User Reviews (10)

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  • This is one of the few films that has kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Excellent plot and acting. Very smooth development and full of surprises. Superb story telling skills. One of the few talented scripts in modern Chinese cinema.

    Without disclosing much of the plot, we can only say it is mainly a courtroom drama involving a widowed tycoon whose 19-year-old daughter is accused of murdering his bride-to-be, a beautiful artist who is found to be having an affair with another young man.

    As the court proceeding evolved, we seem to discover more evidence and hence new relations among all the stakeholders, including the lawyers for both sides. A very good suspense story with strong focus.

    The vast amount of internal struggles and complex yet repressed emotions are brilliantly delivered by the excellent cast. Sun Honglei (the tycoon Lin Tai), Aaron Kwok (the fierce prosecutor Tong Tao), Nan Yu (the defense lawyer Zhou Li who vows to save the seemingly innocent defendant) and Jiajia Deng (Lin Mengmeng the daughter) are all great in showing the wide range of sentiments: anger, doubt, resentment, arrogance, guilt, awareness etc as the drama unfolds.

    The art direction is also great. Although it is a fictitious trial in a fictional Chinese city, we are led to believe that such modern city with skyscrapers, highways and colonial architecture really exists and information can flow freely in China.

    Very tactfully, the film projects an ideal China while stating that things are often not what they seem to be, especially in this new world power. Because precisely in China, anything can happen.

    One criticism I have is that the first few scenes in the media control room to introduce the main characters are sort of superfluous and can be edited out to make the whole film classier. The presence of cameras in the courtroom is also not necessary and, generally, not allowed.

    All in all, if you are into suspense, surprise, courtroom drama and modern China development, this is a must see. If you are interested in exploring the theme of justice, truth, loyalty, love, manipulation and the legal system, this is also quite worth watching. Highly recommended.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Lin Tai, a tycoon with a history of multiple charges of fraud over the years, hires a top class lawyer to defend his daughter who is charged with killing his girlfriend. State prosecutor Tong Tao is expecting a scapegoat to be produced when it appears to be his star witness. But things are not as they seem.

    The director Fei Xing's experiment with nonlinear multi-perspective storytelling has certainly offered something new in a country where courtroom dramas are rare and mostly driven by state-sanctioned ideology.

    With a story revolving around a powerful political figure and his offspring being put on trial, multiple testimonies being overturned at the stand and courtroom proceedings spiraling into a poisonous expose of trysts and sexual misdeeds.

    The lawyers' pursuit of the truth offers riveting drama, in which the prosecuting and defense teams are seemingly being manipulated in a game plan unfolding out of their control.

    This courtroom thriller is highly recommended.
  • It starts with a court room scene of a 20 year old girl having murdered her fathers girlfriend and the arguments in favour and against it. The father is a multi billionaire who goes to do anything to save his child and Prosecutor is a enemy of the father having tried various times in the past to lock him up but fails

    It's one of the most matured court drama thriller of recent times with fantastic performances from the lead cast. It's narrated from each characters perspective revealing the truth slowly and more gracefully. The plot is intense with a logical and gripping screenplay enacted by lead actors so beautifully that it turns out to be an excellent masterpiece. The suspense gets revealed at each twists but still holds the audience at the edge of the seat with some twists which are unpredictable. The final revelation is master stroke and brilliant and also brings out the emotional quotient. Kudos

    It's a must watch for extra ordinary screenplay and performances
  • Tough for me to get it at my first watch. I have to watch again. The incedents happening were very unpredictable & I were in a big confusion throughout the movie. But after rearranging it seems cool..
  • This film's setting is neither Chinese nor Western, nor Hong Kong or Taiwan. The dialogue is like a literal translation. The court, regardless it's not Hong Kong or China but more like a Hollywood product. The courtroom scenes are extremely ridiculous and hilarious.

    However, the tension of the whole drama is still quite strong. If the original is an US or European film, and then was adapted and reproduced into a Hong Kong film, it will be quite like "Infernal Affairs".

    Anyway, no matter how you think it's a great thriller or not, you must not apply it to the current CCP legal system. Why? There would be no legal system like what we've seen in this farcical courtroom drama that could only exist in fantasy, a big joke!
  • This is an interesting crime movie and courtroom drama which seems well thought and has good twists and turns. I wasn't surprised with a few of the evolving events and found some issues a bit far fetched. But overall the movie is well paced, good acting though I feel the lead defence lawyer could be less wooden in her acting initially as I nearly gave up watching this movie as I was annoyed with her unemotional responses in the first 10 minutes. I was encouraged to stay on watching after reading the comment of one reviewer here. I was especially impressed with the acting of the father of the accused. Certainly recommend this movie to watch.
  • I seldom watch movie and wonder if it is rare to have courtroom movie in China. Anyway this one is terrific and resemble Western Court. The plot is well written, with surprise to attract your eye ball.

    Aaron Kwok 's acting is ok. All along he performs the role of prosecutor well. But the role itself has not much room to apply his already mature acting skill. Anyway he is very smart looking and cool.

    A very hardworking actor amd singer. Congratulation for him to become a father of two angels.
  • I'm not going to repeat all the plot details like the other 5 or 6 reviewers have done. By reading them, you likely already have a pretty good, basic idea of the story : )

    But, I will say that I thought the film was very well done, extremely clever and involving. Well acted throughout by all involved (DAMN... is it somehow racist to say that I swear these Chinese actors are almost always amazing!) What really makes the movie is the clever plotting and what also really impressed me was the added dimension towards the end where perhaps one's impression of certain people may not turn out to be quite what you expected (is that vague enough :D) This really gives what already is a great film, a further layer of depth and character.

    Seriously though... I really liked the characters. The powerful businessman was quite smooth, the prosecutor very focused and determined, and what is interesting is the bearing and manner of the defense counsel. Right from the beginning her manner strikes you as rather odd, but that is just another well thought out development of this excellent and entertaining story.

    If you like clever Crime Thrillers, especially ones with a lot of turns of subtlety, and you hopefully don't mind reading subtitles (assuming of course that you do not already speak Chinese) you should really enjoy this slightly complex, yet very riveting film...
  • The biggest highlight of the movie is the rhythm is very fast. Relying on different characters' perspectives, it manages to connect them into a seamless case with the best plot twists.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Compare to other Chinese movies at the same time this one is much better. I can feel the director's effort to make this movie more interesting, more attracted by using the POV skills. I guess this is quite popular after Game of Thrones TV series.

    Let's talk something I don't like. The case itself is not so "real". It's lack of some logic if think a little deep. But the director telling the story in a different way and it will distract the focus on the logic itself. Again, if you finished watching this movie, when you start thinking back some pieces of this movie, you will find out that "wait, wait, that's sounds not right. It doesn't make sense." For example, the video clip in this movie is an obvious "bug". Neither in western court system nor Chinese court system, the video can't play such a big role of evidence. And if you taking serious about this movie, about the video clip, you are over estimate the function of it and under estimate the capability of juristic system.

    All in all, not bad movie for modern Chinse movie producer. But story line itself needs more work.