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  • Could have rated it high in spite of having low budget but the acting in this movie is horrible. Nobody knows in this film how to act. Such a poor and disaster of a movie. So please for your own sake don't watch this movie and waste your precious time.
  • This is the first review I have ever left in my life. I felt it necessary so others will not waste an hour and a half of their life that they will NEVER get back. This has to be the WORST ACTING I have ever seen in my life! I can't believe they paid these actors. I'm not kidding when I say they were about as good as middle school kids, even the adults were TERRIBLE actors. I'm in TOTAL SHOCK that these were real actors.... LOL
  • davejam-4982128 January 2020
    A waste of time .crap acting. about as scary as tom and jerry. dont bother with this garbage.
  • tmccull5229 January 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    ... if everyone involved in the making of this movie was at the second grade level, or less. Old time dime store wooden Indians were more emotive and compelling than any actor in this movie. None of these people have any business being in a movie, at all, and I wouldn't count on Hollywood beckoning any time soon. The most compelling, believable performance in the film comes in the form of a brief clip from George Romero's original "Night of the Living Dead".

    None of the short films that comprise this anthology make any sense, and the production is an insult to low budget horror movies everywhere.

    The first short story is about Freakshow, the killer clown. A young girl, Riley, is called to babysit, and one of the children that she is there to watch is a little girl with a large, ghoulish clown doll that she calls Freakshow. According to the little girl, Freakshow tells her bedtime stories every night, and watches over her as she sleeps. Freakshow slips out of the little girl's room and begins to prowl around the house. The little girl tells the babysitter that her clown is missing, and she has a hissy fit when the babysit forbids her to look for it. The little girl has a conniption fit. While this is going on, the babysitter's boyfriend shows up.

    Riley calls the little girl's father to tell him that his daughter has been acting up. When she mentions that the daughter's fit is over Freakshow, the father panics, and tells Riley to get everyone out of the house, immediately. He doesn't explain why, he just implores her to get the kids out of the house, and to go to the neighbors' house.

    Riley's boyfriend helps one of the kids to escape after being cornered by Freakshow. Freakshow kills the boyfriend, but the little boy makes it out of the house, as does his sister. Riley is hiding in the house, and a uniformed police officer (driving a Toyota Camry, the world's most renowned police cruiser) arrives. The police officer enters and begins searching. Instead of coming out of hiding and going to the policeman for help, Riley remains hidden and continues to watch.

    She watches as the policeman finds Freakshow, and instead of fighting, Freakshow surrenders. He pulls off his mask, and ta daa! He is the responding police officer's partner!

    Now, the neighbors watched as the lone police officer arrived and entered the house... by himself. One cop goes in, and two cops come out, and no one questions this. The two police officers approach the neighbors, and they suggest that the babysitter, Riley, killed two people in the house that they just searched. It is not shown how or where Freakshow traded his mask and costume for his police officer's uniform. In one scene he's wearing the clownsuit, in the next, he's in his uniform.

    The two police officers, both of whom look like they'd made their careers in low budget porn films, talk one of the neighbors into going with them to the police department to make a statement. Never mind that the neighbor wasn't in the house, didn't witness a single thing, and had no idea what was going on. Her cooperation is imperative, the police tell her.

    The neighbor gets into the back of the Camry, and as the police drive away with her, Riley bursts forth from hiding and begins to run after the police Camry. She is screaming to the neighbor in the back seat that the police are killers. The police officers look at one another and smile, and speed away into the night. End of scene.

    How did the father know that Freakshow was dangerous? If he did know, somehow, why did he leave his children and the babysitter in the house with a homicidal maniac? When the father rushed home, he leaves his wife behind at the restaurant. She's busy at another table, chatting with members of her book club. He doesn't think to tell her that their children are in mortal danger, he just bolts and leaves her to chat with her friends.

    This, unfortunately, with all of it's stupidity and flaws, is the best of the short stories. The others about a gypsy's curse, a mythological siren, and a killer summer camp are even worse.

