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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'll go along with a couple other reviewers who feel Jim Gaffigan is getting a bit too predictable with his routines. He's done the fat bit with riffs on eating in every one of his comedy specials and it gets a little repetitious. However if you're just catching this one as your first time you'll probably find it funny enough, and it is actually. The one thing he didn't put down this time was his aversion to exercise, so that was welcome. He did hit on winters, TV binge watching, water parks, airport security and being in charge of the remote, so those ideas get a fresh perspective. When he jokes about dying from stuff he eats though, that's somewhat unnerving, because what if he did drop dead right there on stage? That wouldn't be too funny, and with 'cinco' kids to take care of, that would be a downer. Do your wife a favor Jim (and us too), and cut out the heart attack jokes.
  • This new concert film was made for Netflix and I am being shocked again and again at the incredibly high quality productions coming from this video service. As for Gaffigan, he's pretty much like he always is-- very funny and generally clean and family-friendly. Sure, he occasionally swears but his routines are strictly PG and you can let anyone watch. However, I do have a bit of a warning about this one...several of his jokes are about Jesus as well as Hitler (and, thank God they are NOT in the same jokes). I wasn't offended by these remarks but can guarantee some viewers will be put off. Hitler is NOT a good topic for comedy (unless it's in THE PRODUCERS) and Jesus is bound to offend many devoutly religious folks...though I think these jokes weren't especially tacky or mean. Just letting you know so you can think about this before watching. I had a great time listening to his routine....and you most likely will as well.
  • Maybe some of this is not all of the freshest material, and you (or who am I fooling, me) will smile or have a chortle than a full laugh. But if you come to this after watching several Gaffigan specials then there's a comfort level to bits about the seasons or going to an "old fashioned" steakhouse or the idiocy of hiking ("there isn't even a vending machine at the end of it, you just have to... walk back the way you came?")

    He's the kind of comedian that gets five solid minutes out of fish on Fridays (more about the general WTF ery involving the idea of prioritizing fish than anything religious) and how that leads to *Fish?!" in general and how disgusting that can be, and you know I don't always need Carlin or Pryor, sometimes... A pale Midwest bag of fluff in a shirt and pants (and a belt which yeah he has material about skinny vs fat people wearing belts too) is just what the doctor ordered on a lazy Sunday morning.

    Actually, a second belt line and I felt all too seen about his line (saying how women are much better than men looking out for how they look) how men will wear the same pair of pants because the belt's in there.
  • Johnny_West12 September 2021
    I watch these Jim Gaffigan specials on Netflix regularly, even the ones that I have seen before. Jim Gaffigan's comedy is not gut-busting revelations, but humorous observances. They are fun to listen to when you are tired after work.

    There are some themes that are getting old, like some of the fat jokes. I think he has to prepare a ton of new material for these specials, and maybe he needs to go outside his box in the future. Overall, for some comedy that is fun, and relaxing, this is an excellent show.
  • Wholesome entertainment for the entire family. Jim is a talented comedian who finds humor in everyday life. I thoroughly enjoyed Cinco!
  • iquine29 June 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    (Flash Review)

    If you like Gaffigan, you'll thoroughly enjoy this. He expands on what works for him. Doesn't try anything new. But that's OK because he is super funny. Solid. Plenty of food jokes and self-deprecation and he still gets the old tummy jostling with laughter.
  • roccoprobe28 January 2017
    I used to love Jim Gaffigan. I've watched all his specials and his TV series. But his whole "I'm fat and I love food" thing is getting old. I know that's his shtick, but after all his shows, it doesn't "delight" me anymore. The audience reactions seemed pretty meh in this special too, so I don't think it's just me.

    Sorry Jim.

    I'm not sure why IMDb demands 10 lines of text for submissions, so here's some more. Blah, blah, blah...

    Wow, still not long enough. I'd rather read short, succinct reviews myself, IMDb. This filler is just a waste of everyone's time.
  • I love all of Jim's comic specials they're all hilarious I truly believe he's a genius like Andy Kaufman level scratch that better and this special does not disappoint I wish I could find it on DVD to purchase.