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  • I have played all but a few of the Skylanders games (the one I have not played being Superchargers and the mobile entries), but I was surprised when I heard Activision and Netflix were teaming up to do a Skylanders cartoon.

    Like most cartoon adaptations of video games, this is a spin-off separate from the games, as it has Spyro, Stealth Elf, and Eruptor, who, under the watchful eye of Master Eon and Jet-Vac, go on various adventures to stop foes like Kaos and the Doom Raiders, while learning important lessons about what it's like to be a Skylander.

    The series is a good combination of adventure and comedy. While most of the characters have been recast, they did manage to get some of the VAs from the games to reprise their roles (especially Richard Horvitz, who voices Kaos). And Crash even makes an appearance (although he actually speaks, which can be good or bad for some viewers). It is a Netflix exclusive worth checking out if you are a fan of Skylanders, Spyro, or just want something new to watch.
  • I will admit first and foremost that while I personally have never played a Skylanders video game, I have played some of the older Playstation titles that some characters that appear in this show originate from.

    So with this small knowledge of what the games are like, combined with the knowledge that most of Netflix's previous shows (even those made for kids) have been pretty decent in the past, I approached this cartoon with middle of the road expectations.

    The first episode stole my interest right off the bat with some legitimately funny jokes, a musical earworm of a theme song and fantastic animation. At first the characters appear rather ordinary and uncomplex, but over the course of the show we learn more and more about them and they become far more compelling to watch.

    After looking into the backgrounds of the creators; voice actors and writers of this show, it's obvious a lot of talented people have come into this show from all sorts of backgrounds, and that talent is not misguided or inappropriate, it all works in creating a special kind of animated children show that's elevated way above the level of quality we usually come to expect. Highly recommended.
  • viewer235931 October 2018
    I watched this in Hebrew to improve my language skills, so I'm not really their target audience, but I actually ended up quite enjoying it. The voice acting by the Hebrew cast is really good. The animation is solid, better than a lot of modern kids shows. The story keeps the series moving and gradually, although sometimes annoying, I grew to quite like the characters, and some of the plot twists in the show are interesting and keep you watching.

    The minor complaint would be that often the story is bit ridiculous, stuff often being 'convenient', but this could be considered as part of the humour of the show, which I think often knows that it's being stupid- it's just a bit of fun.

    Decent tv show, especially if you're using it to improve language skills.
  • My husband my son my daughter and I have watched the show from season 1 and we all really look forward to seeing season 4 and more can't stop rewatching have rewatched at least 500 times
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't understand why would parents think this is a great show. It's good but not that good, like inspiring good. There's nothing smart about it. The animation is dynamic, the characters are underdeveloped and annoying after three seasons, the writing as well as setting is lazy, and the theme intro is uninspired. The reason why I watched this show was because of Spyro and Crash. Yes Crash made it in the show like it was a crossover or something, but that doesn't mean it's good. The Voice actor's voice doesn't match the character. In fact most of the voices don't match the characters in the show at all. There are no characters we would love to see have a role in the show. They may have an appearance but they lack the roles and personality wise in it, which everyone would've expect.

    The studios who want to make video game adaptions didn't think of something practical like 2-D or couldn't give the animators money to make the 3-D. I've heard that the show is going to be like Futurama and Gravity Falls but I don't see how Skylanders being like the two shows, because it's nothing like them.

    What could've been done right is the character developments, plot expansion, faithful to the Skylanders games, and expanding episode ranges in each three seasons. Despite what it needs I think this show, for not only fans,but parents who don't know about Skylanders also kids.

