User Reviews (2)

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  • A sacrificial girl on the night of a blood moon is killed and then reborn as a demon goddess who is none too happy! Wow, this one sure ticks pretty much all of the boxes of what might offend the more sensitive out there who will watch this, or god fearing! We got the satanic rituals, demonic possession, kinky female demon on human female relations, nudity, gory violence, strong language, it's a real full-on kinda short and I loved how they took everything you might think of when you think demon summoning ritual and tossed it in the melting pot and just went with it! This is the kind of thing a lot of Americans were super paranoid about in the eighties and it tickles me that decades later here we are and this short is brazenly embracing the theme so gloriously! It was quite violent but I didn't find it to be on the disturbing side, I found something darkly humorous about the complete lack of subtlety and unpretentiousness of it. There was some excellent practical special effects work on display, like the woundings and especially when the girl was sacrificed and the demon version of her tore its way out of her body, that bit strongly brought to mind a similar moment from the 1985 classic Demons! I love that and I miss it, we need to bring the visceral magic back into our horror movies. Cgi can be good but it's never been a good substitute for the real thing, it's kind of become the paint thinner of movies, watering everything down. This horror short is one that seriously rocks it and it makes for one HELL of a good time! Have fun x
  • Kirpianuscus7 October 2019
    Its terrible realism, grace of special effects, the air of fascination of old fashion horrors and the imagery are the virtues of this more than good short film. The witchcraft in all is pieces from folklore.