User Reviews (146)

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  • Contrary to popular belief, the film is not merely an epic about Fenerbahçe, but rather a portrayal of the atmosphere in Istanbul during the occupation, utilizing Fenerbahçe Sports Club as a backdrop. The film effectively depicts the national struggle, focusing on urban resistance, a departure from the typical battlefield narratives seen in most films about the period. While the film captures this essence well, it suffers from unnecessary length in certain parts, leading to moments of tedium. Additionally, the casting of antagonistic characters is subpar. Nonetheless, the film is generally commendable.
  • "Zaferin Rengi" is not just a movie; it's a testament to the enduring spirit of Fenerbahçe and the Turkish nation. Set against the backdrop of post-World War I Istanbul, this historical drama recounts the epic clash between Fenerbahçe and foreign forces, showcasing the resilience and determination of the Turkish people.

    Director Abdullah Oguz brilliantly captures the tension and excitement of the match, illustrating the courage and skill of the players as they fight for victory and national pride. But beyond the football pitch, the film delves into the deeper significance of this historic moment, portraying Fenerbahçe's triumph as a symbol of hope and defiance in the face of occupation.

    Despite the attempts of detractors, including misguided comments from Galatasaray fans, to undermine the film's message, "Triumph of the Nation" stands as a powerful reminder of the unbreakable spirit of Fenerbahçe and its fans.

    Furthermore, I need to mention of Fethullah Gülen's influence on Galatasaray fans made them kind of traitor and -brain washed- because despite the numerous fact of historical evidences they are still trying to discredit the movie. I don't expect more than this from Galatasaray Fans because they are the team raised by Fethullah Gulen's dua's and himmets at all after 1980's. They were not big part of the Turkish football history before that time.

    Anyway I need to add one last thing, this film is not just for Fenerbahçe fans; it's a must-watch for anyone who values the power of sport to unite and inspire, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, we can find strength in solidarity. "Zaferin Rengi" is a cinematic masterpiece that will leave a lasting impact on audiences worldwide.
  • First of all, the story is about a football club in Turkey, Fenerbahce, during the independence war times. The rival teams' fanatic fans are writing wrong and fictitious comments here about such a nice movie, bringing their fanatizm to the area of art. Shame on you. I am disgusted by those who disregard anything else than they like and moreover attack, hurt, distroy.

    As for the movie, it is well written, well played. It does not exaggerate what happened and just gives the facts even including portraits of rival teams during that era.

    Anyone who enjoy period movies will like it, especially the period of first world war.
  • efecavus-6566318 February 2024
    This excellent and wonderful film tells us about the important role of Fenerbahçe Sports Club in the War of Independence and the tasks it undertook, as well as information about how the General Harrington Cup was won, and shows that Fenerbahçe Sports Club endured all the difficulties for its country and its patriotism was at the highest level. Moreover, this movie is actually a sports This movie tells an important story not about the club but about the unity and solidarity shown by our state and nation in the War of Independence. It is a really great movie. Well done to everyone who contributed to it.
  • The silver screen flickers, transporting you back to a tumultuous era in Turkish history - the War of Independence. Amidst the struggle for freedom, a beacon of hope emerges, not from the battlefield, but from the verdant pitch of a football stadium. This is the story of Fenerbahçe, the biggest sports club in Turkey at the time, and their electrifying victory against the British occupiers, a triumph that resonated far beyond the final score.

    The year is 1923. Istanbul simmers under the weight of British occupation. Yet, amidst the hardship, the resilient spirit of the Turkish people flickers brightly. And where hope thrives, resistance finds its voice. Fenerbahçe, more than just a football club, embodies this spirit. It serves as a sanctuary, a space where national pride and defiance interweave.
  • The Movie tells the story of Turkey during the War of Independence. It also tells the story of the founding of Fenerbahce Football Club and his victory in a match against English Invaders.

    It's a movie about hope, football and love. Everything that gave people strength to live in very difficult times of the war.

    Fenerbahce Istanbul is one of the biggest clubs in Turkey, probably the biggest. I see excessively bad comments here that are from the fam of Fenerbahce's biggest rivals. This has nothing to do with the quality of the film, it's just hatred between fans, as is often the case in football.
  • kivecnihass17 February 2024
    A perfect masterpiece. You should definitely watch it.

