User Reviews (70)

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  • I try to give Friedberg and Seltzer the benefit of the doubt. I'm a sucker for a good spoof movie and these guys HAVE put out some good ones in the past. I got enjoyment from the first four Scary Movies. Yes, even 4 had its moments. By this point though it's obvious that the duo of filmmakers are just beating a dead horse. They played their hand and have nothing left to show - Superfast! is just another nail in their already-laid-out coffin.

    Against my better judgement I've seen almost every spoof these guys have done. If you know anything about the directors then you should know what you're getting yourself into with this movie. I had no expectations, and the movie still managed to disappoint. It's certainly not the worst movie they've done - it's a step up from the utter sh*tpile known as The Starving Games and certainly more watchable than Disaster Movie, Vampires Suck, and Meet the Spartans. The problem is that this movie had potential. It really did. Superfast! acts as a spoof not only of the Fast & Furious franchise but of action movie clichés in general. The jokes that can come from that are endless, and the beginning of the movie gave a few chuckles and showed a hint of promise. But as the movie goes on it becomes more and more clear that these spoofers think toilet jokes and cheap gross-out gags are funnier than genuine satire.

    I'll give credit where credit is due: The casting in this movie was good. Especially the Vin Diesel caricature and the cartel kingpin. It looked like the actors were having fun and doing the best they could do with the material they had. It's unfortunate that their talents were wasted here because they definitely have a sense of good comedic timing and decent acting chops in general.

    That's about as far as the positives go. The awkward "humor" is just cringeworthy and uncomfortable. The toilet humor got old decades ago. A good amount of these jokes wouldn't go by well in an Elementary School let alone on the big screen. Superfast! is filled to the brim with moments that leave you thinking, who in the hell thought that was funny? Who thought making this film would be a good idea? And most importantly, why are these talentless hacks still making movies?
  • Long gone are the days of Hot Shots, Naked Gun and even Scary Movie. All we have now is the likes of Superfast! whose biggest advantage is tailgating the release date of Fast and Furious 7. A few good jokes and impressions aside, the film is ironically incredibly slow, churning already rehearsed juvenile jokes repeatedly to achieve some form of entertainment.

    Story is inspired by the Fast and Furious titles, mainly the earlier one. An undercover cop is trying to infiltrate a crew of street race. It matters little since barely any of it makes sense anyway. The cast is selected primary due to their resemblances to Fast and Furious characters, give or take. Fake Paul Walker misses the mark by miles.

    Character development is non-existent, unless you count Fake Michelle Rodriguez coming in term with her lesbian urge as one. At midway point the film even abandons names altogether and called its characters Rapper Cameo or such, which is admittedly pretty good. Fake Rock is also decent, he looks particularly similar to real Rock even down to the gestures. It's a bit creepy honestly.

    Script material has been around for more than a decade, people tend to jest about the highly implausible nature of Fast and Furious. Unfortunately, Superfast! does so little original humor as it relies on heavy slapstick and actual slapping. There's a heap of brash jokes to induce cringe effect on the audience. A couple of the gags are acceptable, such as the commentary on usual pop culture or when it breaks the fourth wall.

    I guess if a film takes lots of pot shots, some will eventually land. It also remembers to spice up the scenes with scantily clad women, although one can't blame it for following this already proved exciting gimmick. The whole movie felt so lengthy, I could've sworn that it was more than two hours as it drove around in circles.

    There are a couple of amusing bits, especially when it has lowered your standard after a few scenes. These are still not enough as incentive to take a slow tedious drive with Superfast!.
  • This movie really should have been called Superstupid. The parts that were funny were actually pretty funny, but, the other 98% of the movie was terrible. I mean, the actors actually did a good job in portraying who they were supposed to be but that was all that was done right. Most of the time they tried waaaay to hard to be funny and it made me cringe. At other times it made me laugh out loud. This had such great potential but failed miserably. I actually had to fast forward through most of it to get through it. So sad, this could have been a great comedy spoof but no one will do it again, and of course the incident with Paul Walker would just be tasteless at this point. If you liked the Scary Movie series, drink about six 40 ouncer's of Old English 800, and get really high of some weed you found in the street, you might like this movie.
  • If this makes an average over 6 stars I would be surprised. As a film it's all a bit of crap visual comedy but if you view it as simply a series of sketches strung together loosely based on a series of memorable scenes from the original franchise you'll probably rather enjoy it.

