User Reviews (26)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I got the dvd cheap.

    To be honest I thought I was buying a similar film called Hotel mumbai but enjoyed this one.

    This is based on a true event,an awful event.

    I have said this involves spoilers in case people don't know the story but I won't give plot details.

    This film has some awful scenes of violence.

    The plot is not well laid out,it gets a bit hippy drippy at points in my opinion.

    There are some good performances.

    But the film will make you think.

    For a more straight forward telling of the story watch Hotel Mumbai.
  • My quick rating - 5,6/10. Although the movie is somehwat pretentious and tries very hard to push an agenda of religion, politics...probably more than just that really, it still is somewhat effective. The characters are fairly unique to one another which helps in the diversity, and the situation of being under siege with people that are not all similar. This is also very imoprtant to the cultural aspect of this movie. Unfortunately the acting is really hit or miss. The same characters that do a fine job in one scene, will be downright asleep in another. The uneveness gets a bit distracting. Now classifying this movie as action is slightly a stretch, but I couldn't really peg it elsewhere. To judge on the action, you'll be disappointed since this isn't a "black Hawk Down" or "Bengazi" type flick. This is much more focused on the interactions of the players, and how they gel in a no win situation. If it wasn't for the flaws I mentioned, and those I am about to, such as weird camera work that seems out of place, and scenes that really could've been left on the cutting room floor to get this under 2 hours. One last gripe, which I think supports my first statement completely: Changing the name of the film from "One Less God" to "Mumbai Siege" for the release. To me that sounds like a major copout to attract attention to it being an all out action fest, when in reality, that is far from what this is. Too many flaws to reach much higher than a six, but it leaves with a quote that I personally think was brilliant. "If our children keep dying for the sake of our beliefs, isn't it time our beliefs started dying for the sake of our children? "
  • Has at least 3 different title releases which should alert you to the fact it hasn't been successful. Not a total disaster but is drawn out and repetitious. Questionable accuracy. Suspect fictional account of true event. Leaves unanswered why the delays of first responders.
  • There is not much I can add to Veldrins review - He has said everything I was going to say.

    This was a real turd of a movie and if you check all the 10/10 reviews you will notice every single one is a shill - Usually the Director and the cast and crew voting it up and when its a big movie paid boiler room shills in Pakistan and India. Read Veldrins review its actually the only honest one on here!

    When you start to watch a movie and within 15 mins begin to wonder when it will be finished you know it does not bode well.

    The directing; what there was of it, was like some hippy had smoked a joint and wanted to spread love and peace man and decided to make this aural and visual torture! Yeah we get it dude; its trite, pretentious drivel and been done a thousand times better than this - and oh god the music! it was so misplaced and over the top. The acting was ham fisted and the camerawork was like something from first year film school. The slo-mo scenes just seemed to drag on and on in an neverending haze. If you bought into the name change and thought there was going to be lots of action then do not bother as there isn't any.

    My goodness you will be glad when its over as the movie just drags on and on with its simpering, hippy, leftist, third wave feminist, libtard agenda sticking it to you in the lug'ole and eyeball at every turn. But hey , who am I to argue as that seems to be the Hollywood Agenda these days - Cinema truly is dying a death of political correctness!
  • Poorly acted, poorly directed, a soundtrack that appears to have been devised for an entirely different movie. At best this is a second rate tv movie.

    I can only assume all of the 10/10 reviews are from people with a stake in the movie.

    Don't waste your time with this rubbish.
  • vmps-116 February 2019
    Right off the bat, I was disillusioned with this movie. The lack of professionalism is stark and in your face.

    • The shot inside the boat shows instruments solely used in aircraft - ADF, DME, etc. Clearly no intelligence exercised by the producer/director.
    • Non native speakers delivered Hindi dialogue. Strange that the producers could not find appropriate actors for it. It was amusing though.

    I must say that I had no desire to proceed after the first 10 mins.
  • If these events weren't real it would be a damn good movie.But it lacks the reality, you're terrified, horrified and traumatised, but take time out for a one liner to ease the moment, get real. As for wandering the corridors of a hotel roamed by armed Jihadists, I'd think of taking at least a kitchen knife or table leg.As for a couple of snorting murderers I'd need to review their toxicology reports.But if facts and reality don't matter, it's well worth watching.
  • Don't waste your time. This is as pretentious as it is amateurish. The use of music is wrong, it flows against the rhythm of the story. The camera inexplicably comes again and again uncomfortably close to the faces of the characters even though there is no subtle expression to observe. The direction is non-existent, the actors deliver their lines like reading them out of a book and there is a lot of time spent in scenes that contribute nothing to the story.