    It explains how important the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Fenerbahçe are in terms of history in the general course of the Republic. Fenerbahçe, a century-old plane tree, proves that it is a great sports club from its past. At that time, the Ottoman Empire was almost over and Fenerbahçe, a team and a football club that was affiliated with its country during the occupation of the British state, became the source of morale and motivation in its country during long struggles. In the movie; Topics such as love, football, war and struggle are touched upon. A team that made history. The greatest Lantern, always and everywhere.
  • "Zaferin Rengi" is a cinematic masterpiece that shines through its captivating storyline, stellar performances, and impressive direction. From start to finish, this film captivates viewers and immerses them in a world full of emotions, tension, and depth.

    The story is compelling and emotionally gripping, taking the audience on a journey through a range of feelings, from hope to despair to triumph. The characters are intricately developed and portrayed by talented actors who bring every scene to life.

    The direction by Abdullah Oguz is masterful. The camerawork, composition, and staging of each scene are impressive, contributing to an intense atmosphere. The musical score is also excellent, enhancing the emotional impact of the film.

    "Zaferin Rengi" is not just a film to watch but an experience to feel. It touches the heart and stimulates reflection. From the first minute, viewers are captivated and held spellbound until the very end.

    Overall, "Zaferin Rengi" is an outstanding masterpiece of filmmaking that impresses with its depth, intensity, and emotional resonance. An absolute must-see for cinephiles and lovers of great cinema.
  • Thanks to everyone who is involved in this production. Nicest movie made in Turkey in recent years. Very informative and giving correct history information. Cast is great, most successful actors/actresses have been chosen, well done! Every Turkish person no matter favourite team should watch this movie. The only reason for movie score is not the highest score is that fool galatasaray fans are giving lower score and this is ridiculous, not understandable. Fenerbahçe's greatness is neither championship greatness nor cup greatness, its greatness is something else that cannot be named- Islam Cupi.
  • The enemies of the Republic and Fenerbahçe probably give the film 1 star, do not pay attention to them, it is a magnificent film with everything. All of the history reflected is 100% accurate and shows our country's effort to exist in sports even in war. Many Fenerbahçe football players who fought in Turkey's War of Independence were martyred.

    Nejat Isler did a great job and the rest of the cast was also excellent.

    It really "enters the intellectual field by exploring themes that remain in the mind of the viewer. It invites reflection on the human condition, societal complexities and the intricate dance between fate and choice. This intellectual depth adds a layer of complexity to the overall viewing experience" As my other friend noted in other reviews.
  • This cinematographic masterpiece takes you back into the 1920's. It is inspired by a set of real life events, highlighting the importance of societal resilience and a true victory... It also highlights the importance of a sporting culture and the important role sporting facilities and clubs in our history. Perfect casting and a truly touching story. I would recommend everyone to watch this masterpiece, despite your 'colours'. Victory is for those who believe, victory is for those who believe in revolution. Also worth to mention why some people have opposed this film; simply because their souls are not worthy of victory. Not everyone can be victorious.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It explains how important the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and Fenerbahçe are in terms of history in the general course of the Republic. F. Bahçe, a century-old plane tree, proves that it is a great sports club from its past. At that time, the Ottoman Empire was almost over and Fenerbahce, a team and a football club that was affiliated with its country during the occupation of the British state, became the source of morale and motivation in its country during long struggles. In the movie; Topics such as love, football, war and struggle are touched upon. A team that made history. The greatest Lantern, always and everywhere.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The source of morale of the country during the occupation years. It was a great movie about how the struggles with the occupation forces were won, showing how all kinds of attempts to humiliate the country were in vain.

    It's far above my expectations. It is much better understood that such a big and beautiful club cannot find a response in today's government. Fenerbahçe is really the biggest club in this country with its past and majesty.

    It's really amazing. Thank you to everyone who contributed. Excitement, sadness, pride are all intertwined. I watched it full of eyes. Nejat works and Kubilay ata you are amazing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A Cinematic Marvel

    In the realm of contemporary cinema, a true gem has emerged, captivating audiences with its brilliance and leaving an indelible mark on the landscape of storytelling. This particular film, directed by an auteur whose vision transcends the ordinary, is a testament to the boundless possibilities of the medium.

    Visual Poetry

    The visual tapestry woven by the cinematography team is nothing short of mesmerizing. Each frame is a carefully crafted work of art, with a seamless blend of colors, textures, and imagery that transports the audience to a realm where reality and imagination coalesce. The film's visual prowess alone is enough to warrant acclaim.

    Narrative Ingenuity

    The narrative unfolds with a finesse that is both captivating and refreshing. The screenplay, a testament to the skill of the storytellers, navigates through intricate layers of emotion and plot twists. The pacing is impeccable, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats while allowing moments of contemplation.

