User Reviews (2)

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  • Pip is asked to do all manner of despicable and criminal activities to support Mr Jaggers, the lowest point being that he has to chaperone Estelle and her intended.

    Without a doubt this was the best episode of the show, but it has still fallen so very short. The great story of love and passion has ultimately fallen short, and it's the story of Mr Jaggers that has ultimately shone through.

    I am almost disinterested in Pip's story, no issues with the acting or performing, I just find myself totally and utterly captivated by Ashley Thomas, that's credit to him, but something has definitely not translated from the script.

    Just two more to go, I think I'll get through it, although I go into the final two episodes with Low Expectations.

  • Prismark102 May 2023
    The fourth episode and still no Magwitch. It is left to Jaggers to hold the forte once again.

    His devious plan to snare Drummle into a trap. For that he needs former pirate Monsieur Dorget. Jaggers is going to get Drummle to inure ships carrying illegal cargo, slaves.

    Pip finds himself acting as a chaperone as Drummle has his first meeting with Estella. Drummle very quickly shows his true revolting colours to Estella. The marriage will happens whether she likes it or not. Estella will obey him.

    All the time Pip acts like a sullen youth. Easily provoked and argumentative. He might have met a sticky end with Dorget, if Jaggers had not stepped in.

    This was the best episode so far but the series starts from a low base. There is still two episodes left and the padding shows.

    There is deviation from the source work as it was probably the only way the series got commissioned in the first place.