User Reviews (6)

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  • Movie about woman who becomes as a widow, and afterwards accidently, starts to work as assasin. It is recently good movie for Argentina Classic comedy with some action. You can watch it one time. Its prettty fun, but same tame unrealistic. The Actors are middle class - Looks like actors from soap operas.
  • I watched the film without expecting much of it. The poster looks great, but wasn't sure. I was very surprised to see a wonderful film. Different from anything I've seen before. The writer and director, Hernan Aguilar risks everything with his first movie by mixing genres in a bizarre exciting and compelling way. Action scenes are breathtaking, a difficult endeavor in this low budget Argentine film. Aguilar seems to handle strong, bloody action scenes like an experienced director and then goes off into a subtle love scene, realistic, new, fresh and away from clichés. This is truly an original masterpiece that for sure will be remembered as a cult first movie, for this very promising young director.

    Madraza is about a housewife that becomes an assassin for money. Unlike Femme Nikita this is an overweight, realistic, Latin-American low class woman, living in the slums of Buenos Aires. Her killings are investigated by a police Detective (Gustavo Garzon), who also flirts with the assassin, as many Argentineans are famous for. The film entertains while raising awareness on complex social issues, gender issues, corruption, and has many levels to read.

    The first minutes are strange as the realistic world Aguilar creates makes us think we are watching just another Argentine social film, but soon enough shocks us with some action, and laughing out loud very dark humor.

    A must watch for film lovers, and for pure entertainment. Be ready for violent artistic scenes, and funny romantic moments. A jewel in Latin-American cinema, and a director that for sure will have a long and exciting career.
  • excellent film example of the so called Nuevo Cine Argentino, describes the social status of Argentina today as a black comedy. Very well acted. Receives public approval in every theater and from film fans. Loren Acuña, SOfía Gala and Garzón are the cast of such a refreshing work. Hernán Aguilar has given fool evidence of his talent. The music contributes to enhance the action scenes and is all along moving. This film will awake interest in large sectors of the public.
  • A great film and a very good representation of the reality of the middle-low class in Argentina with dark humor, dark youth and criticizing the corruption of the police. Except for some aspect of the romantic angle (i didn't like the detective very much), the movie is entertaining and you connect with the protagonists.
  • Without a doubt, Madraza is an experience to enjoy. This new film is a shocking distance from most Argentinian films, mixing some classic action and comedy into a beautiful incredible package. Loren Acuña, Gustavo Garzon, Chunchuna Villafañe, Sofia Gala y Osmar Nuñez are great on this one and I don't want to spoil anything, just go and enjoy it!
  • The plot and script are not bad. I don't mind low budget but even with low budget there is no excuse for completely talentless acting.