    Ensemble Excellence

    The ensemble cast delivers performances that are nothing short of extraordinary. Their collective chemistry brings authenticity to each character, making them relatable and compelling. Every actor embraces their role with a dedication that elevates the film to a higher echelon of cinematic artistry.

    Melodic Magic

    The musical score, a symphony of emotions composed by a maestro, complements the visuals and narrative with unparalleled grace. The music is not just a backdrop but a character in itself, enhancing the overall cinematic experience and resonating with the audience long after the credits roll.

    Intellectual Stimulation

    Beyond its aesthetic and emotional appeal, the film ventures into intellectual territory, exploring themes that linger in the viewer's mind. It invites contemplation on the human condition, societal intricacies, and the intricate dance between fate and choice. This intellectual depth adds a layer of sophistication to the overall viewing experience.

    A Cinematic Triumph

    In the vast sea of films, this particular masterpiece stands tall, a beacon of creativity and innovation. It transcends the boundaries of genres, leaving an enduring impact on those fortunate enough to experience its magic. Without revealing its name, this film is a must-watch, a shining example of what cinema can achieve when guided by visionary talent.

    In conclusion, this unnamed cinematic marvel is a celebration of the art form, a symphony of visuals, storytelling, and performances that coalesce into an unforgettable experience. It is a triumph that deserves the highest praise, marking its place as a defining moment in contemporary cinema.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Zaferin Rengi is a Turkish historical drama film directed by Abdullah Oguz. The film is set in 1923, during the Turkish War of Independence. It follows the story of a group of Turkish footballers who are fighting for the General Harrington Cup. The film stars Kubilay Aka, Yigit Özsener, and Birce Akalay.

    The film was a critical and commercial success in Turkey. It was praised for its historical accuracy, its action sequences, and its performances.

    What I liked about the film:

    The film is very well-made. The cinematography is beautiful, and the action sequences are exciting.

    The film is historically accurate. It does a good job of portraying the events of the Turkish War of Independence.

    The performances are excellent. The cast is made up of some of the best actors in Turkey, and they all give great performances.

    What I didn't like about the film:

    The film is a bit long. It could have been trimmed by about 20 minutes.

    The film is a bit slow at times. The pacing could have been a bit better.

    Overall, I thought Zaferin Rengi was a very good film. It is a well-made, historically accurate, and exciting film that is sure to please fans of historical dramas.

    I would highly recommend this film to anyone who is interested in Turkish history or historical dramas.
  • rihole-4250917 February 2024
    Eda Erdem: "I just left the premiere, I wanted to share it with you as soon as possible. The Color of Victory is a wonderful movie. I watched it with tears in my eyes and of course with great pride. It's a great effort, there is a narrative that makes you feel that period with all its reality. It's the best movie I've watched in recent years." I can say that it was a movie. We are very lucky to be a part of this family. Well done to everyone who contributed.

    Nejat Isler: "Fenerbahçe will be champion this year. It will be good.." Bekir Aksoy: "Actually, I have been a Fenerbahçe fan since the priest's meadow. My father used to play matches in the market meadow."
  • "The Color of Victory" is not only a historical film, but also a masterpiece that inspires the human body to discover the strength and perseverance. The film takes the audience to the extraordinary victories of Turkey in the field of athletics at the 1924 Paris Olympics. With the masterful touches of the director, he makes the audience experience the difficulties and struggles of that period, but at the same time preserves the physical potential and determination of the human being.

    One of the impressive aspects of the film is the depth and emotional connection of its characters. Viewers are exposed to the struggle of athletes, not just athletes, but also people, to earn their money and achieve their dreams. The performances not only move the audience emotionally but also encourage them to connect with their characters.

    Visually, "The Color of Victory" is stunning. The rich details, atmospheric atmosphere and vibrancy come alive, while the on-stage cinematography and spectacular scenes captivate the audience. It takes the viewer back to the past and makes them relive that period, almost like a work coming from a painting.

    Finally, the themes and messages in the film remind us of how important not only sports but also human strength and perseverance are. He emphasizes that victory is not just a medal or a trophy, but an inner achievement and personal growth.

