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  • I really enjoy watching this show, but I have to constantly look up the real stories. The show doesn't give accurate details about the trials and ALL of the suspects
  • On TV, all of her clothes are too yellow. She is gorgeous but should be wearing "winter colors".
  • The show could be a lot better but the re-enactments are not only dumb but they also show the actors faces whenever they conclude the story and reveal how much prison time they received for their crime as if the actors are the ones being charged.. They should either show the real person when commenting on time received for their crime or not show anyone at all..
  • I don't like the narrators. It looks as if they are reading from a script and don't actually know the stories. Also an episode aired a couple nights ago about killings in Hahnville, LA. The female narrator mispronounced several town names in St. Charles' Parrish. The narration seems more fictional than non.
  • The cast (might i add, recycled) and their acting (or looks, I'm sorry) were so poor that it's almost funny to watch. I like true crime related documentaries in was technically still chilling because those crimes actually happened. Humanity is disgusting and dark
  • Narrative is super frustrating... they spend the first 5 minutes telling you what's going to happen... show the cheesy re-enactments and then spend the final 5 minutes telling you what you just watched. We get it, the show is only like 30 minutes, I didn't get lost.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A wife comes home from work to find her husband shot dead the police question her then she gets released police find out the victims wife has a lover and she has an alibi she was at work at The time of her husband's murder the wife and her lover were found guilty of plotting to murder her husband
  • ru_thaker4 August 2019
    *Does anyone know who narrates this? (The Thomas Montegmory one who poses as a Marine on the internet- the make voice). **It's not Keith Morrison is it? I agree with the user reviews. There are a lot of inaccuracies & narration info is badly structured. For me the music is too over dramatic and continuous which is distracting. I watch it for the cases & knowledge of the areas where crimes have happened.
  • Started watching this and I'm actually shocked how little research you do. One of the story's you are saying happens is 100% wrong. After googling the names to read the story I found out one of the story's are based on someone who got NOT GUILTY in there trial. So everything you are saying is a lie. Please tell me if there found not Guilty how can you make a documentary on what they did if they actually didn't do it and was not guilty. I don't like shows that don't actually do there research. I will not be watching anymore of this rubbish.
  • In season 3 the story that takes place at Livermore you are a little off. My ex husband used to date Katy . And Jeff was actually obsessed with Katie call my he just went along with whatever she wanted.
  • Let's start off with this seriously has great potential they just cut it way too short. There's absolutely no real details on anything they talk about. They do two stories at a time in a 20 minute time frame. Come on this is Netflix it's 100% commercial free, its 100% uncensored. You can go into insanely good details with each case. You could be an hour long and trust me people will watch it.