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  • In the case of Supergirl for example the arch-villain is good scripts and acting.

    In the case of Jessica it is the awesome David Tennant in one of his best roles -- note the sheen of perspiration which gives him a gritty and unclean look --- who manages to maintain the impact of his character with only a few seconds of screen time here and there.

    Boy is this series well done. Sometimes I think I am actually watching a real person going through her day in a documentary, which is the highest form of compliment you can pay to a fictional drama.

    Has all the makings of a cult hit.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Not a lot happened in the first couple of episodes of JJ, so I was happy to see some stuff happen this time around. We see the bad guy and get a greater sense of his powers and temperament and there's a sense of forward momentum lacking until now.

    At the same time, this episode was the dumbest one so far. I mean, there have been issues from the beginning, like the way Jessica blithely let that family go ahead of her in the first episode as though she was completely unaware of the complexities of her foe's power. But this was notably worse.

    The most egregious logical flaw was when she told that cop to just forget he had been controlled when earlier in the same episode that lawyer had told her they need witnesses. What was that cop? Someone who could testify about what happened. She didn't even get his name.

    Her friend's goading strategy also seemed stupid for someone who has so far come across as smart. And while she thought the lawyer's response on her show was clever, I can't see anything clever about it; I can't even figure out what her game plan is supposed to be.

    I've been on the fence about this show so far and this sort of thing can push me off the wrong side of the fence.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Thankfully after the far too eventless first two episodes, this seems to be picking up. We got a look at the new villain, and Hope's plot-line eventually moved forward. David Tennant still looks phenomenal, and by far the highlight of this episode was getting that glimpse of him. Even if it was very brief, I was on the edge of my seat for those the entirety of that scene. Although it doesn't seem to make sense that Jessica wouldn't use that Policeman or even any of the people in that house as witnesses, as they clearly stated early in the episode that all they need is more witnesses to prove Kilgrave's existence. This was only a minor distraction though, but still, it seems to be a very obvious plot hole.

    It was good to see Hope's storyline moving forward, and the writers seemed to have found an intelligent way to incorporate all the main characters into this one storyline, instead of having lots of different strings flying around at once, as many superhero series often do. Luke Cage's storyline on the other hand was at a standstill this episode, for even though they had discussions of his origin, powers, and relationship with Jessica, we barely learnt anything new. In the end this was the strongest episode so far, even if pacing is still an issue.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This episode starts to give us some of the stuff they've been teasing. We finally see Kilgrave's face. We get some action. The case becomes public knowledge, leading to Jessica's friend saying something dumb on her radio show. This mistake sets off a chain reaction including a truly chilling scene with Kilgrave talking over a phone. Eventually, it leads to a face-to-face with Kilgrave and some Daredevil style action. The encounter with Kilgrave obviously made Jessica have a flashback, it's just a shame that I had already predicted the "twist" of the flashback earlier in a not-so-subtle hint. But, there was another twist outside of that which leaves me truly intrigued.
  • Hitchcoc26 July 2019
    Since this guy can turn anyone into a zombie, triggered to kill, is the entire first season going to be one attack after another, waiting for the final episode to solve things. As with most of these types of shows, we have a horrible villain who has no regard for human life. He is so psychotic that we don't even sense a motive--perhaps he is just part of death. Jessica uses whatever means she can to get what she wants, but how long can this be sustained? Will she be able to enlist other forces in her efforts.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We finally get the face to face (sort of) confrontation of our titular hero and villain. There's also a passionate romance that ignites with characters with great chemistry. We also get a look at what Kilgrave is doing to Jessica as well as the friendship between Jessica and Trish.

    I am actually kind of happy that Marvel is letting them go into a more mature route with Jessica and Luke's relationship, especially with their sex life. With these two now open about their abilities, they can finally accept each other, despite the left over feelings with Luke's deceased wife. Still, these two work so well off each other and I want to see more of them, especially in scenes with them together.

    Another relationship that Jessica has that is solid is her best friendship with Trish. These two are practically sisters and we see how far Trish will go to be the hero and help Jessica.

    Kilgrave finally made his real mark in this episode. His first appearance via telephone during Trish's call in session. Seeing what just the sound of his voice did to Hope, Jessica and even Trish was pretty intense due to the fact that we haven't even seen his face yet he is making an impression. And then we do get to see him when Jessica confronts him. Seeing him in full purple is great too having it close to his name in the comics. His little smirk at Jessica is great to as you can tell he is up to something and not just getting back to what he does.

    We also get the intro to another main character in this show, Officer Simpson, which is clearly going to make an impact on the show, giving Jessica a link to the police possibly.

    We also have another great cliffhanger as Kilgrave has been having Jessica followed, which is going lead down another curious rabbit hole.

    I will say though that after the combat spectacle that was Daredevil, the choreography in this show is pretty lackluster. Sure, Jess and Luke have powers but it could still leave some fun scenes without simple punching and throwing

    + Jessica and Luke +Jessica and Trish + Kilgrave + Simpson and possible help with police + Good cliffhanger - Need better action

    Final Score: 9.1/10
  • amindostiari25 March 2021
    Currently, this series has not shown me anything special. Excitement and lack of character.
  • ensignramsey12 June 2018
    Some good action this week and a ton of sex, but not much progression.
  • stratus_phere13 February 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Three shows in and this is getting fairly predictable. They have a single bad guy Jessica will chase the entire season, and she will not catch him until the very end of the last episode, and everything in between is just frustrating chases that you know will end with the bad guy getting away...every...single...time.

    I've only seen three shows, so I don't know that for a fact. But I know it.

    One thing about this episode that made zero sense was Jessica didn't bring the others to the lawyer and say "See, these people were controlled by Kilgrave, they can swear to it." The cop knows exactly what he did and exactly who made him do it. Trish's apartment has security cameras so there is actual footage of the cop attacking her. There is no denying it. So why don't they use it? Why not use it to prove people are being mind controlled. There were plenty of others in that final scene as well. They can all swear to it.

    But they chose, for whatever reason, to not use the most obvious thing about this episode. I guess they just want to draw this out needlessly. They make everything so complicated. Getting the drugs was just one long string of scenes that went nowhere. Boring.

    They need to move this along and not make 15 episodes that are all alike, all with the same antagonist, all ending the exact same way. I know this show is already a few years old, so I'm raving about writers who have already written crap, got paid too much, and moved on.
  • Leofwine_draca26 February 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Another awful episode. I counted four sex scenes but there were possibly more. It drags on and on without adding much at all, except humanising Luke Cage a bit. David Tennant's attempts to impose are laughable. Plenty going on here, but hardly any of it is worthwhile.
  • This is the third episode I have watched so far and it is so boring that I am considering not watching the rest of the first season. There is no action, no meaningful story. The heroine looks like a drug addict. And the villain that I've read people here describing as the "most terrifying villain ever". . . what did you watch before you wrote it? definitely a different show than I did. When I saw him the first time in this episode and I didn't know if I should start laughing or crying. I could picture that actor as an addition to Big Bang Theory or maybe to Friends but definitely not as a "terrifying mind-controlling villain." . . . OK. Let's see what the next few episodes will bring but so far this does not seem to be a "masterpiece" as some of the reviewers here described it. It is not even an average TV show.