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  • Plot

    Crash Bandicoot, an experiment gone wrong, must chase down and thwart the evil genius Dr. Cortex's plans to raise an evil army of genetically mutated animals in this remake of the critically-acclaimed original 3 PlayStation games.




    Crash Bandicoot is one of those game series I grew up with so I am somewhat overwhelmed with nostalgia. When I heard about this being released I was very excited but at the same time sad that Wrath of Cortex wasn't included as that was always my favourite.

    Crash Bandicoot takes you back to a different time, when games were hard and boy are they. I forgot how brutal Crash could be, especially if you're going for 100% completion, yikes!

    So damn fun, beautiful and soul crushingly frustrating in places this to me is one of those absolute must owns for any Playstation owner.


    There's not many games that have made me scream at the screen more than Crash, thankfully I'm not one of those petulant children who throws controllers or that could have gotten expensive. One mistimed jump during a time trial and boom start all over again arrggghhh.


    Very enjoyable Highly nostalgic Lots of content Very difficult Frustrating at times.
  • "WHOA!" Whoa is right, what a terrific remaster of a fantastic original trilogy. After 27 hours of playing, I've finally completed the entire Crash Bandicoot trilogy. In this review I will be breaking down the pros and cons of each game and why, ultimately, this remaster, is definitely worth a buy.

    Crash Bandicoot - 7.2/10
    • Pros:
    • Great Level Designs.
    • Fantastic animated cut scenes.
    • The right amount of levels, doesn't go on for too long.
    • Good Boss Battles (Excluding the final one).
    • Beautiful Soundtrack.
    • Cons:
    • Some bugs/glitches.
    • There will be alot of times when you'll feel like you deserved to live for the jump you made in the game, and the game kills you. Sometimes the game kills you unfairly.
    • That last boss battle is based on pure luck and requires no skill.
    • The High Road (honestly, screw the high road).
    Nor Pro/Con -+ Can be frustrating for some people, but I like a challenge, so this is not a pro or con. The only downright frustrating level is the "The High Road". God, I hate that level.

    Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back! - 9.2/10
    • Pros:
    • Fixes most of the problems I had with the first game.
    • Fantastic level designs, much better than the first.
    • Beautiful Soundtrack. (Again)
    • Great Boss battles, once again, excluding that last one.
    • Great gameplay additions, e.g. the slide.
    • A lot of fun.
    • Difficulty is massively lowered.
    • Cons:
    • The final boss battle is too easy and quite boring. Left me on a sour note after I first completed the game.
    • Some glitches/bugs (like the first game, but much less in comparison).

    Crash 3: Warped - 9/10
    • Pros:
    • Some great and interesting level design. Probably the best of the trilogy.
    • Great gameplay addition, e.g. the double jump.
    • Beautiful Soundtrack (Yeah, it deserves to be recognized three times over).
    • Once again, a lot of fun.
    • Cons:
    • Frustrating final boss battle.
    • Once again, some glitches/bugs, but not too noticeable.
    Nor Pro/Con: -+ Might be too easy. I finished this game (not 100%ing it, but just finishing the Neo Cortex boss battle) in less than 3hrs.

    Conclusion: A fantastic remaster that boosts a great soundtrack. Overall, stunning visuals and optimized beautifully (a pro that I left from all 3 games because I wanted to acknowledge it once in the conclusion), this remaster is definately worth a buy. I loved playing this, and I'd love for Spyro to be placed onto PC as well. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is fantastic and I recommend it to everyone!

    Final Score: 8.5/10
  • I think it is necessary to mention before anything else that I've never played the original PlayStation games, but I am somewhat familiar with the mechanics and changes made to them in this remaster (thank you Caddicarus, go check out his Youtube channel, it's great.)

    These original PlayStation games were released from 1996 to 1998, and, for games that are all over 20 years old, I found that they've all aged surprisingly well. Yes, I'm sure that some changes were made to the original design, such as some camera angles and hitboxes, but just speaking in terms of the gameplay mechanics, Crash has to be one of the best aged platformers of the early 3D era.

