User Reviews (158)

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  • nathan-mcgee613 February 2016
    I'm not the one to hate on horror movie remakes I actually enjoy watching a classic remade for the modern audience. But that's only when the director can create a new modern twist or add more to what the original didn't have like what Zombie did for Carpenter's Halloween. But the remake of Eli Roth's Cabin Fever is just one of the most pointless horror remakes I've ever seen next to Psycho. The story of the movie is lame. It's everything you seen in the original just with different actors in these scenes. You actually know what's coming next. You even know what the characters are gonna say next. There's nothing new added in the directors own vision. It's the same Dog death opening scene. The scene where one of the characters gets his hand attacked by Dennis is the same. Even the camp fire story is the same. The only difference is the ending of the movie, which is not half bad. The characters are very unimportant to this movie or at least they felt like it. You don't pay even a minute of attention to them because, well they are supposed to be the same as well and they make the same dumb choices of survival as the original. The blood n gore effects seem to be up higher than the original. But it might it some gore lovers we do see a lot more blood all around in some scenes especially in the bath tub scene we see even some skin coming off.

    I didn't enjoy this remake at all it's nothing, but watching the same movie you already seen. You know what's coming next. The characters die in the sane order as they did in the original. The only differences you'll find is the ending, higher blood n gore, and different actors who shouldn't be allowed to ever act in another movie again. I don't recommend you watch this waste of a remake. You'll have a much more better time re watching the original movie.
  • Sleepin_Dragon29 July 2018
    The film industry must be in real crisis if average films are being remade after little more then a decade. The original was an OK film, I wouldn't have said it was a classic, and this remake seems so unnecessary, it doesn't differentiate from the original in any way, it doesn't bring anything new or different, it's basically remade word for word. The gore scenes are somewhat improved, a little more dramatic, and the dog scene is more dramatic.

    I have so very little to say here, as I didn't enjoy it all that much, it seems only a few years ago that I went to the Cinema to watch the original, I find it more disappointing that new ideas simply aren't there, there surely has to be a vast undiscovered writing talent out there.

    mehh, 3/10
  • This movie should not have been made. It does nothing new, different or even remotely better than the admittedly average original. Had it been Evil Dead-remake caliber, we would have been in for something special. But everything from the acting to the gore has taken a considerable hit with this remake as to effectively make it Cabin Fever-lite. This movie doesn't even try to be original in its retelling of the film, as the same basic set-up (and even some of the dialogue) has been reused and recycled to ill-effect. Worst part of it all? Save for a few of the actors, the performances were atrocious. Honesty, I have seen found-footage films with better acting than what some of these no-talents pulled off. The movie was limited in its vision, and toning down the gore does a disservice to everything that was good about the original film. It's just basic in almost every way, and really is a waste of resources. If you didn't believe Eli Roth was a hack before, you certainly will after watching this mess. Not recommended, even if you have absolutely nothing else to watch.
  • Cabin Fever is just another one of those movies where studio executives thought, "Hey, the original was good so why not milk the f*ck out of the name and release heaps of garbage, call them sequels, and the money will come." Now this reboot comes along with the exact same script as the original so I figure the execs were just like, "F*ck it, why even try?" And it shows. The good news is that this isn't a theatrical release - it's limited on-demand or something so thankfully a majority of people won't be aware of this abomination's existence. But for those who are, let me affirm your suspicions: this movie blows.

    First off, none of these people should be allowed to act ever again. I hesitate to call them actors because I saw no semblance of acting on screen. The characters are unlikable and annoying, which is weird because I don't remember hating them in the original. I didn't care if any of them died; in fact I wanted them all to die so the movie would end as quickly as possible. It literally goes down the horror movie cliché checklist. The cabin in the woods schtick, clueless college kids, creepy guy at a gas station, perfunctory sex scenes, loud sound effects to make you jump, etc. Hell, even the gore is lame. Patient Zero had better gore effects.

    Please don't watch this movie. It makes Patient Zero look like The Dark Knight. Watch the original if you want, or literally any other Eli Roth movie. I don't blame Roth for this mess because I'm pretty sure he just signed off on it, made some green and never thought about it again. It doesn't even have his signature silly style. It tries to take itself seriously and it fails miserably. Then they shoehorn in some jokes that aren't funny at all, and you laugh at how horribly they were delivered, and then you'll contemplate what you're doing with your life. It's a chore to watch, seriously.

