User Reviews (31)

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  • Oh everyone's a critic, not bad. Good movie on complicated relationships whether because of religion or sexual preference.
  • ksf-22 March 2022
    Simone (sarah stern) wants to come out to her family, but its not easy. The english dubbing is pretty bad... it's not only way over the top, but it's not close to what they are actually saying en francais. At one point, the boss says' You're late... it's 9:15... but the captions said 9:20." they couldn't even get that right. And they do that twice! Simone's brother has already come out to the family, so what's the big @@##%% deal? Simone seems to be extra close to the chef at their favorite restaurant, so what's up with that? Will it interfere with her relationship ? Need some explanation. Will she ever come out to her family? Pretty silly, but entertaining. Directed by Myriam Aziza. According to imdb, filming took place in 2016, but it wasn't released anywhere until 2018. Must be a story there. This whole premise is kind of silly now... most of europe has no problem with the gays and gay marriage at this point.
  • I can't even begin describing how bad this movie is. I feel like I should watch it again to pinpoint every terrible aspect of it on a review, but that would be torture. I'll contain myself about several aspects of the plot itself so that this review is spoiler-free and hopefully some people who'd watch it save their time.

    The personality of the main character, whom we follow throughout the movie, will annoy you beyond limits. They try to put humor on a bunch of scenes in which she's about to say important things that the movie builds itself around - but because of that, she always gets interrupted on a childish way. People just keep talking her over with random shenanigans and she stands there with an "oh my God" face that was supposed to make you laugh - I think - but just feels feigned and far-fetched. She also goes round and round not really doing anything the whole movie. It feels like she's all the time reacting to things and situations that she's driven to - which is confusing, since she's the main character and therefore is always going places, reaching out to people, having conversations, but on a passive let's-see-what-happens-here kind of voice. All the other characters also have their own flaws, the common ground being how superficial they are. We have a lot of characters in this movie. They all have very shallow backgrounds that serve the purpose of being active towards the life of our laid-back protagonist, who's too stranded to say for once what it is that she wants/feels/thinks. And the worst part is that it's all so confusing that WE never really know what she wants or who is she, which causes most situations on the movie to be completely out of logic.

    Also, ALL relationships are completely devoid of chemistry. They talk a lot about feelings, love, marriage, commitment, but it seems like the movie is trying to sell us all that by showing some tears in certain scenes. I couldn't root for anyone, there was no room - all depictions of romantic interest are as shallow as the characters itself. I just felt all the time like I wanted to see where the movie was going to end up, since it seemed to go nowhere. Actually I can say that I did get surprised at the ending, because I woundn't think that they could make it even more senseless. But oh man... They. Did.

    Extras: This movie brings LGBTQ relationships in the plot, and they are depicted the worst way possible. The sinopsis of the movie tell you already that there's two women on a relationship and one of them falls in love with some guy, right? Well, try to imagine the worst scenario of a plot like that. That's the way. Her brother is gay as well and they could have just placed his relationship on a corner as everyone else's, but they decided to show a scene in which the couple seem weird kinky guys who are into weird-laughable stuff (but it never gets explained - let's just leave it there, someone will find these weird gay fellows hilarious). Almost all the perfomances are just OK. No big moments of acting, nothing remarkable. Except for the mother's character. That's terrible.
  • I think this is a nice little movie to watch without too many expectations: personally I found it a lot better than the average American comedy. I found interesting that, apart from the plot that is a bit surreal, they depicted the life of average European people in an European environment. A French Jewish family, a French-senegalese chef that is divided between an emancipated life and career and his family that wants to marry him to a Senegalese girl. I think that not everything has to be black or white, religion and sexuality for example can have a lot of shades. It's easier to see them in black or white but not everything can be described with a color or with a shade that already exists. Anyway, the plot is still a bit surreal, but it's a movie! A comedy! Come on! I think it's really enjoyable and Jean-Christophe Folly is superb
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Boring cliche and a few laughs. Skip this movie.


