User Reviews (54)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Really enjoyed this. (Reviewing after season 2) First season starts you off thinking it is just another one of those mission to mars shows that there have been a couple of over last couple of years or so. Quickly descends in to a sci-fi show about the origins of mankind and having already destroyed one planet (Mars was once in the habitable zone millions of years ago) an artificial intelligence left by the previous inhabitants of Mars tries to stop the same happening again on earth. Would really reccomend this if you enjoy a good sci-fi/space drama.
  • Watch this if you really enjoy a well developed sci fi series. There does not need to be lots of cgi or sex to make it good. Very different to standard shows which turn into soap operas or monsters of the week.
  • An interesting story. It weaves and wanders a bit, but keeps you hooked. I was hoping to find out the source of all the occurrences after the second season, but the third season threw a curveball.

    There is closure at the end, but no clear answers. I hope there's a third season.
  • This is the 10-episode first season of a French sci-fi production which (having seen two episodes) seems to be solid, well-plotted and gripping, though perhaps with some expected genre commonplace. The episodes are very short (23 minutes each), but they are compact, well paced and filled with action. The acting is okay and the atmosphere is suspenseful and tense, underlined by fine special effects and a professional production. I would say this is a psychological, supernatural sci-fi thriller.

    Two millionaire philanthropists vie with each other to finance the first successful manned mission to Mars.

    The French crew has 8 passengers. The eighth passenger to board the spaceship (reference to Alien?) is a psychologist who is summoned in the last minute to replace a member of the team who dies unexpectedly. She seems to be the pivot of the events unfolding along the episodes.

    The Americans land on Mars first, one day earlier, but Earth loses contact with them as soon as they get there, and the French mission, soon before reaching destination, gets a disturbing danger message from the lost US crew warning not to attempt a rescue. The French decide to go for them anyway, despite the danger, and so the exploration team becomes a rescue party.

    However, things get eerie as a series of mishaps and complications start to come up the more they approach Mars, compromising both mission and survival.

    A strangest and unexpected presence they find in Mars defies their rational understanding of the mission and anticipates several possible plot lines to develop, from the supernatural to the political and the scientific.

    We found the show gripping, suspenseful and very watchable. The French are producing high-quality, superbly written and acted TV shows lately, and this is no exception. Though it is not fantastically innovative (so far), we are enjoying it quite much! Let's see what happens as the episodes come along. It is a 9/10 for the time being.
  • I liked this French Sci Fi series because it was mysterious, well done (for a supposedly small tv budget) and interesting. My major concern is if there will come more episodes after the final one, number 10, because the end of the show was relatively open in more than one aspect of storyline. So: Does anyone know if there will be a second season?! Please feel free to contact me about that via imdb. Thanks!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Intriguing first series that holds your attention throughout and leads to a second series full of beautiful landscapes that promises to provide answers to many of the questions raised.

    Then Jeanne walks through a portal and into series 3 and that's when the writers' inspiration from "LOST" rears it's ugly head and the whole thing loses all of tit's impetus and just becomes a muddled mess.

    Somehow they thought it would be a good idea to create a parallel universe of earthbound tedium and turn the characters through 180 degrees.

    I would suggest watching series 1 & 2 and then let your own imagination create whichever scenario lies through the portal - it can't be worse than what they actually came up with.

  • This French Sci-fi drama follows the first manned mission to Mars; as they arrive in orbit they learn that they were overtaken by a mission sent by an American concern. However contact with that crew is lost so our protagonists are ordered to investigate. They find what appears to be a survivor; he wasn't one of the American crew though... he appears to be Vladimir Komarov, a Cosmonaut who died re-entering Earth's atmosphere in 1967! Over the course of the series the crew, in particular Jeanne Renoir the ship's psychologist, try to find out who or what Komarov really is. They are also concerned about how they will ultimately leave the red planet.

    If you want lots of action in your sci-fi this might not be for you but if you want intelligent and intriguing science fiction then this should keep you gripped. There may not be action but there is plenty of tension when various things go wrong. Things turn interesting when Komarov is found; there is a real sense of mystery about whether it is really Komarov or something else altogether. I liked how they incorporated the very real story of the first death in space into the plot. There are some weaknesses of course; particularly when a rather aggressive second US team arrives. The cast do a solid job; with Hélène Viviès standing out as Jeanne. The ending does leave things open for a second season; I'd certainly watch if one is made. Overall I'd certainly recommend this series to fans of the genre.