    Cabin Fever is just another byproduct of the horror remake craze. Avoid at all costs.
  • lupitag-1185213 February 2016
    While not a shot-for-shot remake (the angles and cinematography are different), this remake uses the same script as the 2002 original with slight alterations. Despite this seemingly pointless exercise, I was prepared to give it a chance and not hate it for failing to aspire to anything original. I'll go on the record saying I -wanted- to like this film, despite some unease after watching the trailer. I'm sad to say it fails to live up to the original in nearly every regard.

    What sets this remake apart from it's 2002 predecessor is the lack of any chemistry between the actors. It's not that any one particular actor is singularly bad, it's that none of them feel like they're in the same movie. It literally feels as if they pulled random strangers off the streets and asked them to make-believe they were friends for a weekend. I simply couldn't buy that any of them would take off for a weekend together, much less have known one another for years, as is the case for at least two of the characters. They feel like strangers and it doesn't help that all of them seem to be acting as if they're in completely different films--the disconnect is that apparent. It's upsetting that, despite having many of the same scenes and lines as their original characters, everyone in the cast feels so disconnected from the script that they utterly fail to bring any of their characters to life. They're the ghosts of what we saw in the original film, the acting completely lifeless. It's as if none of them wanted to be there.

    Roth's trademark humor is also excised in favor of a few random throwaway jokes, delivered in such a deadpan tone by the actors that each one falls flat on its face. This time around, the director goes for a more serious approach to the material (a mistake, I believe) and attempts to paint the film as a tragedy. Nothing attempts to sell this more than the overly-ambitious music score, which is so epic at times that it feels like it belongs in a big-scale war movie. The composer feels the need to John Williams this thing up at times, which just leaves the viewer scratching their heads at why such a big spectacle of a score is being utilized for a film that largely takes place in a single cabin.

    As if to keep from being too familiar, the deaths are altered just enough to qualify as being original, as long as you don't count on being surprised. Practically everything is telegraphed a mile in advance thanks in no small part to the reliance on the original script so that even the prospect of new deaths isn't enough to warrant much excitement.

    Perhaps the biggest blunder is the recasting of Deputy Winston as a woman, played by an actress with zero comedic timing (although this doesn't stop her from being handed humorous dialogue). The character is a painful reminder that no one invested in this remake knows how to bring life to their character, as is true with the weed-toting camper (played by Eli Roth in the original). No one would call the acting in Cabin Fever '02 a revelation, but it's as good as gold compared to this.

    The entire film is permeated with a depressing lack of passion on or off camera. It's as if no one wanted to be doing this. Roth's film, while certainly underrated by many, at least felt as if it was made by someone who cares. This is a lifeless remake on par with the new Nightmare on Elm Street. Truly a flat, emotionally barren production not even worthy of viewing as a curiosity.
  • Cabin Fever (2016)

    1/2 (out of 4)

    Five friends go out into the woods for a fun week but soon a flesh eating virus begins to take them over.

    This is a remake of the 2002 Eli Roth film that put that director on the map and helped bring in some "frat boy" type of horror movies. Roth was involved in this one and had spent several months really pushing for people to give this film a chance but the end result is without question one of the biggest disasters in recent horror history. I've seen worse film but I've never seen such a pointless remake in my life. I'm a huge defender of remakes because quite often they're at least more original than sequels, which usually just copy the first movie. That's certainly not the case here because what we basically have is a scene-for-scene remake.

    For the life of me I can't understand what Roth and company were trying to do with this film. At least the original film had two sequels that at least tried to be different or do something slightly original. When I say this is a scene-for-scene remake I'm not kidding. It really does seem like the original screenplay was used here with only a few things brought more up=to-date. This includes an assault rifle being used, stuff like the internet mentioned and the Deputy character is now a woman. Everything else is exactly like the original movie so what was the point? If you've seen the original then you're just going to be bored by what you see here.

