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  • lmhale3560116 January 2022
    Love this show, so funny and unpredictable. Mike is hilarious! I really like his little clips at the end of the episodes. I hope they make more episodes cause it's a cool show.
  • max-p-m-reznik13 December 2021
    People who don't like this show are simply taking it too seriously. Mike Tyson is intentionally portrayed as a complete moron and it's REALLY funny. Norm McDonald is also hilarious and you can tell they let him write a majority of his own lines as most of his dialogue matches what his old standup feels like.
  • I was skeptical before I watched the first episode. I thought it would be stupid. I was so very wrong. This is one of the funniest series I've seen in years. I've recommended this to all my friends and they've loved it as well. I just hope that there is a fifth season on the way.
  • I don't think I've ever been as surprised by a television series as I am by "Mike Tyson Mysteries," a show that I thought was bound to be one of the dumbest shows ever. It turns out that while, yes, the show is dumb--often very, very dumb--it's also endlessly entertaining and always hilarious. Upon first glance, it would be easy to assume "Mike Tyson Mysteries" as just a one-joke "Scooby-Doo" spoof, but although there are certainly some "Scooby-Doo" staples present (the mystery van in particular), the show transcends its goofy premise by having each episode have a vastly different mystery every week. Although the show is definitely not about great plotting or genius storytelling, the writers seem to strive not to make the show repetitive from week to week. One episode may take place in space while the next episode will be about werewolves, or something equally as silly and ridiculous. The show never forgets that its a cartoon made for adults that don't mind juvenile, immature, or random humor.

    The biggest surprise of "Mike Tyson Mysteries" is Mike Tyson himself. Tyson is clearly 100% in on the joke, and seemingly puts no limitations on what aspects of his life he'll make fun of. This is as funny and amusing as Mike Tyson has ever been, a far cry from the rageaholic image that Tyson has had in the past. Tyson is clearly invested in the material, and has far better comedic timing than anyone might expect. As funny as Tyson is here, he can't compare to Norm MacDonald as Pigeon, an alcoholic, profane, sarcastic pigeon that lives with Tyson. This is the perfect role for MacDonald, who has better deadpan delivery than any comedic actor working today. Pigeon could easily been a super annoying and unbearable character, but MacDonald instead manages to make him the highlight an already fantastic comedy.

    "Mike Tyson Mysteries" is not high art, or even that ambitious of a television series. Each episode is simply fifteen minutes of silly, occasionally nonsensical, and vulgar laughs. The show easily could have been a terrible waste of time, yet somehow it's ended up being far better than it has any right to be. There are tons of people that will view the series with absolute disdain based on either either how they feel about Tyson himself or about the general absurd nature of the show. This isn't for everybody, though for me, "Mike Tyson Mysteries" is hands down the funniest series on television right now, and one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. Highly recommended for fans of adult cartoons. 9/10
  • The show's description sums it up, but it's funny as hell. What makes this show is the casting, and I'm singling out Norm MacDonald in the role he was born to play: a divorced degenerate whose ex-wife turned him into a pigeon, and now he solves mysteries. The rest of the team is comprised of Mike Tyson, Mike's adopted 18-year-old Korean daughter, and a ghost from the mid-to-late 1800's, and they're like Scooby-Doo but with more substance abuse and sad murders. This show is nonsense, but it's hilarious nonsense.
  • To say I went into Mike Tyson Mysteries looking for quality entertainment and laughs would be completely overstating it. Yes, I recognized immediately that this cartoon looked to be in the same vein as WB's earlier "Space Ghost" and"Harvey Birdman" while existing within a satire of Scooby Doo. I didn't even bother to read the synopsis; I just pressed Play on the Netflix button.

    And from there, I proceeded to laugh, out loud and without breath, for almost 10 minutes straight.

    Mike Tyson Mysteries knows exactly what it is and what it wants to be. Personally I think it's rare when you have a vision in mind and then you actually see it evolve from conception to completion with it being exactly as you had intended. I suspect that the creators of MTM might have surpassed even their expectations.

    MTM is absurd, irreverent, ridiculous and hilarious. It's everything I wanted it to be and it's now shot to the top of my list as one of the funniest cartoons I've ever seen in my 48 years on the planet.

    I'm not going to discuss the animation, plots or voice acting or even bother to tell you who's in it, besides Mike Tyson.