    These comments are based on watching the series in French with English subtitles.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A French millionaire funds a Mars mission competing with a Tony Stark - Elon Musk type American millionaire funding another one. The US ship is much more realistic. No imagination there, they copied Elon Musk's ship design and mixed it with that of the Falcon 9 rocket, and it turned much more scientifically accurate than the French design. The French design, by the way, is a lot like the Eagles spaceships of Space 1999. Probably that's where they got their inspiration for the thriller plot twists. The script is plagued with the usual errors when the writer or the director has no idea of orbital mechanics, flight operations or engineering. Malfunctions and accidents occur randomly, and the crew heroically overcomes them disregarding safety regulations or scientific principles for that mater. There is not even a backup crew, a standard practice in all space programs. The landers are, very much unwise, hooked up sideways to the spaceship, in order to make sets and filming easier - no need for vertical sets. The crew seats in the spaceship are fighter airplane ejection seats. Crew has lots of things stored in nets or taped to walls, which would make good missiles while aerobraking. The spacesuits are straight out of Kubrick's 2001 Space Odyssey. No reference to lightweight mechanical counter-pressure suits being developed for Mars as we speak. Probably due to plain ignorance and cost savings. Good production though, nice sets and not a total waste. A small step forward for the European scifi film making, while US makes large jumps ahead with series like the Mars miniseries by the Discovery Channel and the Expanse. A pity.
  • When you talk about Science-fiction today, most people's first thoughts would a bing-bang-boom all-out war movie with big bad aliens. At least that's the impression I get whenever I talk to people - and with good reason. That's the way Sci-fi has come to be portrayed thanks to Hollywood. Gone - or rare - are the Sci-fi shows that have social commentary. Of course, there are a few gems: Battlestar Galactica (remake), Humans, The Machine, Ex-Machina, and a few others, are the exceptions. What usually comes to people's minds is more along the lines of Aliens, Independence Day, or Falling Skies - basically war movies that substitue the ''enemy'' with aliens. Missions is different. It has a very retro feel to it. It almost seems like a high budget 70's film that just got unearthed. The pacing is superb, and one never has the feeling that the budget was ever a consideration; it's as good as any out there. The music is fabulous - harking back to Vangelis' soundtrack for the original Blade Runner, and far more creative than the new one. One of the reasons why I mentioned earlier that it seemed retro, is because of its theme: who are we, and where did we come from. Without giving away more, I'll leave it at that. If you're looking for a stylish and moody sci-fi show with the smarts, then go for it!
  • If you want cartoon heros and villain's then don't watch this it's not for you. I thought it was quite good, the only down side was the episodes are to short, 40 mins or even an hour would have been better, no sooner into it than it finished. But overall I'll be looking out for a follow up series 2
  • What irritates me about these films about missions to Mars is that they always arrive with a single module without having had any preparation, plan B, etc. Before going on a distant and risky mission like this, any minimally intelligent person would first send a ship to land and install a shelter and they would then send a mother ship with at least two landing modules. It's the minimum level of security, but all screenwriters fall into this trap, the same as FOR ALL MANKIND, MISSION TO MARS, etc.

    This already discredits the entire story. I'm a Navy pilot and any soldier would not approve such a risky mission unless there was a war.
  • A great serial which keeps one hooked from one short episode to another. A great change from the US derivative-seen-it -all-before-adventure-of-the-week-drivel.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Starts well but fails to come up with a believable ending. Humans actually being Martians and leaving Mars to come and live on earth is not a bad concept but having the technology to get from Mars to Earth would mean you would be a very advanced race. I find it hard to believe the human race would then forget that it came from Mars in the first place?? The ending also failed to fully explain what was special about Jeanne, she saves the crew, but the build up kind of made her out to be someone who would save mankind.
  • I caught this in BBCi player and it immediately grabbed my attention as if sci fi is done well (rarely the case sadly) I'm a glutton (Black Mirror/Love Death and Robots!). As i'm working in my recording studio most nights lately I watch most of the first season between downloads, which worked well for me as they are short. The opening sequence had me hooked straight way. Beautifully filmed and a great start....for a few mins, then began the struggle. The intros and 'recaps' seem to take up half of every short episode. The characters are trivial and meaningless and if they were a crew for a trip to Mars then jeeeeze...maybe I should go too. The dialog is the worst with lots of those pointing out the bleeding obvious lines and unbelievable characters that are a sad example of the first people to land on Mars.. Even being on Mars seems to underwhelm them all. Its like they've landed on a fake mars in a TV show...oh of course...they have! Hardly anyone seems in awe of this achievement and as the plot meanders on it just becomes almost intolerable. Being in French is not the problem. (Although all the British, American and Russian characters seem to be very hooray for "French" but not realistic in my opinion.). I didn't care whether some characters lived or died. And that when you know...deep're on a road to nowhere and losing minutes and hours of your life you'll never get back. I noticed some people love this show in the reviews but this one is obviously not my kinda space! If I can say anything positive some of the fx are very well done (hence my 4 stars). But you have to have a good plot, believable characters and some dialogue that isn't infuriating to make it something great. next download has just completed. Over and Out...or 'Terminé' as I think the French say.
  • Camera, audio, and montage levels are really astonishing.

