User Reviews (20)

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  • I would have given this about a six if not for the idiotic ending. The storyline was different, the movie itself good, not great, but the ending ruined anything good it had going for it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was fully prepared to give this a 7, but the ending just ruined it.

    It's perfectly set up for an ending with closure, a Final Girl or maybe 2 getting out, and a cop with lots of personal issues maybe sorting some stuff out. Instead it completely falls apart in the last 10 minutes. The girl you've been rooting for is killed, and the other seemingly brainwashed girl kills the cop for reasons unknown, considering he's trying to save them AND she ends up shooting the "bad guy" too. The rest of the police aspect of the movie seems useless too, as well as the main cop's back story. Disappointing.
  • collioure_bee1 August 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Story full of plot holes, about the only decent acting is from the detective who is capable of better than this. The fight scene near the end was almost funny.
  • awardenclean10 November 2021
    Like watching criminal minds, but one of the boring episodes, that weirdly left you wanting... more of an ending. The Stockholm syndrome and cops past stories could have been more defined and brought together a little more smoothly.................... I don't have anything else to say so here are a bunch of . To make up the right amount for a review ...........................................
  • ajack-1978318 September 2021
    Adam Dorsey as the Detective is the only saving grace of this movie unfortunately the rest of the cast look like they have just come out of acting school. The interaction between the two captive women is laughable and as for the ending, well watch and see.
  • orkneyislander8 April 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Gave up halfway through. Presenting the obvious killer so early in the movie took any 'mystery' out of the story. Should have listened to the alarm bells that rang in the first few minutes when investigators were peering at a 'decomposing' body discovered in the trunk of a car with no indication from any of them of the foul smell that would have been hitting them.
  • ks-6050023 April 2021
    2 women cannot fight for a 50s old professor and lock up in a house and walk freely but cannot escape ? It was the stupidest thing I ever seen. Rename the movie to stupid women more appropriate.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I started enjoying this movie cuz I love the occasional B movie and give credit to the little guys where due. All the young girls in the movie are gorgeous that's why I gave it 1 star.

    It had the potential to be GREAT..but the ending makes u roll your eyes ... Nothing gets solved, the one girl who escapes at the end gets shot froma. Distance and killed ..... Jennifer who was in captivity for 5yrs with the professor has Stockholm syndrome and kills the cop when he tries to save her at the end and then kills the prof.

    That's it .. waste of time, lol, and then it ends with Jennifer walking down the road with the gun by herself ....the end ???? 🤣🤣🤣

    I can't.
  • Behind the curtain, they use an american smalltown, with american actors, speaking the esperanto wannabe language english, to reach the highest amount of people to see and understand their message. No wonder, Icelandic is a tricky language to read , learn and to speak, and having worked alongside icelandic healthcaretakers for years its one of the weirdest languages in the world, next to finnish and some asian and tribal african ones . But im not a linguist, nor a reviewer, and this is a guess i guess...

    but its a very nice film product, the production design, the camerawork and editing, for the film composed music is indeed of high quality. The story, caracter build up and how its plotted, with a slowburning development of action may be enough to loose interest. Also some glitches in some of the hdcam shoots in the start of the film , but thats the only flaw to mention.

    Its a story about young females being kidnapped, and women found killed in a small town outtin nowhere. A detective engages a near soloinvestigation to sniff the trails of the missing women. They do have acommon denomination, being students under a sociologyproffesor at a nearby education facility.

    So its a story about being held in captivity, about revenge, extreme narcississm, slavery, torture, rape and murder. Its all a kind of social experiment, that reflects childhood experiences done by the culprit due to selfexperienced situations, and doctor pavlov comes to my mind while viewing.

    The cast do their work, the main male actors do a splendid deliveranse, though the female counterparts just above or at average, strained by the scripted role theyre acting. There are some inconsistensies for the triffled viewer especially near the end, where running with 2 minutes lead with a rifle at gunpoint seemingly cant outcompete a huntsmans composed easy walking.

    But dont let that bother you whether seeing it or not. Its a good smallcast low cost icelandic filmexperiment in the action, thriller, mystery -genre. The grumpy old man have seen better destillates, but its a well proofed result. Recommended.
  • The movie opens with a woman running away... and then being found in a trunk, murdered and raped in bizarre, brutal fashion. The police arrive on the scene to investigate the murder. The officer uses a common English word incorrectly, which I thought was strange and hoped it wasn't a sign of what was to come. OK... so the net result is they know very little about the victim, so our protagonist goes to investigate with those who knew her.

    With the bare minimum of clues, our protagonist police officer just magically knows that the killer is certainly local, white (because these types of things don't cross the color barrier, he says), and personal because of the nature of the crime. Even Hannibal Lechter wouldn't have deduced this and it's clear we've got a McGuffin in place for a local killer.

    And then, barely 15 minutes in, we are introduced to someone evil who teaches at a school. The dead girls were students. Everything about him is... stilted... it is... strange... His speech patterns... what he says. But of course, nobody suspects anything. And in one moment I realized how dumb this film was going to be. Without ruining anything, since it is the first 15 minutes, the script totally unravels as a brainless, manufactured story that would never happen because it doesn't make sense. An absurd set up in a store that is straight out of a teen boy film leads to a scene which is completely manufactured for drama for the audience. Why would anyone who is invited into a home leave it momentarily, only to make up a story to get back inside a moment later and then force their way in????