    Written and directed by the guys that did the Scream series on a shoestring budget. Unknown actors good a pretty fair job.

    I like films and cars. As a film it's not that great but as a bit of light Sunday afternoon comedy it's perfectly passable. It's the sort of film that will bomb at the box office because the core 15-25 male market will probably dismiss it in public but will soar on torrent sites in private.

    Michelle delivers some dynamite lines, The Rock is pretty funny too. Paul seems to sidelined a bit, almost on purpose it feels like, a little contrived but understandable. Dom gets the best lines but fluffs them a bit but I thinks that's poor direction as he nails others. Vince, arguably, does the best parody performance of the lot, in a comedy he is the comic relief.

    Don't expect too much and don't be 'that guy' on Reddit picking holes in a film that has no pretences to be a fine piece of art and you'll probably enjoy it.
  • ... and you might actually enjoy this. And in a group of like-minded people this can be a hoot as they say. The question is, if you're ready to give this a shot and see where it gets you. Obviously this is meant to spoof the Fast & Furious franchise (yes not only one of the movies, but tries to sample from a few, which "story-wise" isn't that difficult as you can imagine.

    Some jokes kind of work and if you were a fan of Haunted House and the latter Scary Movies and whatever else was made in the same vain, this was aimed at you. Everyone else probably should stay clear of this. I'd suggest watching the trailer, but it probably has the "best" moments in it already ... One thing is for sure: It's obvious what this is, so don't complain after sitting and watching the whole thing - you've been warned
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I did not laugh even once.

    Normally these spoof movies are really funny. The more ridiculous the movie they are spoofing the better the spoof will be. But in this case they just went for the obvious joke, which is not really funny. At times they mimicked the real movie so much I assumed I was actually watching it!

    The only thing to snap me out of it was the bad bad cheap unfunny jokes....oh yes this is a 'spoof' movie. I am a comedy fan and this movie gives spoof movies and comedy in general a bad name. This was clearly made to cash in on the popularity of the Fast and the Furious movies.

    Spoofs are supposed to be about the movie itself. This just made cheap pop culture references instead. Pitch perfect, 4G networks, climate controlled cars, etc.... It's as if the writers could not spoof the movie so they shoved in random jokes....

    Worst of all was the main actor doing some sort of mock young Keanu Reeves voice impression. But why? Just too much nonsense in this movie. Not even really a spoof, just a bunch of random jokes represented as a Fast and Furious spoof. So if you want a real spoof of The Fast and the Furious don't watch this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was horrible!!! My brain feels empty. DO NOT WATCH, especially if you are Fast and Furious fan like myself. I cant stress enough how bad this movie was. I mean I went into it expecting a parody and something to laugh at but this movie was just stupid, not funny stupid but plain stupid. I mean just taking the scene with the dance off just stupid... I watched the whole thing and literally felt my brain die every minute of the movie till it was more dead than the brain of the people who made this movie. Please do not EVER make another movie, a spoof should be funny not stupid and this was literally the STUPIDEST movie I've seen my whole life and I've seen some stupid movies. DO NOT WATCH!!!!
  • -Superfast! (2015) movie review: -Superfast! is a parody film by the creators of The Starving Games, but this time, they take on the Fast & Furious franchise! And basically take the plots of the first, second, fourth, and fifth Furious movies and that is the plot of this one. Except the entire thing is making fun of those films.

