User Reviews (10)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    As the tension continues to build for the multiple story lines involved in the second half of the season, Holden and the protomolecule/Miller are dancing around whether Holden will give it what it wants in order to complete what Miller claims is an artifact from a long dead civilization. I won't tell any more about what happens but there are some fantastic visuals and I think that the Expanse continues to have some of the best character writing where people are not acting purely irrational just because it is convenient for the plot. Questions are asked and motives are laid bare or shift when meeting an unexpected reality. It's a must watch episode if you love the larger lore of this show, though it is less action heavy than other episodes (not a bad thing).
  • 85122210 August 2018
    Greetings from Lithuania.

    So right now we are inside of a big, mysterious, far more advanced then we are "unknown". I love this unknown feeling. Its smart - not dumb. While this particular episode wasn't the best in this terrific season so far, it pushed us a little more into that "unknown" territory, and i do believe that in the final two episodes of this season we will get there. God knows what we will find there.

    Amazing season so far of a truly terrific and one of the kind, criminally underated sci-fi show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The plot is phenomenal, thus the score.

    That being said, they should've used bigger budget for this episode in particular.

    Holden's dream at the end should have been shown a lot longer, showing us the true greatness of an alien civilization falling apart, rather then a one minute clip.
  • This episode is worth watching a couple times.

    Not only does it tell the story, but interwoven are some deep themes on questions of faith.

    Exceptionally well done of my favorites.
  • I need some more specific motivation. Maybe I'm sort of dense, but not totally sure where this thing is headed. Everything seems to bank on the protomolecule which has so much control, it's hard to root for someone. There are so many stories, some of which are ethereal, that I can barely evaluate what I just saw.
  • nemesis-8822 February 2022
    Elizabeth Mitchel always plays some super-extra-mega-meek characters. She can do better, we saw that in Lost. But here it's still the good old Liz. Somehow her character feels responsible for a Navy Leutenant, no less, who decided that the best time to talk to a priest is when they are all going through an extra-terrestrial artefact and may be about to lose their space, time, life, human race. Then this obviously distubred man went to his cabin and blew his brains out. AND SHE'S RESPONSIBLE!? She "forgot why she was here"!?!? Come on, writers. That's quite possibly the weakest point of this show? Why was it even added!? It tells nothing new about the character, the "leutenant" has no future or past line in the narrative. WHY?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The last few episodes.

    * They spend a lot of time building the Belter racing kit character so that he can fly into the ring way too fast to get splattered, so that Holden (with Miller's help) realizes you shouldn't go so fast. Well, duh? Wouldn't they have tried this using probes and such first?

    * Would they really fly the enormous Behemoth into this thing without trying smaller ships first?

    * A Martian team follows Holden because they think he's crazy. Ok, why now? Then of course they start shooting and throwing grenades (a few feet in front of themselves) so a Martian lieutenant can get killed by the thing, then they blame Holden? This is painfully contrived.
  • It felt like... nothing happened at all? I am glad the series got renewed an extra year, but they definitely need to improve the pace. The last eps got me close to boredom. I was used to so much better!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Holden & Miller storyline is just stupid, if we add Nauvoo going through the Ring for no reason and similar things - writers lost touch. I do hope they will get back on track because I really loved The Expanse before these last few "fortune teller" episodes.
  • dirtydavew11 March 2024
    Just what the hell is going on. Everyone is acting like incompetent morons in fact it's been like that for a few episodes now.

    Why would the minister even be in the flight control room giving opinions on why they shouldn't send drones to investigate the core.

    Why hasn't holden tried to explain he didn't send the original message threatening the inners at any point since he left the ship with the the dead cop dude.

    How does someone like julie Maus sister get literally anywhere on the ship without challenge. In fact the only point at which she is challenged is where she wants access to the air lock and is denied. The next scene she's accessing the air lock.

    How does this version of the human race which has reached this level of advanced tech and ingenuity behave so dumb is beyond me.