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  • Good story, great characters, solid acting. Doris Roberts was fantastic!!

    It was very sad story - so much tragedy. Well- written.

    But everyone is so miserable. It was nice to see it end in a somewhat positive manner.

    Since I don't watch romantic movies to be sad I probably will not watch it again but it was worth my time .
  • Delightfully moving, worthy of one's time. It captured and held my attention from the beginning. A thoughtfully well written script, beautifully produced with a lovely and talented cast that touched me with their performances.

    "touched by romance" like life is a journey, as it unfolds it allows that each of us has the power to make life a meaningful, technicolored adventure.

    "touched by romance" offers that feelings are complicated, some unconscious, some on the surface, but all need understanding to lovingly assist each of us along the way to recognize our true worth.

    My only disappointment, which I often have with television dramas, as well as its "romantic comedies", I am left desiring a bit more closure to the individual characters stories as the movie concludes.
  • gailho29 January 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    I like sappy movies and this can be classified as such. What bothers me about this story is Emma. She is a nurse. And first let me be honest as well.. I am a hospice nurse. I don't quite like the way she is forcing her desires on Norma her patient. She wants Norma to undergo treatment which is something she wants but what does Norma want. That is the question. How much quality of life will she have if she undergoes treatment. How much longer will she live. I guess I'm bias being a hospice nurse but there is so much more to living than the length of time one lives, there is sadness, yes, of course but there is the joy of a life well lived. It is to see your love one passing into the next life knowing that they were ready, that they loved you to the end. We, the living, are to show them love till their dying breath and to carry on passing this love on to the next generation. Of course, we know that Norma ultimately rejects completing her treatment. I'm not giving away more of the story. It all ends "happy". I want to say, I cannot write a whole lot here. In real life, there are unknown factors. I'm just stating how I feel about one particular issue I have with the philosophy of this movie. I don't want to argue with anyone about how I feel. I respect anyone's differing opinion. I am just expressing mine. Thank you.
  • herrcarter-921615 February 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    The title of this movie is pretty misleading. This movie is a drama, with the main relationship in the movie being between nurse Emma and ailing former author Norma. Any romance between Emma and Norma's son Justin is tentative at best.

    This is a very well written drama. The characters are complex and well-developed, as are the relationships, particularly between Emma and Norma. The dialog is real and natural. You know, of course, that Emma will be the nurse who finally breaks through Norma's hard, crusty shell, but she doesn't do it by being sweet, loving and empathetic. She is a cold, kind of prickly character herself, and the main reason that Norma allows her to stay is because she truly doesn't have any agenda except to do her job and care for Norma as she would any other patient who wasn't so famous and wealthy. Rachel Carpani as Emma and Doris Roberts as Norma both give layered, nuanced performances. Neither is exactly a likable character, at least initially, but they both have a good character arc, and you come to like them and enjoy the relationship between them.

    Since this is a movie about a nurse caring for a woman who is terminally ill, you know it's going to be a tearjerker, and it is. It's not overly maudlin or sappy, though, and the tears are well-earned. The scene where Norma reconciles with her son Justin is also very touching and satisfying and brough a few tears as well.

    All in all, this was a very moving drama that engaged you from start to finish. My only complaint was the romance between Justin and Emma. It felt like it was afterthought. Either they should've had a full romance between them, or they should've just eliminated the romance altogether. Otherwise, this was a Hallmark movie of the same high caliber that was common on the network a decade or two earlier. Definitely worth a watch.
  • crazyonyou-0246613 September 2020
    There are a few things I liked about this film, forcing it to be a romance was not one of them. The "relationship" Emma had with Justin was forced and came out of nowhere for me, there was not enough build up to make it believable. The relationship she had with Norma was great though, I enjoyed watching that story develop and cared about how it ended up. I dont feel like we got any background or real understanding of the broken relationship with Norma and Justin though, I have no idea what happened there. Overall it was a little slow and underdeveloped but I stuck it out. I liked the sets and backdrop though and the acting was good.
  • I found the Doris Roberts character too unpleasant and unlikable to be much moved by her plight. Maybe I missed something, but I did not understand her broken relationship with her son or why her diagnosis had to be kept from him. I liked Emma and how she stood up to her, but she also was kind of boring. As was the romance.