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  • Kitti Katz is a new Netflix-exclusive cartoon that is an action-comedy that feels like it is something made by ZAG Toons, as I am feeling vibes of Miraculous Ladybug and magical girl anime like Tokyo Mew Mew.

    Tabitha is staying with her aunt while her parents are working out of the country, meaning she is the new girl in Los Gatos High. Meeting new friend in Shakia and Azami, Tabitha and her two new friends are in for an adventure of a lifetime, as when local popular girl/school bully Charity removes a stone from a sarcophagus, it releases all the stones on it, turning them into cat spirits who run free, as well as freeing Meeyah, a catgirl spriti who chooses the three to be new Cat Guardians. Now with the ability to turn into adorable kittens, as well as catgirl heroines known as the Kitti Kats, Tabs and her friends must not only round up the Spirit Cats, but also recover the gemstone, which is the prison of an evil demon named Anubia.

    Kitti Katz is a cartoon that feels like something that would be within the world of Miraculous, as the plot sounds like something that would be used in a cartoon by ZAG. The cast of characters are great, and even have some talking cats, like Cleo, and the Kitty Kouncil leader, Lazy Alf (does the creator know that an Alf eats cats? Because one was seen during the 1980's on television). The animation is smooth, the writing is good, and the jokes work sometimes.
  • It's a decently written show. It's characters are portrayed quite nicely. The writing, while a bit average is good. It definitely uses some f the more unfavorable tropes from run-of-the-mill Saturday Morning Cartoons, like secret identities, small animal sidekicks, and magical girl transformations, but overall it's a fun little romp through the boundaries of kids shows.

    Those of you who want to watch it, go ahead. You may like it, or you may hate it. Either way, I know I'm not really gonna care either way. Your enjoyment of this little way to kill time on a Saturday if your a kid or adult is up to you.
  • zhramlky1 June 2023
    This movie is so boring It seems that they made it to sell only their dolls.

    The negative characters are not strong at all and fail easily, and the main character is always eating breakfast in the kitchen, and this character is not deep at all. A very mean girl suddenly decides to be kind in the movie, and Judy becomes kind as if she has always been like that. Is it possible for the character to change so irrationally?

    I don't know why they are making fun of the superhero genre so much, so if you don't know how to do it, don't do it or do it in another way that you know how to do.

    If you have nothing in the world to watch and nothing to do, then maybe you can tolerate a few minutes of this series.
  • Kitti Kats feels like a rip off of Miraculous Ladybug.

    The animation is weird, storyline is very typical and sounds and sound effects are pretty lame. It is a decent show for a 7 year old of below, but not really interesting for anyone above the age of 10.

    I think the plot could be more interesting. I also think that the intro could have been longer and less typical. The plot was really simple.

    The main character, tabs, is pretty ugly in my opinion. Her face is shaded in a strange way. Bingable, but not memorable. If it was more unique. I'm not a big fan of the intro either, the music is just annoying...
  • Okay, so let me get this straight, .. humans turn into cats then turn back into humans dressed up as cat-like freaks. Hmmm.. where to start.. yeah, this is a rip off of so many things. 1. PJ Masks 2. Miraculous (to name a few) I know that it is meant for a younger audience, but what is the life lesson? "one day, you kids will grow up to be superhero's dressed up like freaks fighting weird, weak villains. Have fun!" But literally, though. It's ridiculous. Even the intro, too, is a rip off of PJ Masks. The three colors. Everything. The fact that there are not many cat shows/movies, and mostly all of them are making fun of cats, is just horrible. The creators of "Kitti Katz" pretty much did no research on cats or cat behavior.. and they had to make the cats VIBRANT COLORS to catch a three-year-olds' attention. I'm not even sure a toddler could follow the plot. Okay, let's get back to the antagonists. They're weak! The "demon dogs" didn't even put up a big fight! And, of course, the creators HAD to give them a human body and a dog head! Ugly! All the characters! Everything! Ugly! This weird style could scare a young child within seconds of watching. The "demon dogs" are beaten easily by the "Kitti Katz" but let's call the "Kitti Katz" a more fitting name. "Cat freaks" ahhhh, that's good! Perfect! Let us continue. So, the demon dogs are just not very powerful, and it's not fun when you know the protagonists are automatically winning. Moving forward, It's time to talk about the cat costumes. Weird. There's a musical called Cats, too, that kind of matches up with the vibe of the "Cat freaks" costumes. In Cats, (in my opinion) the people look like humans that had plastic surgery to look like cats. What's the meaning of making fun of cats like that? It's not fun to watch, nor think about. Sorry, getting off topic. The Kitti Katz ("cat freaks") costume. It's weird, and has vibrant colors. Not even resembling the colors of cats. * sigh * . At least it doesn't look like humans that got plastic surgery to look like cats.. Anyways, let's talk about the powers. The green "cat freak" has the power of back-flipping and jumping obnoxiously high. The pink cat can drop kick people. Yeah, the pink cat probably just took karate. The creators added a pink glow when the pink cat does her drop kicks.???? And the blue cat.. "cat-tornado power!" Whatever that's supposed to mean. The freaking girl spins in a million circles and knocks down whoever she's fighting. A weird power, but, whatever. I got 99 questions but I ain't gonna tell ya them. So, I don't tolerate cats (or, honestly, any animal) standing on two legs. It's unrealistic and infuriating. End of story.

    In conclusion, "Kitti Katz" is a weird show that many people are liking so far. I don't get that, but whatever, people like what they like. "Kitti Katz" is also a rip off of more shows that I can name. "Freaks on leashes" is what I'll rename the show. So, if your into mediocre and weird shows, have fun wasting time watching this! -peace out. -Ralphie Walters.
  • Loved kitti Katz. Definitely going to show it to my bfs daughter. I just watched the whole first season today!! BUT OMG I can't wait till 2025 for season 2!! 🤦‍♀️ nooooooo!

    It's full of action and I loved the storyline and all the characters. I especially like the pug who thinks he's a cat. BUT it Ends on such a cliffhanger! So painful to wait but don't let it put you off because it's a really good show. I like easy going kids programs as well as adult stuff. It was well animated, full of colour and reminded me of the life of pets films along with highschool themes and girls having superpowers. I thought it was a great combo! Thank you for bringing it.
  • Netflix. You better renew this. I love this how, and I really really want a second season with 20 episodes with a good runtime.

    The show is like miraculous ladybug, which I love. It has very few animation errors, and while it does look weird sometimes, it is so good omgomgomg!

    Netflix, if you are reading this, I need a season 2. I need more comtent fir this show as it is so good snd so good and sooooogoooodd! It is one of the best shows ai have ever watched with the good writing snd fabulous characters and transformations! So if yiu are reading, ignore the haters.

    Please please make this have a new season!