    "The Color of Victory" is much more than just a sports movie. It offers an inspiring journey that goes deep into one's soul and an unforgettable experience.
  • There are very few films where my feelings went very high while watching, the story, the film adaptation, the actors in the game and the whole spectrum are simply unique and everyone who sees the film will not regret it, and I saw some negative reviews up there . These are from fanatical fetösaray fans who haven't seen this film at all. They just made the comments and badmouthed the film. That shouldn't stop you from watching the film today. As I mentioned above, a wonderful film, you won't regret it. Don't be misled by the bad reviews that are not justified at all. Great film, great actors, great acting, watch the film and then you can judge for yourself.
  • In the movie; Topics such as love, football, war and struggle are touched upon. A team that made history. The greatest Lantern, always and everywhere. Beyond its aesthetic and emotional appeal, the film also enters the intellectual realm by exploring themes that remain in the mind of the audience. It invites reflection on the human condition, social complexities, and the complex dance between fate and choice. This intellectual depth adds a layer of sophistication to the overall viewing experience. Excellent cast and a truly touching story. I recommend everyone to watch this masterpiece despite your 'colors'. Victory belongs to those who believe, victory belongs to those who believe in the revolution.
  • oya-8165517 February 2024
    The Color of Victory was simply amazing!

    The story, acting, actors, visual effects and music were great. Those who gave low scores are trying to sabotage this and it's obvious they haven't watched the movie. It tells history very well and reflects emotions very well. It is among the best movies I have watched. I'm sure it will impress everyone who watches it and make those who haven't watched it regret it. They did a great job. The first thing I did after it was released was to watch it and I was touched many times.

    It's a great movie that should definitely be watched. It definitely deserves some time. Enjoy watching now. (I'm sure you'll like it :))
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A great film that shows the historical facts in all their nakedness, telling not only the story of a sports club, but also the story of the rise of a country. It shows in a wonderful way what a group of self-sacrificing people can risk for the love of their country. Anyone who loves stories of miraculous victories should definitely watch this film. I can also say that there is an incredible effort in this film in terms of acting, editing and cinematography. It takes a lot of effort to bring a period of time to the screen in such a realistic way. The film has done a great job in that sense. I think it is a great film that everyone should see, regardless of time, place, culture and age.
  • I can easily say that everyone did their job in the best way possible. I recommend for every age groups.

    "The film's success is captured through a meticulously crafted story of deep characters and outstanding performances. Each scene felt like a work of art. The visual effects and editing carried a spellbinding charm, drawing the audience into the events. Beyond offering an emotional journey, the film provided a thought-provoking experience. I lost track of time while watching, and ultimately completed the film spellbound. I definitely plan to watch it again and would recommend it to everyone."
  • pmdyfhzpt16 February 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    The movie zaferin rengi offers a disappointment rarely seen in the cinema industry. This 600-word critique will explain why the film failed to leave a positive impact on its audience.

    Despite having an intriguing concept, the film lacks the quality to fulfill its potential. Firstly, the screenplay is of low quality and inconsistent. The motivations and actions of the main characters often progress in an illogical and unbelievable manner. The progression of the story is dull and predictable, offering no surprises or depth. The relationships between characters are also shallow and underdeveloped.

    From a directorial standpoint, the film offers low-quality visuals and effects associated with its low budget. Especially the action scenes are clumsily choreographed and fail to excite the audience. The visual effects in the film are also quite artificial and lacking in realism, which disconnects the audience from the experience.

    The acting performances are generally weak as well. The lead actor fails to reflect the emotional depth or complexity of the character, and the other actors similarly fall short. There is a lack of chemistry between the characters, making it difficult to engage the audience.

    The technical shortcomings of the film are only a part of the issue. Fundamentally, "Distant Horizons: Lost City" is devoid of the originality, depth, and talent necessary to impress or provide audiences with a memorable experience. The story is unengaging, the visuals are weak, and the acting is inadequate. As a result, I would recommend spending your time on more satisfying and worthwhile productions instead of watching this film.
  • Fenerbahce reflects the presence of Turkic culture. It represents National Fredom. The movie is a story that tells the turning point in the life of a nation through the history of a football club. It is a dramatic production, apart from documentaries, about a part of the honorable history of a sports club that instilled hope in the people of Istanbul, who were under the deep psychological collapse of the occupation years. The movie was very well produced. Sequence of the events is outstanding. The performance of the players are amazing. Before watching, it is better to read history of Fenerbahce. I stricly advise to watch.
  • Thrilling and attractive fim about a football match between a captured city's team FENERBAHCE against English invaders. Based on a true's a great movie.for any football fan. The way the stadium was set up, the noise, it feel really real. The gift offered by this film was the emotion who can be lived, in pure and in real sense. Its the one of the greatest football based war film ever. This film mixes football with independence, meaning that the game stands for moral, prospect and human issues for the captured city Istanbul and for it's people. One cannot describe better what the nation had gone through and how a football team becoming a hope of.victory. This is definitely one of the best football movie I have ever seen and It shows how a desire can fuel a nation by a victory of a football team to reach independence.
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