    Sometimes you have to just press Play for yourself.
  • The animation here is great throwback style like you'd see from Johnny Quest, Sealab 2020, Scooby Doo, and other somewhat outdated Cartoon Network stuff. However, this attributes to the shows greatness, as it's done classically yet in a contemporary fashion. As a plot seemingly appears into the third episode, I am becoming more and more drawn to the show and it's backgroundless characters. Mike Tyson is a doof, but ultimately comes off as a slapstick genius, occasionally beating helpless and innocent people often times fatally usually over a simple miscommunication, misunderstanding, or just stupidity and yet the balance of justice remains in his favor as he continues his metaphysical quest to solve the ultimate mystery. It's not just slapstick though, if fact, it's not a majority of the much much humor found within the witty word play and throwback references, as well as the dark black humor of the pigeon, who is played so perfectly by Norm McDonald. Over all you kind find several good pauses of silence, followed by a delayed bursting out of laughter. The best thing exhibited in this show however is the voice work. Jim Rash, Norm McDonald, and Mike Tyson are a triple threat. And props to Rachel Ramras who thankfully grounds the show to reality by being one of the most sensible and at the same time sarcastically humorous that winds oft winds up being a kick in the funny bone.
  • I am 55 years old. I grew up on the Bugs Bunny, Road Runner Hour, Flintstones Etc. Mike Tyson Mysteries is the funniest show I have ever seen in my life! I DVR every episode and then binge watch. Mike Tyson is so good at everything in this production. Norm McDonald as "Pidgeon" is too good to be true. Adult swim is the only channel that could pull this off and they have the tiger by the tail. Kudos to all the production staff that work on this well sculpted show. Keep the episodes coming, I can not get enough.
  • This show I brilliant on so many levels. The humor is perfect for just about any personality and the show is less then 20 mins. Sometimes I wish it was longer but sometimes it's the perfect amount of time. Mike Tyson and Pigeon (Norm Macdonald) are hilarious!
  • Im in my 30s so i grew up watching tyson destroy just about everyone he fought in the ring. I also grew up watching adult swim at night after the kids cartoons went off there have always been hits and misses with adult animation probably more misses then KOs but mike tyson mysteries is a perfect cartoon. its got everything you need. Its a ridiculous premise really, mike tryson, his dead friend the Marquess of Queensberry, a foul mouthed degenerate talking pigeon (played perfectly by Norn Macdonald), his daughter and roomate/manager deezy get mysteries delivered via carrier pigeons, shenanigans ensue, and mike usually ends up hurting or killing someone, then they return home after a job well done in mikes eyes. Its all very random and very funny theres no overall arch other then to solve mysteries so theres no need to watch in any order its a great adult cartoon and i recommend anyone who likes to laugh at silliness to give it a chance
  • Voice-over work is harder than some might realize and I had my doubts about Mike Tyson's ability to carry this off, but Tyson's work here is beyond reproach. Hopefully the plot will become more cohesive and the supporting characters' backstories will be developed; I think it has potential if given enough time but so far it's not a hit in my book and my 7 out of 10 assessment is being generous. I will revisit this if my opinion changes.

    While Norm MacDonald is a pro at this, his character has so far not developed into anything special. No worries because this is only at the third episode, but the writers need to get on the stick- people are not going to keep coming back unless there's a better return on their time IMHO.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Mike Tyson leads a team in solving "mysteries" delivered to them by carrier pigeon. His team includes his adopted Korean daughter left on his door step. She is on the geek side. The third member is the ghost of Marquess of Queensbury, who is also gay. The fourth member is a politically incorrect, over sexed pigeon, normally called "Pigeon" but whose real name is Richard. He was changed into a pigeon for his infidelity by his witch wife Sandra nee ex-wife.

    The mystery tends to be simple and sometimes not even a mystery. Tyson typically ends up killing someone, sometimes by accident. The humor is politically incorrect and over the top. Some knowledge of Tyson is helpful. Sometimes I get the same feeling as when I watched the Anna Nicole Smith Show which was designed for everyone to laugh at her stupidity and not with her. Tyson speaks with his typical lisp. He mispronounces words, makes up song lyrics,misuses words, and doesn't understand simple situations. These 10-11 minute segments also manage to spoof other cartoon mysteries when murder is ignored and no one calls the police, rather they attempt to solve things by themselves.

    The cartoons were downright laugh out loud funny. The humor was smart. Sometimes they would even have the end joke tie into one at the beginning, albeit only 8 minutes earlier. I even learned there is a drink called a Moscow Mule (vodka, lime juice and ginger beer) which I decided to leave off my bucket list.

    This is not for the very young. Nudity is pixilated and F-bombs deleted, but that is about it. Sex is typically discussed, sometimes fairly graphically.
  • At one time "Iron" Mike Tyson was the baddest man on earth, knocking out men in less time than it will take you to read my review. Then a funny thing happened. He went bananas. Jail time, biting off a guy's ears and ending up flat broke, it was a sad tale. But maybe the tale has a happy ending. Mike now seems to have his life in balance, and the once baddest man on earth isn't above having some fun at his own expense. Case in point; 'Mike Tyson Mysteries'.

    In the style of the old SNL "Saturday TV Funhouse"--itself a spoof of the classic Hanna-Barbera cartoons from the 70s--'Mike Tyson Mysteries' is a raunchy little comedic snack. With each episode clocking in at just under twelve minutes, it breezes by and still manages to illicit more laughs than many shows twice its length.