    At that point I realized this was another stinker with a terrible script, terrible acting and then leapt off the rails into complete absurdity. If I was in a terrible situation, such as watching this film, I could solve that problem easily by walking out of the film and not looking back. And just 1/3 of the way through, you'll easily understand what that means and why you're better off seeing this on VOD so you can just skip to the end if you really don't know how things are going to end up.
  • I was not sure what to expect from "Women" based on the other reviews. I think it was great, in a Dragon Tattoo sort of way. Yes, the bad guy is identified early - so what? Like Columbo, this isn't a whodunit, but a how-catch-em.

    Very brooding throughout, very dark and intricate. Tightly edited, almost perfunctory. Although unlikely to break the box office in Murica, this will play perfectly in Iceland!
  • sylviafulton25 August 2021
    Very like 'Kept Women' movie. Completely the same really. But I watched it all. Cheesy but ok drama.
  • taleralexandra27 September 2022
    Wow. What a let down. I really enjoyed it until the end. They just abruptly ended it in one minute with no nothing left to even ponder. It was weird. Heck they could have even had the same ending and looped in one final scene with the girl and what happened to her. It's truly like they just gave up or ran out of money. I could have shot the ending with an iPhone and sent it to you guys. Cmon lol. Could have been a lot better but really that ended just ruined it. Didn't make much sense at all so whatever they were going for..... it was a big swing and miss. All plot no ending. Better luck next time!
  • The worst-written episode of Criminal Minds, dragged on for 92 minutes.

    There are movies that are produced worse, so I didn't score it 1 star, but it legitimately deserves -15 stars for writing. The writing is SO stupid it becomes insulting. I kept watching because I had chores to do around the house, and I didn't want to be too interested by what was going on on screen. It turns out that this movie, dialogue, story plot points and acting were so bad, it made me angry enough to get going on my errands. That's why this didn't get turned off in the first few minutes of dialogue, the next few plot points, the continuing dialogue, every insufferable monologue and that godawful piano scene.

    There was no way to make that piano scene stupider and more unrealistic. The piano scene made me want to punch the movie quiet.

    The acting wasn't great, but PALES in comparison to how terrible the writing was to begin with. Every spoken word made me want to track down the person(s) who wrote the script and just scream "NO" into their faces(s) for a few minutes.

    That said, there are worse movies out there. So if you have chores to do around the house, and you want to support low-budget movies; have at it and turn it on for a bit.
  • Again, I say, it's weak writing when, in reality, millions of girls and WOMEN around the world, every year, are either abducted and/or bound against their will and brutally "mistreated," to give you the Rated-G version.

    This subject matter is NOT entertaining. It's not thrilling, nor should it be sold under the category of THRILLER.

    Write smarter. Produce something that doesn't gag WOMEN! Direct a movie that doesn't reek of misogyny or patriarchy.

    I challenge you.
  • Advocate12 October 2022
    Think lifetime movie gone bad. That is what this is. The movie made me mad because it portrays the typical sex offender. A successful person, often unassuming, yet well known. It took me back to my days as a parole officer overseeing sex offenders. Just find the person already!! I literally wanted to jump through the screen.

    Women is a movie about a small time detective out to solve a case. It's a psychological thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat, wondering what happens next. You literally have no idea of what will happen next. The cast is pretty good. Acting is above average.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In "Women," the character of Detective Hawk should be a pillar of the community, due to his dedication to the job and his compassion for people. But it turns out that the sleazy sociology professor Bradley Gilmore is the local pillar. Even Hawk's deputy is cowed by Gilmore and reluctant to investigate him for unspeakable crimes.

    Much of the film did not have an inherent logic. It was unclear how the professor could maintain such a powerful standing in the community or how he could conceivably keep women under false imprisonment in his home while he attended his classes.

    The best scene in the film was a quiet moment when Detective Hawk met with an eyewitness in his car. He immediately recognized that she was a drug addict and homeless. He showed compassion in his willingness to have the police put her up in a hotel.

    Unfortunately, the rest of the film was unpleasant beyond the pale. While there was dramatic tension in the developing relationship between the two hostages, Jennifer and Hailey, their plight was still not believable.

    It is possible that the filmmakers were basing the film on a case study. But the film never made the case credible. The ending seemed especially contrived and disappointing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    You start with an interesting idea, add in some good acting (especially Anna Marie Dobbins), develop some backstories, set distinctive moods. Then you mess it up with some big plot holes - and I'm a movie fan who generally doesn't nitpick movies. The big ones are why these girls didn't escape when the madman was away for hours teaching university classes, and why Jennifer shoots the detective before shooting the madman who has used and abused her for five years. Why kill the good guy when you know you're going to kill the bad guy anyway? The ending wasn't the worst, but when you bump off the good cop and the woman so recently kidnapped, you're a movie maker who doesn't respect your audience.
  • So I'm an Anna Marie Dobbins fan, therefore I had to watch this. It's a very good thriller with similar story line as made in UK Crawl to Me Darling (2020) and LMN movie Kept Woman (2015). I have to say I enjoyed all three. Despite similarities all three movies were distinguishable from each other. And Kept Woman I thought was a great thriller for a TV movie!
  • I really wanted to like this. The acting was stiff and forced. The plot was interesting but the direction caused unbearable boredom.

    The situations were unbelievable and defied logic.

    I found this slow, preposterous, uninteresting, Dull, and annoying.