    "lesbian" woman is in a longterm relationship and gets confused about her sexuality, cheats with a man. Can this be more cliche?

    Homophobic antisemitic black guy somehow ends up in a "poly" relationship with a bisexual jewish woman and her long term lesbian girlfriend. Seems legit.
  • I was reserved at first, for I'm not into LGBT movies, but ended up really enjoying it. Superb acting, sharp humor and the story line kept me engaged through the end. No cliches.
  • This movie is in the style of a French farce. That being said, there will be lots of steroetypes made within. It thinks it's a progressive love story, but it's really just offensive to: Lesbians, Bisexuals, Jews, Muslims, People of color and Gay men. I could go into detail, but then I'd spoil it for you. Why do that when at the end of this movie you'll just be as disappointed as I was.

    Two stars because it looked and sounded good. Kudos to the cinematographer and the score composer.
  • kosmasp24 July 2022
    If you want to come out - you better be sure. On the other hand, I always wonder why it has to be a binary choice. For those who are "different" that is. Maybe there is love for more than just one gender there - bisexual is not something to be ashamed of or that should be kept under the covers (no pun intended).

    That all being said, there is more than just human drama here. Relationships and everything in between is up for grabs (again no pun intended). It's never easy to admit or come out. At least for the time being - stigma and all that.

    Nice story and well acted too.
  • There is a absolutely wonderful and adored and funny movie, Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu ?, with all the clichés about race, religion, parents etc, with an extraordinary script and great acting and direction, and full of surprises. So somebody wanted to hop on the bandwagon, and mix a bit of LGBT, a Jewish family and more and more until it really really hurts, so without logic imagination, childish no sense and plain stupid. A very classic "bad french movie", financed with hundreds of sources and totally senseless and boring and slow. the first review on IMDB says it all, trust me, you really get angry sometimes watching this movie, just wondering how much more dum it will get.
  • I'm Jewish and gay, and I loved this film, and so did my husband, who also happens to be Jewish and gay :) It depicts reality as it is. It depicts the prejudices, the racism and the homophobia we see around us. And it also shows how people can choose their own way of life. Love from Israel.
  • A good movie to watch, that was quick wasnt it, usually i go on a tirade about how this isnt good or that isnt good but no, i found myself wondering "what its ending already?" which is rare for me. I have to admit, i havent watched many LGBT+ movies in my life, but this is going on list of recommended LGBT+ movies to watch. It had resonance (jewish life and homosexuality) and verisimilitude (actual problems LGBT+ have)

    Watch it, if it does not entertain you, it will educate you.
  • lozywhit14 July 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Sometime during the film Simone walks into a lamp post and then says "excuse me" to it. And that's probably the best part in the whole film!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a terrible movie. The plot is really horrible. Its also childish. It also offensive to black people. And don't get me started on the offense to gay and bi person. If you don't recognize/are unaware of those offenses then go read a book or a couple of them.
  • Simone comes home after the holiday meal and has a lame excuse for her partner, saying: "It's all my family's fault that I couldn't come out at dinner". Talk about an odd couple; Simone is nearly as dramatic as her mother and Claire has an inner calm and practices yoga.

    Nöelle is just over the top with the drama. Right?

    Just how does one tell the difference between a French woman and a French woman who is homosexual?

    We find it odd that the fate of three candles would decide the fate of Simone. Perhaps a little levity on the writers' part?

    At least women had the decency to make up a word for their sexuality and not steal one that was already in use. Like males have.
  • Lots of hot button topics in this movie- LGBTQ, Muslims, Jews, racism, xenophobia, interracial and inter-religious relationships, polyandry, etc, which makes this movie deeper than it wants to be. I like the way they explore these issues, but some of it's not done very realistically. I like the food element, and how it brings two very unlikely people together. But I really want to smack Simone, who continually hurts people she supposedly loves. I like the idea of the story, but I just think it could have been executed better. The ending was terrible, but interesting. Overall, I didn't love the movie but it was thought-provoking, which is saying something.