    Still the most egregious of all is the change of its original title "One less God" - an obvious tell of a globalism pseudo-religious tale - into "Mumbai Siege" letting you think this is some kind of thriller. The very opening of the film is emetic in its deliverance and heavy-handedness. You see a western man taking part in a Hinduistic festival, like he could actually have some kind of connection to the Hindu culture, while a western couple renew their vows in another Hinduistic ritual like it's some kind of game! And on the background a dull narrator tells us how all religions, cults and conspiracy theories are sacred and equal and it doesn't matter which you choose; the only thing that matters is Life, that is, the globalist religion of tolerance and meekness.

    (Really? Life? How about roaches? Bacteria? Maybe washing your hands is murder after all.)

    If all that wasn't enough, the fighting scenes - the adrenaline component - are so LAME, one could have thought it was a school sketch. There should be a personalization function to block the ratings and reviews of people who give a 10 to a movie you know is barely a 1.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Slow and Boring The Terrorists are portrayed as nothing but two lazy hashish addicts Waste Of Time
  • My name is John Kokken and I am an actor from Mumbai and I was in Mumbai when the Mumbai attacks happened . And I must say that the Indie movie ONE LESS GOD is an extremely heart-touching film with stellar performances by all the actors involved and definitely a must watch. The director Lliam Worthington has cast the actors who fit the profile exactly and it's a film that more than anything touches human emotions and bonds and questions religions and faiths. And above all the title of the film ONE LESS GOD, that's such an apt title for a film like this. Enjoyed watching this movie thoroughly and kudos to all the actors who did a fabulous job. The camerawork was exceptionally good especially the action sequences. Kudos to the entire cast and crew of the film. God bless.
  • So people either love or hate this movie. If you love it it's like baby only a mother could love. I only managed 30 mins, then had to stop. The plot, if there is one, eluded me. I just watched Hotel Mumbai, which is low budget excellence, and thanks to that I had some idea what was going on. We see extreme close ups of people I had no idea who was. Why they were there. And I've no idea where they were, as it was not explained which hotel (at least I didn't catch it). And then the special effects. Amazing. Haven't seen anything like it since the spaghetti westerns of the 70s. Low budget is one thing, but if you can't make the effects look good then don't put them in the movie. Smoke filled rooms where the smoke clearly is in front of the room, not inside (glass or just horrible effect). Bullet holes appearing on a wall like in a cartoon. Same with bullets flying through the air like tracers. No enough was enough, 30 mins and I couldn't take anymore. To be avoided.
  • The movie is so horribly researched, nothing in the plot is accurate. They have not cared to read and analyse the existing literature available on the attacks. It comes as a terrible shock for a city which suffered the attack & lost so much. They could've done much better.
  • Filme longo e chato com discurso anti-religioso. Amazon Prime Vídeo deu o nome de O Cerco de Mumbai - 4 Dias de Terror.
  • I was expecting more of an action flick, from the title, (the original title was far better!) but was by the end relieved that it was not. Instead it deals with the human face of the incident, focusing on guests of various nationalities and backgrounds thrown together in a terrible, tense situation, and (to a lesser degree) the ideals and motivation of the gunmen involved.

    The acting was excellent, the atmosphere and tension was at times nail biting, and the special / visual FX were ... well, adequate. Due to the budget, there were no massive set- pieces, amd while there was one or two ropey effects, this was mostly avoided by not aiming for gory, graphic thrills, but by adhering to the 'less is more' mantra... which in this case, it certainly was. And (thankfully is the wrong word... bravely...?) the film makers did not go for a saccharine- sweet ending, but rather one that haunted me for a long time after the film ended.

    My only main criticisms would be that the filom was maybe 20 minutes too long, and also, seemingly contradictory, that I would have liked to see how the siege actually ended, and maybe some information on the other attacks that happened concurrently.

    I would really highly recommend this film to anyone that isn't looking for a 'Die Hard with a Turban' film, or a feelgood, whitewashed version of the events... Oh, hell, even if you are (after all, I was!), try it anyway. You will be surprised!
  • I had the pleasure of seeing One Less God during a Q&A screening with the director, Lliam Worthington, at the Byron Bay Film Festival in 2017, where it won Best Picture. To say this film had me utterly and completely gripped from start to finish would be an understatement! It is an absolute masterpiece of independent filmmaking!

