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  • a child. an incident in which his father was involved. a love story. a new friend. and the fall. a film about sensitivity of an age , social injustice, confusion of solitude, frustration, fear and extreme facts. interesting theme, decent acting and impression to be a kind of kilt - scenes one by one. the tradition of French cinema about same subject is impressive. the desire of contemporary directors to explore the every day reality is justified. and the film has the gift to present in precise manner crisis and reactions and lost of axis for the characters. Valentin Tinchant does an admirable job as Pierrot and the strange poetry of final is touching. scene by scene the film becomes a large drawing of gestures and reactions. the motions are basic soundtrack. and the solitude of a child looking the right answer to the challenges has a high dramatic resonance. a special film. cold, bitter and a kind of profound descending in the reality of characters solitude.