User Reviews (11)

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  • As someone with a considerable background in writing and acting, when I watch a TV series, I am very attuned to each scene, line of dialogue, shot, sequence, characterization, etc. I think PSI, in its first season, is extremely good. I'd rate seven or eight of the episodes a "10." Consider that the series is basically contrived as people who either sit around talking or interacting in small groups. There are no extravagant visual effects or sound effects or FSX to mesmerize you. The episodes do require you to remain focused on the various inter- and intrapersonal conflicts that arise between and among the characters, and even though some of the episodes address some rare or arcane psychological issues, the plots and stories are nearly always plausible and interesting. Bravo to the actor Emilo de Mello, who as Dr. Carlo subtly displays a range of emotions convincingly and honestly. The same with the rest of the regular cast.
  • The first 2 seasons are great. They then decided to change the format where episodes become part 1 and 1 of a story...almost like a mini-movie. It just got drawn out and boring
  • Based on just first episode, this is a great show. Wanted to clarify/updated for everyone that it's not dubbed into Spanish. It's in Portuguese with English or Spanish subtitles. I didn't use the English subtitles much since I speak Portuguese, but I thought the translation was very poor from what I saw.
  • Psi is a Brazilian show that is dubbed in Spanish with English subtitles just to set the record straight. It follows the story of a Psychologist in Sao Paolo, Brazil. It is fascinating watching the Doctor Carlo who is kind and empathetic but also a little reckless. The characters are complex and story frequently is unpredictable which makes the show so compelling. Superb acting by Emilio de Mello. I was surprised by how fascinated I was with this show. It is thought provoking. A realistic look at the often bizarre world of psychology and psychiatry. Highly recommend.
  • In 2017 when on-demand programming allows shows to be formatted with multiple audio formats, why is it that all of HBO's brazilian content is only available dubbed in spanish? I wish I could watch it in original portuguese, but as is all I can rate is the horrible dubbed version.
  • adrian_Gnome9 August 2019
    Amazing show. I do not understand how everyone qualifies the fact that it is not in the original language, rather than qualifying the series. The scenery, photography, acting and scripts are excellent. Highly recommended for those who like series such as Dr. House or The Good Doctor. This to the height of the great series.
  • Uncommonly good. So far, PSI is my second favorite, Hard being first. Whoever picks these series is a genius. I find them fascinating and entertaining especially Episode 5 of Psi. I catch myself thinking that this psychotherapist is one smart dude worthy of the highest respect for his intellect and relationships with children and adults. He is so cool. There are few people in the real world like him.
  • This is a good series from Brazil but some of the episodes are really poorly written. The editing is choppy and continuity of the story line is lacking. Sometimes, there is no resolution to the episode, which leaves the viewer frustrated. The dialog in a few of the episodes has too much "psychobabble" which is often irrelevant to the story and does nothing for character development. Although the acting is done at a good level, the seasons have a tendency to run out of steam and thus fails to hold attention or viewer engagement. The first 2 seasons were the best. In later seasons, the plots become more fantasy than reality, and the scripts become very childish. Overall, it is a good effort and fairly watchable if you are looking for something different.
  • gmhk12 June 2019
    Why are there no English subtitles available after the first episode? Had to stop watching this series after only one episode. Too bad because it seemed interesting.
  • Turned HBO on demand, want to watch this Brazilian show,and for my immense frustration and disappointment, the show is in Spanish language! Im from Rio, and i want to watch the show in the original idiom, not Spanish! This is a total disrespect! HBO has done the same thing in the past with Brazilian shows, putting Spanish idiom over the Portuguese, like there are no Brazilians that would try to watch and appreciate a good Brazilian show! I doubt anyone from Brazil will be happy when they try to watch the show, and for their total deception, the show will be in Spanish, a idiom that should be used in Spanish movies only! With all respect, im sure people will understand my frustration about this!
  • Essa série deveria estar na área de sci-fi. O número de vezes em que o roteirista e o diretor insultam a inteligência do espectador é gritante. A vida do protagonista é um sem fim de situações irreais que dependeriam de coincidências mais difíceis do que acertar na loteria, e ele acerta a cada episódio. Claudia Ohana tem uma atuação fraquíssima, faz uma personagem descartável que é tipo um mestre dos magos com citações técnicas para todas as situações, quase como se estivesse lendo um prompter o tempo todo. São renomados profissionais que têm tempo livre de sobra pra se envolverem em todo tipo de situações imbecis. No mais, trata-se de uma cartilha com lições de moral tão rasas quanto as que o He-Man dava no final dos episódios. Não perca seu tempo, as notas altas não passam de um engano e falo isso após assistir 16 episódios.