    The story is inspired by the harrowing events of the Mumbai Hotel terrorist attacks in India from 2008, and follows an ensemble cast of various characters who are trapped in the hotel during the attack. I won't say too much about the story other than that it's an emotional roller coaster! By the end I was moved so deeply that I was literally a blubbering mess (in a good way)!

    The writing and direction are impeccable across the board, and the ensemble cast all put in terrific performances. Special mentions must go to Joseph Mahler Taylor, whose effortlessly natural performance really grounds the film in all it's emotional ups and downs (and you'd never know he isn't actually Irish!) and Kabir Singh, who brings subtlety and even relatability to one of the terrorists, Yaaseen, which must have been an incredibly difficult role. Mihika Rao is also brilliant as the young Indian girl, Atiya, and the relationship between her and her grandfather really tugs at the heartstrings at all the right moments.

    I was shocked to discover how low the budget was for One Less God (I believe it was only around $250K Australian) and I was impressed with how high the production value is despite this. The cinematography is beautiful, and the action sequences are exciting and staged well. Despite some shaky camera here and there, you always know exactly what is happening. Some of the special effects may not quite hold up under close scrutiny, but again, considering the budget, they are extremely impressive and never detract from the experience of the film in any way.

    Where the film really shines is in it's themes and deep exploration of it's subject matter. A great example is it's representation of the terrorists; they are not portrayed as evil, one dimensional characters as is the case in so many other similar films, they are fleshed out human beings with motives, needs and desires like the rest of us, who at the end of the day are just doing what they think is 'right'. I found this approach to 'humanising' the villains very refreshing, and as was evidenced by the Q&A after the screening, it really opened up the difficult conversations that need to happen around these sorts of events.

    The film isn't afraid to ask difficult questions that most films shy away from. Questions about the place of religion in the modern world and it's impact on our society and on us as individuals. While I'm sure some will no doubt claim that this film is 'anti-Muslim' or something of the sort, to do so would be completely incorrect and misses the point of the film entirely. One Less God is not anti-religious, it is pro-peace and pro-love. It's central question asks us as an audience what we should consider giving up for love, and that perhaps it's about time, as a global civilisation, we set aside all of the different beliefs systems and religions that continue to divide us. For the sake of our children and our children's children, isn't it about time we stopped killing each other over fictional beliefs that we have clung onto for centuries? The film bravely challenges it's audience to deeply ponder these questions and have these conversations, and for that, I commend it.

    One Less God is not only one of the best Australian films I've seen in recent years, it's one of the best films period. Writer/Director Lliam Worthington and the rest of his team should be enormously proud of what they've created, the love, blood, sweat and tears that the filmmakers obviously put into the film literally burst on the screen in every scene! The film achieves everything it sets out to achieve (and more) and wraps it all up in an entertaining, riveting, moving and emotionally satisfying story that will stay with you and keep you thinking long after the credits roll. I truly do encourage all audiences to seek this film out, not only because it's an excellent film, but because it has a great message that in today's world is an important one for people to hear, because as the film itself so eloquently puts it, the only thing worth giving up for love, is everything. 10/10.
  • Been following this film for a while now. Saw it at a film festival. I felt I had to step in and give a review- not sure why people are turning this into a political thing. So many 1/10s??? Must be people who haven't even seen the film. It's NOT anti-Pakistan as other reviewers have mentioned- in fact the message seems (to me at least), about setting aside our differences for the sake of love, peace and our future.

    So that aside, I was really intrigued by the terrorist perspective - seeing them as humans who clearly are brainwashed - although the film does not end up forgiving them by any means. Then you have the hotel goers, desperate to survive but no other option but to stay put. For the majority of the film being in the one room, it didn't get dull and created a sense of claustrophobia. The soundtrack was awesome too. On the flip side the acting was sometimes melodramatic and special effects were hit and miss.

    I've just noticed a few films have tackled this topic. I see Hotel Mumbai with Dev Patel/Jason Isaacs is coming out soon, which I'm also looking forward to seeing! Terrorism is sadly still topical and I strongly feel we need to fight the extremist ideologies, not each other! Peace.
  • The film was really well cast, strong performances all round specifically from Kabir Singh, he didn't waste any time in delivering a captivating performance.

    The film was definitely very insightful and made me think about whati t means to be human.

    The message of the film was very clearly delivered, from what i understand it was inspired the event's and the dialogue was really made it palatable for me.. you can see they put a lot of work and research into the event's as there is a lot of depth there..

