User Reviews (1)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is another Jah film. Like him, his main character is from Belize and played by himself as he writes and directs himself. Perhaps the saving grace of this film is that the English was not so bad as to have subscripts. Jah plays Benjamin Kash who robs banks. The dialogue was stupid. The acting wasn't there. The soundtrack included no talent voice-cutting singing. The end car chase was funny, i.e. so bad it was good. It was clear from the interior car shots, the vehicles were not moving, especially during the hanging out the car and shooting scenes. Then there were the shots fired from behind going through the front wind shield. The shot gun noises didn't always match the motions on screen. This is still amateur film making at best. Makes bank robbery look easy.

    Guide: F-word. Implied sex. No nudity.