User Reviews (13)

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  • This is about Charlie, the guy who had too easy of a life and who blew it all on a life of drugs. I found Charlie to be impossible to sympathize with or to care about because his attitude is two-dimensional. On the other hand, his best friend, Adam, who supports him in every way, now that's a story. Now he's a person I want to know better. Devon Bosticks is impossible to look away from. No offense to Nick Robinson because he's good. (It's Nick's character that is less interesting.) Adam as a character is that friend that every one of us wants. Wants to be. And Eva? I couldn't care less. Her character is boring. ..... As for the film as a whole, worth a watch. The story is human.
  • This movie came across to me as quite the downer, and didn't seem at all to be a Rob Reiner directed film. Nick Robinson is believable as the defiant and sarcastic Charlie Mills. He's 18-years-old and a drug addict and has gone to one treatment facility after another, only gaining brief periods of sobriety.

    Nick is from a very well-to-do family with his father (Cary Elwes), a former movie star running for Governor of California. The bulk of the film will center on Nick's rehab attempts, as he continually flaunts and disregards the recovery program's and counselors recommendations, thinking he has all the answers. Unfortunately, it will take a tragedy to finally get his attention.

    There's lots of unlikable characters here, plenty of drug use, raw language, explicit sexual references, and some nudity.

    Overall, I had trouble caring about the characters here, and just found the movie to be more irritating than enjoyable.
  • The movie was a good attempt at a first feature film. After viewing it at TIFF and listening to the writers speak afterwords they clearly stated that Rob Reiner had a lot of influence in ironing out the kinks with the script. but obviously he liked something to start with. With experience I am sure that the two youngsters Nick Reiner, Matt Elisofon will get better at it. It did have some very memorable scenes and lines.

    I enjoyed the message and the movie was not just funny or just dark based on the topic. It had a good mix of drama and comedy. I enjoyed it and will be looking for the next film that comes out from these guys.
  • There are some films from this director I liked, I consider them my favourites, but this is an average film. I always like his film story lines and characters, something better than what other filmmakers fails to do. This is another interesting theme and this time it was about the drug addiction. The story of a guy named Charlie, who just turned 18 and being released from a rehab camp for underage people. But his father who runs for the governor wants him to go for adult's rehab right away. He does not want to, but after no other option, he joins and meets a troubled girl Eva. A little romance blooms and followed by how it all ends bring a full stop to the narration.

    Looks a good theme, but the purpose was confusing. Of course, the drugs related issues, especially the film focused on the road of recovery from such addition. But it stayed more real than cinematic twists and turns. One way you will know how it all ends, but some of the characters were unpredictable. The end was good, concludes with a little message. Nick Robinson was really great. Initially I thought it was Jack O'Connell's film, mistook Nick Roinson as him from the poster. Lacks depth in narration, but really a nice film. At least you should watch it for Rob Reiner, if you're not convinced enough.

  • 6/10 - depressing and frustrating, but great performances throughout
  • cekadah18 September 2016
    And I wish Charlie 'not to be'. Oh, this flick is predictable and mostly boring! It has some good moments mostly within the first half hour but overall it's so been done before.

    The opening of the story is certainly an attention grabber with Charlie leaving that 'Christian rehab center and smashing the stain glass window! Then being given a ride with a woman suffering cancer. Something surely of substance is going to unfold before us -- no not at all. Charlie calls a friend and the friend takes him home to Bel-Air to his very wealthy family. From this point on everything about this story is so predictable. Who couldn't figure out the father would put his political career first and the mother would be the go between for father and 'druggy' son? Of course there's the on again off again doped-up girl for Charlie, his friend Adam who accepts Charlie for what he is (and by-the-way Adam is the only character in the whole move with a personality), and Charlie is on the street then off the street then on the street.

    The ultimate message here is that no one can change their life until they decide to do it themselves. This is symbolically shown when Charlie sweeps up the broken bottles at the beach house - his life at 18 years old is also a broken mess and it's time to clean it up. An hour and a half to get to the message everyone already knows. The end.
  • "Acceptance is the first step to recovery." Charlie (Robinson) is a drug addict who has been in and out of rehab. After escaping from his current treatment clinic he returns home, only to fall back into his same routine. Now, given the choice between another try at rehab or going to jail Charlie attempts to turn his life around. What he finds is that rehab is easier than dealing with his famous father (Elwes) in the middle of his run for Governor. This is a very tough movie to watch, due to the actions of Charlie and his father. You are rooting for Charlie the entire time, and you really feel when he is faced with a choice and you feel the tenseness that he does. The movie makes you really feel the roller coaster of emotions that Charlie is on and that really adds to the involvement and impact of the movie. Overall, great acting, writing and directing makes this less of a movie and more of an experience. I recommend this. I give it a B+.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What's the deal with Rob Reiner? He had a few sparks of greatness early in his career: "This Is Spinal Tap", "When Harry Met Sally", "Misery", "The Princess Bride". But when was the last time you even heard his name? Was it when "The Bucket List" was being panned?

    There's no need to watch "Being Charlie". You've seen it before, done better. I knew exactly what was going to happen; there were even times I could predict the next line of dialogue.

