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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I look at the entire picture during a scene, first few minutes you see a lad trying to get over a roof.

    Well ,...OK and this is a period piece.

    Then why is he crawling over a 1990's roof style and cap. Yes Its a very good type of "50 Year shingle" but about 100 years off.

    Its the devil in the details !

    Sadly.... it put an image setting the tone right from the start that carried thru the movie.

    Big Plus is there were some very sincere scenes and real efforts and being a 12 movie series is a fun idea of a cowboy western shown in theaters back in the 40-50's.

    It might have been worth a re-shoot of that roof scene.

  • The film is well shot, with a good story and good acting. The problem is twofold though. The pace of the story is just too slow and the score is mundane and depressing. Mills' directing looks good, and the cinematography is very good, but maybe it's the way the film was edited that creates the slow pace. There's really no excuse for the poor score. If you watch any good western from any era, the score really adds to all of them. Mill's has made a number of really solid westerns recently and they all seem to have these two unfortunate flaws that keep them from really reaching the next level. If you're a western fan, give it a watch, but know it's flawed.
  • Well, from the movie's cover/poster, then I have to say that I didn't figure that I would be in for anything particularly extraordinary since the cover looked like something that was made in an Arts & Crafts class. And never having heard about "She Was the Deputy's Wife", from writers Mario Mattei and Travis Mills, I must admit that I didn't harbor much of any expectations.

    So why watch it? Well, on the off chance that the movie would actually turn out to be good, entertaining, watchable or surprising, of course. Well, and also because "She Was the Deputy's Wife" was a movie that I hadn't already seen before.

    But I have to say that the movie was just rather slow paced, almost to the brink of where it slipped over the edge and became boring. The concept idea of the story was good enough, but the movie just lacked forward momentum, action and interesting characters to carry it forward.

    I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "She Was the Deputy's Wife", but I will say that the actors and actresses did fair enough jobs, given the restrictions of a slow paced narrative and not really having much to work with in terms of properly written characters and dialogue.

    I will say that the atmosphere in the movie was actually good enough, it felt and looked like a Western movie, at least.

    If you enjoy Western movies, then perhaps you will get a little kick out of watching the 2021 movie "She Was the Deputy's Wife". I am not overly keen on the Western genre, so I didn't particularly enjoy this movie from director Travis Mills. Sure, it was semi-watchable, but that was about all it had to offer for me.

    My rating of "She Was the Deputy's Wife" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
  • nikoskont2 May 2021
    Notice to future myself: Watching mushrooms growing would be more interesting.
  • I almost never write bad reviews for Indy movies, and especially Westerns. It's really easy to please me and I love low budget flicks. Just check my reviews. But man, this one just needs someone to voice reason and is quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. It pains me to say it. The acting was good. It just has no reason to exist. There is absolutely nothing compelling about the story or anything that happens. Who bloody cares? And the soundtrack is so freaking annoying. It plays the same song over and over again no matter what the emotion is supposed to be on the screen. And the kicker was, at the end credits the same of played. And it was really bad. I mean I love simple, computer program scores. But it didn't fit anything that was going on. I bought this movie because I figured it would be hard to wreck a western like this. But it really is so very boring, with no reason to exist. I had to watch it in installments like eating my peas. Because it was so awful. Again, the actors were good and the scenery and cinematography was fine. Just so utterly uninteresting and dumb. Literally the worst movie I have ever seen and I am a movie buff who loves cheesy cult and b-grade cinema. I will not watch another one of the 12 months of westerns or whatever this guy does.
  • LSRBKR30 June 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Liked the main female character and her trials and tribulations. A fun watch. The twist keeps you watching!
  • signily30 June 2021
    I liked the way the main character went back in time and told how she got to the present. Good story!
  • vhanwalker3 May 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Not exactly sure where to begin here. I suppose the good:

    Some rather decent acting with great character faces -- the Marshal was great and Paul was played pretty smooth.

    The scoring was beautiful.

