User Reviews (32)

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  • Watch this movie before you read some of the moronic reviews below. They are filled with racists and people complaining about racism and those who clearly need the plot spelt out for them. People look for all the flaws instead of enjoying a movie and I feel sad for their lives

    Over-all good but not great. it is deff, feel good but leaves questions at the end.

  • This movie is not terrible but it is almost uncomfortable to watch because of the slight hint of "fakiness" and melodrama in the writing and acting. You know those people who aren't exactly offensive but you are embarrassed for their insecure and way not clever one liners? Or the guy that tries to be slick but everyone can see right through him but he is not exactly a jerk? This is this movie. It has all the typical, (yawn), hallmarks of trying to be original and witty. It is just not that original at all. I recommend you just catch it on HBO next year when you are bored.

    There are a few characters that are a bit amusing, but most are beyond cliché and even just stupid and annoying.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm secular but usually get into the holiday spirit just out of habit (my family and several friends celebrate Xmas, and hey, there's no work on the 25th), so I figured why not watch a dramedy with Patrick Stewart?

    The movie is not terrible. The ending ties characters from different elevators together, so that's a plus. If anything good can be said about the film, it's that you dislike most of the characters less by the end, even the two who were written to be the most unlikable (played by Margaret Clunie and Roxanne Cook). Christmas Eve is a "White Christmas" in more ways than one: outside it's snowy, and 95% of the actors are white (which is almost demographically impossible for 6 random elevators in NYC). The token black dude plays a semi-imbecile (sembecile?) who figures it wouldn't be in the holiday spirit to urinate when trapped in an elevator. The token Hispanic dude is the one who causes the power outage in the first 5 minutes thanks to his Virgin Mary statuette dropping off the dashboard of his van (I am not making that up). Patrick Stewart enjoyed his role as a Scroogy billionaire a little too much, perhaps due to his off-screen socialist leanings.

    The cardinal sin (no pun intended) of Christmas Eve is the sick patient demanding that the atheist/agnostic physician pray for her. As someone who knows many physicians: Please, if you are religious, don't cow a secular doctor into this even if you have a poor prognosis and are trapped in an elevator. While it shouldn't've surprised me that the Virgin Mary statuette was also part of the ending (and was the subliminal instigator of events), I was nonetheless hoping for a little less religious silliness. Bill O'Reilly would probably endorse this flick as part of his waging war against the theoretical War on Xmas, and for that reason and those stated above, I will not endorse this flick (at risk of being shunned as a Grinch).
  • Patrick Stewart is a diverse and lovable actor, one that can fit any role and be endearing to audience. The first flaw of many this movie has is secluding him form the rest of cast and makes him recites dull version of A Christmas Carol. The other plots are different groups of similarly pretentious characters trying to be humorous and delivering some warm message, all of which fail to do so.

    This is several short stories woven together with one underlying theme; finding solace in unfavorable situation of confined in elevator. There are so many noises and gibberish, it just doesn't feel authentic in any way. Most of these characters speak and do things no ordinary person would even consider normal. Perhaps the movie would like audience to suspense judgement to these supposed colorful characters, but they are simply revolting.

    Maybe only one or two of them are decent, and that's already an overstatement considering they rely so heavily on terrible script. If this is an attempt to build any connection then it's a misguided one. The photographer and random lady subplot is superbly awful, almost rude even. They are just silly in an attempt for mild romance which eventually ends up creepy and inauthentic.

    There is actually a good cast here, they are just trapped in situation or company no one would like to see, let alone experience. The orchestra assembly stuck in one elevator is just too much, too crude and with no real focus. Jon Heder is pretty good, although he must content with horrible boss cliché. The one elevator that has some kind of heart is the hospital one, it sometimes looks real enough, however it's still lacking depth to present a drama of faith.

    With so many angles and good cast, it's actually surprising that every single one of them is flawed. Having insipid script and appalling characters, it's better to be stuck on an elevator in real life than trapped watching this.
  • Sat down with the girlfriend thinking let's watch a Christmas movie, we were both excited by the idea of another funny Chrissy flick especially coming up to that time. We made a mistake. It cost us our night.

    Absolute waste of time.. the reviews were a lot higher a few days ago which makes me think maybe it was the creator's friends jumping on? 2 stars for effort but this was nothing but frustrating and I can't for the life of me imagine who it might even appeal to.

    It wasn't bad acting, it was simply unlikable characters with zero story line. Like a bunch of unfunny skit shows thrown together and no point.