    -As someone who has now seen the Fast & Furious franchise, minus 7, I thought this spoof film was pretty hilarious. It was still dumb, but it was a lot less dumb than every other film in this specific genre, so I really enjoyed it.

    -The story took every weak element of the franchise and made fun of it, such as the undercover cop thing, stealing from a really lazy criminal, being pursued by the FBI because reasons, stuff like that. They bring up several points throughout the entire thing that just make a lot of sense.

    -The pace was really good actually.

    -None of the actors needed to be good, they just needed to be dumb versions of the other characters. And they did just that very well! The cast did well and had noticeable fun. Extra props to the guy who plays The Rock, because he was really funny and 100% on point.

    -The characters were the best thing about the film. You have Vin Diesel, who does things like shave his head while driving, makes rants that have zero sense, and suddenly turns on his bearded friend for no apparent reason. The character of Paul Walker was not really based on him that much, (which I found respectful) but instead was a complete idiot and still managed to make fun of the writing in the first film. The Rock, constantly using baby oil, hitting things, and ignoring any sort of actual police work, was just the best. And finally, the rest of the crew: Rapper Cameo, who does nothing, Cool Asian Guy, who eats food in every scene, and Model Turned Actress, who does nothing. On point satire here.

    -They made fun of the overly-tense instrumental score, which made me laugh the most.

    -They also made fun of pretty much everything else, from easy plot points to logic behind dragging a giant vault. I really appreciate a few more things, while I am at it: The film made no effort to parody other films, but stayed within its franchise. It also was smartly written and had a lot of moments that would really happen, like getting your seatbelt stuck trying to pull it too fast. It also directly references the Fast & Furious franchise. A bold, but funny move.

    -So Superfast! had smart writing and was littered with hilarious characters and moments that perfectly capture everything wrong with the Fast & Furious franchise without making you hate them of think less of them. It was still dumb and had a lot of dumb moments, but things like telling them to wrap up the chase because it has exceeded the runtime and budget help propel this film to $5 bin worth for me. I really enjoyed it. But it was Superdumb! -Superfast! is rated PG-13 for some language throughout, and some suggestive content including references and a pixilation. Not as bad as The Starving Games though.
  • This movie is bad, but I have to admit, it's really funny.

    Undercover cop Lucas White joins Vin Serento's LA gang of illegal street racers. They are fast and they are furious and they plan to double cross LA crime kingpin Juan Carlos de la Sol who hides his cash in a downtown Taco Bell. The gangs outrageous plan is as daring as it is ridiculous and will see them towing the whole damn restaurant, at crazy speeds.

    So, the story in this movie is simple. Of course, this is Fast and Furious parody. This movie doesn't need to be good quality to be funny. I mean, I was laughing at The Starving Games, but I really like hunger games or Vampire Suck... Yeah, I don't like Twilight. This movie gives us all those stereotypes that Furious franchise has like: over oiled Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel with tight shirts.

    The actors are really looking like actors from Furious franchise, but these are not that good in acting. Actually, this is too much for spoof movie. Of course, there are clichés like in real Furious movies.

    Effects of driving are not that good. Outside of a car, there are some disco flashes that are going somewhere (don't know where). Some nerds are going to say: "OMG! Bikes are not exploding after they hit a tree!". But still, that was funny. Also, some dead objects like dead bird is not really convincing. But still, it was fun as well.

    Sounds are not harmonized. Some of the punches are not harmonized as well. Everything is not harmonized. Sounds are not convincing too.

    So, this movie is really bad, but still, if you want to laugh, this is all you ever wanted.
  • One of the best spoof, very funny and entertaining.

    So good that I think it was even better than Fast & Furious itself, I wish they made it like this!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I mean, seriously. I like these guys because they put out crap and I like that crap they put out. But now it's gotten to the point where they now need to become a meme. Superfast! goes from being funny to just downright amusing of how bad the jokes work.

    It's weird to do a Furious Parody because Paul Walker died two years ago. Was it suppose to be a tribute in the worst ways? Probably. But since this is possibly another VOD release (I haven't seen anything that said it would go to theaters) no one will watch it.