    The story is about a spoilt little rich kid who has trouble with drugs and goes to rehab where he meets the typical group of wisecracking misfits, the cute girl to become his romantic interest, and the shockingly down-to-earth ex-jailbird to be his drug counsellor. His dad, played by a now-unrecognizable Cary Elwes, is a politician who, don't you know, seems to care more about his career than his relationship with his troubled son. Will he realise the error of his ways and reconcile with the young drug user? Watch this movie to find out. Or don't. You already know how it's going to work out.

    Nick Robinson can be charming in movies and is obviously a future star. This is the kind of movie where you don't know if the actors could have done a better job; the screenplay gives them nothing new or interesting to work with. Hence Robinson always seems to be working from an ancient handbook - but so were the screenwriters.

    I believed Robinson in the moment, but didn't believe his character. He doesn't seem like a hardened drug user. Why is this character on drugs, anyway? This is a question the movie doesn't try to answer.
  • Bmcine21 September 2015
    Whats not to like....Real world for a change..No Fluff...See it when ya can....Aside from all the cast giving all believable under the top performances the writing does a good job of blending high funny ha ha and low tragedy ..Drug problems embedding themselves in all families comes close to home here...Reiner both the older and younger collaborate on a film level and more importantly as a dad and son as it gets very close to home ..We the audience are allowed to observe from afar at times ..In . The rehab facilities one gets to see life from the inside out rather than peering in as outsiders...The writing takes us there..All in all get your popcorn ready ur in for a film that u will remember awhile from now..
  • dantesoeiro5 April 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Besides the unoriginal plot, which ah been repeated a thousand times... Its predictable, but i can skip that, watch it if you want to have a look at another movie about heroine, always fun.

    But the major problem, the thing that is still messing with my head is... (drum roll) where the hell is Eva? I mean, they could have shown her laying on a street high AF, but no, never... if the idea was to make us wonder where she is, so we can relate to charlie get the same kind of feeling, they got it, the only thing you can relate to in this movie, is that you and charlie both have no clue where the hell she is.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Charlie (Nick Robinson) is white and privileged and at rehab, whose dirty little secret is that they have a high failure rate. Charlie is struggling with addiction and his best friend is his dealer (Devon Bostick). He meets Eva (Morgan Saylor) at rehab, who is also an enabler. Charlie's dad is a movie star running for governor of California (Cary Elwes).

    The film brushes on the inability of rehab to be successful unless the user wants to change. Heroin addiction is lifetime, even to someone off the substance for decades, the urge comes back. As of this writing, I have one relative in jail (twice in rehab) and another in rehab for addiction for the third time. The truth is, these stories are not like my massage parlor and don't typically have a happy ending.

    Drama with numerous light comedic moments.

    Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (Morgan Saylor, Aubrey Reynolds)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a very impressive script by Nick Reiner and a skillfully adept Direction by Rob Reiner. When I first met Charlie I got that feeling of a young James Dean rebel, ( the hunched lean in' shoulders, ) and I was ready to take the punches with Nick Robinson's-Charlie-beset by house to house, back to back rehab #1,) 30 days #2;) 60 days as it spells it all out. "A dicey trap door laden journey unfolded." Being assisted by classmates in both half way joint's. One scary councilor at the first hub. One better man, at next hub'. And a third, a heart capturing one, played by; the actor Common. Addiction counseling, so infused with the irony and consequentially compromised leadership with ring leaders. In this multiple composite, or its p.o.v. it all rang authentic, and more so importantly it's fair assessments. The rapid chain smoking, and the shakes at the 60 days we're drawn into this Charlie who mouths off when he's knocked down but has already many shots by the first 30 minutes you hunker down in a corner with him too. In this state when we also meet EVA--Morgan Saylor--in the most clever screen intro I've seen saving our Charlie from a runaway bail out. You find it makes sense "to root for them as a team."

    When you reach the old first overnight out, the look on Charlie's face when EVA suggest's that return binge moment; that look captured is the one sheet films' poster. Devon Bosticks- ADAM brings a fresh I'll do anything for you best friend, who is so keen with Charlie we understand his love enabled him, but he is so charismatic and he channels worship that we follow and love Charlie even more. Charlies at its best in it's partner's scenes. Like Charlie + Eva and Charlie with ADAM. I felt the struggles into the editing did so well to capture both so strong. The parents attending scenes or mothers love is all dynamically so clearly understated with close ups and the look of love one can feel evidently powerful restraint + dignity said so much more than any words could do so in this Charlie. It's final scenes coda make that even more salient.

    The stand up comedy exploration was I wished for more... to define our Charlie wisecracking skill set...the tautly punctuated lines only gave me more definition as to "how outstanding Nick Reiner's debut soared." Its a valuable story told on the perfectly rendered 360 on rehab class and I feel just as North Dallas 40 did for sports and politics this is the vivid portrait, THE REHAB STORY 101 the best I've seen it depicted accurately. "It should be required viewing in schools across to world".
  • drakerodgers12 February 2018
    A great movie with deep moments and amazing acting especially by Nick Robinson.