User Reviews (5)

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  • It's like you're stuck in a southern sorority house with horrible people having inane conversation that they think are funny or interesting. You really will be rooting for the demise of the entire cast. But that takes forever and isn't even satisfying. Oh and it was made on old camcorders or something. It's really awful.
  • eirwen-425485 December 2020
    Not the worst low budget independent horror movie I've seen. Expect audio issues, cheesy special effects, and subpar video quality.

    The main issue with this movie was the incomplete story. There were too many holes and unresolved plot points to give it more than 3 stars.

    Stars are given based on my personal enjoyment of the film and plot.

    3 - Still bad, just not as bad... Either a under developed/mediocre plot or too much of the story is left to the watcher figure out and interpret themselves. Even the best production couldn't save this movie from the poor story telling.
  • ops-5253518 May 2020
    You love cheesy homemade quadri-professional amateru filmaking, dont lend your eye to 8 graves. its for sure a learningcurve how to make a featurelength horror film, and it follows all the laws and cliches thats both written and unwritten. its like a reunion of a high school media class, hatching out the golden egg, why dont we make a film as well, 2 flies in oneblow.... the musical score are terrible, and ive never imagined a keyboard could make such awful noises

    its like shouting for the elk in the loo, painfull and senseless, though humane killings, they just picked the wrong house. its not a nill just a onestar state-s the grumpy old man
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If your bag is low budget horror, slash and gore then 8 Graves delivers the goods with fun, laughs and a wink of Southern charm and of course, BLOOD! And these days, a good time, late at night chilling and streaming movies like this will keep your, (pardon the pun) spirits up. What's not to like about a girl's college reunion retreat in a creepy old, Civil War torn, South Carolina home, where the former inhabitants have a chilling and terrifying way of making their guests feel welcome? Along the way, we meet a host of colorful characters that will entertain you, some longer than others. Heh, heh, heh. The SFX, and there is no shortage of them are perfect and spot on. Is it ILM quality? Heck no, but that's where the love for the genre plays its best role. The girls are great and engaging. And it's clear that they and the filmmakers had a grand time making this film. Isn't that what it's all about? Making films are no walk in the park, hats off to the gang for the production quality, shots and flair for filmmaking that they achieved with this creepy, yes at times, campy and entertaining feature. If you are familiar with this style of zestful filmmaking that pays homage to the genre and nods to the road of becoming a cult classic then 8 Graves satisfies and slays it.
  • First off, yes, the movie is low budget, extremely so. If you do not like low budget films in general or low budget horror in particular do not watch it. You will not like it. Very simple. No need to bash it for its low budget flaws. What the film makers were able to achieve with this limited budget is impressive. I have seen many low budget films, some whose budget exceeded this film 100 time over, that do not look as good as this. Here is what worked. The acting, for the most part, is solid. The VFX digital and practical FX are, again for the most part, good. Some are even impressive, some well, less so. There are some good shots and solid atmospheric b-roll as well. And yes there are some genuine moments of suspense. I enjoyed it. I was entertained. The movie has flaws inherent in ultra low budget film making, but it is highly watchable. So to sum it up, if you like low budget horror you will like this movie. If you do not then stay away.