    WHY?! WHY would you make this?!

    Doesn't matter how many times you've seen Jingle All The Way or The Santa Clause... Watch anything that made you laugh once, even for a 5th time over, before you even look at this "movie".

    My first review ever on here...

    I just had to warn the people.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Don't waste your time, clearly the writers didn't! This movie pretends to put diverse people in a interesting situation and promises to deliver something entertaining. We set a low bar, expecting little more than a lifetime Christmas special. But this movie tripped over that bar on its way to awful! It fails! One black character and a horrible caricature of Latin characters clutching their statues of Mary and delivering tamales, are what passes for diversity.. The ending ties up no loose ends what so ever! The only reason we continued to watched this movie was find out the answer to the riddle about the wine bottle (spoiler alert: push the cork in- there, now YOU don't have to watch it! )

    Elevator 1: leering creep and terrified girl. This isn't the start of a romcom, it's a horror movie. The photographer so pushes boundaries that he could easily be arrested in 49 states. She's says her name is Ann, and he immediately takes liberties with it calling her "Annie". Tell you daughters to run, not walk, away from this guy!

    Elevator 2: weird group of mall goers. What husband doesn't wait for his wife at a hospital. There's no pay off for tattoo guy and the jilted musician with the matching tattoo in elevator 3! OCD guy tries to get tall to impress one of the ditzes, but then who shows up on the bench at the end, with the nervous musician from elevator 3- is she his wife? How do they even know each other? And the art docent, what on earth is he babbling about?!

    Elevator 3: The musicians, this has the most potential, but what adult musicians would behave like a middle school band, with a gun! ? (Who farted? whoever smelt it dealt it! ) The unrequited love pay off between two musicians, where did that come from? Why doesn't the violinist woman want to play silent night, what's her story? The film makers never tell it!

    Elevator 4: The hospital- what should be a hallmark hall of fame story gets completely ruined by a pair orderlies acting like 12 year old boys. I wanted the doctor to bitch slap them. He was too busy denying the existence of God and arguing with nurse angel about her revelations and the color of a dying woman's car (hey, filmmakers no one but no one in NYC has a car! ) . Then the patient wakes up, learns her fate, tells them she doesn't plan to tell her husband, but he will probably figure it out when she starts to smell like old fish! This one wraps up with the doctor offering a half hearted prayer (hey, filmmaker- where's the damn miracle cure!? ) and an orderly pedaling off in his urine soaked scrubs (they launder and replace these in the hospital for free, dude! )

    Elevator 5: Solving the worlds energy crisis! A pair of employees, boss and underling who the boss just fired whip up the solution to deliver power to the whole wide world, on an elevator, and there was peace on earth. Two of the better actors, but no payoff since we learn that the employee is the BF of the girl trapped with the sexual predator in elevator 1 (is she poor or not?) and the neglected son of the Patrick Stewart's business man, and we never see him reunite with either of them!

    Which brings us to elevator 6: Patrick Stewart, the reason you all came to this movie! He must have read the soliloquy and thought it might be good practice, or maybe the filmmakers had incriminating photos of him, either way, a great actor with a mouth full of crap writing! Worse than his character and the ridiculous things he says is that the filmmakers never resolve his story. After his come to Jesus moment in an outdoor elevator (where he could have easily been removed by a crane) He's screaming at bikers from his limo, never finds the son he realized he's ignored, and shakes and mutters at the mall rats laughing as they cross the street.

    Don't even get us started on the total suspension of disbelief about the actual elevator/fire/power crisis. All of it is too ridiculous to even get started on.

    The bottom line is this movie is so bad that one feels that what really happened is the filmmakers shot footage, then edited it, and everything that was left on the floor got made into THIS movie! Don't waste your time or put another dime in the pocket of the people who thought this was entertainment or art or whatever!
  • As the message boards and the limited reviews have been somewhat merciless on this good-but-not-great movie, I feel duty bound to write a few good words.

    I decided to invest a small amount of money on the film, because I was curious how James Roday would do outside of 'Psych' (which I have generally liked). But I had a pretty good experience watching the movie. Critical and audience reaction doubtless has reflected the fact that it is not a comedy, nor is it particularly warm (!). The writer-director (I believe) wanted to discuss a number of large life issues. (The movie actually might have worked better on some ordinary day, as very few of the subplots actually resolve with reference to the holiday).

    Some of these are successful, some not. I particularly enjoyed the musicians in the elevator, and also doctors and patient. The scene with the five millenials (flaky girls, know-it-all, docent, and body builder) worked. So did the duo of Jon Heder and Max Casella. The solo of Patrick Stewart and the James Roday (sigh) did not work so well.