    The town looked great.

    Some of the death scenes looked cool (Lemmy's was awesome).

    Lighting was pretty good for the most part.

    The bad:

    I can tell ADR is being used with some scenes making it painfully obvious. The early scene with Paul in the cell voice over didn't sync perfectly with his mouth.

    Although the music was wonderful, it seemed over used. It felt like it started and just never stopped.

    Under used were the extras. The town often felt empty. More life would have made it felt like it wasn't a town with a population of 9. When they were used, many them had this stiff deadpan look all the time. Everything seemed so lifeless.

    The entire vibe of the film felt slow and scenes just drawn out with some actors trying to milk out every action.
  • Really enjoyed this western. It has an unusual plot line for a western more reminiscent of a Shakespeare story. The basic story is about a women who feels trapped in her life and marriage until she meets a young horse thief. She falls for him whilst helping out at his brother-in-laws ranch where he is hiding horses that he has stolen. The women is enamoured by one of the horses, a white mare, not because of the horse itself but because of the lost freedom the horse represents.

    The main part of the story revolves around an unscrupulous marshal who wants the white mare for himself and he is willing to do anything to get it.

    The film is apparently part of a series of 12 films although I have been able to locate any of the other 11 so far.

    Definitely a film to watch as long as you are not after a shoot-them-up cowboy film.
  • jpmills-3566626 March 2021
    Forgive my unoriginal title, but don't let it deter you from this film. I truly felt like a townsperson watching the excitement of this western AZ town. As the story begins, I was as clueless as anyone else but intrigued by what was playing out. Very quickly some characters were clearly good and clearly bad. The characters were well fleshed out through dialogue and actions. When the story began to unfold, I could not take my eyes away. As a woman, I found much of the lines and dialogue insightful and moving. I was worried the romance wouldn't sit well at first, but the explanation worked superbly and I felt, was realistic. By the end, there had been murder, redemption, romance, evil, shoot outs, and more. The acting was great, no one better than the Marshal. Great film. One you will want to watch all over again after understanding some things you didn't the first time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The casting of the characters was excellent, cinematography awesome, editing was spot on, writing was authentic to the era.

    One small concern at the end the deputy's wife should have been holding a gun also; while escaping with the horse rustler. She could have handled herself.

    Of course, the terrific ending might have been weakened.
  • This film will keep you on the edge of your seat. It is a unique story with some incredible twists. The acting is excellent as is the cinematoraphy. I've been back to watch it several times to catch all the subtleties in the action and dialogue.

    The characters evoke strong reactions, even more so when a plot twist challenges your perception of reality as the film presents it. This is my favorite of the 12 Westerns that have been release on-line so far.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Kept me intrigued to the very end. Engaging characters; some endearing, others downright mean and ruthless! So sad to see Bandit take a bullet... great dying scene, Bandit! I will watch this one several times because of all the story twists ... many in the nick of time! Great script and acting. Beautiful filming. Looking forward to more of the 12 Westerns in 12 Months!
  • This is one of those movies that you have to watch a second time, in order to catch all the little things you missed the first time. The story is just that well written. Seriously one of the best films i have seen in a while. A western with a plot, a dark sense of humor...i thought i was going to watch a romance, and it is, but it really isnt at all. Its just good movie making.
  • This film is well worth a watch. A nice script with great acting leads to a compelling movie. You will keep watching to find out how it turns out.
  • Refreshing take on a western! Very enjoyable! Authentic Western lovers will add this one of Travis' #12WeaternsIN12Months endeavor.
  • I really enjoyed watching this film!

    It was very well done as every Travis Mills Western. Sheriff Bob was probably my favorite and all the characters did a phenomenal job and I was not expecting the twist and turns in the movie.. I love seeing sweet Bandit Mills under the desk!! It was definitely worth the hour and 30 mins to hear the line "come with me" I loved all the graphics, and the story with this Western!

    Hard to pick a favorite as I watch all of the twelve westerns!