User Reviews (10)

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  • The opening quote that explains the film is attributed to Mark Twain: "History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes."

    This winner of Best Film and Best Actor awards at the Venice film festival's Horizon section, and the Special Jury Prize at the Tokyo International film festival has bagged 13 awards world-wide to-date. It is an unusual film from Iran; yet, if you stay to the end, it could be rewarding. It is a film about love of a widower for a prostitute in Iran. How the conservative Iranian censors allowed the film with such a subject to be made is surprising. The script involves the shooting of a film within the film that deals with Hitler and the Holocaust (again an unusual subject for an Iranian to make in Iran)!
  • Is this movie about Hitler? Is it about World War? Is it about people from the lower class of society? The answer to these questions is negative. This movie is about people. All the people we see in life and we are one of them. But what changes the course of our life and our behavior with life and people are the conditions that are imposed on us. We can be simple and ordinary people that life conditions and people can make us a terrible dictator. What we see in this movie. The main character of the film is a calm and harmless person. But a few things change him. People, society and daily life events. Does the director want to say that Hitler became a brutal dictator because of the conditions imposed on him? The answer to this question is not very clear. But by creating this challenge, the director shows the impact of human relationships and living conditions on people. I gave this movie an 8 and I think that if the scenes related to the movie about Hitler were made more professionally, this movie would definitely have a better chance of success.
  • Houman Seyyedi has found his own genre. It's as if Houman Seyyedi's signature is at the bottom of the film, even if his name is not in the credits as the director and producer and writer and editor of this film. The brilliant performance of Mohsen Tanabandeh in this film cannot be easily overlooked. The simple story of the film moves slowly, but it reaches the climax and attracts the audience and leaves the audience speechless like the female character of the film. You can see how a character can sink into the role he is playing and how a dictator can devour his actor in this movie. In general, it can be said that this movie is attractive and has a different place among the recent movies of Iranian cinema.
  • It's not easy to watch I don't like this type of movie and decided to leave it several times but I didn't.

    Only some people enjoy watching these movies and those people are film critics.

    The story is not complicated, at the beginning everything is normal, and then something will happen that concerns main character, it goes by and continue the same system till the end.

    Fortunately it has a satisfying ending. Even though I don't recommend it to watch.

    If I wanted to describe it in a sentence I would say: When you spend enough time with evil (or in this case evils) soon you learn to become one.
  • Seen this movie today at the Stockholm's film festival and I was amazed by the number of layers in the story.

    The film is so absurd, complex and simple at the same time. It's very hard to describe. It's a roller coaster of emotions. Like you watch cartoons, a horror movie, then a drama with pauses to give time for reflection.

    Describes the struggle of the characters in an absurd world that is becoming even more absurd mainly because people act erratic. Nobody is safe from madness and everyone is culpable, but the more people sin the harder it is for them to admit mistakes.

    Go see this movie if you are a person that is more interested in depth than Hollywood.
  • Why do Iranians make beautiful dramas? World War III is one of the best Iranian movies produced in recent years. The acting was convincing. Premiered a few months ago in Venice's Orizzonti strand, where it won Best Film and Best Actor. The same festival also unveiled "No Bears," from Seyedi's embattled compatriot Jafar Panahi: To say that Iran has a fraught relationship with some of its most revered filmmakers would be putting it extremely lightly. While Seyedi isn't as overtly political here as the likes of Panahi, he's still quite bold: One hopes his film will receive Stateside distribution. Whether censored or celebrated by its government, daring work like this deserves to be seen by the widest audience possible. Don't miss out watching this movie.
  • World War III is an impressive and bitter film that shows how a society that faces social, political and cultural contradictions, may harm itself. The powerful and emotional performance of Mohsen Tanabandeh as Shakib, confirms Houman Seyyedi as a talented director. The collapsed and dark atmosphere of the film is in harmony with the music of Bamdad Afshar. Only if the ending of the film was less predictable, maybe it could have won a more significant award than the one it received at the Venice Film Festival.

    Some positive aspects of the film are:

    • The film tackles a sensitive and relevant topic of war and its consequences on ordinary people.

    • The film uses a realistic and minimalist style that creates a sense of immersion and authenticity.

    • The film explores the complex and contradictory emotions of the characters, such as love, guilt, anger and revenge.

    • The film has a strong visual language that conveys the mood and tone of the story.

    We should not forget that this film, like all the films made in the last 40 years, was made under the supervision of the government's censorship blade, and the talented workers of this film could have added other wonderful moments to the story. But he was able to create a valuable work with great artistry. I suggest everyone to watch the amazing role of "Mohsen Tanabandeh" more carefully.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    World War III by Houman Seyedi.

    Finally, and after roughly one-year anticipation I managed to watch the latest work of one of my favorite Iranian directors 'Houman Seyedi'.

    It called 'World War III', but I would call it 'How can be a Hitler?' My expectation after watching 'Sheeple' the last work of Seyedi was so high and I must admit that now I'm Satisfied.

    The Film Believably shows the gradual changes of 'Shakib'-starred by 'Mohsen Tanabandeh'- goes through. From a kind supportive man who does anything to delight her homeless deaf partner 'Ladan' he turns into a cruel, cold-heartted 'Hitler' who can even does a massacre.

    The film warns audience again and again that being a nice person in a nice situation is 'Nothing'. And I've never felt It is a motto while watching the movie.

    "Caution, Spoiler Ahead" I was really touched by a scene where Shakib And Ladan are sitting next to a fire and Ladan confesses that she told a lie to Shakib. Ladan says "At First I wanted that house but now you're the only thing I want.

    And The ending sequence was breathtaking where you see Shakib in the outfit of Hitler sits behind the lunch table and watches his massacre.

    Review by Hossein Aghaee.
  • Irena_Spa29 March 2023
    Although I love Iranian movies, I have to admit that I am not impressed. It lasts too long and in every minute you can't see any shiny sparkle. Even though the main actor is good, the story is a bit weak. I know, it is the story of a poor middle-aged man who struggles to survive poverty and who loses hope to live blaming all around, even those who are giving him a chance, but it should be packed in less time. The only thing which can help in seeing the entire film project is its cinematography. After watching it you will have a bitter taste and the thought that you watched someone's misfortune, and in any case you didn't want to watch it.
  • The movie World War III by Homan saydi states a law; Anyone with any characteristics in the situation and conditions of any person acts like that person.

    World War III comes out of World War II The structure of the film is similar to the structure of the atom, which has a nucleus inside itself, and the most mass is concentrated in the nucleus of the film. In the forest, when the set is being built, the mirrors give the news of the reflection of the world inside the core of the film to the outside, which means that the disaster is going to come out of the core. Shakib turns World War II into World War III in Hitler's cover. In order to prove that he can be the author, Homan Sidi has done the production, directing, writing and editing of the film, and also by choosing the topic of paying homage to authors such as Chaplin, Spielberg, Tarantino, he has shown the theme and color of his film. Sometimes it reminds me of Tarkovsky's film Mirror and There Will Be Blood by Paul Thomas Anderson.