    All that said, however, the different reactions of the trapped groups was interesting and dramatic. The critics' views that they are all unlikable is Grinch stuff. The reveals of the interconnections among them (done with some subtlety) were the script at its best.

    All in all, a sort of Ship of Fools movie that ultimately worked, maybe because the formula is so strong. The critics and some of our acerbic friends on this site are way too negative.
  • I really can't think of anything positive to say.

    No really, nothing.

    The first 4 reviews on here ,in chronological order, were obviously written by the director until he thought "fuck it" and gave up trying to convince us otherwise.

    Annoying, obnoxious characters.

    Zero plot.

    I'm only still writing this because of the 10 lines thing on IMDb.

    Why is that even a thing?

    It doesn't make sense.

    A few concise comments are all that are needed.

    Is that enough? I can't be bothered to scroll back up and count.

    En fin, don't waste your time.
  • "Deus ex machina" can be clearly read on the side of the copier repair van at the beginning of the movie(and the trailer), but as opposed to it being the divine intervention plot device to save the protagonist, in Christmas Eve it is the basis of a story where we see God manifested in multiple ways, all from the machine.

    The story is slow at times, the dialogue is fair, but has its moments. This is a story designed to make you feel connected to the people around you and maybe even care about a stranger. It is not an action movie, it is not a romantic comedy, it is not 90 minutes of CGI. You have to engage in a little suspension of reality for the given situation and spend the night in an elevator with the characters that have normal lives and experience everyday outcomes.

    Not the best Christmas movie I've seen. I would have liked more more time focused on Patrick Stewart's character, but in fairness I've never seen anything where I thought it had too much Patrick Stewart. In the end I took my children(10&4yo) and had less to worry about in the content than I do with prime time television. For that I am immensely thankful and will watch this with my family again next Christmas.
  • The reason I give this two stars is because the acting and dialog are actually quite good in spots. However, the majority of the movie falls flat. The connection between characters feels flat and some of it is over the top hokey, especially the two girls and stripper Santa.

    The movie builds up to be something profound but falls way short of delivery. You get the feel that if you keep watching it will eventually be worth the effort but it never comes. There is a dull climax and the resolutions are blah! As part of the audience there never was a connection to any of the characters even though I wanted that to be the case.

    I have to agree with others when they say it is a waste of time.
  • I guess that this is as short a summary as I can write. And it does have certain of the same qualities as Love Actually has, which makes me wonder why people don't like it much.

    A philosophical high strung bunch of people stuck together, and how the story develops. Now what makes the story lacking a little bit, are the questions we are stuck with. You'll figure them out too, if you see the film.

    Christmas Eve has potential to being somewhat more, though.

    What about a Directors Cut? There has to be a few more questions answered in other footage that wasn't used in this cutting?

    Let's see that, next Christmas.
  • dpolwatte18 November 2019
    This is a typical christmas time film but have a unique take connecting modern livelihoods of modern people in a witty manner.

    Rating - 3.5/5
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My wife ordered this based on reading reviews in IMDb, which I had always suggested is a good idea. Apparently she read only the first review, which gave it high marks. She did not notice the average rating, which was quite a bit lower.

    In addition to transparent characters, a predictable plot, and a disappointing ending which left lots of loose ends, it was clear that the script was not given any technical scrutiny.

    At the beginning of the movie, a single vehicle takes out a single ground-based transformer and wipes out the power for Manhattan. That can't happen. The fire department comes and cannot remove the van because it has become an electrical conductor which is supplying power to the only thing holding up all of the stuck elevators in the city.

    The most important quality of the elevator, which opened the door to building skyscrapers, is that the braking system, developed by the Otis Elevator Company, has fail-safe, mechanical brakes. They fail only if that part of the building is destroyed. But there's more...

    Although the van mysteriously supplies power to "elevator brakes," it also apparently supplies power to brilliantly light up all of the elevators in the plot. If, OTOH, the backup power system in (for example) the hospital is working, the elevators would be powered.

    And then there was the construction elevator, located outside of a building, which now traps a single passenger. This elevator seems rather clumsily built, in that if one leans on the door, it falls off, and you fall out, but you can hang on and climb back in if you're lucky. Still, it is temperamental. If you yell too much, it drops several floors and slams to a stop, warning you that something, somewhere, is angry with you. This elevator finally brings its passenger to tears, who finally regrets all of the horrible things he did.