    The kills are slightly different but they're certainly not great enough to save the picture. The cast really isn't any better here. The direction isn't any better. As for the screenplay, as I said, it's pretty much just the original with a few alterations. Even worse is the fact that the film runs the same length, which just goes to show how alike they are. CABIN FEVER, the 2016 version, is one of the most unoriginal movies I've ever seen and it's just shocking that Roth would sign off for this type of remake. His rumor was taken out but the darker elements add up to nothing. I will avoid giving the film a BOMB rating since it's at least professionally made. Still, what on Earth were they smoking?
  • So I take most movies as what they are, entertainment. But sometimes you can't help but get annoyed with stupidity/lack of common sense. This "update" really just "modernizes" the original Cabin Fever staying pretty true to the story line a some minor changes here and there... I was alright with this movie and tried to put up with it but Eli Roth has an ability to make his characters seem like the DUMBEST living sentient beings in the world. In the world of Horror movies, I understand, the people have to be lower than average intelligence and lack common sense so that the plot will progress cause instead of knocking on the door of a trailer so you can use the phone for help, the character decides to "peek" in through a window in stead EVEN tho all the lights are on... so the inhabitants obviously don't listen to his pleas for help cause they seem him as a sexual predator.

    I was kind of excited for this cause the original Cabin Fever was (IMO) a ground breaking piece of indie horror, it came out during the time when indie films were coming out of the shadows and actually gaining momentum. But this movie, I tried to stick it out, I really tried but there are levels of stupidity in this that "cringe" is a gross understatement. If you saw the original Cabin Fever and liked it, give this one a go! It's not entirely bad. But if you haven't seen the original first...


    and Mr. Roth, please inject just a meager amount of common sense into your characters, please?
  • I'll admit I've never been much of an Eli Roth fan. The original Cabin Fever was a pretty bad movie but I wouldn't even recommend this film to Eli Roth fans, as it is a pretty pointless remake. Fans of the original probably should stay away.

    If there was one positive thing about the original film, it was that it had that low budget charm to it. There's something about low budget horror films that I like and Cabin Fever had that. However, this remake does away with that charm as it obviously had a higher budget. A higher budget doesn't always mean a better film, though.

    The acting in this remake is atrocious and the dialogue is even worse. The characters are all underdeveloped stereotypes that you really don't care about at all. Nearly all the scenes of the original are redone shot-for-shot, but they're handled in a much messier manner. There are a few minor differences, such as the "party man" cop character is now played by a female, for some reason.

    As for positives, there aren't many. The cinematography was decent and the gore and makeup effects were pretty damn good actually. Some of the music was alright. But that's about it. I don't see why this film had to be made.

    Overall, this is a shallow remake of a bad, low budget horror film from 2002. If you've never seen Cabin Fever but plan on watching it, I'd go with the original, as it is the better of the two. However, that's not saying much, as they're both pretty shitty. If you are a fan of the original, you probably won't like it much. But you might watch it anyway just to compare the two. I wouldn't pay much to see it, though. Maybe rent it if you get the chance.

  • I mean what the hell. Remaking movies that're less than 15 years old... What's next?
  • Cabin Fever (Remake) Horror) I kind of went in to this film thinking that this would be told in a different way, maybe in a better way than its original film. Now I'm not normal a El Roth fan but even I've got to notice this film has to be his worst ever film.

    I mean remake are meant to be told different, with new character, new story, new way of this flesh eat bug virus now sadly if you were expecting that you will be disappointed.

    Cabin fever remake is basically a rehash, carbon copy of it original scene by scene, which make you wonder why in the hell didn't he just make something new. Because this by any standards of a horror film is just a complete waste of money & time making the same film as the original in every way possible.

    Seriously you might as well put the original film in your Blu-ray or DVD player & call it a remake, this is just how bad this is, coming from El Roth seriously he could of done better.

    Sadly this is not a film i can recommend watching, i cant force you not to watch it , i can only warn you not to expect anything different from the original film. It entirely up to you if you watch it or not at least I've warned you. You may like it or you may not depend of you point of view, but not a film i can say yes it good. Sorry horror fan got to be brutally honest with this one.
  • I don't write many reviews but I was curious when I heard they made an almost shot for shot/line for line remake of this movie. And they BUTCHERED it! The acting is worse than a B level acting team. They found a way to make every line incredibly flat and unconvincing. It pained me to watch this and I am offended by everyone who had a part in this. The original was a weird but fantastic movie, this was an insult.
  • Boy oh boy do people hate remakes. This 'Cabin Fever' remake has a rating of 3.7 on IMDb which is exceedingly low, usually saved for only the most vile, terrible and unwatchable films you could imagine. Is it a bad film? No. Is it a remake? Indeed. I would go out on a limb to say over half the people who have rated the film haven't even seen it, and have simply come to the page and clicked '1' in protest of the film even being made at all.