    There are so many weird jokes about Fondue, Cars, Lance Armstrong Urine, Sundae Syrup that looks like Gasoline? I don't get it.

    The Paul Walker Look A Like character acts a lot like Wayne from Wayne's World, only it's less funny and more awkward. He also sounds a lot like the duo Bill and Ted. Only with just Ted. I don't know why I thought that, but It just came to mind.

    The heist scene is actually very amusing as it shows the cars dragging along a taco restaurant which is kind of funny.

    Sorry, I really don't have much to say. This movie didn't really leave me with anything.

    It's funny because Friedberg and Seltzer are universally hated. But now it's like no one cares about them anymore. What is next for the duo? Who knows. But it's very forgettable.

    45/100 D+
  • saad-rf31 March 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    Every one else say what you will (judging by the blogs on it) I saw it recently at friend's place and I liked, no.. , loved it actually. I am a big F&F fan and that franchise despite its ridiculousness and ludicrous (or ludicrous :D) stunts, is a good fun to watch. This one is good in its own way and I liked the little effort the writers made to incorporate parts from 6 movies in to one. casting was good. I am glad the guy didn't look like Paul Walker that much (or may be I am blind) otherwise haters would have another thing to rant about. Overall, despite some mistakes here and there, it was a very good flick and even better when it comes to spoofs and parodies as it didn't rely on '@ss and t!tt!ies too much. I have given it 8 because of the enjoyment and the frequency of small things in the movie that I really liked. First review so pardon my noobness.
  • Parody is something that has gone pretty MEH since these two whackjobs have added their own interpretations into the genre. However, I can't believe I'm saying this, but this has to be one of the funniest films I've seen in a while.

    I'm a huge fan of the F&F franchise, so of course I had my qualms about this movie. I mean, these are from the same guys who added in Neytiri to a Hunger Games parody. However, it's really funny. Yes, it does have it's really stupid moments, but it's otherwise a harmless watching movie experience that will have even the stoniest of faces chuckling. It not only made us laugh, but it seems like they actually tried to make this parody movie like the franchise.

    The guys who plays Vin Diesel and The Rock really act like their characters. They even sometimes perfectly mirror moments from the first, fourth, and fifth movies nearly perfectly. All in all, a really enjoyable movie experience with very few flaws and really funny satire against the franchise.
  • Superfast! is the third film of Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer's, the men formerly responsible for theatrical atrocities like Date Movie, Epic Movie, and Meet the Spartans, to be released on video-on-demand and very few theaters across the United States rather than having them premiere on over two-thousand nationwide theaters. Contrary to many, I find this to be a good thing, as it greatly limits the number of people who will not only see these films but hear about these films as well. Unlike with mainstream theatrical releases, low key video-on-demand releases have little publicity and, unless you're in touch with the film community or the producers of certain films, your chances of a film on the independent circuit finding you before you find it are slim to none.

    Superfast! is the long talked about parody from Friedberg and Seltzer that would lampoon The Fast and the Furious franchise. With an astonishing budget of $20 million, yet not even looking half as good as something made for TV, this is an unbelievably dated and stale parody for two major reasons. One, it relies on the biggest cheapshots of the characters, actors, and situational events of the series, rather than the genre clichés that make these films so predictable, a trait that Friedberg and Seltzer will ostensibly never recognize, and, secondly, with The Fast and the Furious franchise already spanning seven films, the series has had enough time to parody itself for lasting over a decade. It doesn't need a low-grade parody film to lampoon its existence; that what every film after the fifth one was designed to do.