    Pros: Dynamic Animation and Crash Bandicoot

    Cons: Underdeveloped and uninspired
  • I ain't a spring chicken, and next to grueling work my free time is limited. So I don't re-watch shows often. Amongst movies and series that I have re-watched more than twice are the likes of Better Off Ted, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, Hot Fuzz and Transformers Animated. But Skylanders Academy came, and I found myself watching it for the third time just last month. And the show only came out half a year ago! Heck, I subscribed to Netflix for a month just to watch it. If you never heard about Skylanders - don't worry. While I love the games, knowing about the universe isn't required for you to enjoy the show. Everything will be explained, the rest are nice easter eggs for us fans. The core characters are expertly chosen - we have the cocky and self-assured dragon Spyro, playful but top of her class Stealth Elf, stickler for rules veteran Jet Vac, dependable but easily angered Eruptor and slightly loopy Pop Fizz. Rounding up the cast are the wise yet quirky Master Eon and his faithful assistant Hugo, and on the villain side, the ever-plotting wannabee supervillain Kaos and his long-suffering butler Glumshanks. Each episode is expertly written and while moving along the main plot, devotes an equal amount of time for a one-episode story and character development. The humor is excellent and has its own style - it isn't typical slapstick or lowbrow stuff you would expect from many kids' cartoon. For example, Kaos berates Glumshanks for collecting colorful stones which are actually his anxiety medication. Or the whole episode dedicated to how a without his beard, Eon cannot hold the attention of anyone for his rousing speeches - when Kaos's spell ends up transplanting the beard as the bald Portal Master's new hair. I honestly can't wait for the second season, and hope that the show comes out on DVD/BR, as this is a series I want to own as a hard-copy.
  • zmarr6 January 2020
    Can't actually believe there won't be a series 4. Myself & my 8 year old son have really enjoyed watching this together. As well as been visually beautiful the storylines & characters were very enjoyable. Shame.
  • Is honestly a disgrace to the series. Just fixing the writing would make it amazing though. I've played all the Skylanders games except Imaginators, but that's honestly totally uninteresting and I'm only writing this because the review needs to be atleast 150 characters.
  • rainadaunen19 March 2018
    This is a great show It has awesome characters, beautiful animation, and great stories If you like the games then you'll like this I recommend it
  • I really love this series. One thing I wish is that there were more episodes in every season for me to rewatch until the next seasons come out. Rewatching them helps to build more understanding of what's going on, and the episodes are like a timeline so you have to watch every one.

    Recommended for young Skylanders fans, and 16+
  • This Show Is A Masterpiece I Like All The Character I Like The Story I Like The Dialogue And The Sinario Of This Show And It's So Disappointing To See This Show Not So Famous Thanks Gives To all The Actor And The CrowπŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ”₯
  • masterlevin12 August 2019
    My sister and me had a great time watching this show together.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    My girls 7 and 10 love this show. Daniel Middleton being in the show is what sold them on the idea to start watching it. It was the 3rd episode before he made an appearance, and he hasn't returned(and probably won't). IMDb has been misinformed about how many episodes Dan is actually in, even though he gets credit for 11 he is only in 1. Watch the show if you enjoy it and don't be disappointed if Dan TDM is only in one episode for a few minutes. I have to put a 10 line review in so here goes. This show is the same as the rest of the shows nowadays, goofy and loosely based on something that is very popular, they have quite a few lower A and Higher B list voice actors.
  • So cool to hear Norm when I'm watching kids shows with the little ones. It's a great thing
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I rated it 9 out of 10 because the ending of season 2 wasn't that great, I mean Malefor taking Cynder, Spyro turning into a dark, evil Dragon.But the worst thing is the fact that the 3rd season doesn't come out until Autumn, 2018 That's why I may send a letter to the writer of the show and ask Him/Her if they can start making season three a month earlier.but on the plus side, I think I have game that both Activision and Tt games will love
  • Why can't there be a season 4 i love the episodes it never gets boring and I hate how left it on a cliffhanger I want to know what happens sisters love it my dog even watches it I really want a season 4 it will be amazing you could look up skylanders on tick-tock and find the comments asking for a season 4. Why was it cancelled Please add a season 4 in I don't care how long it tackes to make I just want a season 4 please and trust me I went mad when I went through every episode and found out that there isn't a season could add spyros parents in season 4 as well I love the game. Please season 4.