    I don't believe it's fair to hate a film simply because it is a remake. Judge it on what it is and what, if anything, it adds to the original is how I look at it. I enjoyed this one. The original was Eli Roth's welcoming party to the horror genre. In his first film he already had more style, flair and class than most horror movie directors achieve at any point in their careers. The remake, admittedly working with Roth's original script, keeps a lot of that flair and adds a few nice touches of its own. A few characters are tweaked, some death scenes are changed (for the better in my opinion) and yet the core of what made the original great stays in tact.

    This is quite a strange case where the original had its second sequel come out only 2 years ago and yet here we are with a reboot almost at the same time. It's no secret Hollywood is very short of ideas, and a consequence of that is we are going to see more and more reboots and sequels as the years go on. My advice is roll with the punches and see the good side of it, which is that people who would otherwise have never been familiar with the original will now become aware of its existence. Is a 'Hostel' reboot next? I won't lie, I'd actually get very excited if that was announced.
  • Don't believe the ratings, this is not a 3/10 movie. It's actually ok.

    However, I have to agree with the people complaining about why this movie was made. This movie is basically a 90% copy of the original. I don't understand why this movie was made. It has almost the same scrip and the acting is not better.

    But again, it is ok. I don't recommend watching this movie if you recently saw the 2002 version. It's like watching the same movie again.
  • coreyjdenford26 June 2016
    This my review of Cabin Fever (spoiler free)


    Cast: Gage Golightly, Matthew Daddario, Samuel Davis.

    Plot: Five Friends celebrating graduation rent a cabin in the woods, only to find themselves falling victim to a flesh-eating virus – and, later, some redneck types who don't take kindly to their germs.

    Horror fans can be a baffling bunch sometimes, often screaming bloody murder often when a genre classic gets remade, forgetting that some of their favourite modern horror films (The Thing, The Fly, The Ring) are remakes themselves. All of which are significantly better than this. It has been 14 years since the original Eli Roth gore-fest and some of the audiences that this is aimed at were toddlers at the time. The first one wasn't even good enough to be considered a classic even though it's better than this, and then there were the two sequels the second one better than the first and third one, let's not talk about that one. This brand spanking 2016 version had so much potential and even the Cabin Fever series isn't a talked about franchise, this film still had potential but it's just an extremely lazy remake. It would be better to watch the first one again because this one copies every word from the original script, and that's not to say it's a bad thing it's just that this one is just so bad. The film even copies every well third-base shenanigan the original one had. The thing is, is that claustrophobic horrors can actually be quite good but director Travis Z (Z for Zariwny) goes to far in trying to make this a horror (not convincingly) and not enough focusing on the claustrophobic feeling. To be fair is it supposed to give off tat feeling? Or is it just corny re-hash? People including myself would choose the second one even though the other 3 films are corny but not lazy like this is. Although this is one for the average gore fan but this is neither gory nor entertaining because even the original had gore as a feature but also it had the aspect that it was meant to be entertaining.

    Here are some points as to why this is the laziest horror ever made:

    Story: The story is probably the biggest point to take out because well there is no story or it's so bad it just feels like there isn't one. The story is a complete remake or in this case reboot because it looks like the director has just copied something that an original much better director did back in 2002. The story is in a humorous is that right to say? No it's humorless and quite frankly just cheesy and there are some really cheesy films out there all of which are better. If you like originality in a story then please this because this isn't original the director just rehashed something that's already been done and that is putting it nicely.

    Characters: Another thing that the director copy and pasted because these characters although not played by the same 'actors' (again putting it nicely) they are just an exact copy as the first. They act in the same way they get infected the same way and it still has the skin peeling when you shave gimmick to it, but that is what made the first one good and well a classic although not really classic. The moral is the characters do the same thing not always a bad thing but in this case it is.

    Speaking of the actors some of them would have very young when the first one came out and it's highly unlikely they even watched it, they should have done because then they wouldn't be in this. The original director intended to make this like The Evil Dead but there was one thing missing it didn't have the Indie feeling to it and yes Eli Roth is no Sam Raimi but you can see why he did it. Even the successful sequel which was disowned by Ti West not long after it came out. As this drags humorlessly towards the end there is a feeling of regret wondering why you spent so much money on a 'crappy remake' to an acclaimed classic. In fact it might be better watch the first one again and forgetting this even exists. There is a growing sense of dread it fosters has less to with the intended horror of watching you BFF's become infected by a deadly virus, than the creeping suspicion that nobody's heart is really in it.