    Rather than a real plot in Superfast!, we're expected to go along with and laugh at characters that look like impersonators of those from The Fast and the Furious series. Paul Walker's Brian O'Connor is turned into a sarcastic dimwit played by Alex Ashbaugh, Vin Diesel's trash-talking Dominic Toretto is given a brain-dead, atrociously unfunny makeover by Dale Pavinski, Mia Toretto is replaced with Lili Mirojnick's vapid doppelganger, and Dio Johnson does the honors of parodying Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's Luke Hobbs character. Throw in cheapshots towards the characters' thin personalities, vehicles, car-lingo, racing sequences, and overall franchise lunacy, and, despite aiming low, Superfast! can't even make the obvious funny.

    The film settles for jokes that set the lowest bar and goals for the film, yet can't even manage to make those jokes hit, as everything is simply too dumb to function on numerous levels. In addition, at ninety-four minutes, trying to make this film have a cogent plot, or even exist past a Saturday Night Live skit, was an absolutely ludicrous ideas, as more than halfway through the film, we see Friedberg and Seltzer run out of gas and force the jokes to start recycling themselves.

    Superfast! is as loathsome as The Starving Games, the duo's last parody effort before shifting gears to Best Night Ever, their first and only non-parody film which was so bad it might has well have stuck to the winning formula. In the end, I'm left with the baffling question as to why over $20 million was invested into a video-on-demand project by two guys who have had disintegrating appeal over the last several years. Despite probably the large sum of money they've ever been blessed to work with, Friedberg and Seltzer prove that a heavy check still can't buy witty or marginally intelligent dialog and Superfast! is another film to discard in the ever-growing barrel that is their filmography.

    Starring: Alex Ashbaugh, Dale Pavinski, Lili Mirojnick, and Dio Johnson. Directed by: Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw "Superfast!", starring Dale Pavinski-Takers, Underworld:Rise of the Lycans; Alex Ashbaugh-Milwaukee, The Canyons; Lili Mirojnick-Friends With Benefits, Cloverfield; Dio Johnson-Battle Creek_tv, At the Top of the Pyramid and Omar Chaparro-Pulling Strings, Right to Love.

    This is a parody/spoof of the 'Fast & Furious' movies. Coincidently, it is being released on the same day as the latest installment in the series, 'Furious Seven'. Or is it a coincidence? It is written and directed by Jason Friedberg & Aaron Seltzer, who had a hand in 'The Starving Games', 'Meet the Spartans', and 'Epic Movie', just to name a few. See if this plot description sounds familiar; An undercover cop, Alex, is trying to bust a street racer, Dale, and ends up falling for Dale's sister, Lili, and ultimately, decides to join the wrong side of the law, Dales' team while driving fast cars. There is a villain, Omar, that has all his money stashed at a fast food restaurant called 'Big Ass Tacos'-I guess they couldn't get the OK to use the name Taco Bell. Dale puts together a team to pull off the heist that consists of a former super model turned actress, a cool Asian guy that knows martial arts, a black rapper, well, you get the idea. Dio is the special cop that is chasing Dale and his team. There are some funny parts; such as the characters' names-Vin, Michelle, Jordana, Rock. But, on the whole, it was more on the unfunny side. As the credits start, there are some bloopers and out takes. It's not one that I would buy on DVD. I might rent it, if I was a little drunk and felt like watching it but otherwise, I would wait until it comes to cable TV.
  • This is one of the worst movies i have seen in my life. You can't write a review for such distasteful crap.
  • If your gonna be brave and make a spoof of a billion dollar franchise then you gotta make it good! This does try but fails from start to finish. the gags are about as funny as a orphanage on fire, the cars are OK some of the characters do look like the fast n furious lot but the bloke who portrays the late great paul walkers (r.i.p) character brian o conner looks more like the stand up comedian Russell howard. I cant think of a single good thing about this film, if your gonna do a successful spoof of a successful franchise then take a page out of scary movie's book, this film tries to hard to be a spoof of too many fast n furious films and as you can tell fails badly 1hr 39mins of by far the worst spoof film i have ever seen.
  • hellspawnuk31 March 2015
    Can't believe i wasted my time with this film... Avoiding this movie is a must...

    Unfunny pile of crap.