    I've seen stupid, low-budget, poorly directed, poorly produced, poorly acted movies, and this is an insult to all of them. Avoid this bowel movement of a movie at all costs.
  • I want to apologise to Woods' all over the world for this film. I watched it because of my name so that you don't have to.

    Thank me by liking please.
  • Bruxadomar30 January 2020
    I don't usually write bad reviews because I believe people have to experience by themselves, however, this cannot be true for this movie. There is absolutely nothing to engage you, don't waste your time.
  • My wife and I saw an ad for this low budget horror movie that some folks made in my home town. We were visiting some family for the weekend, had some free time and figured we'd give it a shot.

    When we got to the theatre, we were surprised to see that it was a completely sold out house. The directors introduced the film and were on hand for some questions and answers afterward.

    As for the movie--it's sort of a throwback in the style of Stephen King. A few summer camp counsellors read three different scary stories around a campfire while the kids are in bed. The first story is about a crazy killer clown who attacks a house when a babysitter is watching two kids, the middle story is about a young woman who goes to a carnival and gets a bad fortune from a cheap gypsy and the final story was about a group of friends travelling in Europe when they find themselves in a creepy forest with man eating sirens.

    Overall, we enjoyed the flick! The story moved along well and whenever it felt like it was about to drag, it picked up and moved in a different direction. The acting was pretty mediocre. Some folks did better than others. The make-up effects were cool. You could tell this was a no budget effort, but they were pretty smart in what they choose to show and what they held back on. We didn't feel that all of the nudity was necessary to the plot, but I guess maybe that will be a selling point for some people.

    We're looking forward to seeing what else these guys can do next. If you keep in mind what they had to work with, I think you'll find yourself enjoying the flick too!
  • maryjeanjss2 February 2020
    I saw this on Prime the other day. I like clown movies so I figured I'd give it a go. I found out immediately that it's not really a clown movie, at all. It's a horror anthology film and only the first story has a clown in it. This is a low budget movie. So if that's not your thing, this one is probably not for you.

    Most of the acting was really bad, but there were a few decent ones in the bunch. It was slightly above high school theater acting.

    I liked the stories though. The music was outstanding and there were a couple of funny parts. It was worth the watch and kept me entertained for a night. What more can you ask for really?
  • This film is really good to me I really like it some of the dialogue are cheesy but really creative stories I hope that they make a sequel
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a campfire anthology as four camp counselors read short stories from a confiscated book. There are three stories plus a poem that includes the group. The first tale is about a clown and the one I liked the best. It has a babysitter and a girl with a life-size clown in the house. The second tale is about a gypsy and a curse. The third is sirens in the Netherlands.

    I liked the stories, however, the acting was bad and the dialogue had moments of cleverness, but for the most part, it was flat.

    Guide: F-word. Nudity (Sydney Nolan, Kirsten Armstrong, Jessica Marie ?)
  • My wife and I saw an ad for this low budget horror movie that some folks made in my home town. We were visiting some family for the weekend, had some free time and figured we'd give it a shot.

    When we got to the theatre, we were surprised to see that it was a completely sold out house. The directors introduced the film and were on hand for some questions and answers afterward.

    As for the movie--it's sort of a throwback in the style of Stephen King. A few summer camp counsellors read three different scary stories around a campfire while the kids are in bed. The first story is about a crazy killer clown who attacks a house when a babysitter is watching two kids, the middle story is about a young woman who goes to a carnival and gets a bad fortune from a cheap gypsy and the final story was about a group of friends travelling in Europe when they find themselves in a creepy forest with man eating sirens.

    Overall, we enjoyed the flick! The story moved along well and whenever it felt like it was about to drag, it picked up and moved in a different direction. The acting was pretty mediocre. Some folks did better than others. The make-up effects were cool. You could tell this was a no budget effort, but they were pretty smart in what they choose to show and what they held back on. We didn't feel that all of the nudity was necessary to the plot, but I guess maybe that will be a selling point for some people.

    We're looking forward to seeing what else these guys can do next. If you keep in mind what they had to work with, I think you'll find yourself enjoying the flick too!