    Verdict: A duff remake of the beloved original so really nothing new, Travis Z's do-over of the 2002 classic gore-fest is surely one of the laziest despite the fact it is made from virtually the same script.

    1/10 one to avoid forever.
  • I am a fan of Eli Roth. I really did enjoy the original Cabin Fever even though it had some flaws (what movie doesn't), and his movies keep getting better. Why was this horrible re-make done? The plot is similar to the original, but the chemistry between the cast is not there. Actually it's painful to watch these people trying to behave like they are best friends!! I have seen also the 2nd and the 3rd movie and they were Oscar-winners compared to this mess.
  • If you like the first one from 2002 or 2003 then avoid this film. I thought Fant4stic (2015) was the worst film I've ever seen but nope it's this lame reboot. Mediocre acting like really. They got a award for best reboot like WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! The writing in this crap fest is horrible and Bert in this movie suck like the old one have energy he didn't care about the rules but in this one he's wimpy. I rather watch Fant4stic then this piece of s**t.
  • The remake fever is reaching a point where it seems that there is no criterion or logic for making a remake that goes beyond the decision to do so. But worse than that are the remakes that virtually do not add or alter anything to the original film, limiting themselves to remaking it in the same way it was initially made, only worse. This is precisely what we see in this film, where Travis Zariwny made a worsened version of Eli Roth's 2002 film.

    I will not waste time summarizing the plot because I think the best thing is to see the 2002 film. Both films have exactly the same story and this film went so far as to copy dialogues. I need to say more? It is not a remake... it is a copy, almost an act of plagiarism. The cast is also forgettable. Gage Golightly is only there to appear naked, Matthew Daddario and Samuel Davis have no presence and the rest just say their lines and die, in the bloodiest way possible, because that is what matters and what the public wants, the director thinks.

    The film is very low budget and seems, to some extent, made to raise money or as a school test for some group of film students. Everything stinks of amateurism in this dull and revolting film that is so unnecessary. Not even the actors' effects and makeup work, everything seems fake and artificial, or exaggerated to the limit. Decidedly, a movie to avoid.
  • Have absolutely nothing against remakes, or at least that is the aim. Although there are a fair share of bad ones, like 'Psycho' and 'The Wicker Man' (both of which made the criminal mistakes of being completely pointless) there are some great ones too such as 'The Fly' (which to me was an improvement over the still good original film and a great film in its own right as well, actually forgot that it was a remake which is testament to how good it was).

    'Cabin Fever' is among the worst of them. As well as being badly done in every way, and not in a marginally bad way but quite catastrophobic, it commits what condemns too many remakes in being completely unnecessary and having no spark at all. This is soulless cash grab level film-making level, personally do not like films without soul and made for money and nothing else. The original 'Cabin Fever' may not the most mind-blowing of classics and had its foibles, but it was at least watchable and had a likeability about it, that is not the case with this.

    There is a degree of faithfulness to some of the shots that stops it from being rated zero or in the minuses, but they are not particularly stylish or inspired at the same time this time round. The music is far too loud and has no creepiness or any kind of atmosphere whatsoever, you just want it to shut up.

    Script-wise, there is just nothing to it. This time there is a real awkwardness and blandness to it with no flow or personality, the worst of it makes one cringe. There is nothing suspenseful or scary here and although there are scenes one recognises they just do not have the same impact here, things just happen but make no real impact and comes over as tired and repetitive. There is no momentum and the direction is the equivalent of being stuck in the mud.

    Found myself very irritated by the characters throughout and the actors looked like they did not want to be there and were promised something substantial to do the film (and probably didn't get).