    But was I warmed by the courageous woman who recovers from heart surgery in an elevator full of strangers, only to be told by her surgeon, right then, that she as a month to live? Well, she got over it in a few minutes, took control of the situation, and convinced the atheistic surgeon to lead the elevator in prayer, asking God if he could maybe do something. The dying woman was already getting snarky, goading the atheist to perfect his praying. Snarky and smiling, she finally let him finish. Really?

    Watching this movie was like buying a car. The more time you have invested, the more want to just get it over with. Too much time invested to go to the next car dealer...or movie.

    I voted this the worst movie my wife has ever picked. So far.
  • I made a mistake deciding to watch this movie when I could have watch the timeless classic and inspiration to 'Christmas Eve', 'Love, Actually'. Knowing this would be a bad Christmas movie, I only watched it for Patrick Stewart, Cheryl Hines and because Larry King produced it! I would have rather been stuck in an elevator as that would have saved me the pain of watching it.
  • jboothmillard21 December 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I had missed watching this Christmas film for at least two years before I finally got the opportunity, I knew the leading British star in it, and the title made it blatantly obvious when it was set, but that's about it, produced by Larry King. Basically, it is Christmas Eve in New York City, and many characters have entered elevators when there is a road accident. The driver of a van flips his vehicle which skids across a frozen lake, and crashes into a power box, which powers most of the city. The crash causes a power cut that traps the various characters in their elevators. Business tycoon Harris (Sir Patrick Stewart) is left stranded all alone in the winter cold, trapped in the cage-like lift of a skyscraper under construction, and tries calling for help. James Harris (Jon Heder) is a tech specialist who has just been fired, and he is forced to share the office elevator with Randy (Max Casella), the fantasy-football-obsessed jerk who fired him. An annoying gum-chewing photographer named B (James Roday Rodriguez) gets trapped with shy beautiful companion Ann (Julianna Guill), and while trapped she poses in photos for him and they flirt. Dr. Roberts (Gary Cole) gets trapped with an unconscious patient on a stretcher and fellow hospital staff. There is also a gang of seven bickering musicians, including sassy trumpet player Dawn (Cheryl Hines) and worrying trombone player Walt (David Bamber), and a bunch of misfits, including intelligent Briton Glen (EastEnders' Steven John Shepherd), oddball Molly (Roxy Cook) and army military clad Nick (Taylor James). All have both meaningful and insignificant conversations together, with some trying to find a way and others simply sitting and waiting for help. Eventually, the power is back, and the characters all go their separate ways, but some do reunite. Also starring Christina Chong as Karen, Juliet Aubrey as Marta, Jenny Oaks Baker as Mandy, Lex Shrapnel as Tim, Jaclyn Hales as Lila, and Clara Perez as Amelia. It may have the ensemble cast of recognisable faces, and some give reasonable performances, but they are let down by a silly script, the limited location concept does not help the pace, and I honestly do not remember laughing or caring about any particular storyline going on, I am not surprised I dozed off at some point, it is a just a boring and pointless seasonal comedy. Pretty poor!
  • I say "ultimately" watchable because halfway through you will question yourself as to why you are wasting your time, but if, like me, you persevere you will be rewarded.

    It isn't well made. The dialogue is patchy. The characters are, on the whole, hard to sympathise with. The lifts are weird. But somehow it comes together, slowly but surely and as it does it grows a heart and builds to a satisfactory conclusion.

    I now need to write another 153 characters to get this review entered on IMDB. So here goes. I have seen a lot of Christmas films that are a lot worse, and I have seen many many more that are leagues ahead of "Christmas Eve". But does it pass the "would I watch it again" test? Yes it does, just.
  • Surprisingly enjoyable with some laughs as well as the main story. Easy to watch, it doesn't need much concentration and the interlinking between stories is quite well done.
  • The more I watch this film, the more I love it! In fact I've just re-graded it from 7 to 9.

    It's so full of everything, there's comedy and tragedy, love and loneliness, insecurity and even cantankerousness.

    The story is very different from the other Christmas films out there. It doesn't follow the typical boy meets girl formula in any way. It has a witty script and it's cleverly done. The stories concept is just thoughtful in itself.

    There are some really beautiful moments in here and some lovely realisation.

    Although it is classed as a comedy, it's actually more like real life and there are some moments in one of the lifts that are a bit creepy and you don't know if they are going to take a dark route for that storyline or not.

