster with dark magic, all set in a huge underground storage unit in a big city. Lots of folks were down there are either depositing or reclaiming property from storage lockers when things start going wrong with some of the people. Then came the glimpses at something large slithering around.

    Usually in a movie like this everyone acts dumb and makes stupid decisions. Actually, there are very few characters like this here--just scared ordinary people who want to get out when there's no way out, and they're in the dark. Safe to say we wouldn't act much differently.

    I'm a sucker for movies like this. Yeah, it's a slasher/monster movie but with a few twists that make it somewhat interesting.