    All in all, a disaster. 1/10
  • The original Cabin Fever wasn't a great movie by any means, but had fun with itself while showcasing some convincing gory effects; a low budget body horror about a cast of dumb college age couples (and the odd man out) succumbing to a terrible flesh-eating disease in the woods. The 2016 version is just a modernization of the original, hitting all of the same story beats but giving our characters smart phones, automatic rifles, and pop culture references a-plenty. One character in particular is so unlikable that I wouldn't blame anybody for switching the movie off after enduring a few scenes with this guy. Overall, it's bland, visually unexciting, and doesn't replace the original in any way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I went into this expecting to see something different or even better than the original. But alas, this fails in every sense of the Lack luster rewrite, production, acting and direction. And plenty of mistakes throughout the film that had me thinking "Were they high when they made it?!". Goofs such as the dog attack of the girl. The guy gets back to the cabin and sees the girl has been ripped to the end of the film during the credits we see various body bags of which one of the bags contains this same girl who appears to have been miraculously put back together?! And without even looking close you'll see that her body bag appears to have a shape of a full formed body?! Another goof, one guy is getting chased through the woods and takes a piece of his arm flesh that happen to fall off and sticks it to a tree and an effort to throw his chasers off his trail. So as the guy sticks this piece of flesh onto the immediately falls off, but when his chasers get to this tree, of course the piece of flesh is seen hanging off the bark of this tree?! OK then in the end of this film we see what appears to be a young college girl looking at her friend's (The girl who was the first to contract the flesh eating disease)'Facebook' page. As she flips through the photos she see various photos of the trip our Cabin Fever protagonists were on. She then is horrified to see photos of the girl's bloodied legs, then a photo of bloodied shredded mouth and a photo of one of the guys bringing down a shovel to he face. The problem with this is, the photos were not in order (Bloodied shredded face from a shovel to the face, then a photo of the guy bringing down to shovel to her face). This was impossible because it was obvious these photos were screen shots from the film itself and were NOT taken by anyone, including the girl herself who happen to have a camera in the shed with her, at some point in the film, from outside the shed we as the viewers can see 3 flashes of a camera emanating from a small window, but this occurred long before the shovel scene.

    Eli Roth approved this film???....all this film did was show me that Eli Roth has quickly become the M. Night Shyamalan of the horror genre. See this film be cause as film lovers we all have the will to give films a chance. See it and judge the film for yourself, because we all have our opinions of the films we watch, you'll either liked or loath it.
  • hnt_dnl27 August 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Full disclosure, horror is my favorite movie genre (save for the sub-genre of "found footage" flicks, not paying money to watch a movie that follows people around with a shaky cam for 90 minutes). But I'm a sucker for the "cabin in the woods' trope. CABIN FEVER (2016) had all the elements I was looking for, 5 college aged/ young adult characters, the main couple Karen and Paul (Gage Golightly and Samuel Davis), the secondary "sex" couple Marcy and Jeff (Nadine Crocker and Matthew Daddario), and the finally the nerdy loner Bert (Dustin Ingram), all heading for a weekend retreat at a remote cabin by a lake, replete with oddball locals and shrouded in mystery. What could go wrong? EVERYTHING!

    This movie was horrible from the start. Every single character was annoying and stupid. Some weird local kid inexplicably bites into Paul's arm, then the kid's Dad scolds him for it while Paul attacks the DAD. And the Dad actor was literally smiling during his entire "performance", although there was nothing humorous about the situation. When they get to the cabin, Bert wanders around with a loaded assault rifle and almost shoots Paul and actually shoots some random local with a weird flesh-eating disease (the plot of the movie). Then instead of trying to get help, Bert IGNORES the incident and goes back to the cabin as if nothing happened. Flesh-eating dude shows up at the group's door, then in a Keystone Cops style scene, the group goes from trying to help the poor man to burning him alive, along the way allowing him to get inside and mess up their vehicle (dummies left it unlocked even though they were in for the night) spitting up blood all over the interior, while Bert (idiot shoots out a tire) and Paul (breaks all the windows) end up damaging the outside in attempts to kill the man, but he gets away burning alive. Exactly how long does it take for this "fast acting" virus to do a person in?

    Next morning, going for help, Marcy takes a canoe across the lake while in the time it takes her to get across, Bert and Jeff have covered that distance by foot, encountered an odd local, obscenity-spewing obese woman gutting a pig and had time to have a blood-spattered glass of water, then ended up at the same spot as Marcy. Did I mention that they left the cabin AT THE SAME TIME?! Meanwhile some bleach-blonde bimbo deputy sheriff lady, who looks like one of Charlie's Angels, and is supposed to be funny, yet I was laughing at how bad the actress' acting was the whole time, hits on Paul at the cabin while Karen basically just sits in the cabin doing nothing.