    Plot was badly scripted. The actors and actresses were poor witch i know the movie is meant to have in it but did it have to be so bad. The only good point i have is that some of the women were sexy. That's all can say about this piece of crap movie.

    I would rather poke my self in the eye with a red hot needle than put myself through this again.

    watch it once then try to delete it from your mind...
  • Netflix suggested this movie for me. Big points lost for Netflix.

    I saw one clip on IMDb, then I saw who made the movie, and needed no more information. Based on the clip, this movie (like all other pieces of garbage these two are somehow allowed to make) is 100% pointless, unfunny, unoriginal, and inept. Even making the movie with the idea "Oh let's just make a movie that's stupid and foolish for the sake of being stupid and foolish" misses by a long shot.

    The "comedy" in these movies is exceedingly lazy and obvious. I know there must be some kind of demand for this crap. I still find it hard to believe that someone could get paid anything (let alone whatever large amount was paid to make this movie) to simply take an arbitrary popular movie or genre, add nothing original, and put out an extremely lazy and unoriginal straight-to-DVD suckfest.

    Can someone pay me millions to make movies like this please? I have a ton of awesome ideas:

    Zombie Movie! - Kim Kardashian's butt is patient zero and turns Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, Oprah, and Scooby Doo into zombies. The only way you can get past them undetected is to do the Macarena. OMG SO RANDOM RITE??

    Nature Movie! - Lebron James just completed the world's first slam dunk while backflipping frontwards from the 3pt line. Then *Insert celebrity* and he must *insert bodily function* their way up Mount Pointless to discover.... ugh nevermind

    So, so, so, so stupid
  • Once I start seeing a film, I can't just stop in the middle, don't know why - it just irritates me, if I don't get the ending with. But I really wish that I had stop watching this movie.. This must be one of, if not the worst parody I have ever seen. It was just so awful... Words can't describe how awful it is.

    There was one thing in the movie, that I found interesting, and that was the portray of Letty (in this film "Michelle").

    It displeased me that they choose to change the names of Letty and Mia, to the actresses from the original film names, Michelle and Jordana. I thought that it became a mocking of the actresses and not their characters - which, In my own subjective meaning, I find absolutely disgraceful.

    Well, I gave it one star - and that was because there only was that one little thing in the movie that I found amusing.
  • "Airplane!" was just about the last good parody to come out of the film industry, and it's been a long time. Since then, most attempts have failed because they take the cheap way out and give us a string of cheap dirty jokes, thinking it's funny. It makes the little kids laugh, kind of like making noises with your armpit.

    I was expecting more of the same with "Superfast." But it only took a few minutes to see that these people get it - they know that you have to have a constant flow of references to the film being parodied, in this case, the entire Fast and Furious franchise.

    This is the first parody that I laughed out loud, along with my wife (who had had a bad day), and one of the few that we didn't lose interest before the film ended.

    If you enjoyed Airplane! ("Don't call me Shirley") and the silly jokes it was full of, you will certainly like this one. Yeah, they scraped the bottom of the barrel once in a while, but you have to do that if you're going to get all the clichés in.

    I loved it, and I didn't expect to going in.
  • dicedadovideos18 October 2019
    What a mess... Not funny at all, terrible actores. Didn't manage to do a single smile watching this train wreck. Good parody movies are long gone, since Naked gun and Scary Movie 1 & 2. Just stop doing this horrible not funny movies!!
  • Friedberg and Seltzer have carved a niche writing and directing guilty pleasures – parodies of films and genres that audiences seem to enjoy and that earn money, but which attract scathing reviews by self-important critics who consider themselves guardians of public cinematic tastes and standards.

    At $20MM, "Superfast!" isn't exactly low-budget, except compared with the $190MM budget for "Furious 7." Much of the humor is low-brow, although perhaps not as low-brow as some of the humor in "Airplane!" It's more polished than typical direct-to-video fare, but lacks the polish of major theatrical releases. Compared with "Airplane!" the plot is more cohesive and less episodic, but that's a mixed blessing – some of the funniest bits in "Airplane!" (black coffee, pedophile pilot, wrong day to quit) didn't really propel the plot.