    This is undoubtedly because they're all relatively simple games, although they get more mechanically complex as the trilogy continues. Crash 1 has a grand total of three commands in the gameplay - move, jump, and attack, and that's pretty much it. The story can be summed up in about two sentences: Bad guy mutates Crash and loses control of the experiment, and kidnaps his girlfriend. You then go to rescue her. That's it. And yet, the animations are fantastic, the soundtrack is great, and for such a simple set of gameplay commands, the level design gets so much good use out of them that even 24 years later, it's still so much fun to play. The changes to the gem system from the game's original release is so welcome, and makes it so much less needlessly punishing.

    However, for as much fun as the game is, certain levels are royal pains in the neck, nearly all the bosses are just terrible, there are occasionally some issues with the camera, and the time trials added to this remaster are obviously not designed around the levels that were not originally built to be speedran.

    As for Crash 2, while it might sound stupid to criticise the story in a game that clearly doesn't have it as the focus, it could have been so much better if the opening cutscene straight up was not in the game, as it could have built up a genuine mystery and kept you guessing until the very end...but I am slightly nitpicking here. This one was my favourite of the trilogy, it has so many memorable and fun levels, and this time around there are incredibly well designed secrets to find, more variety in the levels, and the new death routes and ways of doing the bonus levels gets a big thumbs up from me. Some of the bosses are considerably better than their equivalents in Crash 1, and others are equally as awful, but nevertheless it is an overall improvement. I don't really have much to say about this one, so we'll move on... Crash 3: Warped. This one has by far the most variety in the level design of all these games, but unfortunately I find that with the most variety, comes the most flaws. Some of the level types such as the flying and underwater levels are just boring and not fun, and the secrets this time around are far too cryptic to be reasonably figured out. However, the rest of the levels are easily some of the best in the series, the new powerup system is so much fun to mess around with, and Coco levels like the jet ski and tiger sequences are a very welcome addition.

    Other than the slight changes and additions with every succeeding game, the gameplay of all three games is virtually identical, and really fun. Perhaps they would have been a little more complex if they were made further into the 3D era, but for what they are, this is an amazing little package, and as far as the actual remaster goes, it looks beautiful, sounds beautiful, and controls beautifully, and with Crash 4 on the way, you couldn't pick a better time to give this one a look.
  • I grew up with classics and they were spectacular the remastered version are spot on from them 2nd game is always my favourite Crash bandicoot game.
  • I have this compilation game on Sony PS4. It includes the remastered version of three classic PS1 Crash Bandicoot games which were originally developed by Naughty Dog. Those remastered games look incredible. Unfortunately it does not include Crash Team Racing but there is a remastered version of this classic PS1 Crash Bandicoot game called Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled which was released in 2019.

    I'm glad the American video game company Activision, a subsidiary of Activision Blizzard has brought back Crash Bandicoot and they have given Crash his original look and personality back as well. I'd say he's definitely way better than his Radical counterpart which looks awful.

    Anyway it's probably one of the best compilation games of all time.

    I always love Crash Bandicoot especially the classic PS1 era and it's one of my favourite video game series of all time.
  • zahraabasszade23 June 2022
    This Game is Really One of The Best Remastered Platformer Games And One of Of The Best Games in The Series And I Enjoyed This Game And I Really Thank Activision For Releasing This Game Thanks You Activision.
  • Go back to crash's world was really fun. Crash Bndicoot don't waste much time trying to explain anything. It's simpl: your girlfriend was taken by Neo Cortex and you now have to fight your way throught th islands overcomeing challenges and foes to rescua her. The entire game feels like a journey.
  • This game almost turned me into a mini-masochist. 3 classic remade for modern babys like me. Joy.
  • I love this game, but the amount of difficulty that you put in this game, is what is making me give you a 7.
  • This is a good package, and it is exactly what you would expect. Three great platformers, and they look beautiful. However, I had never played any game of the franchise and for my taste, it's a little too simple to get into in 2020.
  • If you are looking for a platform games: go for it, it have 3 games and have some interesting universe and a visual identity behind it. I found it pretty good and. Make you Want to complete the levels at 100%.very good games and very good platformer.