    Speaking of acting, the 5 main actors were not good, but had the excuse of an awful script and horrendous direction. Apparently, they were told to play it serious, while every single other character they encountered was played for laughs. Then I found out this movie was actually a remake of a movie made a mere 14 years earlier that WAS a legitimate comedy-horror vehicle and is regarded as a cult classic. First, why remake a movie that is not that old? Second, why change the tone so that half the cast thinks they are in a drama while the other thinks they are in a comedy? Why not change it to be a serious horror flick? It was like watching 2 completely different tonal movies mashed together into this odd, awkward presentation.

    Did I mention that every character was stupid? Thought I'd re-visit that important detail. You are in the woods with a flesh-eating virus that's eating your girlfriend away, so what do you do? Go to town to get a doctor? Radio for help? Well, you have sex with your friend's incredibly hot partner that hasn't yet been infected by the disease because she's there strictly for viewer titillation purposes. You've got an assault rifle in a backwoods location with wild animals and crazy locals and what do you do? Save the ammo when needed? No, you waste every single round randomly shooting throughout the woods and when you really NEED it, of course it runs out of ammo. A guy is completely covered in blood shows up at your camp while word has spread there's some flesh-eating virus infecting everyone and he is viciously coming at you while you are pointing your gun at him and warning him off. What do you do? Shoot him? Shoot warning shots? No, you cave into his angry demands to lower your weapon and let him walk away to possibly infect some innocent person. Did I mention that the idiot that willingly let him get away was the DEPUTY SHERIFF? Sworn to protect and serve my ass.

    I've seen some bad horror movies in my day, but this movie makes a few of the stinkers I've seen seem like competent films by comparison. This is easily one of the worst movies that I'm supposed to take seriously that I've sat through in a while. And it's not even one of those "so bad it's good" horror movies, just a "so bad it's terrible" movie. Skip this joke of a film.
  • WHY did they remake a cult classic that's not even that old & use the exact same script word for word & literally just changed the actors?????

    Eli Roth's 2002 Cult classic Cabin Fever is an excellent throwback back Horror to the 70's & 80's & worked perfectly!!!! The cast was very good especially the extremely underrated RIDER STRONG was excellent & gave the best performance in the movie & made a very good lead in the same way Bruce Campbell did in evil dead when he finally took charge & became covered in blood & guts i felt the same here with Rider Strong.

    Anyway the pointless remake took away all those excellent elements & performances that made the 2002 movie an instant cult classic & put new boring emotionless soulless actors in place but saying the exact same dialogue as the original classic!!!! So it was weird & POINTLESS & totally terrible!!! I could only hear the original cast especially Rider Strong in my head whenever the new cast talked so it was awful!!!! One of the absolute WORST remakes of all time it can go right next the horrendous The Fog remake!!! Both pointless & completely unnecessary & terrible
  • I really do not understand all the low ratings for this film... Being an avid horror fan and having seen the excellent original 2002 Eli Roth classic I watched this remake Nov sure what to expect. A few minutes in and I realised I was going to enjoy this.. For someone who has seen countless friends in peril horror films what struck me was this felt totally 'fresh and new'. Action from start to finish....I was not bored for a moment! The acting was good, the photography was excellent and so too was the musical score (my home cinema speakers certainly took a pounding in places). The special affects were good...especially the rabid like dog! These days too many films made with plenty of hard work and the very best of intentions are criticised and put down....ignoring all the 'good' things about them and instead just pointing out all the bad points.. Personally I did not find 'anything' I did not like about this film. My only regret is that I did not get to see this at the Cinema....I would have very much liked that! I would like to thank 'everyone' involved in this film for making it an excellent and very polished remake. I enjoyed it from start to finish and I hope you too will give this a chance and enjoy it as much as I did....
  • I will be the first to admit that when it comes to movies, my tastes are strange, to say the least. But I really did enjoy this film (I even came back for seconds) and I think it's...entertaining. That's the only adjective I can think of at the moment so it'll just have to do. I have not seen the original (nor do I plan to), so I have nothing to compare this to, but in my eyes this flick was everything it was supposed to be. It wasn't that scary, but it was certainly gory, and that definitely counts for something, it was creepy, it was just cool. I say give it a shot - you won't regret it. (I already know you're going to watch it - it's got Matt Daddario, c'mon.)
  • I'm highly disappointed this is the exact same plot as the original!!! Lame... if you are going to remake the movie give us something new!! Bad bad bad!!! Get some new material!!
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