    The filmmakers cast relatively unknown actors who resemble the Fast & Furious actors they parody, remarkably well in some cases. The actors generally do an excellent job, even when given silly things to do and things to say. They seem committed to their roles and never wink at the camera.

    The movie is a series of ridiculous gags. It lacks subtlety. Character development is nonexistent. Transitions are nonsensical. Some of the jokes seem forced, while others aren't very funny. But a lot of the jokes work.

    Overall, the movie is hilarious. The jokes are cheap, unsophisticated, sophomoric and juvenile, but there are a lot of them.

    Perhaps too many of the characters are doofuses. Much of the humor seems deliberately constrained to target a teenage audience – they avoid raunchy jokes and one scene involving nudity is extensively blurred out when a Mike Myers/Austin Powers approach might have been much funnier. And much of the humor relies upon ridiculing the F&F franchise's ridiculous elements.

    The film makes no effort to be cerebral and succeeds famously.
  • I disagree with another rater who stated this only satirized F&F 6 as it clearly started from the first of the series. He or she must have not re-watched the older ones for quite a while.

    IMO this is beautiful satire on a par level with SNL satire. Of course, if you think SNL is sub-par or worse my review is not for you.

    It made me laugh so many times as it portrayed so many scenes of the "originals" in such a ludicrous way it shows you how stupid the actual F&F series really is. Don't get me wrong though. I love the originals and will continue to re-watch them and any others that come out (IMO:highly entertaining).
  • Friedberg and Seltzer have offered us grotesque first dates, a chance to meet three hundred dancing Spartans and an eye-gouging tournament of the annual Starving Games. Now, a decade too late, they parody Hollywood's mega-blockbusting soap opera franchise 'Fast & Furious'. Hiring a cast of character caricatures from a bald man constantly remarked as a "penis head" by his GPS device (Vin Diesel, if that wasn't obvious...) to his girlfriend clearly concealing her speculated sexual orientation (again, Michelle Rodriguez for the uninitiated...). There's also a surprisingly accurate clone of The Rock, lathering himself in baby oil. Oh, and don't forget Paul Walker, although that imitation hasn't aged so well...(*insert that Wiz Khalifa song*)!

    The duo's vehicular parody astonishingly is not the worst spoof within their illustrious filmography. It's the second worst. The whole purpose of this sub-genre, is to ensue hilarity by exaggerating the contents of the original source material that is being replicated. So why is it that Superfast is the most tedious of them all? Simple! Once again, there are no jokes. None! It's as if Vin sat on the gear shift, enjoyed it a little too much and set the comedy in reverse. Whilst the others attempted to be somewhat racy with homophobic, racist and all other possible insulting gags, this parody had nothing. A secret handshake involving spinning around in circles? Sticking one's head out of a car window and being covered in flies? Starting a race with no fuel? Come on! Why not play on Toretto's insistence on "family"? Exaggerate the stereotypes of "Cool Asian Guy" and "Model Turned Actress" even further. Where are the other film spoofs integrated within?

    The fact that this is the most mundane parody, and the least harmful one, proves that Friedberg and Seltzer have zero comedy chops and can only resort to insults. They are not comedians, nor writers and certainly not directors. The cinematic quality looks cheaper than a TV advertisement for cat litter. Sure, they mimic the "intense" camera transitions when a gear shifts or the clutch is compressed during a street race, but where's the laughs? There's no point expending time imitating a film franchise's technical merits if these aren't hyperbolised to create comedy!

    Admittedly, my melting mind forced me to skip forward approximately ten minutes towards the end. No longer was my brain sane, it was brain dead. Fast? Longest hour and a half in quite some time. Furious? Sure, it's rage inducing. Superfast? A car crash.
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