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  • I expected this to be poor, I have watched several slasher films recently, all terrible, this one came as a bit of a surprise, it was well acted, and followed the usual Scream style plot.

    The issue with it, is that none of the characters are in the least bit likeable, you can't relate to any of them, nor do you particularly care what happens to any of them, which is unfortunate, because the concept and story is decent.

    I was surprised by the twist at the end, it was well delivered.

    Scream on a budget, 6/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "The Stalker Club" recycled a number of familiar techniques from the horror genre. While it was unpleasant in the violence, the film was nonetheless well-crafted with a good set of characters and a surprise twist at the end.

    But for three-quarters of the film, the pace was sluggish with not enough clues emerging about the mysterious stalker. It was clear fairly early that the masked marauder was not one of the five kids enlisted into the club.

    The focus of the film is on Ashley Richards. We follow the gruesome developments of her friends getting knocked off from Ashley's perspective. There was a clever dovetailing of the antics of the Stalker Club thirty years in the past, when the stupidity of the members led to an unfortunate death.

    The film tries to spin the theme of "what goes around comes around." But the slow pacing and unpleasantness detracted from what should have been less subdued and more lively. It was the product of a sick mind to have created the idea of a stalker club in the first place. A Soccer Club is better for one's health than a Stalker Club!
  • I really recommend anyone to watch this film, so you can make an idea of what is not to be done and watched on the screen. No thrill, no expectations, no real revelation at the end (OK, there is a revelation, but one couldn't care the less), not even enough fright or pulp. It takes some really keen and awkward talent to gather all these negative qualities in a single movie: therefore I strongly recommend it. Provided you can end your movie evening with something better: anything, anything could do.
  • It's rare a movie is so terrible I can't make it to the end, but all I can say about this one is think inferior, low budget Scream clone and then set your expectations even lower than that. Doesn't even deserve 1/10.
  • Actually thought I was going to be watching a good teen horror but bloody nora. I laughed all the way through it. From the extremely shocking acting to the rubbish attempt of a twist at the end. How did this film even get made 😂😂😂😂
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The problem with these Lifetime horror movies is they are neither here nor there. This is a "Scream" type horror with a masked killer. A group of kids idiotically decide to play the game. Then things get out of hand.

    Minus the A list cast that the feature films boast - I don't care what happens to each victim.

    There is a little twist about the parent's involvement. Okay didn't guess who the killer was but in the end I didn't really care.

    Not worth watching. I think Lifetime should abandon the horror genre.
  • Ok, this one kinda surprised me. It had hints of a lifetime movie with okay actors and effects. However, it kept me guessing until the very end and left it wide open for a sequel. If the budget is better for part 2, then I'd definitely watch it. If your bored with everything else and want a simple movie to make you think, here you go.
  • misspresh-948-7788112 November 2020
    Can't say that this is the most ingenious film I've seen. For me personally it was like watching a Point Horror book from the 90's. For those unaware they were older teen horror books, written by the likes of R.L Stine (Goosebumps).

    Predictable, cliche, at points laughable for the wrong reasons, but yet somewhat fun and entertaining.
  • Nice twists, low budget although It's not an issue. I recommend it!
  • I enjoyed this movie ! I enjoyed every moment . Worth watching.
  • Very good. Not only was the acting and story above average, but the twist at the end really topped it off. I would recommend watching this. Definitely above average.
  • A great looking young cast keeps you guessing in this yet another "Something happened in the past and history is now repeating itself" thrill ride of a movie. Silly but fun. Throw away your expectations and just watch and have a good time. Caught this on Prime and enjoyed it.
  • haroot_azarian24 April 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    This was one movie that I was totally rooting for the protagonist! I despised all the characters except for poor Sadie who sadly met her end. Chloe was obnoxious and evil just lije her lush mother! Ashley kept lying to her horny mom!

    It turned out all tge parents and Ashley's mom's boyfriend kept tgeir own dark secret from thirty years ago when they also pkayed the stalker club in which the prank went horribly wrong and a girl was killed!

    So the protagonist turned out to be tge victim's younger sister who was out to avenge her sister's death!

    I also agree tgat it was an abysmal TV movie copy of Scream!