    You can't help but feel for Patrick Stewart's character, despite his faults, as the only one to get stuck on his own and I have to say that he is brilliant as always. The whole cast are actually very well chosen and play their parts superbly.

    One of my particular highlights is the band and the rendition of Silent Night is sublime.

    I also like the fact that not everybody goes away happy at the finish and you don't know if you're going to end up heartbroken or beaming with a smile. After this viewing I'm smiling, because it was just what I needed after a bad day.
  • Most of the characters were pretty hard to like in the beginning. They grow on you though and soon you find yourself rooting for the ones you hated earlier. An odd, quirky film that's well worth watching. Patrick Stewart is brilliant, as usual, too.
  • alanfisher200130 December 2020
    Quite a cute film overall, that labours a little in the middle, then rushes to an end with no closure for some actors. The part I would find scary would be trapped in a lift with Shawn King, as her face frankly terrifies me. Patrick Stewart's dialogue was shockingly limited and poorly written, maybe he filmed it in a couple of days then got on with something else.
  • waltalbro2 February 2017
    I was surprised to read that critics initially panned this movie.

    I saw it on cable and found it amusing, entertaining, touching, inspiring and intellectually stimulating. I was quickly involved in the plot and the off-beat characters and remained engrossed through the end.

    Even after the movie was over, I continued to worry a about the fate of some of the characters: What happened to the woman with the fatal ailment? Did she end up telling her husband that she was going to die?

    I suspect that one reason that critics underestimated this film is that it is different. For example, the humor is not slapstick or laugh-out-loud hysterical. Instead, it is quirky, droll and subtle.

    Another reason that critics may have been put off is the fact that the story seems more appropriate for a stage play rather than for a movie.

    The action is mostly confined to the interiors of a series of stuck elevators. Hence, there is not much physical activity. Because the setting is static, the movie, naturally, is talky---something that is not to everyone's taste.

    This movie has been under-appreciated. As more people are exposed to it on cable, I suspect that it will grow into a cult classic.
  • Christmas Eve is a light, charming Christmas movie. It works mainly because of all the talented actors involved. (You can look at the IMDb listing to see who they all are.) The plot involves different groups of people being stuck on elevators in New York City for several hours on Christmas Eve. We get to know the people and see how they react to missing their Christmas Eve plans. I didn't really care for a couple of the groups, mainly the hospital elevator and the group of musicians. However, the elevator with James Roday and a neighbor was especially sweet and touching. And I would just like to hang out with the people in the mall elevator! Give this a try if you're looking for a sweet Christmas movie to watch.
  • I like movies with interesting characters and witty dialogue that carries a message. This movie gave me all three. Some characters were charming, others quirky, and a few carried scars or burdens that seemed to lurk below the surface of their social mask. It showcased humanity within the context of comedy and left me pondering about some of the characters even after the movie was over. I love the idea that many of our lives overlap without even knowing, and that our impact on other people makes a difference for good or bad. Adding to the ambiance of the film is the context of everything taking place on Christmas Eve, which elevated the charm and sentimentality. Definitely worth the watch!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really liked this movie. It has been getting torn apart by critics, but I tend to be member of the Birdman train of thought about Critics, "A man becomes a critic when he cannot be an artistÂ…" This film isn't pretentious, nor is it trying to be anything it isn't. It is a thoughtful and goofy Christmas movie.

    If you feel like you need a laugh, you will find many in this movie.

    Highlights of the movie for me:

    -It is refreshing to see James Roday in something that isn't Psych. He does a great job being the most endearing creep there ever was. By the end of the film you feel really bad for him!

    -Jon Heder and Max Casella's elevator was just delightful. There is nothing more awkward then running into an old boss, especially one that has just fired you. Now imagine being stuck with that guy overnight, in a cramped elevator. They both handle the arc of their relationship well. Jon Heder does a great job at not being the abnormal nerd, but a character with distinguishable layers.

    -The film bears an overall message of the interconnectedness of us all, and how we need to slow down to see it.

    Cons for me:

    -A little more Roday would have been nice. Can we have a film just about his character? I mean he works at a morgue how cool is that.

    I will be seeing this again! Soon!

    P.S. Watch this movie with people, it's one of those movies that is better in a group of people, not locked away in a dark closet with your laptop.
  • ddp_dave30 October 2019
    I first saw this film a couple of years ago and enjoyed it but was never really that taken by it - however having watched it now a further 3 times, it really is a grower and has moved well up into my top 10 of all time Christmas Films. Funny, poignant, touching - give it try, it is surprisingly good.
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