User Reviews (2)

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  • Rodrigo_Amaro3 February 2024
    To talk about "La Empresa" without spoiling is almost impossible becuase one would have to give away the central point of this movie.

    A young man (Enzo Vogrincic, now famous after the amazing "Society of the Snow") arrives at a company and there's a mystery receptionist (Sabrina Yanque) who makes a series of questions to him yet he doesn't know why he's there at all. Some creepy sitaution keeps repeating as he tries to get away from the building.

    I loved the short, it was well acted by the duo, but the script made things a little easy as to Enzo's sollution and fate. I knew the situation way beforehand but this was mine experince as those issues were already done in bigger things. But on the other hand, I know that many will feel the element of surprise coming, the terror of it all as seen through Enzo's fright as he keeps seeing her following him everywhere. It's all very tense and well made. 8/10.
  • The Kafkaiesque touch seems the main trait of this short film about a young man at a company, behind questions of receptionist, not real knowing why he is is there, looking for hide by insistent young woman in elevator, discovering a bitter - dark truth.

    But the good point are , in same measure, the story, beautiful crafted, moment by moment, and the young Enzo Vogrincic as new version of Joseph K.

    A short film about bureaucracy and its power, about ordinary man as victim of a sort of spider web, The basic virtue of La Empresa - the generouse opened perspectives about story and characters. And, sure, the acting .