    It's not as clever as something like 'Venture Bros.' by half, but with a tight little ensemble lead by the venerable Tyson himself, it certainly packs sufficient comedic punch.
  • Mike Tyson, his Asian kid, a Victorian ghost, and a talking pigeon have small, bite-size, short-attention-span misadventures. Some of the humor is lazy, while other times it's not laugh out loud funny, but more like "Ha. That was humorous." The episodes frequently lose focus, peter out by the end and don't go anywhere, with the "plot" (i.e. half-baked premise) more often than not getting dropped just before the credits roll. Not Adult Swim's best animation, just a shoulder-shrugging middle-of-the-road trifle you can watch an episode or two of once in a while.
  • Mike Tyson Mysteries is one of the silliest shows on television. Adult Swim is really the only channel that could get away with broadcasting it. The whole show is essentially a parody of Scooby Doo. The characters are all just a random crew composed of a ghost, an alcoholic pigeon, Mike Tyson and his adopted teenage daughter. Its really funny watching Tyson's stupid character throughout the series and his voice acting is terrible but it works. Pigeon, who is voiced by Norm MacDonald, is also a very funny character and is my personal favorite. The show is funny and I've enjoyed watching the whole season. The show is already renewed for a second season and I'm sure I'll be tuning in. If you are a fan of any Adult Swim shows, chances are that you will enjoy this one as well.
  • When I heard of this show I knew I needed to see it. It's a spoof of Hanna-Barbera shows like Scooby Doo but this one starring Mike Tyson himself. And it is absolutely ridiculous in the best way possible.

    Mike Tyson plays himself but as a guy who drives around in his Mystery Mobile along with his adopted Asian daughter, a gay ghost and a talking pigeon solving mysteries. That right there was enough for me to take notice but then I watched the first episode and couldn't stop giggling.

    Mike of course is played like an idiot but one that means well and wants to help people. He can't speak properly, misunderstands everything and solves his problems by punching them.

    His daughter is the voice of reason, the gay ghost provides exposition and the pigeon drinks and acts snarky. What's not to love?
  • This show is solid gold. I really hope it doesn't get cancelled. The animations are decent, the characters are hilarious. The voice work is perfect.

    I really hope to watch this show for years to come. I don't understand how it doesn't have a large following.
  • yaqoob-jamal30 January 2020
    This show is hillarious. If you love to see Mike Tyson making fun of himself, this is a gem.

    Short episodes, nothing serious, just a nice good funny 12 minutes
  • I have always been a fan of adult swim and this show is one of my favorites. It has its fair share of gags but also has its witty moments. The writers purposefully implement hard lines for Mike to read and he constantly screws them up in humorous ways such as when he tries to say "Chupacabra". The voice acting is great and the Mike Tyson jokes never get old. I'm excited to see how the show develops. The gay ghost in the show seems to be the voice of reason for Mike, trying to help him think out situations and control his emotions. Pigeon is an alcoholic asshole who does his own thing, and Mike's Asian American daughter Yung Hee is a very intelligent young girl constantly having to put up with Mike and his antics. To keep it brief, Mike Tyson Mysteries is not the average ridiculous Adult Swim cartoon and I see it as a great add on to the networks line up.
  • nutron-0813428 January 2021
    It's a charming, funny black comedy with likable characters and pretty witty writing. Each episode is usually satisfying with a payoff for an earlier setup, and at 11 minutes you it's a small investment of your time for a pretty entertaining reward, Norm Macdonald's Pigeon character being a real show stealer. Shame it hasn't been renewed for a 5th season.
  • I've watched the first 4 episodes and now I'm hooked. Really enjoy the humor and silliness of the characters and plot. Kind of reminds me of sealab 2020. The show wouldn't be the same without Norm's humor and Mike's ridiculous character, they make the show. Wildly funny.
  • I will always love this man for his writing and portrayal of Thomas Jefferson in A Young Person's Guide to History, but Mike Tyson Mysteries is his masterpiece. All hail Hugh Davidson! May his contributions eternally defecate upon the forehead of the God of Comedy so that It may continue to exist...
  • If you watch season one you may well laugh hysterically at the absolute outrageous lunacy. It is truly a first. It gets repetitive and then lazy. Season 4 is an absolute CHORE to get through. I'm glad it finally ended. They really killed it by the end.
  • tammy-111572 May 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    I just love this show. Pigeon is my fave. Mike can poke fun at himself and that's cool. The mysteries rang of silliness is hilarious also. This is something I can just sit back and enjoy. Each episode is simply a few minutes of silly and I love it.The show never forgets that its a cartoon made for adults and that's fine with me. It just goes with the flow of being funny.
  • ADYRollo24 November 2014
    Mike Tyson is a "knock out" in animation. This show may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I like it. It is hard to find shows that make me laugh out loud, but this one does. It may seem surprising, but Mike Tyson's animated parody of himself is funny and entertaining. The story lines are imaginative and peculiar. The supporting cast is offbeat and comical, as they set off each week to "solve" mysteries. Norm McDonald is in his element as the wise-cracking pigeon. The humor is lowbrow but hey, it's a cartoon. One of the things this show has going for it is that it doesn't take itself too seriously. I recommend giving this show a try because it may surprise you. Plus, each episode is only 12 -15 minutes long; so it's not a big commitment. I think the average viewer will want go several rounds with Mike Tyson's Mysteries.
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