    My main sore point with this movie is the voice-overs. It was very distracting to know the characters were speaking French and yet all I heard were English speakers (in North American accents) in voices that don't belong to the actual players. They are French people in France and I really wanted to hear their actual voices. Whatever happened to subtitles????
  • fady_aziz8624 July 2018
    The storyline could've been better, I didn't hate the movie but I hated the acting! You can never compare this low budget movie to "blue is the warmest color" however if u are soooo bored and u want to see a non conventional french movie think twice and play!
  • qynn-7056528 November 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Loves the man? if i were Simone, i would JUST get merry to the girlfriend for 3 years
  • Respectfully disagree with the highly negative critiques of this film. It breaks some storytelling conventions and that can put off viewers who want their expectations to be fulfilled in the usual ways. So it's not for everyone. But I enjoyed it immensely and recommend it to viewers who can appreciate meaningful departures from formulaic filmmaking.
  • Skip it... Bad acting, full of cliché, poor story. Joke movie
  • The movie might be good, might be bad (awful in my opinion). But, what's really not up for discussion is the performance of Sarah Stern in the main role. Wooden actress incapable of crying. She tries with no luck to share some tears but, like an alligator, not a single one on sight.

    French films are usually garbage but this one made my day in my search for the "worst movie of the century". Give it a go! :D
  • We watched this movie yesterday.

    Do you want to see Jewish people who look and act very Jewishly?

    Do you want to see gay couple who look and act really gay?

    Do you enjoy watching lesbians who really look and act like lesbians?

    Do you like to see a black dude who is really acting like a black dude?

    Do you want to see an old white man acting like a real narrow minded old white man?

    Do you like cliché and a total lack of storyline? Than this movie is for you.

    A complete waste of time and a superb caricature of every possible image you may imagine.

    Another proof than French cinemas is dead.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Watching this from the synopsis i thought that the lead would find out they were bisexual and may break up with their girlfriend or whatever else. watching it though was offense after offense. she's just leading on both the male and female romantic interest, doing a little bit here and then a bit there. like first what was up with her proposal after kissing wali? and then her hugging it out with the gf after making out with wali in the kitchen? then having the audacity to chase him down in his hometown. all of this bs going back and forth was stupid and useless to get to a totally odd ending of a ... polyamorous relationship? this stupid portrayal of polyamory is not only inaccurate but harmful. they stuck a 'polyamory' sticker onto a situation of plain old cheating. where was the communication where all parties decided on that kind of relationship? what happened to the romantic interests' characterizations which would not lead you to believe they'd want this? what *was* that? overall, angry i spent time watching this. 2 stars bc of sweet geraldine
  • Contrary to the negative reviews, I found this terrific, sweet and moving, full of twists and confusions fit for Shakespeare. I could not stop laughing. Yes there are some improbable moments, but the charge of stereotypes seems unfair, I would rather say realistic. There were two less than ideal points - I thought Claire's initial reaction was a bit overwrought, and the ending was not very plausible. Agreed I am only LBTGQ sympathetic, but the dynamics seemed real enough and the ups and downs poignant.
  • victorvoga1 August 2022
    Her jewish brother was already out to his parents and siblings, but she couldn't even come out to her siblings or at least that very same gay brother?! And that makes sense?! They are all mature adults!

    The movie represents gay people as dumb and confused about their sexuality...Maybe scared and in denial when teens but not when mature...

    Her movie-mother-actress was totally out of sink with the cast, movie itself - she decided she should stand out as the main star while in reality she can't act...

    Scene after scene was just too fictional, unrealistic...l fast forwarded after 20mins of watching and easily understood the ending...
  • First 20 minutes were good and had me hooked, but then everything just get's really bad. Watching this is a waste of lifetime.

    Main character, Simone, makes not a single choice in the movie, none of her bad actions have consequences and in the end all just falls weirdly into her favor.
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