    First two seasons have good story.

    But third season went from Sci-Fi into an action soap opera. Only drama, screaming and running. Turned into a total disaster.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm going to start this review by pre-empting all of the obvious criticisms. It's difficult to make an engaging sci-fi story without resorting to existing tropes. This series manages to mine quite a few franchises along the way. We get a little piece of Red Planet with the inability to leave Mars. We end the first season with a dash of Mission to Mars. The dying billionaire looking for immortality sprinkles on a little Prometheus for good measure. We also get a little of the rest of the Alien franchise by the second season, with an android out of control and endangering the whole shebang. We delve into The Matrix when we learn that Jeanne is they "key." There's even a nod to The Planet of the Apes (which is of French origin) before heading into a little of Interstellar with a dose of Stargate/Stargate SG-1. The third season literally has the same basic plot of Dark and manages to finish in exactly the same way. This is a plot device used multiple times in Star Trek: The Next Generation. I was reminded a few times of The Martian Chronicles.

    Now, after saying all of that you would believe this to be criticism. It is not as I see these devices as necessary homages. Sci-fi has been thoroughly mined and originality is almost impossible at this stage. No, I would have to point out how this show is expertly crafted and well produced. The acting is well done and the characters are fully formed and make for a cohesive, logical plot. The show has some excellent foreshadowing that is used to make for some excellent surprises.

    Each season is completely different and goes off in a new direction while being faithful to the whole story. This feels like the result of great planning; something that is lacking from a lot of story arc television.

    Lastly, the production and effects are very well done. Only one shot took me out of the story. The music is perfectly aligned with the story and doesn't overwhelm. At times, the score was reminiscent of The Martian Chronicles, which I liked very much because it lent an air of spooky mystery to all the right moments.

    I would recommend this to anyone with a love of real science fiction.
  • I binge watched this show (but then again, I binge watch most shows I watch...) so I think the story was quite good and original, or at least the main theme of the show. I would give this show somewhere between 5-8 stars.

    The downfall is that too many actors are not very good, especially those who play the roles of Gemma Williams, Alice Meyer, and the female American Agent with the thick glasses. There were times where I felt like not watching anymore because of how cringe-worthy their acting was. But the story was intriguing so I kept on watching.

    In the first season, 1-3 members of the crew were very irrational. I find it hard to believe that such childish and cowardly individuals would've ever been chosen to be on the first mission to Mars. Anyhow, I enjoyed the show for the most part and thought it was original and filmed nicely. It would be good to know if they're going to make a 4th season or not.
  • Great french sci-fi series with russian and English too. SFX are very good as is the premise and plot. The theory doesn't come out until part way through the second series so keeps you guessing. Helene vivies is a great lead.
  • georgekcharles18 September 2021
    Fundamentally a good story but spoiled by too much euro style arty presentation.
  • chrisforeman-019207 November 2021
    Just watched series 1 and what a pleasant surprise this show is. The actual running time of each episode is quite short. The story is interesting and the characters, especially the lead, are on the whole well acted and likeable. Well worth a Binge.
  • aew-107 June 2018
    I was looking forward to this as I like a good hard-science-fiction story.

    The influence of "2001: A Space Odyssey" is pretty clear.

    I found this series to be disappointing: poor plot, poor characterisation, poor dialogue, poor acting, cliché characters, cliché bad guys, the story jumps around between present and past; the only good things are the sets and the surface of Mars. I cannot tell who half the characters are.

    I know that this is a story, but certain things leap out. The year is 2017, yet the technology does not exist. Where was the space craft to Mars built?

    Regarding the sets; interior space in the space craft does not seem to be a problem; every crew member has well-sized quarters, all the rooms are enormous.

    The glowing IMDB reviews do not reflect the quality of this series.
  • Saw this pop up on Iplayer so now I've watched both S1 & S2 all the way through. Starts as a 'normal' space adventure but quickly moves onto contact genre. In S2 we head even further into the rabbit hole, I am hooked and disappointed there is not yet a S3.
  • Astronauts have to train a lot, and one of the most important things they learn is to keep calm in dangerous situations. Yet in most movies about space, in face of the smallest problems astronauts immediately panic. The same in this series. It is just so dumb. Avoid.
  • Missions is really the first sci-fi TV series in France, I mean a real one worth to watch ! I was surprised at first, not used to this kind of shows in France and i discovered something really good. In France, we do not have the same budget as Americains to do sci-fi , so, a choice has been made, not go on the path of massive special effects and choose to be good on mythology and be character driven. Actually, it works and you are totally hook in the show ready to go to Mars !
  • What a fantastic series. I was gripped. A well-written and well-paced plot, that was also well-acted, especially by the heroine Jeanne. Any sci-fi story has holes, and this was no exception, but the story is sufficiently gripping that you don't have to work too hard to suspend disbelief.
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