User Reviews (15)

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  • rebeccaj-900287 March 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    There were two reasons I watched this movie. The first was to see Melissa Benoist exercise her acting chops in something a bit darker after seeing her in Glee and Supergirl - not that Marley and Kara are the same but something with a little less sunshine. She delivered in this role as she always does. It appears that no matter what it thrown her way, she bats it out of the park... incredible actress. The second reason I watched it is simply because I love indie movies and I found it on Amazon. While not a fan of Blake Jenner, it was apparent he had no problem accessing his anger as an actor and using it to get many of his points across, which was interesting to see after what's been on the news lately. But the primary theme of the movie, as I perceived it, was that quite often no matter how hard you want to change the people around you often won't let you. They shove you into a box, wrap it in tape, and mark it with a sharpie and now matter how much you claw and contort yourself you often can never break out of that box that others have trapped you in. The main character in this movie wanted to change. He wanted out of the gang he was in. He wanted the beautiful girlfriend and the normal life. But no one would allow him to leave his past behind and change except Jennifer. However, she had to protect her own boundaries and rightfully so when Billy put her family in danger. The theme of the movie is a true statement about humanity... about our society. Friendships... relationships often fall apart when one person tries to improve in some way. Other people involved will try to sabotage or, if you're lucky, you will find someone to grow with you. Billy was not so lucky. His friends wanted him to fall with them. So he did... and he took some really good people with him. I won't lie. This movie took 3 hours for me to get through. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen. Melissa Benoist did a great job and, like I said, though sad, the theme will hit home for a lot of people.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Billy (Blake Jenner) is part of a gang of four that wears masks and hijacks automobiles, while robbing and beating the driver. Billy has an altercation with Mikey (Grant Harvey) a psychotic member of the group who takes things too far. Billy is slowly attempting to better himself, but isn't committed to the process.

    This is a story on how circumstances end up affecting our lives. Many boring scenes. The director liked using reverse film to show a memory, which it does a lot.

    Guide: F-word, sex, brief nudity.
  • The timeline just jumps all over the place with no clue if its past or present. With the bad acting it is also annoying. The kid gets beat by his friend but all his fights are with everyone else, He unstable, has no guts and makes bad decisions, I guess that makes a character if the timeline was stable at least.
  • I don't recommend this film. It really gets lost in all the crazy camera stunts. Actors were generally good, but a waste of Melissa Benoist's talent. I now understand why she made it as these were people from her prior series Glee. She needs to find better films. She's very good actress, she is very talented. Enjoy Supergirl instead.
  • Zero stars. Pretentious,butt hurt,idiots trying playing real life. Skip this turd for sure or check it out for yourself and then complain about your wasted time.
  • This movie is so bad forced me to write a review i'm not going to add spoilers as its not even worth leaking any out .The movie to me has a basketball dairy,kids,Bomb the system kind of vibe to it .All those movies were way better than this film ,this has a film student quality to it which is to say it doesn't have any quality at all.For such wooden predictable cliche writing the actors seem to over act .This is a film for pretentious tool bag hipsters/unwiped artsy fartsy asses as well as navel gazers .Very predictable story you know how its going to end even before the end .Not worth seeing at all then to top it off you have the explicit sex scene thrown in out of no where which just as out of place as the actors.Any time i see some graphic sex in a movie its a huge red flag that the movie is horrible and the sex is thrown into shock and get people talking about about a film that should of never seen the light of day what the girl from super girl was thinking by being in this is beyond me .Imdb really needs to install a negative rating system because giving this a 1 in the positive is too much i would rate this a - Negative 5 if i could .Nothing to see here folks unless you like seeing nude melissa bolona at the expense of being bored to tears by this mental masturbation fodder don't bother
  • Billy Boy is not an easy movie to watch and is certainly not going to appeal to everyone. This is not a Hollywood film , Hollywood would have turned this into some fake story about a bad boy with a heart of gold who gets the girl in the end. Horribly realistic, this is a movie with gritty and raw performances, especially from the talented lead who also wrote the film, but everyone is excellent in their role. The locations are perfect, the characters true to life. I don't love the use of playing the film backwards in some scenes, and the film does rely on the use now of telling the story out of order, but in this case it works. I have seen this movie a few times and will never understand it's poor rating and reviews. It really is a little gem if you like your stories personal and ugly. I think it's the sheer ugliness of the characters , story and ending that are turning viewers off, but it's a great film.
  • the_nephilim7120 September 2018
    I had high hopes for the movie but I was sadly disappointed. I thought it was terrible. It was difficult to follow the story, if the scenes were current or flashbacks, questionable acting on the part of several actors including Jenner. It's just not a good film. Period.
  • I actually enjoyed the film, a lot of sex and romance that doesn't really hold with the total message of the movie and the girlfriend that the main character has doesn't really help with that (but my personal preference with movies is that it doesn't have too many romantic scenes so this is just coming from me) I really liked it but there was a lot of jumping and flashbacks which kind of reminded me of "we need to talk about Kevin" but the difference is that this movie and that movie is that this movie doesn't give me a headache. In MY opinion there was some pretty good acting in the movie and the movie tries it's best to be cinema graphic in some moments but it comes off as kind of unnatural but not a bad movie at all.
  • mitchell180518 August 2020
    I left the main character it served no purpose the whole story I felt no passion to it.
  • I had been very interested in this film since it's announcement on Kickstart. A huge fan of Ms. Benoist, I wanted to see her in a story out of her normal realm of features. I wasn't dissapointed. This film is gritty and I found it easy to connect with the characters and their situations both good and bad. The ending was done quite well and unlike most Indie's doesn't leave you guessing as to the cause and effect of the character's actions.I found myself hoping for Billy to climb out of the situation(s) he found himself in. I watched it in a theater and later shared with friends from home. One film I will long remember. Good Job!!!!!
  • paulinalagudi17 November 2018
    A definite must see made by great people. The acting is phenomenal and the cinematography is fantastic.
  • This movie is extremely powerful. The story telling is bold and very real, leaving nothing behind. All of the performances by all of the actors were very strong and because of this, as soon as the movie started, I felt instantly connected to them and going on this gritty story telling adventure with all of them. The film was beautifully shot, and the world which was created for the characters truly depicted what I had envisioned when watching the film. I highly recommend this film on all levels.
  • I was completely taken in by this movie. The performances were so raw and expert in my opinion, and the experimentational way this film was shot floored me. It's something that is missing from so many movies. It's reminiscent of Requiem for a Dream and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It's brave and entertaining but more importantly it's fresh. I recommend giving it a chance and watch with an artists' heart not a critic's.
  • Yes, I know the backstory, and Blake needs to be held accountable. He abused Melissa, hit her, all kinds of bs and he's psychotic. I'M NOT DEFENDING HIM. But the thing is, he's actually a damn good actor. And if you take all the backstage stuff away, you'll see that this is actually a pretty good movie.


    We CAN'T take that away. It's not right. And it's all so sad. He's a good actor and had future, but threw it all away. That's what's such a freaking shame.

    I get the low-rating though - people are (rightfully!) boycotting this film because of everything that happened AND it has a low budget cause it's Blake's debut as a writer.

    In any case, the guy needs to be held accountable, and I am glad that Melissa is free.