    I noticed that the 10 year anniversary of the attacks are coming up, I'm not sure if they timed that but I'm sure it will be a beautiful way to bring light to a tragic event. Very happy i came across this film and i feel better for it.
  • timmymarash26 September 2018
    I was pretty much gripped to the edge of my seat the whole way through, i think it's rare these days to feel the whole gambit of emotion that this film was able to achieve.. I felt the story and sequencing was really well crafted and i felt like it was deeply personified so i felt i was there; I'm still processing it to be honest, it's not often that i leave a film feeling as though something has shifted for the better within me. Worth watching, it will open your eyes, and your heart.
  • parthlyfe-452094 October 2018
    I loved this movie. The whole time you feel on the edge of your seat. The message is deep and more true than ever. Ignore the bad reviews, trust me.
  • Wow,what a great film. You can't imagine the sheer panic and terror that these innocent people went through during that siege. Make you realize how pathetic religion really is after watching the film. Sheer blind faith.
  • If you are looking for a good intense Australian film about some amazing historic events, with some real humanity and a strong message, then I highly recommend this film. But sure, if you're looking for an action film with big budget effects etc. Then you should look elsewhere and save yourself the frustration, and I expect the film makers after you troll them afterwards!

    Seems to be a few angry reviewers, frustrated that these incredibly tragic events were not made as an action flick. I saw this a bit over a year ago in a festival, and I sat with a packed house who like me were all greatly moved by this film and it was no surprise to me that it went on to win. And it's won more than one festival at that. But I guess all those audiences and judging panels of film professionals have no idea hey. The subject matter is truly horrific and I really wasn't sure I even wanted to see this film, but I was so surprised by it. It is a film made with so much heart and a clear commitment to our shared humanity. I think these kind of films are actually very rare and explain why so many people like me are passionate about it.

    Now to be fair, maybe some of the trolling is the Producers fault for releasing the film in the United Kingdom as though it were an action film and changing it's name? I love the title One Les God! It greatly suits and reflects the film I thought. But I think people who release the films in different countries get to decide this sort of thing?? Anyway, it's strange and sad to see how people have become so stupidly polarised and always so extreme today. I saw that even the greatest films of our age have thousands of one star reviews on here! So stupid, Very rare I see a film so bad that it's 1. Even films I really dislike. And in this case it's simply absurd. Now look, while I loved the film, I think 7-8 is probably very fair rating if you look at the production value, the ability of the actors, the script, the way the story draws you in, etc. But it's certainly a lot closer to a 10 than a 1, so I can see why a lot of people presumably want to give a lift up to a film that seems to be under some deliberate attack. So that's what I'm going to do. This movie deserves recognition. And because a 1 is just ridiculous. Unless you have an agenda, no eyes, no heart, or you were just hoping this horrible tragedy was going to be made like Die Hard 27 or something.

    I was very pleased to see that IMDB pulled down those multiple identical reviews though, somewhat fascinating to watch what can only be called a coordinated effort to lower a films rating by saying it was a Hindu nationalist propaganda film?? Seriously??? For anyone who watches the film with an even remotely open mind that's just so ridiculous. They even treat the terrorists in a way that that really struck me and I was not expecting at all. Anyway while there's a handful of malicious trolls attacking this film, fortunately their opinions seem massively out numbered. So I hope the film makers keep their heads up. The film is a bit lower than it obviously deserves to be rated, but just like in the film, love is stronger than hate I believe, and that's what really matters.

    Watch this movie. See for yourself.
  • Truly captures the terror & horror of the Mumbai siege in a manner not seen before. The final 30 minutes left me feeling raw with emotion and the last words spoken in this movie should be repeated around the world & taught in every school & community centre across the globe. This film will stay with me for a very long time. The actor who plays Sean (the Irish fella) gives a remarkable performance.
  • I enjoy films "based" on true events. I know full well they are not necessarily faithful to the truth.

    This film showed the human tragedy of the event. There are very likely hundreds and hundreds of stories - as yet untold - of this Horrific incident.

    The real lives of real people make a connection to all of us and the ending also leaves us "wondering".
  • Recently watch , good movie with nice actors and story based on real life events , some characters and their stories have really melted my heart, one of the best for terrorism theme based. See the reviews of actual people .I am seeing many rating going to 1/10. But didn't surprise , I know their are many terrorist sympathizer in the world so they just want to defame any good movie showing the real mindset of terrorists . It is not defaming any religion or country so don't do this just because of your hate One advise : just watch yourself and then decide
  • smkessell23 October 2018
    Brilliant direction and Stella performances Heart broking and emotionally moving Thank you
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