User Reviews (5)

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  • Noah Wyle is a *criminally* underrated actor. He carried entire post-Clooney seasons of ER on his back, and dropping him into Sci-Fi/fantasy projects like Falling Skies or the goofy Librarians show instantly elevated them the way Patrick Stewart elevated Star Trek or numerous masterclass actors like Maggie Smith or Gary Oldman elevated Harry Potter. Since nearly half the movie relies on closeups of his character lying on his back on a hospital gurney, the filmmakers needed a heavy hitter, and Noah delivers the gamut of believable reactions and emotions as we watch his character grappling with the aftermath of his shooting in real time.

    The supporting cast is very good, notably Sharon Leal as his semi-estranged wife and veteran character actor Xander Berkeley as the distracted ER doctor who can't get his name right. The film is strongest in its tense first half, as we watch Wyle's character in the hospital alongside his freaked-out accidental shooter fleeing and then fruitlessly seeking adult guidance on split screens.

    This film definitely suffered from a terrible title (surely someone could have come up with something more creative?) and a rushed resolution. I would probably have given it an eight or a nine if it had left well enough alone and ended at its "false" ending (where it cut to black), without any subsequent credits footage that drove the entire denouement off the cliff of implausibility. That's all I'll say to avoid spoilers. Fans of Wyle will definitely appreciate him here.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We are taken through parallel scenarios depicting life after a random bullet finds its victim. The acting is well done but the storyline, starting with good intentions ends up being more Hollywood than LA. All in all it makes an important point about all those involved in a pointless shooting even though the final scene is totally ridiculous. (Why does it take forever for the wife to get out the bedroom?)
  • reddawn32922 September 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    I had no idea what to expect when I watched this movie. All I knew what the title and some cast. The writing was so real & raw. The format of the side by side frames was brilliant. Rather than a back & forth we saw the emotion in real time. The ending was unexpected & I felt the powerful message of forgiveness. The teen actor portrayed pure raw feelings of guilt that invaded his soul. The boy was lost in the unknown & in the moment of finding out who it was, he made the decision to face what he did. If only this would be a reality. But for the purposes of a movie, it's a great movie for teens & youth groups to watch for an open dialogue about gun violence. The consequences of our actions. The ripple effect of violence & even accidents. It's worth a watch for all ages.
  • Wow! Just wow! Noah Wyle can bring magic to anything he touches. Amazing actor and person. To watch the events unfold in real time is absolutely great. Wyle had to spend most of the movie on his back either on a concrete sidewalk or a gurney, which is Amazing acting. The emotions in his eyes and face bring you into the harshness of the moments and debilitating outcome from what happens when illegal guns are in hands of folks that don't know how to use them. Another grand slam for Noah Wyle!
  • rlisa19 July 2018
    Love this story shown from both sides of a tragic accident, and dealing with the fallout and new hand"s". I absolutely fell in love with the song, lyrics by Jeremy Kagan, sung by Johnny Hawthorn, Love provides at the close. Please let me know when the soundtrack is available.